62 research outputs found

    The role of eddies and topography in the export of shelf waters from the West Antarctic Peninsula shelf

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    Oceanic heat strongly influences the glaciers and ice shelves along West Antarctica. Prior studies show that the subsurface onshore heat flux from the Southern Ocean on the shelf occurs through deep, glacially carved channels. The mechanisms enabling the export of colder shelf waters to the open ocean, however, have not been determined. Here, we use ocean glider measurements collected near the mouth of Marguerite Trough (MT), west Antarctic Peninsula, to reveal shelf‐modified cold waters on the slope over a deep (2,700 m) offshore topographic bank. The shelf hydrographic sections show subsurface cold features (ξ <=1.5 °C), and associated potential vorticity fields suggest a significant instability‐driven eddy field. Output from a high‐resolution numerical model reveals offshore export modulated by small (6 km), cold‐cored, cyclonic eddies preferentially generated along the slope and at the mouth of MT. While baroclinic and barotropic instabilities appear active in the surrounding open ocean, the former is suppressed along the steep shelf slopes, while the latter appears enhanced. Altimetry and model output reveal the mean slope flow splitting to form an offshore branch over the bank, which eventually forms a large (116 km wide) persistent lee eddy, and an onshore branch in MT. The offshore flow forms a pathway for the small cold‐cored eddies to move offshore, where they contribute significantly to cooling over the bank, including the large lee eddy. These results suggest eddy fluxes, and topographically modulated flows are key mechanisms for shelf water export along this shelf, just as they are for the shoreward warm water transport

    Widespread increase in discharge from West Antarctic Peninsula glaciers since 2018

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    Many glaciers on the Antarctic Peninsula have retreated and accelerated in recent decades. Here we show that there has been a widespread, quasi-synchronous, and sustained increase in grounding line discharge from glaciers on the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula since 2018. Overall, the west Antarctic Peninsula discharge trends increased by over a factor of 3, from 50 Mt yr−2 during 2017 to 2020 up to 160 Mt yr−2 in the years following, leading to a 7.4 % increase in grounding line discharge since 2017. The acceleration in discharge was concentrated at glaciers connected to deep, cross-shelf troughs hosting warm-ocean waters, and the acceleration occurred during a period of anomalously high subsurface water temperatures on the continental shelf. Given that many of the affected glaciers have retreated over the past several decades in response to ocean warming, thereby highlighting their sensitivity to ocean forcing, we argue that the recent period of anomalously warm water was likely a key driver of the observed acceleration. However, the acceleration also occurred during a time of anomalously high atmospheric temperatures and glacier surface runoff, which could have contributed to speed-up by directly increasing basal water pressure and, by invigorating near-glacier ocean circulation, increasing submarine melt rates. The spatial pattern of glacier acceleration therefore provides an indication of glaciers that are exposed to warm-ocean water at depth and/or have active surface-to-bed hydrological connections; however, many stages in the chain of events leading to glacier acceleration, and how that response is affected by glacier-specific factors, remain insufficiently understood. Both atmospheric and ocean temperatures in this region and its surroundings are likely to increase further in the coming decades; therefore, there is a pressing need to improve our understanding of recent changes in Antarctic Peninsula glacier dynamics in response atmospheric and oceanic changes in order to improve projections of their behaviour over the coming century

    Heat Transport through Rough Channels

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    We investigate the two-dimensional transport of heat through viscous flow between two parallel rough interfaces with a given fractal geometry. The flow and heat transport equations are solved through direct numerical simulations, and for different conduction-convection conditions. Compared with the behavior of a channel with smooth interfaces, the results for the rough channel at low and moderate values of the Peclet number indicate that the effect of roughness is almost negligible on the efficiency of the heat transport system. This is explained here in terms of the Makarov's theorem, using the notion of active zone in Laplacian transport. At sufficiently high Peclet numbers, where convection becomes the dominant mechanism of heat transport, the role of the interface roughness is to generally increase both the heat flux across the wall as well as the active length of heat exchange, when compared with the smooth channel. Finally, we show that this last behavior is closely related with the presence of recirculation zones in the reentrant regions of the fractal geometry.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Scalar field in the Bianchi I: Non commutative classical and Quantum Cosmology

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    Using the ADM formalism in the minisuperspace, we obtain the commutative and noncommutative exact classical solutions and exact wave function to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation with an arbitrary factor ordering, for the anisotropic Bianchi type I cosmological model, coupled to a scalar field, cosmological term and barotropic perfect fluid. We introduce noncommutative scale factors, considering that all minisuperspace variables qi\rm q^i do not commute, so the symplectic structure was modified. In the classical regime, it is shown that the anisotropic parameter Îȱnc\rm \beta_{\pm nc} and the field ϕ\phi, for some value in the λeff\lambda_{eff} cosmological term and noncommutative Ξ\theta parameter, present a dynamical isotropization up to a critical cosmic time tct_{c}; after this time, the effects of isotropization in the noncommutative minisuperspace seems to disappear. In the quantum regimen, the probability density presents a new structure that corresponds to the value of the noncommutativity parameter.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, Acepted in IJT

    Elemental signatures of Australopithecus africanus teeth reveal seasonal dietary stress

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    Reconstructing the detailed dietary behaviour of extinct hominins is challenging1\u2014particularly for a species such as Australopithecus africanus, which has a highly variable dental morphology that suggests a broad diet2,3. The dietary responses of extinct hominins to seasonal fluctuations in food availability are poorly understood, and nursing behaviours even less so; most of the direct information currently available has been obtained from high-resolution trace-element geochemical analysis of Homo sapiens (both modern and fossil), Homo neanderthalensis4 and living apes5. Here we apply high-resolution trace-element analysis to two A.&nbsp;africanus specimens from Sterkfontein Member 4 (South Africa), dated to 2.6\u20132.1&nbsp;million years ago. Elemental signals indicate that A.&nbsp;africanus infants predominantly consumed breast milk for the first year after birth. A cyclical elemental pattern observed following the nursing sequence\u2014comparable to the seasonal dietary signal that is seen in contemporary wild primates and other mammals\u2014indicates irregular food availability. These results are supported by isotopic evidence for a geographical range that was dominated by nutritionally depauperate areas. Cyclical accumulation of lithium in A.&nbsp;africanus teeth also corroborates the idea that their range was characterized by fluctuating resources, and that they possessed physiological adaptations to this instability. This study provides insights into the dietary cycles and ecological behaviours of A.&nbsp;africanus in response to food availability, including the potential cyclical resurgence of milk intake during times of nutritional challenge (as observed in modern wild orangutans5). The geochemical findings for these teeth reinforce the unique place of A.&nbsp;africanus in the fossil record, and indicate dietary stress in specimens that date to shortly before the extinction of Australopithecus in South Africa about two million years ago

    Minimum mass of galaxies from BEC or scalar field dark matter

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    Many problems of cold dark matter models such as the cusp problem and the missing satellite problem can be alleviated, if galactic halo dark matter particles are ultra-light scalar particles and in Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), thanks to a characteristic length scale of the particles. We show that this finite length scale of the dark matter can also explain the recently observed common central mass of the Milky Way satellites (∌107M⊙\sim 10^7 M_\odot) independent of their luminosity, if the mass of the dark matter particle is about 10−22eV10^{-22} eV.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, accepted in JCA

    Quintessence and variation of the fine structure constant in the CMBR

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    We study dependence of the CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum on the value of the fine structure constant α\alpha and the equation of state of the dark energy component of the total density of the universe. We find that bounds imposed on the variation of α\alpha from the analysis of currently available CMB data sets can be significantly relaxed if one also allows for a change in the equation of state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Several references added and a few minor typos corrected in the revised versio

    CMB observations in LTB universes: Part I: Matching peak positions in the CMB spectrum

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    Acoustic peaks in the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background in spherically symmetric inhomogeneous cosmological models are studied. At the photon-baryon decoupling epoch, the universe may be assumed to be dominated by non-relativistic matter, and thus we may treat radiation as a test field in the universe filled with dust which is described by the Lema\^itre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) solution. First, we give an LTB model whose distance-redshift relation agrees with that of the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM model in the whole redshift domain and which is well approximated by the Einstein-de Sitter universe at and before decoupling. We determine the decoupling epoch in this LTB universe by Gamow's criterion and then calculate the positions of acoustic peaks. Thus obtained results are not consistent with the WMAP data. However, we find that one can fit the peak positions by appropriately modifying the LTB model, namely, by allowing the deviation of the distance-redshift relation from that of the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM model at z>2z>2 where no observational data are available at present. Thus there is still a possibility of explaining the apparent accelerated expansion of the universe by inhomogeneity without resorting to dark energy if we abandon the Copernican principle. Even if we do not take this extreme attitude, it also suggests that local, isotropic inhomogeneities around us may seriously affect the determination of the density contents of the universe unless the possible existence of such inhomogeneities is properly taken into account.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    About Bianchi I with VSL

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    In this paper we study how to attack, through different techniques, a perfect fluid Bianchi I model with variable G,c and Lambda, but taking into account the effects of a cc-variable into the curvature tensor. We study the model under the assumption,div(T)=0. These tactics are: Lie groups method (LM), imposing a particular symmetry, self-similarity (SS), matter collineations (MC) and kinematical self-similarity (KSS). We compare both tactics since they are quite similar (symmetry principles). We arrive to the conclusion that the LM is too restrictive and brings us to get only the flat FRW solution. The SS, MC and KSS approaches bring us to obtain all the quantities depending on \int c(t)dt. Therefore, in order to study their behavior we impose some physical restrictions like for example the condition q<0 (accelerating universe). In this way we find that cc is a growing time function and Lambda is a decreasing time function whose sing depends on the equation of state, w, while the exponents of the scale factor must satisfy the conditions ∑i=13αi=1\sum_{i=1}^{3}\alpha_{i}=1 and ∑i=13αi2<1,\sum_{i=1}^{3}\alpha_{i}^{2}<1, ∀ω\forall\omega, i.e. for all equation of state,, relaxing in this way the Kasner conditions. The behavior of GG depends on two parameters, the equation of state ω\omega and Ï”,\epsilon, a parameter that controls the behavior of c(t),c(t), therefore GG may be growing or decreasing.We also show that through the Lie method, there is no difference between to study the field equations under the assumption of a c−c-var affecting to the curvature tensor which the other one where it is not considered such effects.Nevertheless, it is essential to consider such effects in the cases studied under the SS, MC, and KSS hypotheses.Comment: 29 pages, Revtex4, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc
