59 research outputs found

    Cosmological horizons and reconstruction of quantum field theories

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    As a starting point, we state some relevant geometrical properties enjoyed by the cosmological horizon of a certain class of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker backgrounds. Those properties are generalised to a larger class of expanding spacetimes MM admitting a geodesically complete cosmological horizon \scrim common to all co-moving observers. This structure is later exploited in order to recast, in a cosmological background, some recent results for a linear scalar quantum field theory in spacetimes asymptotically flat at null infinity. Under suitable hypotheses on MM, encompassing both the cosmological de Sitter background and a large class of other FRW spacetimes, the algebra of observables for a Klein-Gordon field is mapped into a subalgebra of the algebra of observables \cW(\scrim) constructed on the cosmological horizon. There is exactly one pure quasifree state λ\lambda on \cW(\scrim) which fulfils a suitable energy-positivity condition with respect to a generator related with the cosmological time displacements. Furthermore λ\lambda induces a preferred physically meaningful quantum state λM\lambda_M for the quantum theory in the bulk. If MM admits a timelike Killing generator preserving \scrim, then the associated self-adjoint generator in the GNS representation of λM\lambda_M has positive spectrum (i.e. energy). Moreover λM\lambda_M turns out to be invariant under every symmetry of the bulk metric which preserves the cosmological horizon. In the case of an expanding de Sitter spacetime, λM\lambda_M coincides with the Euclidean (Bunch-Davies) vacuum state, hence being Hadamard in this case. Remarks on the validity of the Hadamard property for λM\lambda_M in more general spacetimes are presented.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure, to appear on Comm. Math. Phys., dedicated to Professor Klaus Fredenhagen on the occasion of his 60th birthda

    Topological features of massive bosons on two dimensional Einstein space-time

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    In this paper we tackle the problem of constructing explicit examples of topological cocycles of Roberts' net cohomology, as defined abstractly by Brunetti and Ruzzi. We consider the simple case of massive bosonic quantum field theory on the two dimensional Einstein cylinder. After deriving some crucial results of the algebraic framework of quantization, we address the problem of the construction of the topological cocycles. All constructed cocycles lead to unitarily equivalent representations of the fundamental group of the circle (seen as a diffeomorphic image of all possible Cauchy surfaces). The construction is carried out using only Cauchy data and related net of local algebras on the circle.Comment: 41 pages, title changed, minor changes, typos corrected, references added. Accepted for publication in Ann. Henri Poincare

    Conformal generally covariant quantum field theory: The scalar field and its Wick products

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    In this paper we generalize the construction of generally covariant quantum theories given in the work of Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch to encompass the conformal covariant case. After introducing the abstract framework, we discuss the massless conformally coupled Klein Gordon field theory, showing that its quantization corresponds to a functor between two certain categories. At the abstract level, the ordinary fields, could be thought as natural transformations in the sense of category theory. We show that, the Wick monomials without derivatives (Wick powers), can be interpreted as fields in this generalized sense, provided a non trivial choice of the renormalization constants is given. A careful analysis shows that the transformation law of Wick powers is characterized by a weight, and it turns out that the sum of fields with different weights breaks the conformal covariance. At this point there is a difference between the previously given picture due to the presence of a bigger group of covariance. It is furthermore shown that the construction does not depend upon the scale mu appearing in the Hadamard parametrix, used to regularize the fields. Finally, we briefly discuss some further examples of more involved fields.Comment: 21 pages, comments added, to appear on Commun. Math. Phy

    Thermal partition function of photons and gravitons in a Rindler wedge

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    The thermal partition function of photons in any covariant gauge and gravitons in the harmonic gauge, propagating in a Rindler wedge, are computed using a local ζ\zeta-function regularization approach. The correct Planckian leading order temperature dependence T4T^4 is obtained in both cases. For the photons, the existence of a surface term giving a negative contribution to the entropy is confirmed, as earlier obtained by Kabat, but this term is shown to be gauge dependent in the four-dimensional case and, therefore is discarded. It is argued that similar terms could appear dealing with any integer spin s1s\geq 1 in the massless case and in more general manifolds. Our conjecture is checked in the case of a graviton in the harmonic gauge, where different surface terms also appear, and physically consistent results arise dropping these terms. The results are discussed in relation to the quantum corrections to the black hole entropy.Comment: 29 pages, RevTeX, no figures. Minor errors corrected and a few comments changed since first submission. To be published on Phys.Rev.

    Functional determinants for general self-adjoint extensions of Laplace-type operators resulting from the generalized cone

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    In this article we consider the zeta regularized determinant of Laplace-type operators on the generalized cone. For {\it arbitrary} self-adjoint extensions of a matrix of singular ordinary differential operators modelled on the generalized cone, a closed expression for the determinant is given. The result involves a determinant of an endomorphism of a finite-dimensional vector space, the endomorphism encoding the self-adjoint extension chosen. For particular examples, like the Friedrich's extension, the answer is easily extracted from the general result. In combination with \cite{BKD}, a closed expression for the determinant of an arbitrary self-adjoint extension of the full Laplace-type operator on the generalized cone can be obtained.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures; to appear in Manuscripta Mathematic

    Listeriose e AIDS: relato de caso e revisão de literatura

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    A listeriose é uma infecção não incomum, geralmente associada com recém-nascidos e pacientes imunodeprimidos que tem sido poucas vezes encontrada em pacientes com AIDS. Esta escassez de relatos despertou o interesse de diversos investigadores. Neste artigo, os autores relatam um caso de septicemia e meningite por Listeria monocytogenes em paciente com AIDS e fazem uma revisão da literatura. Novos conhecimentos sobre a interação agente - hospedeiro nas infecções por listeria, como o papel do fator de necrose tumoral e da integralina, estão permitindo novas interpretações da aparente escassez de infecções por listeria em pacientes com AIDS. O número de relatos vem crescendo em período recente, sugerindo que a associação pode ser mais freqüente do que aparenta ser, em parte explicada por inadequação no diagnóstico.Listeriosis is a not uncommon infection in humans, usually associated with immunodeficient states and with newborns. However, relatively few cases have been reported in HIV-infected patients. This scarcity of reported cases has aroused interest in the association of listerosis and AIDS. In this paper we present a case of meningitis and septicemia caused by Listeria monocytogenes in a female patient with AIDS. A review of recent medical literature indicates that association of listeriosis and AIDS may be more common than it seems. Recent research in host-parasite interaction in listerial infection suggests an important role for tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and for integralin, a bacterial protein, in modulating listerial disease in AIDS patients. Inadequate diagnosis may be in part responsible for the scarcity of reports