6,789 research outputs found

    Lições aprendidas sobre como enfrentar os efeitos de eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos em sistemas agrícolas.

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar as lições aprendidas sobre a forma como os agricultores enfrentaram o evento hidrometeorológico extremo (EHE) ocorrido em janeiro de 2011 na comunidade rural de Barracão dos Mendes, localizado no 3o distrito de Nova Friburgo, na região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.bitstream/item/135578/1/DOC-171-Licoes-Aprendidas.pd

    Classical diffusion in double-delta-kicked particles

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    We investigate the classical chaotic diffusion of atoms subjected to {\em pairs} of closely spaced pulses (`kicks) from standing waves of light (the 2δ2\delta-KP). Recent experimental studies with cold atoms implied an underlying classical diffusion of type very different from the well-known paradigm of Hamiltonian chaos, the Standard Map. The kicks in each pair are separated by a small time interval ϵ1\epsilon \ll 1, which together with the kick strength KK, characterizes the transport. Phase space for the 2δ2\delta-KP is partitioned into momentum `cells' partially separated by momentum-trapping regions where diffusion is slow. We present here an analytical derivation of the classical diffusion for a 2δ2\delta-KP including all important correlations which were used to analyze the experimental data. We find a new asymptotic (tt \to \infty) regime of `hindered' diffusion: while for the Standard Map the diffusion rate, for K1K \gg 1, DK2/2[1J2(K)..]D \sim K^2/2[1- J_2(K)..] oscillates about the uncorrelated, rate D0=K2/2D_0 =K^2/2, we find analytically, that the 2δ2\delta-KP can equal, but never diffuses faster than, a random walk rate. We argue this is due to the destruction of the important classical `accelerator modes' of the Standard Map. We analyze the experimental regime 0.1Kϵ10.1\lesssim K\epsilon \lesssim 1, where quantum localisation lengths L0.75L \sim \hbar^{-0.75} are affected by fractal cell boundaries. We find an approximate asymptotic diffusion rate DK3ϵD\propto K^3\epsilon, in correspondence to a DK3D\propto K^3 regime in the Standard Map associated with 'golden-ratio' cantori.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, error in equation in appendix correcte

    Representation of Nelson Algebras by Rough Sets Determined by Quasiorders

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    In this paper, we show that every quasiorder RR induces a Nelson algebra RS\mathbb{RS} such that the underlying rough set lattice RSRS is algebraic. We note that RS\mathbb{RS} is a three-valued {\L}ukasiewicz algebra if and only if RR is an equivalence. Our main result says that if A\mathbb{A} is a Nelson algebra defined on an algebraic lattice, then there exists a set UU and a quasiorder RR on UU such that ARS\mathbb{A} \cong \mathbb{RS}.Comment: 16 page

    Dynamical instability in kicked Bose-Einstein condensates: Bogoliubov resonances

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    Bose-Einstein condensates subject to short pulses (`kicks') from standing waves of light represent a nonlinear analogue of the well-known chaos paradigm, the quantum kicked rotor. Previous studies of the onset of dynamical instability (ie exponential proliferation of non-condensate particles) suggested that the transition to instability might be associated with a transition to chaos. Here we conclude instead that instability is due to resonant driving of Bogoliubov modes. We investigate the excitation of Bogoliubov modes for both the quantum kicked rotor (QKR) and a variant, the double kicked rotor (QKR-2). We present an analytical model, valid in the limit of weak impulses which correctly gives the scaling properties of the resonances and yields good agreement with mean-field numerics.Comment: 8 page

    Avaliação do potencial de estabelecimento de projetos de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL) de uso da terra, Mudança do Uso da Terra e Florestas (LULUCF) no município de Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ - Brasil.

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    O aumento da concentração de Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) tem sido apontado como o principal agente de mudança nos processos dinâmicos da atmosfera, promovendo mudanças climáticas com ameaças à humanidade (IPCC, 2007). Em resposta aos problemas ambientais ligados às mudanças climáticas globais, a comunidade internacional adotou, em 1992, a Convenção Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (CQNUMC) - conhecida internacionalmente pela sigla UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. O Protocolo de Quioto, firmado em 1997, estabeleceu um acordo de metas globais coletivas para redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa dos países industrializados a cerca de 5% dos níveis observados em 1990, entre 2008 e 2012 (UNFCCC, 1998). O Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo - MDL é o mecanismo criado no Protocolo de Quioto que permite a participação dos países em desenvolvimento na venda de Reduções Certificadas de Emissões (RCE) para os países com metas de redução de GEE.bitstream/item/35584/1/comunicado-56.PD

    Comparisons for Esta-Task3: Cles and Cesam

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    We present the results of comparing three different implementations of the microscopic diffusion process in the stellar evolution codes CESAM and CLES. For each of these implementations we computed models of 1.0, 1.2 and 1.3 M_{\odot}. We analyse the differences in their internal structure at three selected evolutionary stages, as well as the variations of helium abundance and depth of the stellar convective envelope. The origin of these differences and their effects on the seismic properties of the models are also considered.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Joint HELAS and CoRoT/ESTA Workshop on Solar/Stellar Models and Seismic Analysis Tools, Novembre, Porto 2007 To be published in EAS Publications Serie

    MM and subMM molecular line observations of the southwest lobe of L1551: Evidence of a shell structure

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    Observations have been made of the southwest outflow lobe of L1551 in several millimeter and submillimeter molecular lines. Maps have been made in the J=3-2 and J=2-1 transitions of CO over areas of 7.5 by 2.5 arc minutes and 5 by 5 arc minutes respectively at UKIRT. More detailed maps have also been made in the J=2-1 CO transition over an area of about 6 by 3.5 arc minutes at the NRAO 12m telescope. Additional observations of the J=4-3 transitions of HCN, HCO(+) abd H(13)CO(+) were made at selected positions. The HC(+) J=4-3 transition was detected at several positions along the outflow axis and at the position of IRS 5. Similarly the HCN J=4-3 transition was detected at the position of IRS 5 and also at a position close to HH29. However, the J=4-3 transition of H(13)CO(+) was bit detected at the position of IRS 5 even through it was observed at the position close to HH29 with a peak corrected antenna temperature of 0.23K at a V(LSR) of 1 km s(-1). The detection of the J=4-3 transitions of both HCO(+) and H(13)CO(+) close to the position of HH29 suggest the presence of very dense gas in this region. LVG analysis of the various molecular lines observed give a kinetic temperature between 10 and 15K and a density from 10(5) to 10(6) cm(-3) at the position of IRS 5 at the ambient cloud velocity. At the position close to HH29 LVG analysis of the CO observations gives a density between 10(3) and 10(4) cm(-3) at a kinetic temperature of 25k for a V(LSR) of 0 km s(-1). To the southwest of HH29 there is a large decrease in both the linewidth and intensity of CO emission. This may be due to the interaction between the outflow and a dense clump of gas which gives rise to HH29. The maps of the CO J=3-2 and CO J=2-1 emission integrated in 3.25 km s intervals show the shell structure postulated by Snell and Schloerb (1985)