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    ABSTRAK Permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah MTs swasta kesulitan untuk memenuhi standar mutu yang terdapat dalam 8 standar nasional pendidikan, sebanyak 37% MTs swasta nilai akreditasi C, dan hampir 80% guru MTs swasta dikategorikan tidak layak. Rendahnya mutu madrasah tersebut diindikasikan karena rendahnya komitmen kerja, kompensasim budaya mutu, dan kinerja guru. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui pengaruh komitmen kerja, kompensasi, dan budaya mutu terhadap kinerja guru dan mutu MTs Swasta di Kota Bandar Lampung, sehingga ditemukan model manajemen mutu madrasah khususnya yang berstatus swasta di Kota Bandar Lampung yang efektif dan efisien. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian survei dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 221 orang guru MTs Swasta di Kota Bandar Lampung. Alat pengumpul data dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis) dan analisis regresi ganda, dilanjutkan dengan pendiskripsian secara kualitatif untuk memperoleh gambaran yang lebih jelas. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa: (1) Ada pengaruh komitmen kerja guru terhadap kompensasi guru, (2) Ada pengaruh komitmen kerja guru terhadap budaya mutu, (3) Ada pengaruh kompensasi terhadap budaya mutu, (4) Ada pengaruh komitmen terhadap kinerja guru, (5) Ada pengaruh kompensasi terhadap kinerja guru, (6) Ada pengaruh budaya mutu terhadap kinerja guru, (7) Ada pengaruh komitmen, kompensasi, budaya mutu secara simultan terhadap kinerja guru, (8) Ada pengaruh komitmen secara langsung terhadap mutu MTs Swasta, (9) Ada pengaruh kompensasi secara langsung terhadap mutu MTs Swasta, (10) Ada pengaruh budaya mutu secara langsung terhadap mutu MTs Swasta, (11) Ada pengaruh komitmen secara tidak langsung terhadap mutu MTs Swasta, (12) Tidak ada pengaruh kompensasi secara tidak langsung terhadap mutu madrasah melalui kinerja guru, (13) Tidak ada pengaruh budaya mutu secara tidak langsung terhadap mutu madrasah melalui kinerja guru, (14) Ada pengaruh kinerja guru secara langsung terhadap mutu MTs Swasta, dan (15) Ada pengaruh komitmen, kompensasi, budaya mutu, dan kinerja guru, secara simultan terhadap mutu MTs Swasta. Faktor yang paling dominan pengaruhnya terhadap mutu MTs Swasta di Kota Bandar Lampung adalah budaya mutu. Temuan tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa budaya mutu yang positif dapat semakin meningkatkan mutu MTs Swasta di Kota Bandar Lampung. Kata Kunci: mutu, kinerja, komitmen, kompensasi, budaya mutu viii ABSTRACT The problem found in this study is that the quality of private MTs in Bandar Lampung City is still not optimal. The low quality of the madrasa is indicated because of the low work commitment, compensation, quality culture, and teacher performance. Therefore, further research was conducted to determine the effect of work commitment, compensation, and quality culture on teacher performance and the quality of private MTs in Bandar Lampung City, so as to find an effective and efficient madrasa quality management model, especially those with private status in Bandar Lampung City. This research is a type of survey research using quantitative methods. The sample in this study was 221 private MTs teachers in Bandar Lampung City. Data collection tools in this study were questionnaires and data analysis techniques using path analysis and multiple regression analysis, followed by qualitative descriptions to obtain a clearer picture. The results of the study found: (1) There is an impact of teachers' work engagement on teacher compensation, (2) There is an impact of teachers' work engagement on quality culture, (3) There is an impact of compensation on quality culture, ( 4) There is an impact of engagement on teacher performance, (5) There is an impact of reward on teacher performance, (6) There is an influence of quality culture on teacher performance, (7) There is a concurrent influence of engagement, reward , quality culture on teacher performance, (8) there is a direct impact of engagement on the quality of private MTs, (9) there is a direct impact of remuneration on the quality of private MTs, (10) there is a direct impact of quality culture on the quality of private MTs, (11) there is an indirect effect of engagement on the quality of private MTs, (12) there is no indirect compensatory effect directly on quality quality of madrasas by teacher performance, (13) There is no indirect influence of quality culture on the quality of madrasas by teacher performance, (14) There is a direct influence of teacher performance on the quality of M Private TS and (15) Commitment, remuneration, Quality culture and teacher performance simultaneously affect the quality of private MTs. The most important factor affecting the quality of private MTs in Bandar Lampung city is the quality culture. These results indicate that a positive quality culture can further improve the quality of private MTs in the city of Bandar Lampung. Keywords: quality, performance, commitment, compensation, quality culture ix ّ ملخص المشكلة الموجودة في هذه الدراسة هي أن جودة الترجمة الآلية الخاصة في مدينة بندر لامبونج لا تزال أقل من المستوى الأمثل. يشار إلى تدني جودة المدرسة بسبب تدني الالتزام بالعمل ، والأجور ، وثقافة الجودة ، وأداء المعلم. لذلك ، تم إجراء المزيد من الأبحاث لتحديد تأثير الالتزام بالعمل ، والتعويض ، وثقافة الجودة على أداء المعلم وجودة برامج الترجمة الآلية الخاصة في مدينة بندر لامبونج ، بحيث يكون ً نموذجا لإدارة جودة المدارس يتسم بالفعالية والكفاءة ، لا سيما أولئك الذين يتمتعون بمكانة خاصة في المدارس. تم العثور على مدينة بندر لامبونج. هذا البحث هو نوع من البحث المسحي باستخدام الأساليب الكمية. كانت العينة في هذه الدراسة 221 ً معلما من معلمي MTs الخاصين في مدينة بندر لامبونج. كانت أدوات جمع البيانات في هذه الدراسة عبارة عن استبيانات وتقنيات تحليل البيانات باستخدام تحليل المسار وتحليل الانحدار المتعدد ، تليها الأوصاف النوعية للحصول على صورة أوضح. ووجدت نتائج الدراسة: (1 (هناك تأثير لانخراط المعلمين في العمل على تعويضات المعلمين ، (2 (هناك تأثير لمشاركة عمل المعلمين على ثقافة الجودة ، (3 (هناك تأثير للتعويض على الجودة الثقافة ، (4 هنا) ك تأثير للمشاركة على أداء المعلم ، (5 (هناك تأثير للمكافأة على أداء المعلم ، (6 (هناك تأثير لثقافة الجودة على أداء المعلم ، (7 (هناك تأثير متزامن المشاركة ، المكافأة ، ثقافة الجودة على أداء المعلم ، (8 ( هناك تأثير مباشر للمشاركة على جودة MTs الخاصة ، (9 (هناك تأثير مباشر للأجور على جودة MTs الخاصة ، (10 (هناك تأثير مباشر لثقافة الجودة على جودة الترجمة الآلية الخاصة ، (11 (هناك تأثير غير مباشر للمشاركة على جودة الترجمة الآلية الخاصة ، (12 (لا يوجد تأثير تعويضي غير مباشر على الجودة جودة المدارس حسب أداء المعلم ، (13 (لا يوجد تأثير غير مباشر لثقافة الجودة على جودة المدارس الدينية من خلال أداء المعلم ، (14 (هناك تأثير مباشر لأداء المعلم على جودة TS Private M) و 15 (الالتزام والمكافآت وثقافة الجودة وأداء المعلم تؤثر في نفس الوقت على جودة الترجمة الآلية الخاصة. إن العامل الأكثر أهمية الذي يؤثر على جودة الترجمة الآلية الخاصة في مدينة بندر لامبونج هو ثقافة الجودة. تشير هذه النتائج إلى أن ثقافة الجودة الإيجابية يمكن أن تحسن من جودة الترجمة الآلية الخاصة في مدينة بندر لامبونج. الكلمات المفتاحية: الجودة ، الأداء ، الالتزام ، التعويض ، ثقافة الجود


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    ABSTRAK Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah (MBM) dalam Pengembangan Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Di Kabupaten Lampung Timur Oleh : Jamhari Lembaga Pendidikan yang melaksanakan strategi pengembangan madrasah sangat penting sekali untuk membangun kekompakan, militansi dan kedisiplinan yang tinggi, loyal dan setia kepada organisasi, serta mempunyai kekuatan mental menghadapi ancaman dan tantangan. MBM merupakan strategi peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Pengelola madrasah dalam membenahi dan meningkatakan kualitas madrasah perlu mengetahui karakteristik MBM : 1) Lingkungan sekolah yang aman dan tertib, 2) Sekolah memiliki visi dan target mutu yang ingin dicapai, 3) Sekolah memiliki kepemimpinan yang kuat, 4) Adanya harapan yang tinggi dari personel sekolah (kepala madrasah, guru, dan staf lainnya, termasuk siswa) untuk berprestasi, 5) Adanya pelaksanaan evaluasi yang terus menerus terhadap berbagai aspek akademis dan administratif, serta pemanfaatan hasil untuk penyempurnaan/perbaikan mutu, 6) Adanya komunikasi dan dukungan intensif dari orang tua siswa serta masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan) dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian adalah Madrasah Aliyah Swasta di Lampung Timur: MA. Ma’arif NU 02 Sidorejo, MA Sriwijaya, MA Darul Huda Sumbersari. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah Strategi pengembangan Madrasah MA. Ma’arif NU 02 Sidorejo Sumbersari dalam menciptakan lingkungan madrasah yang aman dan tertib dengan menciptakan madrasah yang aman, nyaman, dan disiplin agar siswa dapat mencapai prestasi yang terbaik, pihak lembaga madrasah bekerjasama dengan masyarakat sekitar madrasah.Namun MA Darul Huda arena adanya sebuah konflik intern dengan yayasan sehingga lembaga pendidikan kurang nyaman. MA. Ma’arif NU 02 Sidorejo, MA Sriwijaya, MA Darul Huda Dalam pengembangan visi dan pencapaian target yang bermutu lembaga memberikan penguatan intelektual dan keterampilan. MA. Ma’arif NU 02 Sidorejo, MA Sriwijaya, MA Darul Huda mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran tuntas MA. Ma’arif NU 02 Sidorejo untuk Mensyarankan guru tamat S1 untuk melanjutkan S2 sedangkan MA Sriwijaya untuk melaksanakan kegiatan kerohanian 2 minggu sekali dan vimengadakan dan mengikut sertakan guru dalam kegiatan lokakarya maupun seminar baik lokal maupun regional. MA. Ma’arif NU 02 Sidorejo, MA Sriwijaya, MA Darul Huda membuat wadah komite kelas sebagai wadah Komunikasi intensif dari orang tua siswa sehingga dapat saling berdiskusi untuk membantu guru dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Peneliti memberikan rekomendasi Starategi pengembangan MBM pada Madrasah Aliyah mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan dalam pelayanan pendidikan, menumbuhkan sikap responsif dan antisipatif terhadap kebutuhan peserta didik, meningkatkan partisipasi warga sekolah dan masyarakat, menciptakan lingkungan sekolah yang aman dan tertib, menumbuhkan budaya mutu di lingkungan sekolah, menumbuhkan harapan prestasi yang tinggi, menumbuhkan kemauan untuk berubah, mengembangkan komunikasi yang baik, mewujudkan teamwork yang kompak, mewujudkan visi dan misi sekolah, melaksanakan pengelolaan tenaga pendidikan secara efektif, melaksanakan manajemen secara transparan dan akuntabel Kata kunci:Pengembangan, Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah viiABSTRACT Implementation of Madrasah Based Management (MBM) Islamic high school Development In East Lampung Regency By : Jamhari Educational Institutions that implement madrasah development strategies are very important to build cohesiveness, militancy and high discipline, loyal and loyal to the organization, and have the mental strength to face threats and challenges. MBM is a strategy to improve the quality of education. Madrasa managers in improving and improving the quality of madrasas need to know the characteristics of the MBM: 1) Safe and orderly school environment, 2) Schools have a vision and quality targets to be achieved, 3) Schools have strong leadership, 4) There are high expectations from personnel schools (madrasa principals, teachers, and other staff, including students) for achievement, 5) The existence of a continuous evaluation of various academic and administrative aspects, as well as the use of results for quality improvement / improvement, 6) There is intensive communication and support from people parents and students. This research is a type of field research using a qualitative approach. The research location is Private Aliyah Madrasah in East Lampung: MA. Ma'arif NU 02 Sidorejo, MA Sriwijaya, MA Darul Huda Sumbersari. The results obtained are the MA Madrasah development strategy. Ma'arif NU 02 Sidorejo Sumbersari in creating a safe and orderly madrasa environment by creating a madrasa that is safe, comfortable, and disciplined so that students can achieve the best performance, the madrasa institution cooperates with the community around the madrasa. But MA Darul Huda arises a conflict intern with foundations so educational institutions are less comfortable. MA Ma'arif NU 02 Sidorejo, MA Sriwijaya, MA Darul Huda In developing a vision and achieving quality targets the institution providesstrengthening intellectual and skill. MA Ma'arif NU 02 Sidorejo, MA Sriwijaya, MA Darul Huda optimizes the implementation of MA complete learning. Ma'arif NU 02 Sidorejo to Suggest S1 graduate teachers to continue their Masters while MA Sriwijaya to carry outactivities every spiritualtwo weeks and hold and include teachers in workshops and seminars both locally and regionally. MA Ma'arif NU 02 Sidorejo, MA Sriwijaya, MA Darul Huda created a class committee forum as an intensive communication forum for students' parents so that they could discuss with each other to help teachers improve education quality. Researchers provide recommendations on the development of MBM in Madrasah Aliyah prioritizing customer satisfaction in educational services, viiifostering responsive and anticipatory attitudes towards the needs of students, increasing the participation of school and community members, creating a safe and orderly school environment, fostering a culture of quality in the school environment, fostering expectations high achievement, foster a willingness to change, develop good communication, realize a compact teamwork, realize the vision and mission of the school, carry out effective management of education personnel, carry out management transparently and accountably Keywords: Development, Madrasah-Based Management ixصخلم ةيلهلأا ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلما ىلع ةمئاقلا ةرادلإا ذيفنت ةيقرشلا جنوفلم ةقطنلمبا طابظنلإاو لضانلداو جمدلدا ءانبل ايرثك متته ةسردلدا روّطت ةيتجاتًس تماق تيلا ةيوبتًلا ةسسؤلدا ةيفيك ةيقتًل ةيتجاتًس MBM .دحتلاو ديدهتلا لابقتسلإ جزا لدا ةوّق كلم عم ةمظنلدا ىلع ةمدلخاو لياعلا نمأ ةسردلدا ةئيب )١ :ةيلاتلا صئاصلخا لىإ جاتيح ةسردلدا ةيفيك ةيقرتو حلصلا في ةسردلدا مداخو .ةيبتًلا لك عم ةيلاعلا ةينملأا )٤ ةيوّق ةيسيئر الذ ةسردلدا )٣ اهضبقت تىلا ةنيعم ةياغو ةرظن الذ ةسردلدا )٢ بيترتو ةيحنا ىلع لصتمو جردنم يموقتب مايق )٥ زانجلإ )بلاطلاو فظولداو سردلداو ةسردلدا سيئر( ةسردلدا مداخ .عمتلمجاو بلاطلا ءايلوأ نم ةعفدلاو ةلصاولدا )٦ طايرقلا ينستحو لمكتل جئاتنلا ةدافتسإ عم ةيرادلإاو ةيوبتًلا ةيملاسإ ةيونثا ةسردم ثحبلا عقومو .يفيكلا لخدم مادختسبإ نيديم ثبح نم ثحبلا اذهو ةيوناثلا ةسردلداو اجاراديس٢ ءاملعلا ةضنه فراعلدا ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدا :ةيقرشلا جتوفلدبا ةيلهأ .يراس رابموس ىدلذا راد ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلداو ياايجويرس ةيملاسلإا فراعلدا ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدا ةسردلدا ريوطت ةيجيتاتًسا يه اهيلع لوصلحا تم تيلا جئاتنلا ةنمآ ةسردم ءاشنإ للاخ نم بيترتو ةنمآ ةيسردم ةئيب ءانب في يراس رابسم اجاراديس ٢ ءاملعلا ةضنه لوح عمتلمجا عم ةسردلدا ةسسؤم نواعتت ، ءادأ لضفأ قيقتح نم بلاطلا نكمتي تىح ةطبضنمو ةيحرمو نوكت ثيبح تاسسؤلدا عم بردتم عارص نع أشنت ىدلذا راد ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدا نكل .ةسردلدا ةسردلداو اجاراديس ٢ ءاملعلا ةضنه فراعلدا ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدا .ةحار لقأ ةيميلعتلا تاسسؤلدا قيقتحو ةيؤر ريوطت في يراس رابموس ىدلذا راد ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلداو ياايجويرس ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ٢ ءاملعلا ةضنه فراعلدا ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدا .تاراهلداو ركفلا ةيوقت ةسسؤلدا رفوت ، ةدولجا فادهأ نسيح يراس رابموس ىدلذا راد ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلداو ياايجويرس ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلداو اجاراديس ةذتاسأ حاتًقلا اجاراديس ٢ ءاملعلا ةضنه فراعلدا ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدا .لماكلا ملعتلا يرتسجام ذيفنت ةطشنلأبا مايقلل ياايجويرس ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلداو امنيب يرتسجالدا ةجرد ةلصاولد S1 ايلعلا تاساردلا تاودنلاو لمعلا شرو في ينملعلدا جاردإو دقعو ينعوبسأ لك ةيحورلا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدا .ايًميلقإو ايًلمح ةيوناثلا ةسردلداو ياايجويرس ةيملاسلإا ةيوناثلا ةسردلداو اجاراديس ٢ ءاملعلا ةضنه فراعلدا ةيملاسلإا xءايلولأ فثكم لاصتا ىدتنمك ةيساردلا لوصفلا ةنلج ىدتنم أشنأ يراس رابموس ىدلذا راد ةيملاسلإا .ميلعتلا ةدوج ينستح ىلع ينملعلدا ةدعاسلد ضعبلا مهضعب ةشقانم نم اونكمتي تىح بلاطلا رومأ في ءلامعلا اضرل ةيولولأا يطعت ةيلاع ةسردم في MBM ريوطتل تايصوت ةثحابلا مدقت ءاضعأ ةكراشم ةديازو ، بلاطلا تاجايتحلا ةيقابتسلااو ةبيجتسلدا فقاولدا زيزعتو ، ةيميلعتلا تامدلخا زيزعتو ، ةيسردلدا ةئيبلا في ةدولجا ةفاقث زيزعتو ، ةمظنمو ةنمآ ةيسردم ةئيب قلخو ، عمتلمجاو ةسردلدا ، طوغضم يعاجم لمع قيقتحو ، ديلجا لصاوتلا ريوطتو ، يريغتلا في ةبغرلا زيزعتو ، ةيلاع تازانجإ تاعقوتلا .ةيلوؤسمو ةيفافشب ةرادلإا ذيفنتو ، سيردتلا ةوقل ةلاعفلا ةرادلإبا مايقلاو ، ةسردلدا ةلاسرو ةيؤر قيقتحو .ةسردلما ساسأ ىلع ةيرادلإا ، روّ طت : ةيسيئرلا تاملكل

    Probabilistic effects on French [t] duration

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    Abstract The present study shows that [t] consonants are affected by probabilistic factors in a syllable-timed language as French, and in spontaneous as well as in journalistic speech. Study 1 showed a word bigram frequency effect in spontaneous French, but its exact nature depended on the corpus on which the probabilistic measures were based. Study 2 investigated journalistic speech and showed an effect of the joint frequency of the test word and its following word. We discuss the possibility that these probabilistic effects are due to the speaker's planning of upcoming words, and to the speaker's adaptation to the listener's needs

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Jual-Beli Online Dengan Sistem Shopeepaylater Dalam Aplikasi Shopee

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    The progress of science and technology is currently increasing rapidly. Evidenced by new discoveries such as the internet network. The internet has now been used as a medium for buying and selling online. Buying and selling online is commonly known as e-commerce. Currently in one of the online buying and selling applications, namely Shopee, a delayed payment system (debt) called ShopeepayLater has been applied.The purpose of this research is to find out how the law of buying and selling online is in the perspective of Islamic law and how the law of using ShopeepayLater in buying and selling online is in the perspective of Islamic law. This type of research is qualitative. The data collection method used is the library research method. This study uses descriptive data analysis techniques, namely analyzing a phenomenon or social reality, by describing the variables that are relevant to the problem and the unit being studied and analyzed in a descriptive qualitative manner using the inductive thinking approach, namely a way of thinking that departs from facts, events that concrete, then from the specific and concrete facts generalizations which have a general character are drawn. The results of the research prove that the law of buying and selling online according to Islamic law is valid as long as it does not contain haram elements, and the goods being traded are halal. But for ShopeepayLater lending practices it is not in accordance with Islamic law, because there is an element of usury contained therein

    Manajemen Risiko Pembiayaan Muḍarabah Di Kspps Bmt Nurul Barokah Desa Tempursari Kecamatan Sambi Kabupaten Boyolali

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    BMT is syariah financial institution that have the task of collecting funds and distributing data to its members. BMT have several financing transactions, namely musharabah and murabahah. The purpose of the study was to determine the risk and risk mitigation in muḍarabah financing and to determine the concept of risk management for muḍarabah financing at KSPPS BMT Nurul Barokah, Tempursari Village, Sambi District, Boyolali Regency. The research method used is qualitative. The results of this study are that BMT Nurul Barokah have several risks in muḍarabah financing and some risk management. The following are the risks that can be obtained by BMT Nurul Barokah in muḍarabah financing; the proposed business has a big risk or not, the business violates syariah or not, the profit violates sharia or not, the business that will be facilitated whether it have good potential for the future or not, experienced business actor or not, the profit sharing ratio is possible or not. Mitigation carried out by BMT Nurul Barokah, namely; conduct a survey first, make various activities for members. Between the BMT and members often hold meetings or gatherings every month. The concept of Muḍarabah financing risk management at BMT Nurul Barokah is the syariah concept. The syariah concept used is in accordance with the vision and mission of BMT Nurul Barokah. The syariah concept continues to be carried out through the products and implementation of BMT Nurul Barokah products

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Bisnis Mlm Izaura (Studi Kasus Agen Izaura Makamhaji Kartasura)

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    The phenomenon of the Multi Level Marketing business is growing rapidly from day to day, starting from Multi Level Marketing in the financial sector or commonly known as chain money arisan and Multi Level Marketing in the field of consumer goods (such as supplements, cosmetics and daily necessities). But for now people prefer to do Multi Level Marketing in the fields of consumer goods, food supplements and cosmetics, and not only that, they also do marketing and the benefits offered to members. Therefore, the MLM phenomenon in Indonesia requires serious attention from scholars in determining the legal status of a marketing system that uses the MLM system, not only from the quality of the halal product, but also the MLM system used whether it is in accordance with Islamic law or not. So that there is no more anxiety among the public about the MLM business that is developing in Indonesia. This research was conducted to find out how Izaura's Multi Level Marketing business system is based on Islamic law.This research uses a type of field research that uses qualitative methods with fieldwork. As for data collection techniques using interviews and documentation. Researchers also use books, research results and the internet as a complement to data related to Multi Level Marketing Izaura.The results of this study indicate that in the MLM business mechanism Izaura usually does is selling goods, recruiting, building networks, and providing guidance and motivation. Izaura's business does not conflict with Islamic law and meets tiered direct sales standards as stated in the fatwa from DSN-MUI No. 75 / DSN-MUI / VII / 2009. However, there are some upper members who do not carry out their duties in fostering the members under them. So that the bonus that the member gets is haram