280 research outputs found

    Psychosocial factors associated with the self-reported frequency of cell phone use while driving in Iran

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    Cell phone use while driving is a common contributing factor in thousands of road traffic injuries every year globally. Despite extensive research investigating the risks associated with cell phone use while driving, social media campaigns to raise public awareness and a number of laws banning phone use while driving, this behaviour remains prevalent throughout the world. The current study was conducted in Iran, where road traffic injuries are the leading causes of death and disability, and where drivers continue to use their cell phones, despite legislative bans restricting this behaviour. A total of 255 drivers in the city of Mashhad (male = 66.3%; mean age = 30.73 years; SD = 9.89) completed either an online or a paper-based survey assessing the self-reported frequency of using a cell phone while driving. Psychosocial factors contributing to cell phone use while driving and support for legislation restricting this behaviour, as well as the Big Five personality traits, were also measured. Overall, the results showed that almost 93% of drivers use their cell phones while driving at least once a week, with 32.5% reporting they always use their cell phones while driving. Ordinal logistic regression revealed that the presence of a child passenger, age, perceived benefits and risks of using cell phones while driving, as well as the perceived ability to drive safely while using a cell phone, were strongly associated with the frequency of cell phone use while driving. As for personality traits—extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness significantly predicted the frequency of cell phone use in this sample of Iranian drivers

    Building robust prediction models for defective sensor data using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Predicting the health of components in complex dynamic systems such as an automobile poses numerous challenges. The primary aim of such predictive systems is to use the high-dimensional data acquired from different sensors and predict the state-of-health of a particular component, e.g., brake pad. The classical approach involves selecting a smaller set of relevant sensor signals using feature selection and using them to train a machine learning algorithm. However, this fails to address two prominent problems: (1) sensors are susceptible to failure when exposed to extreme conditions over a long periods of time; (2) sensors are electrical devices that can be affected by noise or electrical interference. Using the failed and noisy sensor signals as inputs largely reduce the prediction accuracy. To tackle this problem, it is advantageous to use the information from all sensor signals, so that the failure of one sensor can be compensated by another. In this work, we propose an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based framework to exploit the information from a large number of signals. Secondly, our framework introduces a data augmentation approach to perform accurate predictions in spite of noisy signals. The plausibility of our framework is validated on real life industrial application from Robert Bosch GmbH.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. Currently under review. This research has obtained funding from the Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership (ECSEL) Joint Undertaking, the framework programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) under grant agreement number 662189-MANTIS-2014-

    Molecular analysis of human endometrium: short-term tibolone signaling differs significantly from estrogen and estrogen + progestagen signaling

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    Tibolone, a tissue-selective compound with a combination of estrogenic, progestagenic, and androgenic properties, is used as an alternative for estrogen or estrogen plus progesterone hormone therapy for the treatment of symptoms associated with menopause and osteoporosis. The current study compares the endometrial gene expression profiles after short-term (21 days) treatment with tibolone to the profiles after treatment with estradiol-only (E2) and E2 + medroxyprogesterone acetate (E2 + MPA) in healthy postmenopausal women undergoing hysterectomy for endometrial prolapse. The impact of E2 treatment on endometrial gene expression (799 genes) was much higher than the effect of tibolone (173 genes) or E2 + MPA treatment (174 genes). Furthermore, endometrial gene expression profiles after tibolone treatment show a weak similarity to the profiles after E2 treatment (overlap 72 genes) and even less profile similarity to E2 + MPA treatment (overlap 17 genes). Interestingly, 95 tibolone-specific genes were identified. Translation of profile similarity into biological processes and pathways showed that ER-mediated downstream processes, such as cell cycle and cell proliferation, are not affected by E2 + MPA, slightly by tibolone, but are significantly affected by E2. In conclusion, tibolone treatment results in a tibolone-specific gene expression profile in the human endometrium, which shares only limited resemblance to E2 and even less resemblance to E2 + MPA induced profiles

    Bone morphogenetic proteins − 7 and − 2 in the treatment of delayed osseous union secondary to bacterial osteitis in a rat model

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    Background: Bone infections due to trauma and subsequent delayed or impaired fracture healing represent a great challenge in orthopedics and trauma surgery. The prevalence of such bacterial infection-related types of delayed non-union is high in complex fractures, particularly in open fractures with additional extensive soft-tissue damage. The aim of this study was to establish a rat model of delayed osseous union secondary to bacterial osteitis and investigate the impact of rhBMP-7 and rhBMP-2 on fracture healing in the situation of an ongoing infection. Methods: After randomization to four groups 72 Sprague-Dawley rats underwent a transverse fracture of the midshaft tibia stabilized by intramedullary titanium K-wires. Three groups received an intramedullary inoculation with Staphylococcus aureus (103 colony-forming units) before stabilization and the group without bacteria inoculation served as healing control. After 5 weeks, a second surgery was performed with irrigation of the medullary canal and local rhBMP-7 and rhBMP-2 treatment whereas control group and infected control group received sterile saline. After further 5 weeks rats were sacrificed and underwent biomechanical testing to assess the mechanical stability of the fractured bone. Additional micro-CT analysis, histological, and histomorphometric analysis were done to evaluate bone consolidation or delayed union, respectively, and to quantify callus formation and the mineralized area of the callus. Results: Biomechanical testing showed a significantly higher fracture torque in the non-infected control group and the infected rhBMP-7- and rhBMP-2 group compared with the infected control group (p < 0.001). RhBMP-7 and rhBMP-2 groups did not show statistically significant differences (p = 0.57). Histological findings supported improved bone-healing after rhBMP treatment but quantitative micro-CT and histomorphometric results still showed significantly more hypertrophic callus tissue in all three infected groups compared to the non-infected group. Results from a semiquantitative bone-healing-score revealed best bone-healing in the non-infected control group. The expected chronic infection was confirmed in all infected groups. Conclusions: In delayed bone healing secondary to infection rhBMP treatment promotes bone healing with no significant differences in the healing efficacy of rhBMP-2 and rhBMP-7 being noted. Further new therapeutic bone substitutes should be analyzed with the present rat model for delayed osseous union secondary to bacterial osteitis

    Проблема ада как компонент проблемы зла в христианской религиозно-философской парадигме

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    Целью данной работы выступает религиоведческое исследование темы получившей название проблема ада в ее философско-теологическом измерении. Соответственно цели автор ставит перед собой такие задания как: проследить становление традиционной концепции ада, выявить богословские и философские предпосылки формирования данного учения, провести религиоведческий и философский анализ альтернативных учений относительно загробного воздаяния

    Alteration in P-glycoprotein Functionality Affects Intrabrain Distribution of Quinidine More Than Brain Entry—A Study in Rats Subjected to Status Epilepticus by Kainate

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    This study aimed to investigate the use of quinidine microdialysis to study potential changes in brain P-glycoprotein functionality after induction of status epilepticus (SE) by kainate. Rats were infused with 10 or 20 mg/kg quinidine over 30 min or 4 h. Plasma, brain extracellular fluid (brain ECF), and end-of-experiment total brain concentrations of quinidine were determined during 7 h after the start of the infusion. Effect of pretreatment with tariquidar (15 mg/kg, administered 30 min before the start of the quinidine infusion) on the brain distribution of quinidine was assessed. This approach was repeated in kainate-treated rats. Quinidine kinetics were analyzed with population modeling (NONMEM). The quinidine microdialysis assay clearly revealed differences in brain distribution upon changes in P-glycoprotein functionality by pre-administration of tariquidar, which resulted in a 7.2-fold increase in brain ECF and a 40-fold increase in total brain quinidine concentration. After kainate treatment alone, however, no difference in quinidine transport across the blood–brain barrier was found, but kainate-treated rats tended to have a lower total brain concentration but a higher brain ECF concentration of quinidine than saline-treated rats. This study did not provide evidence for the hypothesis that P-glycoprotein function at the blood–brain barrier is altered at 1 week after SE induction, but rather suggests that P-glycoprotein function might be altered at the brain parenchymal level

    Myocardial tagging by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: evolution of techniques--pulse sequences, analysis algorithms, and applications

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    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) tagging has been established as an essential technique for measuring regional myocardial function. It allows quantification of local intramyocardial motion measures, e.g. strain and strain rate. The invention of CMR tagging came in the late eighties, where the technique allowed for the first time for visualizing transmural myocardial movement without having to implant physical markers. This new idea opened the door for a series of developments and improvements that continue up to the present time. Different tagging techniques are currently available that are more extensive, improved, and sophisticated than they were twenty years ago. Each of these techniques has different versions for improved resolution, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), scan time, anatomical coverage, three-dimensional capability, and image quality. The tagging techniques covered in this article can be broadly divided into two main categories: 1) Basic techniques, which include magnetization saturation, spatial modulation of magnetization (SPAMM), delay alternating with nutations for tailored excitation (DANTE), and complementary SPAMM (CSPAMM); and 2) Advanced techniques, which include harmonic phase (HARP), displacement encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE), and strain encoding (SENC). Although most of these techniques were developed by separate groups and evolved from different backgrounds, they are in fact closely related to each other, and they can be interpreted from more than one perspective. Some of these techniques even followed parallel paths of developments, as illustrated in the article. As each technique has its own advantages, some efforts have been made to combine different techniques together for improved image quality or composite information acquisition. In this review, different developments in pulse sequences and related image processing techniques are described along with the necessities that led to their invention, which makes this article easy to read and the covered techniques easy to follow. Major studies that applied CMR tagging for studying myocardial mechanics are also summarized. Finally, the current article includes a plethora of ideas and techniques with over 300 references that motivate the reader to think about the future of CMR tagging