84 research outputs found

    Dinoflagellate Phylogeny as Inferred from Heat Shock Protein 90 and Ribosomal Gene Sequences

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    Interrelationships among dinoflagellates in molecular phylogenies are largely unresolved, especially in the deepest branches. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences provide phylogenetic signals only at the tips of the dinoflagellate tree. Two reasons for the poor resolution of deep dinoflagellate relationships using rDNA sequences are (1) most sites are relatively conserved and (2) there are different evolutionary rates among sites in different lineages. Therefore, alternative molecular markers are required to address the deeper phylogenetic relationships among dinoflagellates. Preliminary evidence indicates that the heat shock protein 90 gene (Hsp90) will provide an informative marker, mainly because this gene is relatively long and appears to have relatively uniform rates of evolution in different lineages.We more than doubled the previous dataset of Hsp90 sequences from dinoflagellates by generating additional sequences from 17 different species, representing seven different orders. In order to concatenate the Hsp90 data with rDNA sequences, we supplemented the Hsp90 sequences with three new SSU rDNA sequences and five new LSU rDNA sequences. The new Hsp90 sequences were generated, in part, from four additional heterotrophic dinoflagellates and the type species for six different genera. Molecular phylogenetic analyses resulted in a paraphyletic assemblage near the base of the dinoflagellate tree consisting of only athecate species. However, Noctiluca was never part of this assemblage and branched in a position that was nested within other lineages of dinokaryotes. The phylogenetic trees inferred from Hsp90 sequences were consistent with trees inferred from rDNA sequences in that the backbone of the dinoflagellate clade was largely unresolved.The sequence conservation in both Hsp90 and rDNA sequences and the poor resolution of the deepest nodes suggests that dinoflagellates reflect an explosive radiation in morphological diversity in their recent evolutionary past. Nonetheless, the more comprehensive analysis of Hsp90 sequences enabled us to infer phylogenetic interrelationships of dinoflagellates more rigorously. For instance, the phylogenetic position of Noctiluca, which possesses several unusual features, was incongruent with previous phylogenetic studies. Therefore, the generation of additional dinoflagellate Hsp90 sequences is expected to refine the stem group of athecate species observed here and contribute to future multi-gene analyses of dinoflagellate interrelationships

    Reliable determination of Prorocentrum micans Ehrenb. (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) based on newly collected material from the type locality

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    The Prorocentrales are a unique group of dinophytes based on several apomorphic traits, but species delimitation is challenging within the group. The type species of Prorocentrum, namely P. micans, cannot be determined unambiguously, as important characters are not preserved in the original material collected in the first half of the 19th century. Water samples were taken at the type locality of P. micans in the Baltic Sea off Kiel (Germany) and strains with a morphology consistent with the protologue were established. An in-depth morphological analysis was performed, illustrating minute traits such as the periflagellar platelets and three different types of thecal pores. rRNA sequence data allowed for molecular characterization of the species. The newly collected material of P. micans was used for epitypification with the result that the type species of Prorocentrum can now be determined unambiguously

    Dinoflagellaten – ein Dauerexperiment der Evolution?

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    Dinoflagellaten haben nur eine oberflächliche Namensähnlichkeit mit den Dinosauriern (vom altgriechischen δεινός/ deinós = schrecklich); ihr Name leitet sich von dem altgriechischen δινος/dinos (wirbeln) ab und beschreibt die charakteristische Schwimmbewegung dieser mit dem bloßen Auge nicht direkt wahrnehmbaren Protisten. Die Bedeutung der sehr diversen und mit vielen faszinierenden Facetten aufwartenden Einzellergruppe ist nicht zu unterschätzen. So sind sie u. a. wichtige Produzenten und Konsumenten in aquatischen Nahrungsnetzen, Symbionten in Korallen, Parasiten mariner Organismen sowie dem Menschen gefährlich werdende Giftproduzenten. Auch morphologisch, biochemisch und genetisch besitzen Dinoflagellaten Besonderheiten, die sie zu einer der interessantesten eukaryotischen Gruppen machen

    A Gordian knot: Nomenclature and taxonomy of Heterocapsa triquetra (Peridiniales: Heterocapsaceae)

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    In the course of polyphasic taxonomic work in the dinophytes, we became aware of a fundamental misapplication of the name Glenodinium triquetrum (now represented conceptually by a species of Kryptoperidinium), when Stein assigned it to Heterocapsa. Possible solutions involve a conflict between retaining Ehrenberg’s epithet in its correct application in the interest of priority and preserving current usage of Heterocapsa. However, we do not achieve a consensus on how to disentangle this Gordian knot, underlining that this is not a regular case of taxonomic confusion. We intend to stimulate a more general discussion about best practices in such cases, balancing between the interest of nomenclatural practicability and the respectful acknowledgement of scientific work, even if it was conducted many years ago


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    One of the most common marine dinophytes is a species known as Heterocapsa triquetra. When Stein introduced the taxon Heterocapsa, he formally based the type species H. triquetra on the basionym Glenodinium triquetrum. The latter was described by Ehrenberg and is most likely a species of Kryptoperidinium. In addition to that currently unresolved nomenclatural situation, the thecal plate composition of H. triquetra sensu Stein (1883) was controversial in the past. To clarify the debate, we collected material and established the strain UTKG7 from the Baltic Sea off Kiel (Germany, the same locality as Stein had studied), which was investigated using light and electron microscopy, and whose systematic position was inferred using molecular phylogenetics. The small motile cells (18–26 µm in length) had a biconical through fusiform shape and typically were characterized by a short asymmetrically shaped, horn-like protuberance at the antapex. A large spherical nucleus was located in the episome, whereas a single pyrenoid laid in the lower cingular plane. The predominant plate pattern was identified as apical pore complex (Po, cp?, X), 4', 2a, 6'', 6c, 5s, 5''', 2''''. The triradiate body scales were 254–306 nm in diameter, had 6 ridges radiating from a central spine, 9 peripheral and 3 radiating spines, and 12 peripheral bars as well as a central depression in the basal plate. Our work provides a clarification of morphological characters and a new, validly published name for this important but yet formally undescribed species of Heterocapsa: H. steinii sp. nov
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