104 research outputs found

    Genetic Inactivation of Trpml3 Does Not Lead to Hearing and Vestibular Impairment in Mice

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    TRPML3, a member of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family, is an inwardly rectifying, non-selective Ca2+-permeable cation channel that is regulated by extracytosolic Na+ and H+ and can be activated by a variety of small molecules. The severe auditory and vestibular phenotype of the TRPML3(A419P) varitint-waddler mutation made this protein particularly interesting for inner ear biology. To elucidate the physiological role of murine TRPML3, we conditionally inactivated Trpml3 in mice. Surprisingly, lack of functional TRPML3 did not lead to circling behavior, balance impairment or hearing loss

    Interdomain Interactions Control Ca2+-Dependent Potentiation in the Cation Channel TRPV4

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    Several Ca2+-permeable channels, including the non-selective cation channel TRPV4, are subject to Ca2+-dependent facilitation. Although it has been clearly demonstrated in functional experiments that calmodulin (CaM) binding to intracellular domains of TRP channels is involved in this process, the molecular mechanism remains elusive. In this study, we provide experimental evidence for a comprehensive molecular model that explains Ca2+-dependent facilitation of TRPV4. In the resting state, an intracellular domain from the channel N terminus forms an autoinhibitory complex with a C-terminal domain that includes a high-affinity CaM binding site. CaM binding, secondary to rises in intracellular Ca2+, displaces the N-terminal domain which may then form a homologous interaction with an identical domain from a second subunit. This represents a novel potentiation mechanism that may also be relevant in other Ca2+-permeable channels

    Synaptic Proteins Linked to HIV-1 Infection and Immunoproteasome Induction: Proteomic Analysis of Human Synaptosomes

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    Infection of the central nervous system with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can produce morphological changes in the neocortical synaptodendritic arbor that are correlated with neurocognitive impairment. To determine whether HIV-1 infection influences the protein composition of human synapses, a proteomic study of isolated nerve endings was undertaken. Synaptosomes from frontal neocortex were isolated using isopyknic centrifugation from 19 human brain specimens. Purity and enrichment were assessed by measuring pre- and postsynaptic protein markers. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to screen for proteins differentially expressed in HIV/AIDS. The concentrations of 31 candidate protein spots were potentially abnormal in HIV-infected decedents with HIV encephalitis and/or increased expression of immunoproteasome subunits. Immunoblots showed that the concentration of some of them was related to HIV-1 infection of the brain and immunoproteasome (IPS) induction. Synapsin 1b and stathmin were inversely related to brain HIV-1 load; 14-3-3ζ and 14-4-4ε proteins were higher in subjects with HIV-1 loads. Perturbed synaptosome proteins were linked with IPS subunit composition, and 14-3-3ζ was histologically colocalized with IPS subunits in stained neocortical neurons. Proteomics illustrates that certain human proteins within the synaptic compartment are involved with changes in the synaptodendritic arbor and neurocognitive impairment in HIV-1-infected people

    Intercellular Transport of Oct4 in Mammalian Cells: A Basic Principle to Expand a Stem Cell Niche?

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    Background: The octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (Oct4) was originally described as a marker of embryonic stem cells. Recently, the role of Oct4 as a key regulator in pluripotency was shown by its ability to reprogram somatic cells in vitro, either alone or in concert with other factors. While artificial induction of pluripotency using transcription factors is possible in mammalian cell culture, it remains unknown whether a potential natural transfer mechanism might be of functional relevance in vivo. The stem cell based regeneration of deer antlers is a unique model for rapid and complete tissue regeneration in mammals and therefore most suitable to study such mechanisms. Here, the transfer of pluripotency factors from resident stem cell niche cells to differentiated cells could recruit more stem cells and start rapid tissue regeneration. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report on the ability of STRO-1 + deer antlerogenic mesenchymal stem cells (DaMSCs) to transport Oct4 via direct cell-to-cell connections. Upon cultivation in stem cell expansion medium, we observed nuclear Oct4 expression in nearly all cells. A number of these cells exhibit Oct4 expression not only in the nucleus, but also with perinuclear localisation and within far-ranging intercellular connections. Furthermore, many cells showed intercellular connections containing both F-actin and a-tubulin and through which transport could be observed. To proof that intercellular Oct4-transfer has functional consequences in recipient cells we used a co-culture approach with STRO-1 + DaMSCs and a murine embryonic fibroblast indicator cell line (Oct4-GFP MEF). In this cell line a reporter gene (GFP) unde

    HIV-1 Neutralization Profile and Plant-Based Recombinant Expression of Actinohivin, an Env Glycan-Specific Lectin Devoid of T-Cell Mitogenic Activity

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    The development of a topical microbicide blocking the sexual transmission of HIV-1 is urgently needed to control the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. The actinomycete-derived lectin actinohivin (AH) is highly specific to a cluster of high-mannose-type glycans uniquely found on the viral envelope (Env). Here, we evaluated AH's candidacy toward a microbicide in terms of in vitro anti-HIV-1 activity, potential side effects, and recombinant producibility. Two validated assay systems based on human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (hPBMC) infection with primary isolates and TZM-bl cell infection with Env-pseudotyped viruses were employed to characterize AH's anti-HIV-1 activity. In hPMBCs, AH exhibited nanomolar neutralizing activity against primary viruses with diverse cellular tropisms, but did not cause mitogenicity or cytotoxicity that are often associated with other anti-HIV lectins. In the TZM-bl-based assay, AH showed broad anti-HIV-1 activity against clinically-relevant, mucosally transmitting strains of clades B and C. By contrast, clade A viruses showed strong resistance to AH. Correlation analysis suggested that HIV-1′s AH susceptibility is significantly linked to the N-glycans at the Env C2 and V4 regions. For recombinant (r)AH expression, we evaluated a tobacco mosaic virus-based system in Nicotiana benthamiana plants as a means to facilitate molecular engineering and cost-effective mass production. Biochemical analysis and an Env-mediated syncytium formation assay demonstrated high-level expression of functional rAH within six days. Taken together, our study revealed AH's cross-clade anti-HIV-1 activity, apparent lack of side effects common to lectins, and robust producibility using plant biotechnology. These findings justify further efforts to develop rAH toward a candidate HIV-1 microbicide

    Emerging role of the calcium-activated, small conductance, SK3 K <sup>+</sup> channel in distal tubule function: Regulation by TRPV4

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    The Ca2+-activated, maxi-K (BK) K+ channel, with low Ca2+-binding affinity, is expressed in the distal tubule of the nephron and contributes to flow-dependent K+ secretion. In the present study we demonstrate that the Ca2+-activated, SK3 (KCa2.3) K + channel, with high Ca2+-binding affinity, is also expressed in the mouse kidney (RT-PCR, immunoblots). Immunohistochemical evaluations using tubule specific markers demonstrate significant expression of SK3 in the distal tubule and the entire collecting duct system, including the connecting tubule (CNT) and cortical collecting duct (CCD). In CNT and CCD, main sites for K+ secretion, the highest levels of expression were along the apical (luminal) cell membranes, including for both principal cells (PCs) and intercalated cells (ICs), posturing the channel for Ca2+- dependent K+ secretion. Fluorescent assessment of cell membrane potential in native, split-opened CCD, demonstrated that selective activation of the Ca2+-permeable TRPV4 channel, thereby inducing Ca2+ influx and elevating intracellular Ca2+ levels, activated both the SK3 channel and the BK channel leading to hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. The hyperpolarization response was decreased to a similar extent by either inhibition of SK3 channel with the selective SK antagonist, apamin, or by inhibition of the BK channel with the selective antagonist, iberiotoxin (IbTX). Addition of both inhibitors produced a further depolarization, indicating cooperative effects of the two channels on Vm. It is concluded that SK3 is functionally expressed in the distal nephron and collecting ducts where induction of TRPV4-mediated Ca2+ influx, leading to elevated intracellular Ca2+ levels, activates this high Ca2+- affinity K+ channel. Further, with sites of expression localized to the apical cell membrane, especially in the CNT and CCD, SK3 is poised to be a key pathway for Ca2+-dependent regulation of membrane potential and K+ secretion. © 2014 Berrout et al