41 research outputs found

    Spin-dependent thermoelectric transport coefficients in near-perfect quantum wires

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    Thermoelectric transport coefficients are determined for semiconductor quantum wires with weak thickness fluctuations. Such systems exhibit anomalies in conductance near 1/4 and 3/4 of 2e^2/h on the rising edge to the first conductance plateau, explained by singlet and triplet resonances of conducting electrons with a single weakly bound electron in the wire [T. Rejec, A. Ramsak, and J.H. Jefferson, Phys. Rev. B 62, 12985 (2000)]. We extend this work to study the Seebeck thermopower coefficient and linear thermal conductance within the framework of the Landauer-Buettiker formalism, which also exhibit anomalous structures. These features are generic and robust, surviving to temperatures of a few degrees. It is shown quantitatively how at elevated temperatures thermal conductance progressively deviates from the Wiedemann-Franz law.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. B 2002; 3 figure

    Conductance anomalies and the extended Anderson model for nearly perfect quantum wires

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    Anomalies near the conductance threshold of nearly perfect semiconductor quantum wires are explained in terms of singlet and triplet resonances of conduction electrons with a single weakly-bound electron in the wire. This is shown to be a universal effect for a wide range of situations in which the effective single-electron confinement is weak. The robustness of this generic behavior is investigated numerically for a wide range of shapes and sizes of cylindrical wires with a bulge. The dependence on gate voltage, source-drain voltage and magnetic field is discussed within the framework of an extended Hubbard model. This model is mapped onto an extended Anderson model, which in the limit of low temperatures is expected to lead to Kondo resonance physics and pronounced many-body effects

    Order Parameter Description of the Anderson-Mott Transition

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    An order parameter description of the Anderson-Mott transition (AMT) is given. We first derive an order parameter field theory for the AMT, and then present a mean-field solution. It is shown that the mean-field critical exponents are exact above the upper critical dimension. Renormalization group methods are then used to show that a random-field like term is generated under renormalization. This leads to similarities between the AMT and random-field magnets, and to an upper critical dimension dc+=6d_{c}^{+}=6 for the AMT. For d<6d<6, an ϵ=6d\epsilon = 6-d expansion is used to calculate the critical exponents. To first order in ϵ\epsilon they are found to coincide with the exponents for the random-field Ising model. We then discuss a general scaling theory for the AMT. Some well established scaling relations, such as Wegner's scaling law, are found to be modified due to random-field effects. New experiments are proposed to test for random-field aspects of the AMT.Comment: 28pp., REVTeX, no figure

    Melting as a String-Mediated Phase Transition

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    We present a theory of the melting of elemental solids as a dislocation-mediated phase transition. We model dislocations near melt as non-interacting closed strings on a lattice. In this framework we derive simple expressions for the melting temperature and latent heat of fusion that depend on the dislocation density at melt. We use experimental data for more than half the elements in the Periodic Table to determine the dislocation density from both relations. Melting temperatures yield a dislocation density of (0.61\pm 0.20) b^{-2}, in good agreement with the density obtained from latent heats, (0.66\pm 0.11) b^{-2}, where b is the length of the smallest perfect-dislocation Burgers vector. Melting corresponds to the situation where, on average, half of the atoms are within a dislocation core.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Stomatal responses of Eucalyptus species to elevated CO2 concentration and drought stress

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    Five species of Eucalyptus (E. grandis, E. urophylla, E. camaldulensis, E. torelliana, and E. phaeotrica), among the ten species most commonly used in large scale plantations, were selected for studies on the effects of elevated CO2 concentration [CO2] and drought stress on stomatal responses of 2.5-month old seedlings. The first three species belong to the subgenus Smphyomyrtus, whereas the fourth species belongs to the subgenus Corymbia and E. phaeotrica is from the subgenus Monocalyptus. Seedlings were grown in four pairs of open-top chambers, arranged to have 2 plants of each species in each chamber, with four replications in each of two CO2 concentrations: 350 &plusmn; 30 mumol mol-1 and 700 &plusmn; 30 mumol mol-1. After 100 days in the chambers, a series of gas exchange measurements were made. Half the plants in each chamber, one plant per species per chamber, were drought-stressed by withholding irrigation, while the remaining plants continued to be watered daily. Drought stress decreased stomatal conductance, photosynthesis and transpiration rates in all the species. The effect of drought stress on stomatal closure was similar in both [CO2]. The positive effects of elevated [CO2] on photosynthesis and water use efficiency were maintained longer during the stress period than under well-watered conditions. The photosynthetic rate of E. phaeotrica was higher even in the fourth day of the drought stress. Drought stress increased photoinhibition of photosynthesis, as measured by chlorophyll fluorescence, which varied among the species, as well as in relation to [CO2]. The results are in agreement with observed differences in stomatal responses between some eucalyptus species of the subgenera Symphyomyrtus and Monocalyptus