798 research outputs found

    An atomic scale comparison of the reaction of BioglassÂź in two types of simulated body fluid

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    A class of melt quenched silicate glasses, containing calcium, phosphorus and alkali metals, and having the ability to promote bone regeneration and to fuse to living bone, is produced commercially as Bioglass. The changes in structure associated with reacting the bioglass with a body fluid simulant (a buffered Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane growth medium solution or a blood plasma-like salt simulated body fluid) at 37°C have been studied using both high energy and grazing incidence x-ray diffraction. This has corroborated the generic conclusions of earlier studies based on the use of calcia–silica sol-gel glasses whilst highlighting the important differences associated with glass composition; the results also reveal the more subtle effects on reaction rates of the choice of body fluid simulant. The results also indicate the presence of tricalcium phosphate crystallites deposited onto the surface of the glass as a precursor to the growth of hydroxyapatite, and indicates that there is some preferred orientation to their growth

    The CMB Bispectrum

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    We use a separable mode expansion estimator with WMAP data to estimate the bispectrum for all the primary families of non-Gaussian models. We review the late-time mode expansion estimator methodology which can be applied to any non-separable primordial and CMB bispectrum model, and we demonstrate how the method can be used to reconstruct the CMB bispectrum from an observational map. We extend the previous validation of the general estimator using local map simulations. We apply the estimator to the coadded WMAP 5-year data, reconstructing the WMAP bispectrum using l<500l<500 multipoles and n=31n=31 orthonormal 3D eigenmodes. We constrain all popular nearly scale-invariant models, ensuring that the theoretical bispectrum is well-described by a convergent mode expansion. Constraints from the local model \fnl=54.4\pm 29.4 and the equilateral model \fnl=143.5\pm 151.2 (\Fnl = 25.1\pm 26.4) are consistent with previously published results. (Here, we use a nonlinearity parameter \Fnl normalised to the local case, to allow more direct comparison between different models.) Notable new constraints from our method include those for the constant model \Fnl = 35.1 \pm 27.4 , the flattened model \Fnl = 35.4\pm 29.2, and warm inflation \Fnl = 10.3\pm 27.2. We investigate feature models surveying a wide parameter range in both the scale and phase, and we find no significant evidence of non-Gaussianity in the models surveyed. We propose a measure \barFnl for the total integrated bispectrum and find that the measured value is consistent with the null hypothesis that CMB anisotropies obey Gaussian statistics. We argue that this general bispectrum survey with the WMAP data represents the best evidence for Gaussianity to date and we discuss future prospects, notably from the Planck satellite

    High-Velocity clouds in the galactic all sky survey. i. catalog

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    We present a catalog of high-velocity clouds (HVCs) from the Galactic All Sky Survey (GASS) of southern sky neutral hydrogen, which has 57 mK sensitivity and 1 km s-1 velocity resolution and was obtained with the Parkes Telescope. Our catalog has been derived from the stray-radiation-corrected second release of GASS. We describe the data and our method of identifying HVCs and analyze the overall properties of the GASS population. We catalog a total of 1693 HVCs at declinations <0°, including 1111 positive velocity HVCs and 582 negative velocity HVCs. Our catalog also includes 295 anomalous velocity clouds (AVCs). The cloud line-widths of our HVC population have a median FWHM of ∌19 km s-1, which is lower than that found in previous surveys. The completeness of our catalog is above 95% based on comparison with the HIPASS catalog of HVCs upon which we improve by an order of magnitude in spectral resolution. We find 758 new HVCs and AVCs with no HIPASS counterpart. The GASS catalog will shed unprecedented light on the distribution and kinematic structure of southern sky HVCs, as well as delve further into the cloud populations that make up the anomalous velocity gas of the Milky Wa

    Molecular dynamic simulation of a homogeneous bcc -> hcp transition

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    We have performed molecular dynamic simulations of a Martensitic bcc->hcp transformation in a homogeneous system. The system evolves into three Martensitic variants, sharing a common nearest neighbor vector along a bcc direction, plus an fcc region. Nucleation occurs locally, followed by subsequent growth. We monitor the time-dependent scattering S(q,t) during the transformation, and find anomalous, Brillouin zone-dependent scattering similar to that observed experimentally in a number of systems above the transformation temperature. This scattering is shown to be related to the elastic strain associated with the transformation, and is not directly related to the phonon response.Comment: 11 pages plus 8 figures (GIF format); to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The FLASH pilot survey: An H i absorption search against MRC 1-Jy radio sources

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    We report an ASKAP search for associated H i 21-cm absorption against bright radio sources from the Molonglo Reference Catalogue (MRC) 1-Jy sample. The search uses pilot survey data from the ASKAP First Large Absorption Survey in H i (FLASH) covering the redshift range 0.42 < z < 1.00. From a sample of 62 MRC 1-Jy radio galaxies and quasars, we report three new detections of associated H i 21-cm absorption, yielding an overall detection fraction of. The detected systems comprise two radio galaxies (MRC 2216-281 at z = 0.657 and MRC 0531-237 at z = 0.851) and one quasar (MRC 2156-245 at z = 0.862). The MRC 0531-237 absorption system is the strongest found to date, with a velocity integrated optical depth of. All three objects with detected H i 21-cm absorption are peaked-spectrum or compact steep-spectrum (CSS) radio sources. Two of them show strong interplanetary scintillation at 162 MHz, implying that the radio continuum source is smaller than 1 arcsec in size even at low frequencies. Among the class of peaked-spectrum and compact steep-spectrum radio sources, the H i detection fraction is. All three detections have a high 1.4 GHz radio luminosity, with MRC 0531-237 and MRC 2216-281 having the highest values in the sample,. The preponderance of extended radio sources in our sample could partially explain the overall low detection fraction, while the effects of a redshift evolution in gas properties and AGN UV luminosity on the neutral gas absorption still need to be investigated

    Machine-learning with 18F-sodium fluoride PET and quantitative plaque analysis on CT angiography for the future risk of myocardial infarction

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    Coronary (18)F-sodium fluoride ((18)F-NaF) PET and CT angiography–based quantitative plaque analysis have shown promise in refining risk stratification in patients with coronary artery disease. We combined both of these novel imaging approaches to develop an optimal machine-learning model for the future risk of myocardial infarction in patients with stable coronary disease. Methods: Patients with known coronary artery disease underwent coronary (18)F-NaF PET and CT angiography on a hybrid PET/CT scanner. Machine-learning by extreme gradient boosting was trained using clinical data, CT quantitative plaque analysis, measures and (18)F-NaF PET, and it was tested using repeated 10-fold hold-out testing. Results: Among 293 study participants (65 ± 9 y; 84% male), 22 subjects experienced a myocardial infarction over the 53 (40–59) months of follow-up. On univariable receiver-operator-curve analysis, only (18)F-NaF coronary uptake emerged as a predictor of myocardial infarction (c-statistic 0.76, 95% CI 0.68–0.83). When incorporated into machine-learning models, clinical characteristics showed limited predictive performance (c-statistic 0.64, 95% CI 0.53–0.76) and were outperformed by a quantitative plaque analysis-based machine-learning model (c-statistic 0.72, 95% CI 0.60–0.84). After inclusion of all available data (clinical, quantitative plaque and (18)F-NaF PET), we achieved a substantial improvement (P = 0.008 versus (18)F-NaF PET alone) in the model performance (c-statistic 0.85, 95% CI 0.79–0.91). Conclusion: Both (18)F-NaF uptake and quantitative plaque analysis measures are additive and strong predictors of outcome in patients with established coronary artery disease. Optimal risk stratification can be achieved by combining clinical data with these approaches in a machine-learning model

    Technologies, Policies, and Measures for Mitigating Climate Change

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    This Technical Paper provides an overview and analysis of technologies and measures to limit and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to enhance GHG sinks under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). The paper focuses on technologies and measures for the countries listed in Annex I of the FCCC, while noting information as appropriate for use by non- Annex I countries. Technologies and measures are examined over three time periods -- with a focus on the short term (present to 2010) and the medium term (2010-2020), but also including discussion of longer-term (e.g., 2050) possibilities and opportunities. For this analysis, the authors draw on materials used to prepare the IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR) and previous IPCC assessments and reports. The Technical Paper includes discussions of technologies and measures that can be adopted in three energy end-use sectors (commercial/residential/institutional buildings, transportation, and industry), as well as in the energy supply sector and the agriculture, forestry, and waste management sectors. Broader measures affecting national economies are discussed in a final section on economic instruments. A range of potential measures are analyzed, including market-based programs; voluntary agreements; regulatory measures; research, development, and demonstration (RD&D); taxes on GHG emissions; and emissions permits/quotas. It should be noted that the choice of instruments could have economic impacts on other countries. The paper identifies and evaluates different options on the basis of three criteria. Because of the difficulty of estimating the economic and market potential (see Box 1) of different technologies and the effectiveness of different measures in achieving emission reduction objectives, and because of the danger of double-counting the results achieved by measures that tap the same technical potentials, the paper does not estimate total global emissions reductions. Nor does the paper recommend adoption of any particular approaches
