4,373 research outputs found

    Optimal Interest Rate Rules in Inflation Targeting Frameworks

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    This work describes the main characteristics of an inflation targeting regime and derives the optimal solution for interest rates according to an original methodology for two models based on the Phillips and IS curves containing general exogenous variables and a complete loss-function.

    r-filters: a Hodrick-Prescott Filter Generalization

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    A two-parameter family of filters is proposed in which the HP filter is considered as the lowest order member. While the HP filter converges to linear time trend as the smoothing factor grows, the higher order members of the proposed family converge to higher order polynomial time trends. The filter order - the new parameter introduced - allows to set the filter selectivity. Furthermore, two different methods to implement these filters are presented.

    Vitamin D can Influence the Dental Implants?

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    D Vitamin (calciferol) presents an important role in bone metabolism (turnover) and maintenance of calcium and phosphorus levels in blood. The main source of production is sun-stimulated skin. However, characteristics of modern life, such as fear of dermatological damage and use of protective agents, have hindered/reduced sun exposure. In this way, adequate synthesis of this vitamin is impaired, which can affect negatively the clinical success of dental implants. This study aimed to describe the importance of D vitamin and the effect of its deficiency on systemic health and repercussion in dental implants. An electronic search was made in the Scielo, Pubmed and Scopus databases using the descriptors: “deficiency and vitamin D and dental implants”. 13 articles were selected for review and data analysis. Lack or deficiency of D vitamin promoted different alterations such as mild hypocalcaemia, loss of trabecular bone, and severe bone, muscle, immune and metabolic disorders. In case of suspected D vitamin deficiency, patient should be referred to a physician and nutritionist. The existence of possible hypovitaminosis and indication of appropriate therapeutic approach is very important. The studies in vitro and in animals demonstrate the effects of deficiency or effect of vitamin D supplementation on bone metabolism around dental implants. Already the human studies feature great heterogeneity, no link was found between low serum vitamin D levels with an increased risk of early implant loss. Therefore, further research, including longitudinal clinical investigations and systematic reviews, is necessary to better elucidate mechanisms of D vitamin in processes of bone metabolism and osseointegration supporting dentists, physician and nutritionists when in contact with patients who use or will use dental implants.D Vitamin (calciferol) presents an important role in bone metabolism (turnover) and maintenance of calcium and phosphorus levels in blood. The main source of production is sun-stimulated skin. However, characteristics of modern life, such as fear of dermatological damage and use of protective agents, have hindered/reduced sun exposure. In this way, adequate synthesis of this vitamin is impaired, which can affect negatively the clinical success of dental implants. This study aimed to describe the importance of D vitamin and the effect of its deficiency on systemic health and repercussion in dental implants. An electronic search was made in the Scielo, Pubmed and Scopus databases using the descriptors: “deficiency and vitamin D and dental implants”. 13 articles were selected for review and data analysis. Lack or deficiency of D vitamin promoted different alterations such as mild hypocalcaemia, loss of trabecular bone, and severe bone, muscle, immune and metabolic disorders. In case of suspected D vitamin deficiency, patient should be referred to a physician and nutritionist. The existence of possible hypovitaminosis and indication of appropriate therapeutic approach is very important. The studies in vitro and in animals demonstrate the effects of deficiency or effect of vitamin D supplementation on bone metabolism around dental implants. Already the human studies feature great heterogeneity, no link was found between low serum vitamin D levels with an increased risk of early implant loss. Therefore, further research, including longitudinal clinical investigations and systematic reviews, is necessary to better elucidate mechanisms of D vitamin in processes of bone metabolism and osseointegration supporting dentists, physician and nutritionists when in contact with patients who use or will use dental implants

    Optical coherence tomography in patients undergoing cataract surgery

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    ABSTRACTPurpose:To assess the ability of spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) to diagnose macular changes pre- and post-cataract surgery and to identify changes in central foveal thickness (CFT) relative to age, sex, and presence of concomitant ophthalmic pathologies, for a period of 6 months post-surgery.Methods:A prospective study of patients evaluated by SD-OCT within 5 h before surgery at 7, 30, 60, 90, and 180 days post-op, with respect to CFT and presence of maculopathy.Results:Ninety-eight eyes of 98 patients were evaluated, with the following mean results: age = 71.4 years, pre-op VA = 0.27 logMAR, and final VA = 0.73 logMAR. There were 21 eyes in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and 10 eyes with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), three with epiretinal membrane, and four with glaucoma. Sixty eyes had no other ophthalmic-related pathologies (NOO), and had a mean pre-op CFT of 222 μm, which progressively increased up to the 60thday post-op, reaching a mean of 227.2 μm. No pseudophakic cystoid macular edema was observed. The mean CFT was statistically significantly different (p<0.001) between NOO and diabetic patients from 30 days post-op. Four eyes presented with preoperative diagnosis of AMD as measured by ophthalmoscopy. After completion of the OCT, which was performed within 5 h before surgery, six additional patients were found to have AMD. Of the 98 total eyes, 10 were diagnosed with maculopathy only by OCT exam. Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO) was unable to detect such changes.Conclusion:OCT diagnosed preoperative maculopathies in 21.4% of the patients, and was more effective than BIO (11.2%). OCT showed a progressive increase in CFT in diabetics up to 180 days post-operatively, as well as greater CFT in male patients and patients older than 70 years

    Avaliação do controle químico na malformação da mangueira irrigada, no Submédio do Vale do rio São Francisco, Brasil.

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    O cultivo de espécies frutíferas na região semi-árida do Nordeste brasileiro vem crescendo continuamente, destacando-se a mangueira pelo valor comercial de seus frutos nos mercados nacional e internacional. As características edafoclimáticas da região e o manejo fitotécnico empregado nesta cultura têm possibilitado a obtenção de produtividades elevadas. No entanto, com a intensificação do cultivo o potencial de inóculo de patógenos tem aumentado, tornando as doenças uma ameaça constante. Dentre eles, merece especial atenção, a malformação floral e/ou vegetativa, dada a sua rápida disseminação e elevada redução da produtividade. Esses fatores motivaram a realização do presente trabalho visando avaliar o efeito de produtos químicos sobre a doença, em mangueiras irrigadas na região do Submédio do Vale do rio São Francisco. O experimento foi instalado em 01/06/1999, em pomar comercial, cultivar Tommy Atkins, de 4,5 anos de idade, em estádio inicial de florescimento. O índice de infestação inicial da doença foi determinado em 5,21%. O delineamento experimental composta de três plantas. Os produtos com suas respectivas dosagens, em p. c. por 100 litros de água, foram: thiabendazole 600 PM (75g), tebuconazole 200 CE + benomyl 500 PM (100 ml + 60g), tolylfluanid PM + tebuconazole 200 CE (150g + 100 ml), benomyl 500 PM (60 g), carboxin + thiram 200 SC (100 ml, kresoxim-methyl SC (20 ml), Azoxystrobin WG (20 g), epoxiconnazole 125 SC (150 ml). A testemunha foi representada por um tratamento sem produto. Utilizaram-se como parâmetros, o número de panículas malformadas e índice de infestação da doença. Os resultados obtidos aos 60 dias após a aplicação dos produtos, não evidenciaram diferenças estatísticas entre os tratamentos em relação aos parâmetros avaliados.Coordenado por Abel Rebouças São José, Tiyoko Nair Hojo Rebouça~s, Daniel Nieto Angel, Ivan Vilas Bôas Souza, Nilma Oliveira Dias, Marinês Pereira Bomfim. Trabalhos apresentados no I Simpósio Latino Americano sobre Produção de Manga, 1999, Vitória da Conquista, BA