8,700 research outputs found

    Topological phases in a two-dimensional lattice: Magnetic field versus spin-orbit coupling

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    In this work, we explore the rich variety of topological states that arise in two-dimensional systems, by considering the competing effects of spin-orbit couplings and a perpendicular magnetic field on a honeycomb lattice. Unlike earlier approaches, we investigate minimal models in order to clarify the effects of the intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit couplings, and also of the Zeeman splitting, on the quantum Hall states generated by the magnetic field. In this sense, our work provides an interesting path connecting quantum Hall and quantum spin Hall physics. First, we consider the properties of each term individually and we analyze their similarities and differences. Secondly, we investigate the subtle competitions that arise when these effects are combined. We finally explore the various possible experimental realizations of our model.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Genesis of the Floquet Hofstadter butterfly

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    We investigate theoretically the spectrum of a graphene-like sample (honeycomb lattice) subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field and irradiated by circularly polarized light. This system is studied using the Floquet formalism, and the resulting Hofstadter spectrum is analyzed for different regimes of the driving frequency. For lower frequencies, resonances of various copies of the spectrum lead to intricate formations of topological gaps. In the Landau-level regime, new wing-like gaps emerge upon reducing the driving frequency, thus revealing the possibility of dynamically tuning the formation of the Hofstadter butterfly. In this regime, an effective model may be analytically derived, which allows us to retrace the energy levels that exhibit avoided crossings and ultimately lead to gap structures with a wing-like shape. At high frequencies, we find that gaps open for various fluxes at E=0E=0, and upon increasing the amplitude of the driving, gaps also close and reopen at other energies. The topological invariants of these gaps are calculated and the resulting spectrum is elucidated. We suggest opportunities for experimental realization and discuss similarities with Landau-level structures in non-driven systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    A new data reduction scheme to obtain the mode II fracture properties of Pinus Pinaster wood

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    In this work a numerical study of the End Notched Flexure (ENF) specimen was performed in order to obtain the mode II critical strain energy released rate (GIIc) of a Pinus pinaster wood in the RL crack propagation system. The analysis included interface finite elements and a progressive damage model based on indirect use of Fracture Mechanics. The difficulties in monitoring the crack length during an experimental ENF test and the inconvenience of performing separate tests in order to obtain the elastic properties are well known. To avoid these problems, a new data reduction scheme based on the equivalent crack concept was proposed and validated. This new data reduction scheme, the Compliance-Based Beam Method (CBBM), does not require crack measurements during ENF tests and additional tests to obtain elastic properties.FCT - POCTI/EME/45573/200

    Finite element analysis of the ECT test on mode III interlaminar fracture of carbon-epoxy composite laminates

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    In this work a parametric study of the Edge Crack Torsion (ECT) specimen was performed in order to maximize the mode III component (GIII) of the strain energy release rate for carbon-epoxy laminates. A three-dimensional finite element analysis of the ECT test was conducted considering a [90/0/(+45/-45)2/(-45/+45)2/0/90]S lay-up. The main objective was to define an adequate geometry to obtain an almost pure mode III at crack front. The geometrical parameters studied were specimen dimensions, distance between pins and size of the initial crack. The numerical results demonstrated that the ratio between the specimen length and the initial crack length had a significant effect on the strain energy release rate distributions. In almost all of the tested configurations, a mode II component occurred near the edges but it did not interfere significantly with the dominant mode III state.FCT - POCTI/EME/45573/200

    Pulse oximetry in the detection of congenital heart disease. Strategies for implementing a screening program.

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    As cardiopatias são o grupo mais comum de anomalias congénitas. Neste grupo, 25% são consideradas críticas e necessitam de cirurgia ou cateterismo de intervenção durante o 1º ano de vida. O diagnóstico atempado e precoce destas situações melhora o prognóstico, diminuindo a morbi-mortalidade associada. Tem havido um grande interesse na utilização da oximetria de pulso como método de rastreio das cardiopatias congénitas. A justificação para o seu uso reside no facto de nalgumas cardiopatias congénitas críticas, haver algum grau de hipoxémia mesmo antes da cianose ser clinicamente evidente. A oximetria de pulso é um teste não invasivo, não doloroso, fácil de executar, com grande fiabilidade na avaliação da hipoxémia. Dada a evidência cientifica, a exequibilidade, segurança e ganhos potenciais em saúde com a aplicação do teste, parece haver razões para a realização do rastreio de forma universal. Descreve-se a metodologia utilizada na implementação numa maternidade do rastreio de cardiopatia congénita com oximetria de pulso

    Tuning edge state localization in graphene nanoribbons by in-plane bending

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    The electronic properties of graphene are influenced by both geometric confinement and strain. We study the electronic structure of in-plane bent graphene nanoribbons, systems where confinement and strain are combined. To understand its electronic properties, we develop a tight-binding model that has a small computational cost and is based on exponentially decaying hopping and overlap parameters. Using this model, we show that the edge states in zigzag graphene nanoribbons are sensitive to bending and develop an effective dispersion that can be described by a one-dimensional atomic chain model. Because the velocity of the electrons at the edge is proportional to the slope of the dispersion, the edge states become gradually delocalized upon increasing the strength of bending.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
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