10 research outputs found

    Slow freezing versus vitrification for the cryopreservation of zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissue.

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the efficiency of vitrification and slow freezing techniques for the cryopreservation of zebrafish ovarian tissue containing immature follicles. In Experiment 1, assessment of cell membrane integrity by trypan blue exclusion staining was used to select the best cryoprotectant solution for each cryopreservation method. Primary growth (PG) oocytes showed the best percentage of membrane integrity (63.5 ± 2.99%) when SF4 solution (2 M methanol + 0.1 M trehalose + 10% egg yolk solution) was employed. The vitrification solution, which presented the highest membrane integrity (V2; 1.5 M methanol + 5.5 M Me2SO + 0.5 M sucrose + 10% egg yolk solution) was selected for Experiment 2. Experiment 2 aimed to compare the vitrification and slow freezing techniques in the following parameters: morphology, oxidative stress, mitochondrial activity, and DNA damage. Frozen ovarian tissue showed higher ROS levels and lower mitochondrial activity than vitrified ovarian tissue. Ultrastructural observations of frozen PG oocytes showed rupture of the plasma membrane, loss of intracellular contents and a large number of damaged mitochondria, while vitrified PG oocytes had intact mitochondria and cell plasma membranes. We conclude that vitrification may be more effective than slow freezing for the cryopreservation of zebrafish ovarian tissue

    Levantamento florístico no cerrado de Pedregulho, SP, Brasil Floristic inventory of cerrado at Pedregulho, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Em Pedregulho, município do extremo nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, ocorrem fragmentos de cerrado considerados floristicamente distintos dos demais remanescentes paulistas. Nesse estudo, foi realizado um levantamento florístico em Pedregulho, abordando duas regiões geologicamente distintas: o Parque Estadual das Furnas do Bom Jesus e o distrito de Estreito. Em cada uma, delimitaram-se duas parcelas de 50×50 m, totalizando um hectare, onde foram encontradas 65 famílias e 379 espécies de angiospermas. Coletas em áreas adjacentes totalizaram 71 famílias e 443 espécies. As duas regiões estudadas têm baixa similaridade florística entre si. A distribuição geográfica das espécies é analisada e oito padrões são delimitados para aquelas cuja distribuição no Estado de São Paulo é restrita à região de Pedregulho.<br>Pedregulho municipality in the far northeastern region of São Paulo state has fragments of cerrado vegetation thought to be floristically distinct from other cerrado remmants in the state. In this study, a floristic survey was carried out at Pedregulho, focusing on two geologically distinct regions: Furnas do Bom Jesus State Park and the Estreito district. In each region, 50×50 m plots were set up for a total sample area of 1 hectare, where 65 families and 379 angiosperm species were recorded. Collecting efforts in adjacent areas resulted in a total of 71 families and 443 species. The two study areas had low floristic similarity. Geographic species distribution was analyzed and eight patterns were defined for those species restricted to the Pedregulho region in São Paulo

    Post-fire flowering and fruiting in Vellozia sincorana, a caulescent rosette plant endemic to Northeast Brazil

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    Vellozia sincorana L.B. Sm. &amp; Ayensu, an endemic of campos rupestres, is an endangered species collected by local people to start cooking fires due to the flammability of its resinous stems. A massive flowering of V. sincorana following a wildfire in October 1999 raised some questions: Does fire affect flowering and fruiting of V. sincorana? Is the height of individuals correlated with flowering and fruit production? A wildfire event on 8 November 2008 provided an opportunity to explore these questions. Two populations of V. sincorana in two campos rupestres sites (12º31'S - 41º29'W; 12º36'S - 41º28'W) on ridgetops in the Chapada Diamantina National Park (Brazil) were monitored, one burned in the November 2008 fire and the other unburned since the 1999 fire. In both sites, 25 individuals were randomly labeled and monitored. Nine plant samplings were conducted between 2008 and 2010, during which the number of flowers and fruits were tallied and the heights measured. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and linear regression were used to evaluate the relationship between the height of individuals and phenology. Flowering and fruiting occurred only in the recently burnt population, about 40 days after the fire, in 24 of the 25 individuals monitored (96%). The quantity of flower and/or fruit was positively and significantly correlated with plant height. The abundant flowering after fire suggests that fire triggers this phenological phase. Estimates of age of the taller individuals and the periods of flowering can be used to estimate fire frequency in the V. sincorana population sites, which contributes to the knowledge of fire ecology and is useful for conservation biology and fire management of campos rupestres

    Phanerogamic flora and phytogeography of the Cloud Dwarf Forests of Ibitipoca State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Abstract: This study was developed in Ibitipoca State Park (ISP), a mountainous massif that stands out in the Serra da Mantiqueira, in the Southeastern Region of Brazil. The vegetation is represented by a phytophysiognomic mosaic where areas of campos rupestres interspersed with cloud dwarf forests predominate, at altitudes of 1100 to 1700 m.s.m. The cloud dwarf forests exist in narrow altitude belts on the mountain peaks, immersed in a layer of clouds. They form a peculiar landscape high in the mountains by the short stature of the arboreal elements and richness of lichens and bryophytes, which develop under constant condensation of humidity, low temperatures, and frequent winds. The objective of the present work was to determine the floristic composition and phytogeography of the cloud dwarf forests of ISP. Twelve monthly campaigns were conducted to collect botanical material during the years 2014 and 2015. The collected material was deposited in the collection of the CESJ Herbarium. A total of 372 species, 209 genera, and 73 families of phanerogams were found. The richest families were Orchidaceae (84 spp.), Asteraceae (39 spp.), and Melastomataceae (21 spp). The genera with the greatest wealth were Leandra (09 spp.), Epidendrum (09 spp.), Pleurothallis (09 spp.), Mikania (07 spp.), and Miconia (07 spp). The arboreal habit was predominant with 103 species (27.7%), followed by 83 shrubs (22.3%), 82 epiphytic herbs (22%), 80 terrestrial herbs (21.5%), and 23 lianas (6.5%). The floristic composition presents elements typical of altitude vegetation, including species of campos rupestres and high epiphytes richness, especially of the families Orchidaceae and Bromeliaceae. The genera with tropical distribution represent 86.5%, whereas the temperate elements represent 13.5% of the total. The cloud dwarf forests presented similarity, at the family and gender levels, with the upper montane forests of the Andes, besides phytogeographic characteristics that allow to associate them to a transition environment between the campos rupestres and the upper montane forests of the Southeast Region of Brazil