67 research outputs found

    Efficient synchronization of structurally adaptive coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons

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    The use of spikes to carry information between brain areas implies complete or partial synchronization of the neurons involved. The degree of synchronization reached by two coupled systems and the energy cost of maintaining their synchronized behaviour is highly dependent on the nature of the systems. For non-identical systems the maintenance of a synchronized regime is energetically a costly process. In this work, we study conditions under which two non-identical electrically coupled neurons can reach an efficient regime of synchronization at low energy cost. We show that the energy consumption required to keep the synchronized regime can be spontaneously reduced if the receiving neuron has adaptive mechanisms able to bring its biological parameters closer in value to the corresponding ones in the sending neuron

    Come Closer: The Effects of Robot Personality on Human Proxemics Behaviours

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    Social Robots in human environments need to be able to reason about their physical surroundings while interacting with people. Furthermore, human proxemics behaviours around robots can indicate how people perceive the robots and can inform robot personality and interaction design. Here, we introduce Charlie, a situated robot receptionist that can interact with people using verbal and non-verbal communication in a dynamic environment, where users might enter or leave the scene at any time. The robot receptionist is stationary and cannot navigate. Therefore, people have full control over their personal space as they are the ones approaching the robot. We investigated the influence of different apparent robot personalities on the proxemics behaviours of the humans. The results indicate that different types of robot personalities, specifically introversion and extroversion, can influence human proxemics behaviours. Participants maintained shorter distances with the introvert robot receptionist, compared to the extrovert robot. Interestingly, we observed that human-robot proxemics were not the same as typical human-human interpersonal distances, as defined in the literature. We therefore propose new proxemics zones for human-robot interaction.Comment: Author Accepted Manuscript- 8 pages, RO-MAN'23, 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 2023, Busan, South Kore

    Leiomyoblastome gastrique: à propos de trois cas

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    Le leiomyoblastome gastrique est une tumeur musculaire rare qui touche essentiellement l'adulte. Son développement est souvent exogastrique.Le diagnostic positif repose sur l'histologie et le traitement est basé sur la chirurgie. Nous rapportons trois cas de leiomyoblastome gastrique colligés dans le service de chirurgie générale au 5ème Hôpital Militaire. L'âge  moyen des patients est de 47 ans; le motif de consultation était représenté par une hémorragie digestive et l'imagerie médicale a posé le diagnostic de masse tumorale dans tous les cas. Le traitement chirurgicalconsistait en une gastrectomie partielle et le compte rendu   anatomopathologique a confirmé le leiomyoblastome gastrique dans les trois cas. Le siège de la tumeur a été posé par la fibroscopie oeso  gastroduodénale, le traitement était chirurgical et les suites post  opératoires étaient simples avec un contrôle par des fibroscopies  répétitives sans aucun signe de récidive. Le leiomyoblastome gastrique est une tumeur rare. L'écho endoscopie joue un rôle primordial dans le  diagnostic positif ainsi que dans l'évaluation de l'extension pariétale de ces tumeurs. Le traitement est essentiellement chirurgical

    Análisis de fracturas geológicas extraídas por teledetección en imágenes Landsat TM, ejemplo de la zona de Imilchil-Tounfite (Alto Atlas central, Marruecos)

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    The use of remote sensing, in this research, can be summarized in mapping and statistical studies of lineaments on the satellites images of the Jurassic outcrops in the Imilchil-Tounfite area, Central High Atlas of Morocco. This is to apply various manual techniques for extracting lineaments from Landsat TM image. Analytical techniques used in this work are: the principal component analysis (PCA) applied to selective bands of the visible and infrared, which allows creating new images with better visual interpretation. Directional filters N0°, N45°, N90°, and N135° with a 5.5 matrix were used to enhance lineaments in the corresponding perpendicular directions, and therefore to obtain a good discrimination of those structures. Preliminary results highlight a dominant geological fracturing trending ENE/WSW with 52% of the total lineaments, a second fracture trending is WNW/ESE at 23%, a third fracture series trending NE/SW with 20% and finally, a minor series of fractures trending NW/SE with 5% of the total lineaments. Distribution and statistical relationship, between fractures and the affected surface on the one hand and the fracture length on the other hand, shows a network of well-structured fractures. The final lineament map constitutes a contribution to complete the geology and assisting the mining and hydrogeological prospection, in the Imilchil-Tounfite area.En este trabajo se han aplicado metódos estadísticos de datos obtenidos por teledetección, para la cartografía de lineamientos en afloramientos del Jurásico en la zona de Imilchil-Tounfite, Alto Atlas Central de Marruecos. Las técnicas analíticas utilizadas incluyen el análisis de componentes principales (PCA) aplicado a las bandas visible y infrarrojos, que permite crear nuevas imágenes con una mejor interpretación visual, y filtros direccionales N0°, N45°, N90° y N135° con una matriz de 5.5 para mejorar rasgos en las direcciones perpendiculares correspondientes y obtener una buena discriminación de esas estructuras. Los resultados preliminares ponen de manifiesto una fractura geológica dominante de tendencia ENE-SW con un 52% del total de lineamientos, una segunda tendencia ONO-S (23%), una tercera serie de fracturas orientada NE-SW (20%) y, por último, una serie de menor importancia de fracturas tendencia NW-SE (5%). Las relaciones estadísticas entre las fracturas y la superficie afectada por un lado y la longitud de la fractura, por otra parte, muestra una red de fracturación bien estructurada. El mapa final de lineamientos constituye una contribución para completar la geología de la zona y como ayuda a las prospecciones mineras e hidrogeológicas en la zona de Imilchil-Tounfite

    Neurinome du nerf facial - A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature

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    Introduction: Le neurinome du nerf facial est une tumeur bénigne rare qui peut intéresser n’importe quel segment du nerf facial et se révèle par une paralysie faciale soit isolée soit associée à des signes auditifs.Observation : Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente de 18 ans qui a présenté une paralysie faciale grade v d’aggravation progressive associée à une discrète surdité de transmission. L’imagerie (TDM et IRM) était très évocatrice d’un neurinome de la portion tympanique et mastoïdienne du nerf facial. Le traitement a consisté en une résection tumorale par voie transmastoïdienne avec greffe nerveuse, sans détérioration de la fonction auditive avec bon résultat sur la fonction faciale.Commentaires et conclusion : La symptomatologie du neurinome du nerf facial dépend essentiellement de sa localisation, elle est donc très variable allant de la surdité légère isolée au syndrome cochleo-vestibulaire avec paralysie faciale. A travers cette observation et une revue de la littérature, les auteurs rappellent les particularités cliniques, paracliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutives de cette pathologie rare en insistant sur l’approche thérapeutique adaptée au stade d’extension tumorale et la fonction faciale préopératoire.Mots clés : schwannome du nerf facial, paralysie faciale, résection  nerveuse, greffe nerveus

    Effect of morphology and hydrophobization of MoS2 microparticles on the stability of poly-α-olefins lubricants

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    International audienceThe use of MoS ⁠ 2 nanoparticles as additive to lubricating oils is restricted by their low stability in oily media, which limits their use despite the enormous benefits associated with their intrinsic properties in terms of reduction of friction and wear coefficients. In this context, we investigated the effect of morphologies (platelets vs spheres) and surface functionalization of nanoparticles on the stability of their suspensions in poly-α-olefins (PAO) with various viscosities, which are base oils used in wind turbines. The particles were characterized by XRD, FTIR, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and dynamic light scattering, and the stability of the resultant formulations was followed by optical (non-contact) measurements. It was found that the dispersions had similar stability despite the larger size of platelet-like particles compared to spherical ones (1-5 μm vs 600-800 nm). The dispersibility could be increased through grafting of alkylsilane on the surface defects (the longer the alkyl chain, the more stable the formulation) and with the increase of the oil kinematic viscosity (from 34 to 1705 cps at 25 °C)

    Acquired Aortic Disease after Radiotherapy: About a Clinical Case with Literature Review

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    Radiotherapy is an adjuvant treatment for thoracic cancers which exposes to an increased risk of cardiovascular toxicity, in particular severe valvular, years after exposure. The identification of early symptoms as well as regular ultrasound follow-up remains essential to watch for cardiotoxicity early. We report the case of a patient followed for adenocarcinoma of the left breast treated with radiotherapy and complicated 10 years later by a predominantly stenosing aortic.disease