3 research outputs found

    Evaluating of psychiatric behavior in obese children and adolescents

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    Abstract IntroductionObesity is a medical condition  that it may have a harmful effect on health, leading to increased illness and reduced life expectancy. This study is aimed to evaluate the relationship of psychiatry disorders in overweight and obese children and adolescents.MethodsIn this was case-control study, one hundred and sixty child and Adolescent were recruited. The sampling method of this study was non-probability and biased. Study instruments were SDQ, CDI, STAI, Peds QL. All questionnaires were self-administrating that was completed by subjects or their parents. Differences between groups were examined using t-test and chi-square tests as appropriate. ResultsThe results our study showed no significant different in scores of anxiety between two groups. But showed significant different in scores of depression, quality of life, and strength and difficult between two groups.  Also there was no significant difference in gender effect on anxiety and Depression. However, in Quality of life test showed that emotional symptoms were more in girl than boys. In contrast, the conduct problems were more in boys than girls. Anxiety and Depression was more in adolescents than childrenConcussion Our study showed obesity has a negative effect on the anxiety, depression, and self-esteem of children and adolescents. It can be suggested that obesity might be a more important risk factor for depression, anxiety, and other psychiatry disorders. This study also emphasizes the importance of prevention of obesity

    Depression and Anxiety in Iranian Mothers of Children with Epilepsy

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    How to Cite this Article: Soltanifar A, Ashrafzadeh F, Mohareri F, Mokhber N. Depression and Anxiety in Iranian Mothers ofChildren with Epilepsy. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology 2012;6(1):29-34. ObjectiveEpilepsy is a common neurological disorder in children. Parents with epileptic children have many psychosocial care needs. So the main goal of this study was to evaluate depression and anxiety in Iranian mothers with epileptic children.Materials & MethodsWe identified 30 mothers of children with epilepsy and 30 mothers of children without epilepsy with children aged between 8 and 12 years who met the study criteria. In all children with epilepsy, the mothers were the main caregivers and all these children lived in two-parent families. Children in the control group were in the same age. Ninety-eight percent of children in the control group lived in two-parent families with the mother as the main caregiver. All mothers fulfilled the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.ResultsAccording to these data, BDI scores were significantly higher in the mothers of epileptic children (mean of Beck score=16.5) compared to the control group (mean of Beck score=9.8). The total, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scores for mothers of children with epilepsy were 100.3, 51.7 and 48.6. However, these scores in the control group were 86.9, 45.1 and 41.8. These differences were statistically significant.In a second analysis, using the demographic data, we did not find any statistically significant relation between anxiety or depression and the mothers’ job, children’s medication and other demographic variables.ConclusionNeurologists and psychiatrists need to develop better programs for adequate management of psychiatric disorders in mothers with epileptic children. References 1. Cowan LD. The epidemiology of the epilepsies inchildren. 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    Evaluation of stress, anxiety and depression in parents of children with leukemia: brief report

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    Background: Cancer diagnosis is the biggest stress for the child and his family. Diagnosis and treatment of cancer in children can cause stress, which often has a negative effect on the health of parents. Psychological reactions such as anxiety, depression, denial and loss of confidence in parents observed that because of the fear of recurrence and future of children. This study aimed to determine the level of stress and anxiety and depression in parents of children with leukemia who were in the maintenance phase of treatment. Methods: This cross-sectional study has been conducted on 48 parents have referred to the clinic of Dr. Sheikh Hospital of Mashhad City, Iran, whom selected using easy sampling method. DASS-21 questionnaire was used for data collection. Another questionnaire containing demographic information such as age, sex, income, educational level and duration of illness was filled under supervision of the psychologist and pediatric physician. Data with SPSS software, ver. 20 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA), descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation analysis was performed. Results: The results showed that in this study, 37% had abnormal stress levels (33% and 2% of mild stress, moderate stress and severe stress 2%) and 79% had abnormal anxiety level (mild 19%, moderate 31% and severe 29%) and 67% had abnormal depression level (mild 33%, moderate depression 33%) tests, respectively. In our study, there was no relationship between age, sex and duration of illness with these variables. Conclusion: According to this study, in addition to the classic treatment of patients, parent’s mental performance should be paid attention