242 research outputs found

    Seasonal variation of the transport of black carbon aerosol from the Asian continent to the Arctic during the ARCTAS aircraft campaign

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    Extensive measurements of black carbon (BC) aerosol were conducted in and near the North American Arctic during the Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS) aircraft campaign in April and June-July 2008. We identify the pathways and mechanisms of transport of BC to the Arctic from the Asian continent using these data. The concentration, transport efficiency, and measured altitude of BC over the North American Arctic were highly dependent on season and origin of air parcels, e.g., biomass burning (BB) in Russia (Russian BB) and anthropogenic (AN) in East Asia (Asian AN). Russian BB air was mainly measured in the middle troposphere and caused maximum BC concentrations at this altitude in spring. The median BC concentration and transport efficiency of the Russian BB air were 270 ng m -3 (at STP) and 80% in spring and 20 ng m-3 and 4% in summer, respectively. Asian AN air was measured most frequently in the upper troposphere, with median values of 20 ng m-3 and 13% in spring and 5 ng m-3 and 0.8% in summer. These distinct differences are explained by differences in the transport mechanisms and accumulated precipitation along trajectories (APT), which is a measure of wet removal processes during transport. The transport of Russian BB air to the Arctic was nearly isentropic with slow ascent (low APT), while Asian AN air underwent strong uplift associated with warm conveyor belts (high APT). The APT values in summer were much larger than those in spring due to the increase in humidity in summer. These results show that the impact of BC emitted from AN sources in East Asia on the Arctic was very limited in both spring and summer. The BB emissions in Russia in spring are demonstrated to be the most important sources of BC transported to the North American Arctic. Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union

    Accumulation-mode aerosol number concentrations in the Arctic during the ARCTAS aircraft campaign: Long-range transport of polluted and clean air from the Asian continent

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    We evaluate the impact of transport from midlatitudes on aerosol number concentrations in the accumulation mode (light-scattering particles (LSP) with diameters >180 nm) in the Arctic during the Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS) campaign. We focus on transport from the Asian continent. We find marked contrasts in the number concentration (NLSP), transport efficiency (TE N-LSP, the fraction transported from sources to the Arctic), size distribution, and the chemical composition of aerosols between air parcels from anthropogenic sources in East Asia (Asian AN) and biomass burning sources in Russia and Kazakhstan (Russian BB). Asian AN air had lower NLSP and TEN-LSP (25 cm-3 and 18% in spring and 6.2 cm-3 and 3.0% in summer) than Russian BB air (280 cm-3 and 97% in spring and 36 cm-3 and 7.6% in summer) due to more efficient wet scavenging during transport from East Asia. Russian BB in this spring is the most important source of accumulation-mode aerosols over the Arctic, and BB emissions are found to be the primary source of aerosols within all the data in spring during ARCTAS. On the other hand, the contribution of Asian AN transport had a negligible effect on the accumulation-mode aerosol number concentration in the Arctic during ARCTAS. Compared with background air, NLSP was 2.3-4.7 times greater for Russian BB air but 2.4-2.6 times less for Asian AN air in both spring and summer. This result shows that the transport of Asian AN air decreases aerosol number concentrations in the Arctic, despite the large emissions of aerosols in East Asia. The very low aerosol number concentrations in Asian AN air were caused by wet removal during vertical transport in association with warm conveyor belts (WCBs). Therefore, this cleansing effect will be prominent for air transported via WCBs from other midlatitude regions and seasons. The inflow of clean midlatitude air can potentially have an important impact on accumulation-mode aerosol number concentrations in the Arctic. Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union

    Black-carbon absorption enhancement in the atmosphere determined by particle mixing state

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    Atmospheric black carbon makes an important but poorly quantified contribution to the warming of the global atmosphere. Laboratory and modelling studies have shown that the addition of non-black-carbon materials to black-carbon particles may enhance the particles’ light absorption by 50 to 60% by refracting and reflecting light. Real-world experimental evidence for this ‘lensing’ effect is scant and conflicting, showing that absorption enhancements can be less than 5% or as large as 140%. Here we present simultaneous quantifications of the composition and optical properties of individual atmospheric black-carbon particles. We show that particles with a mass ratio of non-black carbon to black carbon of less than 1.5, which is typical of fresh traffic sources, are best represented as having no absorption enhancement. In contrast, black-carbon particles with a ratio greater than 3, which is typical of biomass-burning emissions, are best described assuming optical lensing leading to an absorption enhancement. We introduce a generalized hybrid model approach for estimating scattering and absorption enhancements based on laboratory and atmospheric observations. We conclude that the occurrence of the absorption enhancement of black-carbon particles is determined by the particles’ mass ratio of non-black carbon to black carbon

    Effects of microperfusion in hepatic diffusion weighted imaging

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    Clinical hepatic diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) generally relies on mono-exponential diffusion. The aim was to demonstrate that mono-exponential diffusion in the liver is contaminated by microperfusion and that the bi-exponential model is required. Nineteen fasting healthy volunteers were examined with DWI (seven b-values) using fat suppression and respiratory triggering (1.5 T). Five different regions in the liver were analysed regarding the mono-exponentially fitted apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), and the bi-exponential model: molecular diffusion (D (slow) ) microperfusion (D (fast) ) and the respective fractions (f (slow/fast)). Data were compared using ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Simulations were performed by repeating our data analyses, using just the DWI series acquired with b-values approximating those of previous studies. Median mono-exponentially fitted ADCs varied significantly (P <0.001) between 1.107 and 1.423 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s for the five regions. Bi-exponential fitted D-slow varied between 0.923 and 1.062 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s without significant differences (P = 0.140). D (fast) varied significantly, between 17.8 and 46.8 x 10(-3) mm(2)/s (P <0.001). F-tests showed that the diffusion data fitted the bi-exponential model significantly better than the mono-exponential model (F > 21.4, P <0.010). These results were confirmed by the simulations. ADCs of normal liver tissue are significantly dependent on the measurement location because of substantial microperfusion contamination; therefore the bi-exponential model should be used. Diffusion weighted MR imaging helps clinicians to differentiate tumours by diffusion properties Fast moving water molecules experience microperfusion, slow molecules diffusion Hepatic diffusion should be measured by bi-exponential models to avoid microperfusion contamination Mono-exponential models are contaminated with microperfusion, resulting in apparent regional diffusion differences Bi-exponential models are necessary to measure diffusion and microperfusion in the liver

    No distinct local cuisines among humpback whales: A population diet comparison in the Southern Hemisphere

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    Southern hemisphere humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae, SHHW) breeding populations follow a high-fidelity Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) diet while feeding in distinct sectors of the Southern Ocean. Their capital breeding life history requires predictable ecosystem productivity to fuel migration and migration-related behaviours. It is therefore postulated that populations feeding in areas subject to the strongest climate change impacts are more likely to show the first signs of a departure from a high-fidelity krill diet. We tested this hypothesis by investigating blubber fatty acid profiles and skin stable isotopes obtained from five SHHW populations in 2019, and comparing them to Antarctic krill stable isotopes sampled in three SHHW feeding areas in the Southern Ocean in 2019. Fatty acid profiles and δ13C and δ15N varied significantly among all five populations, however, calculated trophic positions did not (2.7 to 3.1). Similarly, fatty acid ratios, 16:1ω7c/16:0 and 20:5ω3/22:6ω3 were above 1, showing that whales from all five populations are secondary heterotrophs following an omnivorous diet with a diatom-origin. Thus, evidence for a potential departure from a high-fidelity Antarctic krill diet was not seen in any population. δ13C of all populations were similar to δ13C of krill sampled in productive upwelling areas or the marginal sea-ice zone. Consistency in trophic position and diet origin but significant fatty acid and stable isotope differences demonstrate that the observed variability arises at lower trophic levels. Our results indicate that, at present, there is no evidence of a divergence from a high-fidelity krill diet. Nevertheless, the characteristic isotopic signal of whales feeding in productive upwelling areas, or in the marginal sea-ice zone, implies that future cryosphere reductions could impact their feeding ecology
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