1,422 research outputs found

    The New Shakespearean Stage: Minimalist Theatre and Spectacle Through Text

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    In this essay, I will explore my development as a playwright during my time at UNM, and the emphasis I have placed on experimental productions with minimal budget. This culminates in a style of playwriting in which spectacle is created through text, which I name the New Shakespearean Stage, employed in my plays The Break and Welcome to Retroland

    Importance of understanding variable and transient energy demand in large multi-product industrial plants for process integration

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    There have been some news releases claiming that Professor Henle in Germany has found the chemical identity of UMF, and that in future chemical analysis will be used instead of assays of antibacterial activity to indicate the level of UMF in manuka honey. Both of these claims are misleading. Because the level of active substance in manuka honey is an unreliable indication of the level of antibacterial activity and can be very misleading, it is hard to see any commercial advantage for it to be used to indicate antibacterial activity other than if someone wanted to fool the consumer into thinking that the higher numbers are giving them a level of antibacterial activity that is far higher than they are really getting

    Non-continuous and variable rate processes: Optimisation for energy use

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    The need to develop new and improved ways of reducing energy use and increasing energy intensity in industrial processes is currently a major issue in New Zealand. Little attention has been given to optimisation of non-continuous processes in the past, due to their complexity, yet they remain an essential and often energy intensive component of many industrial sites. Novel models based on pinch analysis that aid in minimising utility usage have been constructed here through the adaptation of proven continuous techniques. The knowledge has been integrated into a user friendly software package, and allows the optimisation of processes under variable operating rates and batch conditions. An example problem demonstrates the improvements in energy use that can be gained when using these techniques to analyse non-continuous data. A comparison with results achieved using a pseudo-continuous method show that the method described can provide simultaneous reductions in capital and operating costs

    A derivative method for minimising total cost in heat exchanger networks through optimal area allocation

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    This paper presents a novel Cost Derivative Method (CDM) for finding the optimal area allocation for a defined Heat Exchanger Network (HEN) structure and stream data, without any stream splits to achieve minimum total cost. Using the Pinch Design Method (PDM) to determine the HEN structure, the approach attempts to add, remove and shift area to exchangers where economic benefits are returned. From the derivation of the method, it is found that the slope of the ε-NTU relationship for the specific heat exchanger type, in combination with the difference in exchanger inlet temperatures and the overall heat transfer coefficient, are critical to calculating the extra overall duty each incremental area element returns. The approach is able to account for differences in film coefficients, heat exchanger types, flow arrangements, exchanger cost functions, and utility pricing. Incorporated into the method is the newly defined “utility cost savings flow-on” factor, θ, which evaluates downstream effects on utility use and cost that are caused by changing the area of one exchanger. To illustrate the method, the CDM is applied to the distillation example of Gundersen (2000). After applying the new CDM, the total annual cost was reduced by 7.1 % mainly due to 24 % less HEN area for similar heat recovery. Area reduction resulted from one exchanger having a minimum approach temperature (ΔTmin) of 7.7 °C while the other recovery exchangers had larger ΔTmin values. The optimum ΔTmin for the PDM was 12.5 °C. The CDM solution was found to give a comparable minimum total area and cost to two recently published programming HEN synthesis solutions for the same problem without requiring the increased network complexity through multiple stream splits

    Control of Fan Blade Vibrations Using Piezoelectrics and Bi-Directional Telemetry

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    A novel wireless device which transfers supply power through induction to rotating operational amplifiers and transmits low voltage AC signals to and from a rotating body by way of radio telemetry has been successfully demonstrated in the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) Dynamic Spin Test Facility. In the demonstration described herein, a rotating operational amplifier provides controllable AC power to a piezoelectric patch epoxied to the surface of a rotating Ti plate. The amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal voltage command signal, transmitted wirelessly to the amplifier, was tuned to completely suppress the 3rd bending resonant vibration of the plate. The plate's 3rd bending resonance was excited using rotating magnetic bearing excitation while it spun at slow speed in a vacuum chamber. A second patch on the opposite side of the plate was used as a sensor. This paper discusses the characteristics of this novel device, the details of a spin test, results from a preliminary demonstration, and future plans

    Soft X-ray spectromicroscopy using ptychography with randomly phased illumination

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    Ptychography is a form of scanning diffractive imaging that can successfully retrieve the modulus and phase of both the sample transmission function and the illuminating probe. An experimental difficulty commonly encountered in diffractive imaging is the large dynamic range of the diffraction data. Here we report a novel ptychographic experiment using a randomly phased X-ray probe to considerably reduce the dynamic range of the recorded diffraction patterns. Images can be reconstructed reliably and robustly from this setup, even when scatter from the specimen is weak. A series of ptychographic reconstructions at X-ray energies around the L absorption edge of iron demonstrates the advantages of this method for soft X-ray spectromicroscopy, which can readily provide chemical sensitivity without the need for optical refocusing. In particular, the phase signal is in perfect registration with the modulus signal and provides complementary information that can be more sensitive to changes in the local chemical environment

    Black Hole Condensation and the Unification of String Vacua

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    It is argued that black hole condensation can occur at conifold singularities in the moduli space of type II Calabi--Yau string vacua. The condensate signals a smooth transition to a new Calabi--Yau space with different Euler characteristic and Hodge numbers. In this manner string theory unifies the moduli spaces of many or possibly all Calabi--Yau vacua. Elementary string states and black holes are smoothly interchanged under the transitions, and therefore cannot be invariantly distinguished. Furthermore, the transitions establish the existence of mirror symmetry for many or possibly all Calabi--Yau manifolds.Comment: 15 pages, harvma

    Cost Optimal Area Allocation in Heat Exchanger Networks

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    This paper discusses the cost optimal area allocation in heat exchanger networks