40 research outputs found

    Sensitivity and specificity of a low-cost screening protocol for identifying children at risk for language disorders

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of a low-cost screening test for identifying children at risk for language disorders with that of a specific language assessment. METHODS: The study was conducted during a polio vaccination campaign in basic health units in western Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil. The parents/guardians of 1000 children aged between 0 and 5 years were asked to answer questions of a specific screening test. The instrument consisted of a uniform set of questions about the main milestones in language development (from 0 to 5 years of age) with scaled scores to assess responses. There were no exclusion criteria. After the screening test, the children were referred to a specific language assessment by ABFW, following a determined flow of referrals. The results obtained in the screening were compared to those obtained in the specific language assessment; then, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values were determined for the screening test. Children who failed the screening test also underwent an audiological evaluation. The statistical significance was set at 5%. RESULTS: The majority of the participants were aged between 4 and 5 years (21.82%) and were male (51.6%). The sensitivity and specificity values were 82.5% and 98.93%, respectively. The area under the curve was 0.907 (0.887–0.925), and the screening test showed 96% accuracy. CONCLUSIONS: The screening test showed high diagnostic efficiency in determining the risk of language disorders in children aged between 0 and 5 years

    Risk Factors for Speech-Language Pathologies in Children

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    Risk factors are understood to encompass “aspects of individual behavior or lifestyle, environmental exposure, hereditary or congenital characteristics that are associated with a health related condition”. These are conditions that increase the chances of the child presenting speech-language disorders and that can be avoided, controlled, or treated. Risk is defined as the chance of a child exposed to certain factors (environmental or biological) to acquire or develop speech-language disorders. The objectives of the present study were: to identify the risk factors for speech-language disorders in children up to five years of age and to verify the relationship between risk factors and speech-language diagnostic hypotheses. The aspects of being male gender, prematurity, shyness, being an only child or youngest child, presenting deleterious oral habits, having a family history of speech-language disorders, and use of licit or illicit drugs during pregnancy seem to be the factors that should draw the attention of the health professionals in child development. Therefore, the monitoring of children who have these risk factors should be performed in order to promote the necessary stimulation and the construction of healthy environments

    Association between language and hearing disorders – risk identification

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify children at risk for hearing and/or language disorders and to investigate the association between these risks by conducting pre-validated hearing and language screenings. METHODS: The study was conducted during a polio vaccination campaign in August of 2013 in basic health units in western São Paulo. Parents of children between 2 and 5 years of age were asked to complete two screening tools: a hearing questionnaire (regarding hearing development) and a language production and comprehension scale (including the major language development milestones). The screening tools were administered by different researchers. We compared the risk of having language disorders among children at risk for hearing loss versus children not at risk, as well as the attributable risk and odds ratios. Chi-squared tests and logistic regression analyses were used. RESULTS: The study included 479 children with a mean age of three and one-half years, of whom 26.9% were identified as at risk for deficits in language production, 8.6% were at risk for deficits in language comprehension and 14% were at risk for hearing disorders. The children at risk for hearing disorders were twice as likely as those not at risk to exhibit language production and comprehension deficits. CONCLUSION: The results of this study highlight the importance of establishing and adopting low-cost procedures such as screenings to identify children at risk of developing language and/or hearing disorders in early childhood

    Speech-Language Pathology and Centers for Supporting the Family Health: concepts and references

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    Visando dar subsídios à análise do trabalho do fonoaudiólogo na Atenção Básica, mais especificamente nos Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF), este artigo realizou revisão da literatura sobre o tema abordado usando ferramentas de busca do Medline, SciELO e o LILACS, por intermédio da pesquisa avançada simultânea de base de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), da Bireme. Procurou-se resgatar um pouco da história da Fonoaudiologia no SUS e dar ênfase à importância da Estratégia de Saúde da Família relacionada ao serviço de Fonoaudiologia nos NASFs. A pesquisa realizada aponta que a atuação da Fonoaudiologia dentro do sistema de saúde é bastante extensa, perpassando diferentes níveis de assistência, o que requer o desenvolvimento de distintas tecnologias de trabalho em saúde. As ações desenvolvidas pelos NASFs exigem, necessariamente, a atuação de equipes interdisciplinares, implicadas em processos de trabalho transdisciplinar e na criação/invenção de dispositivos terapêuticos. A análise das experiências de atuação da Fonoaudiologia na Atenção Básica, na Saúde da Família e, mais recentemente, nos NASFs, merece ser acompanhada e avaliada de perto para que se possa avançar na produção e sistematização de práticas de cuidado à saúde que respondam às necessidades da população e que sejam capazes de enfrentar os graves efeitos dos distúrbios de linguagem, voz, motricidade oral e audição. Desta forma conclui-se que se faz necessário o monitoramento e sistematização dos limites e potencialidades deste modelo, visando seu aprimoramento e apropriação do mesmo, como estratégia de atenção integral, de inserção da Fonoaudiologia no SUS.In order to provide subsidies to the analysis of the speech-language and hearing pathologist work in Primary Care, specifically in the Nucleus of Support for Family Health (NASF), this study conducted a literature review on the subject using the search tools of Medline, SciELO and LILACS, through the simultaneous advanced database search of the Virtual Health Library - Bireme. The study briefly recovered the history of Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology on the Brazilian's national health system (Unified Health System - SUS), and emphasized the importance of the Family Health Strategy related to Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology services in the NASFs. The literature review indicates that the performance of Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology within the health system is quite extensive, spanning different levels of assistance, which requires the development of different technologies of health work. Actions developed by NASFs necessarily require the performance of interdisciplinary teams, involved in interdisciplinary work processes and in the creation/invention of therapeutic strategies. The analysis of Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology's experiences in Primary Health Care, in Family Health Care and, more recently, in NASFs, deserves to be closely monitored and evaluated, so the production and systematization of health care practices can advance to attend the population needs, and can be able to face the serious effects of language, voice, oral motor and hearing disorders. Thus, it is necessary to monitor and to systematize the limits and potentials of this model, aiming its improvement and ownership as a strategy for the integration of Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology in the SUS

    Information and Impression Regarding ASD Questionnaire Answered by Foreigners Living in Brazil

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    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) constitute a group of disorders characterized by changes present at early ages and manifesting in the areas of development of communication, behavior, and interpersonal relationship. Because ASD significantly affects communication and the social skills, all multicultural context needs to be better investigated. There is an urgent need to understand the impact of migratory process, bilingual environment exposure on the language development of children with ASD. The present study aims to present the results of 657 foreign residents in Brazil that answered an online questionnaire to know the consolidated information about ASD. Participants from 23 countries responded to the survey. Bolivia and Argentina were the countries with the highest number of participants. The present study found that 100% of the participants have heard of autism. About 80.6% of the sample had a family member with autism. The sociodemographic diversity identified in this study reflects the sociocultural diversity present in Brazil, besides reinforcing the importance of considering this population when thinking about strategies and behaviors directed at individuals with ASD

    The collective construction of a guide for caregivers of bedridden patients: experience report

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    Trata-se de estudo descritivo-exploratório de natureza qualitativa que adota como método de coleta de dados a observação-participante dos processos de cuidados à saúde realizados pelos cuidadores de pacientes acamados, pertencentes à área de abrangência de uma Equipe de Saúde da Família que atua em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS), localizada em São Paulo (SP). O objetivo deste estudo de caso foi o de relatar a construção do "Guia para cuidadores de pacientes acamados e/ou com restrição ao lar". Este guia foi elaborado a partir de uma parceria entre as Equipes de Saúde da Família (EqSF), fonoaudiólogos, e os cuidadores de pacientes usuários de uma UBS. O guia foi fundamentado pela construção de um saber comum, com o intuito de contribuir com a criação de redes colaborativas, que possam ser espaços de discussão e troca de saberes. Estas redes foram extremamente úteis na potencialização da capacidade dos cuidadores em identificar, precocemente, as situações que requerem intervenção. As redes também trabalharam com a valorização do papel do cuidador; seu saber quanto à forma de atuar nas atividades de vida diária; superação das limitações; demonstração de ações que visam o bem estar físico e psíquico do sujeito doente; ampliação da capacidade de apropriação dos processos de adoecimento, da autonomia e da co-responsabilidade no cuidado à saúde. Após a impressão do guia, o mesmo foi entregue as EqSF, aos profissionais de saúde e a comunidade. O feedback foi positivo e, sendo assim, conclui-se que o guia atingiu o objetivo proposto.This is a qualitative descriptive-exploratory study that adopts as data gathering method the participant observation of healthcare processes carried out by caregivers of bedridden patients from the coverage area of a Family Health Team of a Basic Health Unit (BHU) in São Paulo (SP), Brazil. The aim of this study was to report the construction of a guide for caregivers of bedridden patients and/or patients confined to the home. This guide was prepared based in a partnership among the Family Healthcare (FHT) and the speech-language pathologists and audiologists teams, and the caregivers of patients from the BHU. The guide was motivated by the construction of a common knowledge, with the aim to contribute with the creation of collaborative networks, apt to be places of discussion and exchange of knowledge, in order to optimize the ability of caregivers to early identify situations that require intervention. The networks also contributed to the valorization of caregivers' role; their knowledge on how to perform in daily living activities; overcoming of limitations; demonstration of actions aimed at the physical and mental well-being of the sick person; expansion of the capacity of ownership of processes of illnesses, autonomy and co-responsibility in healthcare. The guide was printed and delivered to FHT members, healthcare professionals and the community. The feedback was positive and, therefore, the guide was successful for the proposed objective.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Orientation to mothers of children of the autistic spectrum about language and communication

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    OBJETIVO: Verificar os resultados obtidos após a realização de dez sessões de orientação específica para mães de crianças do espectro autístico a respeito de comunicação e linguagem. MÉTODOS: Participaram 26 díades mãe-criança. As crianças eram pacientes de um serviço de Fonoaudiologia especializado em Distúrbios do Espectro Autístico. Foram realizadas cinco sessões de orientação e cinco de acompanhamento para pequenos grupos de mães, paralelamente à manutenção do processo de terapia fonoaudiológica das crianças. RESULTADOS: O foco direcionado à comunicação, possibilitou a identificação de elementos como a obtenção da atenção da criança, a iniciativa de comunicação ou de alguma atividade conjunta, a latência para a resposta e o uso de materiais ou brinquedos de interesse da criança como essenciais para o estabelecimento de interações bem sucedidas. A análise individualizada mostra que todos os sujeitos apresentaram progresso em pelo menos uma das áreas investigadas. CONCLUSÃO: Houve um impacto positivo do procedimento de orientações sistematizadas voltadas às questões de comunicação e linguagem, realizadas juntamente com o processo de terapia de linguagem das crianças (e não em substituição a ela). Embora as sessões de orientações tivessem roteiros de funcionamento e registro, elas permitiam ajustes às necessidades e demandas de cada grupoPURPOSE: To verify the results obtained by ten sessions of specific instruction about language and communication to mothers of children of the autistic spectrum. METHODS: Subjects were 26 mother-child dyads. The children attended language therapy in a specialized service. Five pre-planned instruction sessions and five accompanying sessions to small groups of mothers parallel to the children's language therapy were conducted. RESULTS: The focus directed to the child's communication allowed the identification of essential elements to the determination of successful interactive situation as joint attention, latency to answers and child's individual interests. The individualized analysis has shown that all subjects presented progress at least in one of the assessed areas. CONCLUSION: There was a positive impact of the systematic orientations to mothers about language and communication, conducted at the same time as language therapy (and not alternatively). The formal planning and recording were flexible enough to allow adjustments to group specific needs and demandsFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Computerized resources in language therapy with children of the autistic spectrum

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    TEMA: uso da tecnologia de informática na terapia de linguagem com crianças do espectro autístico. OBJETIVO: verificar a interferência do uso de computadores e programas específicos na terapia fonoaudiológica de crianças autistas em seu perfil comunicativo e desempenho sócio-cognitivo. MÉTODO: 23 crianças entre 3 e 12 anos foram filmadas individualmente, antes e depois de um bloco de dez sessões com o uso de jogos de informática, em situações regulares de terapia fonoaudiológica, brincando com diversos tipos de jogos, à sua escolha, com a terapeuta, totalizando duas filmagens de cada criança. RESULTADOS: as seguintes características foram descritas pelas terapeutas para as situações com o uso do computador: mais atento, mais iniciativas de comunicação, mais contato ocular, mais interativo, mais verbalizações, mais pedidos de informação e de ação. Foi possível identificar progressos qualitativos e quantitativos, embora sem significância estatística. Esses progressos foram observados num período de tempo mais curto do que o usualmente utilizado para esse tipo de comparação, e esse parece um resultado promissor. CONCLUSÃO: não foi possível realizar comparações ou associações mais controladas, pois os grupos estudados foram muito heterogêneos, o que dificulta conclusões mais consistentes. Ficou evidente que os sujeitos apresentaram reações diferentes à proposta de utilização dos recursos de informática durante a terapia fonoaudiológica.BACKGROUND: the use of computerized technology in language therapy with children of the autistic spectrum. AIM: to assess the interference of using computers and specific programs during language therapy in the functional communicative profile and socio-cognitive performance of children of the autistic spectrum. METHOD: 23 children with ages ranging between 3 and 12 years were individually video recorded prior to and after a set of 10 regular language therapy sessions (i.e. a total of two video samples per subject) using computerized games according to the child's choice. RESULTS: the following expressions were used by the therapists to describe the children's performance during the use of computers: more attentive, more communicative initiatives, more eye contact, more interactive, more verbalizations, more attention and more action requests. Qualitative and quantitative progresses were identified, although without statistical significance. Those progresses were observed after a time period that is smaller than the usually applied to this kind of comparison and it seems to be a promising result. CONCLUSION: more controlled associations and comparisons were not possible due to the groups' heterogeneity and therefore more consistent conclusions are not possible. It was clear that the subjects presented different reactions to the use of computerized resources during language therapy