8,270 research outputs found

    Quantum Hall ferromagnetism in graphene: a SU(4) bosonization approach

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    We study the quantum Hall effect in graphene at filling factors \nu = 0 and \nu = \pm, concentrating on the quantum Hall ferromagnetic regime, within a non-perturbative bosonization formalism. We start by developing a bosonization scheme for electrons with two discrete degrees of freedom (spin-1/2 and pseudospin-1/2) restricted to the lowest Landau level. Three distinct phases are considered, namely the so-called spin-pseudospin, spin, and pseudospin phases. The first corresponds to a quarter-filled (\nu =-1) while the others to a half-filled (\nu = 0) lowest Landau level. In each case, we show that the elementary neutral excitations can be treated approximately as a set of n-independent kinds of boson excitations. The boson representation of the projected electron density, the spin, pseudospin, and mixed spin-pseudospin density operators are derived. We then apply the developed formalism to the effective continuous model, which includes SU(4) symmetry breaking terms, recently proposed by Alicea and Fisher. For each quantum Hall state, an effective interacting boson model is derived and the dispersion relations of the elementary excitations are analytically calculated. We propose that the charged excitations (quantum Hall skyrmions) can be described as a coherent state of bosons. We calculate the semiclassical limit of the boson model derived from the SU(4) invariant part of the original fermionic Hamiltonian and show that it agrees with the results of Arovas and co-workers for SU(N) quantum Hall skyrmions. We briefly discuss the influence of the SU(4) symmetry breaking terms in the skyrmion energy.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, final version, extended discussion about the boson-boson interaction and its relation with quantum Hall skyrmion

    Exciting a d-density wave in an optical lattice with driven tunneling

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    Quantum phases with unusual symmetries may play a key role for the understanding of solid state systems at low temperatures. We propose a realistic scenario, well in reach of present experimental techniques, which should permit to produce a stationary quantum state with dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-symmetry in a two-dimensional bosonic optical square lattice. This state, characterized by alternating rotational flux in each plaquette, arises from driven tunneling implemented by a stimulated Raman scattering process. We discuss bosons in a square lattice, however, more complex systems involving other lattice geometries appear possible.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spin-density-wave instability in graphene doped near the van Hove singularity

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    We study the instability of the metallic state towards the formation of a new ground state in graphene doped near the van Hove singularity. The system is described by the Hubbard model and a field theoretical approach is used to calculate the charge and spin susceptibility. We find that for repulsive interactions, within the random phase approximation, there is a competition between ferromagnetism and spin-density wave (SDW). It turns out that a SDW with a triangular geometry is more favorable when the Hubbard parameter is above the critical value U_c(T), which depends on the temperature T, even if there are small variations in the doping. Our results can be verified by ARPES or neutron scattering experiments in highly doped graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    New evidence on the Urceus-type wine amphorae of Baetica

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    Neste trabalho apresentam-se novos dados sobre ânforas de fundo plano de produção bética, a que atribuímos o nome de tipo “urceus”. Trata-se de contentores, com origem no Guadalquivir, afins a produções gálicas, ainda que com cronologias mais precoces, com um auge de difusão no período augustano. A identificação deste tipo de ânforas no naufrágio bético de Sud-Perduto 2 (Cabo Bonifácio), permite uma melhor caracterização formal e reforçar a ideia de que não se destinavam a um comércio meramente regional mas antes a longa distância.In this article we present new data about flat based amphorae of Baetica production, which we called “urceus type”. They are containers from the Guadalquivir, similar to the ones produced in Gallia, even though they are from an early chronology and reached their diffusion height in the Augustan period. The identification of this type of amphorae in the Baetica shipwreck of the Sud-Perduto 2 (Cape Bonifacio) allows a better formal characterization and reinforces the idea that they were not only meant for a regional trade but for a long distance one

    Creep of current-driven domain-wall lines: intrinsic versus extrinsic pinning

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    We present a model for current-driven motion of a magnetic domain-wall line, in which the dynamics of the domain wall is equivalent to that of an overdamped vortex line in an anisotropic pinning potential. This potential has both extrinsic contributions due to, e.g., sample inhomogeneities, and an intrinsic contribution due to magnetic anisotropy. We obtain results for the domain-wall velocity as a function of current for various regimes of pinning. In particular, we find that the exponent characterizing the creep regime depends strongly on the presence of a dissipative spin transfer torque. We discuss our results in the light of recent experiments on current-driven domain-wall creep in ferromagnetic semiconductors, and suggest further experiments to corroborate our model.Comment: For figure in GIF format, see http://www.phys.uu.nl/~duine/mapping.gif v2: (hopefully) visible EPS figure added. v2: expanded new versio

    de Broglie-Proca and Bopp-Podolsky massive photon gases in cosmology

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    We investigate the influence of massive photons on the evolution of the expanding universe. Two particular models for generalized electrodynamics are considered, namely de Broglie-Proca and Bopp-Podolsky electrodynamics. We obtain the equation of state (EOS) P=P(ε)P=P(\varepsilon) for each case using dispersion relations derived from both theories. The EOS are inputted into the Friedmann equations of a homogeneous and isotropic space-time to determine the cosmic scale factor a(t)a(t). It is shown that the photon non-null mass does not significantly alter the result at1/2a\propto t^{1/2} valid for a massless photon gas; this is true either in de Broglie-Proca's case (where the photon mass mm is extremely small) or in Bopp-Podolsky theory (for which mm is extremely large).Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; v2 matches the published versio