3 research outputs found

    Distribution of the Mediterranean ribbed limpet Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791 along the Ligurian coast and implications for conservation actions

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    Patella ferruginea is a limpet endemic to the Western Mediterranean Sea. It is presently considered the most threatened marine macroinvertebrate in the region and has been included in several international conservation directives. Its populations were widespread throughout the Western Mediterranean in the late Pleistocene period, and remained broadly distributed until the 19th century. Presently this species is confined into small populations in a few restricted areas due to human harvesting for food and baits, construction of coastal infrastructures and the effects of seawater pollution. In particular, the species is reported as presently disappeared from the whole of the Italian continental coast and measures are in progress to reintroduce the species through translocation and reproduction in controlled conditions along the Ligurian coasts of the Northwestern Mediterranean.Recent surveys implemented in the framework of the present work along the Ligurian coasts, to assess the most suitable sites for reintroduction, resulted in the discovery of 32 specimens of this endemic limpet, which previously was thought to have vanished from the area. These findings shed new light on the ability of species to naturally disperse, the relevance of the measures set in place to restore presently rarefied populations and may provide information to aid in the selection and management of sites within the Natura 2000 Ecological network

    Plasma BDNF Levels Vary in Relation to Body Weight in Females

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    Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of depression as well as neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Recent studies show a role of BDNF in energy metabolism and body weight regulation. We examined BDNF levels in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from age matched elderly depressed and control subjects. Also, the association of BDNF levels with age, gender, body weight, body mass index (BMI), and cognitive performance was evaluated. We did not find any significant differences in plasma and CSF BDNF levels between depressed and control subjects. Plasma BDNF levels were negatively correlated with age (but not with BMI and body weight), when analyses were performed including both depressed and control subjects. A significant reduction in plasma BDNF levels was observed in females as compared to male subjects, and the change in BDNF levels were significantly and positively related to body weight in females. Furthermore, significant increases in Total Recall and Delayed Recall values were found in females as compared to males. In conclusion, the lower BDNF levels observed in females suggest that changes in peripheral BDNF levels are likely secondary to an altered energy balance. However, further studies using larger sample size are warranted

    Artificial reproduction protocol, from spawning to metamorphosis, through noninvasive methods in Patella caerulea Linnaeus, 1758

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    Controlled reproduction is a requirement for developing effective mollusc cultivation for commercial or restoration purposes. In this study, a protocol for spawning induc- tion using noninvasive methods in limpets was developed, using the common Mediterranean species, Patella caerulea Linnaeus, 1758. Six nonlethal spawning induction treatments were tested: three chemical (two concentrations of H2O2 and KCl) and three physical (bubbling, warm and cold thermal shock). All treatments, except thermal shocks, induced the spawning of fertile gametes. Bubbling resulted the best treatment in providing spawning response, being the easiest and least inva- sive method tested. After eggs fertilization, larval development was followed until metamorphosis, testing fed and unfed conditions. Settlement took place after 7 days. The developed protocol represents a benchmark for further application to other limpets, for aquaculture or repopulation