64 research outputs found

    Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists suppress interleukin-6 expression by bone marrow stromal cells: an immunotoxicology study

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    BACKGROUND: Bone marrow stromal cells produce cytokines required for the normal growth and development of all eight hematopoietic cell lineages. Aberrant cytokine production by stromal cells contributes to blood cell dyscrasias. Consequently, factors that alter stromal cell cytokine production may significantly compromise the development of normal blood cells. We have shown that environmental chemicals, such as aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists, suppress B lymphopoiesis by modulating bone marrow stromal cell function. Here, we extend these studies to evaluate the potential for two prototypic AhR agonists, 7,12-dimethylbenz [a]anthracene (DMBA) and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), to alter stromal cell cytokine responses. METHODS: Bone marrow stromal cells were treated with AhR agonists and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to mimic innate inflammatory cytokine responses and to study the effects of AhR ligands on those responses. Steady state cytokine RNA levels were screened by RNAse protection assays (RPA) and quantified by real-time PCR. Cytokine (IL-6) protein production was measured by ELISA. NF-κB EMSAs were used to study IL-6 transcriptional regulation. RESULTS: RPAs indicated that AhR(+ )bone marrow stromal cells consistently up-regulated genes encoding IL-6 and LIF in response to LPS, presumably through activation of Toll-like receptor 4. Pre-treatment with low doses of DMBA or TCDD selectively abrogated IL-6 gene induction but had no effect on LIF mRNA. Real-time-PCR indicated a significant inhibition of IL-6 mRNA by AhR ligands within 1 hour of LPS challenge which was reflected in a profound down-regulation of IL-6 protein induction, with DMBA and TCDD suppressing IL-6 levels as much as 65% and 88%, respectively. This potent inhibitory effect persisted for at least 72 hours. EMSAs measuring NF-κB binding to IL-6 promoter sequences, an event known to induce IL-6 transcription, indicated a significant decrease in the LPS-mediated induction of DNA-binding RelA/p50 and c-Rel/p50 heterodimers in the presence of DMBA. CONCLUSIONS: Common environmental AhR agonists can suppress the response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide, a model for innate inflammatory responses, through down-regulation of IL-6, a cytokine critical to the growth of several hematopoietic cell subsets, including early B cells. This suppression occurs at least at the level of IL-6 gene transcription and may be regulated by NF-κB

    Stereo-Selectivity of Human Serum Albumin to Enantiomeric and Isoelectronic Pollutants Dissected by Spectroscopy, Calorimetry and Bioinformatics

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    1–naphthol (1N), 2–naphthol (2N) and 8–quinolinol (8H) are general water pollutants. 1N and 2N are the configurational enantiomers and 8H is isoelectronic to 1N and 2N. These pollutants when ingested are transported in the blood by proteins like human serum albumin (HSA). Binding of these pollutants to HSA has been explored to elucidate the specific selectivity of molecular recognition by this multiligand binding protein. The association constants (Kb) of these pollutants to HSA were moderate (104–105 M−1). The proximity of the ligands to HSA is also revealed by their average binding distance, r, which is estimated to be in the range of 4.39–5.37 nm. The binding free energy (ΔG) in each case remains effectively the same for each site because of enthalpy–entropy compensation (EEC). The difference observed between ΔCpexp and ΔCpcalc are suggested to be caused by binding–induced flexibility changes in the HSA. Efforts are also made to elaborate the differences observed in binding isotherms obtained through multiple approaches of calorimetry, spectroscopy and bioinformatics. We suggest that difference in dissociation constants of pollutants by calorimetry, spectroscopic and computational approaches could correspond to occurrence of different set of populations of pollutants having different molecular characteristics in ground state and excited state. Furthermore, our observation of enhanced binding of pollutants (2N and 8H) in the presence of hemin signifies that ligands like hemin may enhance the storage period of these pollutants in blood that may even facilitate the ill effects of these pollutants

    A systematic review of outcome and outcome-measure reporting in randomised trials evaluating surgical interventions for anterior-compartment vaginal prolapse: a call to action to develop a core outcome set

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    INTRODUCTION: We assessed outcome and outcome-measure reporting in randomised controlled trials evaluating surgical interventions for anterior-compartment vaginal prolapse and explored the relationships between outcome reporting quality with journal impact factor, year of publication, and methodological quality. METHODS: We searched the bibliographical databases from inception to October 2017. Two researchers independently selected studies and assessed study characteristics, methodological quality (Jadad criteria; range 1-5), and outcome reporting quality Management of Otitis Media with Effusion in Cleft Palate (MOMENT) criteria; range 1-6], and extracted relevant data. We used a multivariate linear regression to assess associations between outcome reporting quality and other variables. RESULTS: Eighty publications reporting data from 10,924 participants were included. Seventeen different surgical interventions were evaluated. One hundred different outcomes and 112 outcome measures were reported. Outcomes were inconsistently reported across trials; for example, 43 trials reported anatomical treatment success rates (12 outcome measures), 25 trials reported quality of life (15 outcome measures) and eight trials reported postoperative pain (seven outcome measures). Multivariate linear regression demonstrated a relationship between outcome reporting quality with methodological quality (β = 0.412; P = 0.018). No relationship was demonstrated between outcome reporting quality with impact factor (β = 0.078; P = 0.306), year of publication (β = 0.149; P = 0.295), study size (β = 0.008; P = 0.961) and commercial funding (β = -0.013; P = 0.918). CONCLUSIONS: Anterior-compartment vaginal prolapse trials report many different outcomes and outcome measures and often neglect to report important safety outcomes. Developing, disseminating and implementing a core outcome set will help address these issues

    Sex-Differences in the Pattern of Comorbidities, Functional Independence, and Mortality in Elderly Inpatients: Evidence from the RePoSI Register

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    Background: The RePoSi study has provided data on comorbidities, polypharmacy, and sex dimorphism in hospitalised elderly patients. Methods: We retrospectively analysed data collected from the 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 data sets of the RePoSi register. The aim of this study was to explore the sex-differences and to validate the multivariate model in the entire dataset with an expanded follow-up at 1 year. Results: Among 4714 patients, 51% were women and 49% were men. The disease distribution showed that diabetes, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, and malignancy were more frequent in men but that hypertension, anaemia, osteoarthritis, depression, and diverticulitis disease were more common in women. Severity and comorbidity indexes according to the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS-s and CIRS-c) were higher in men, while cognitive impairment, mood disorders, and disability in daily life measured by the Barthel Index (BI) were worse in women. In the multivariate analysis, BI, CIRS, and malignancy significantly increased the risk of death in men at the 1-year follow-up, while age was independently associated with mortality in women. Conclusions: Our study highlighted the relevance and the validity of our previous predictive model in the identification of sex dimorphism in hospitalised elderly patients underscoring the need of sex-personalised health-care

    Epidemiologic studies of modifiable factors associated with cognition and dementia: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Autonomic function and autoantibodies to autonomic nervous structures, glutamic acid decarboxylase and islet tyrosine phosphatase in adolescent patients with IDDM

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    Recent studies have linked autoimmunity to nervous tissue structures and diabetic autonomic neuropathy, but data on the early stage of IDDM and on the natural history of this association are not available. For this reason, we investigated autonomic nervous function, and the presence of autoantibodies to sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous structures, to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2/ICA512) in 85 adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) (mean age 14.7 +/- 1.6 yr, mean duration of diabetes 6.8 +/- 3.5 yr), and 45 age and sex-matched healthy subjects. Nervous tissues autoantibodies were detected using an indirect immunofluorescent complement-fixation technique, with monkey adrenal gland, rabbit cervical ganglia and vagus nerve as substrates. GAD and IA-2/ICA512 autoantibodies were detected by radioimmunoprecipitation assay. Seven patients (8%) had anti-vagus nerve autoantibodies, 7 other patients (8%) had anti-cervical ganglia autoantibodies, while all controls were negative (P < 0.05). Anti-adrenal medulla antibodies were detected in 16 patients (19%) and in 2 control subjects (P < 0.02). None of the patients had autonomic symptoms. When patients were divided according to the presence or absence of autoantibodies, values of the cardiovascular tests (deep breathing, 30:15 ratio, Valsalva ratio) were similar in the two groups and similar to those in healthy subjects. However, when considered together, patients positive for one or more autoantibody showed a trend for lower values of deep breathing test and 30:15 ratio test, compared with healthy control subjects, which failed to reach conventional significance values(P = 0.17 and P = 0.07, respectively). No correlation was found between cardiovascular parameters and metabolic control or diabetes duration. There was no association between autoimmunity to nervous tissue structures acid presence of GAD and IA-2/ICA512 Ab, and no correlation between these two autoantibodies and values of cardiovascular tests. Our data indicate that autonomic dysfunction is not a characteristic of young diabetic patients, but that autoantibodies against autonomic nervous structures are present during the first 1 to 15 yr of diabetes. GAD and tyrosine phosphatase appear to be excluded as target autoantigens within autonomic structures. Follow-up studies are required to evaluate future autonomic dysfunction and symptoms in these patients, and to establish whether the subtle autonomic dysfunction detected and/or the nervous tissue autoantibodies, are predictive of the development of this complication. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Comprehensive LRRK2 and GBA screening in Portuguese patients with Parkinson's disease: Identification of a new family with the LRRK2 p.Arg1441His mutation and novel missense variants

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    Mutations in the LRRK2 and GBA genes are increasingly recognized as frequent determinants of familial and sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD). However, for several populations, accurate data on the prevalence and types of mutations are not available, because previous studies have not investigated the complete coding regions of these genes in large samples. We studied 312 PD patients ascertained at a single centre in Lisbon, Portugal. In 61 patients, with familial PD, we sequenced the entire open reading frames and exon-intron boundaries of LRRK2 and GBA. In LRRK2, we identified ten heterozygous p.Gly2019Ser (16.4%), and two heterozygous p.Arg1441His carriers (3.3%); furthermore, six patients each carried a novel LRRK2 heterozygous variant (five coding and one 3'-UTR variants) of undetermined pathogenic role. Segregation of the p.Arg1441His mutatio This comprehensive study confirms that p.Gly2019Ser is the most important genetic cause of PD known so far in Portugal and supports the contention that p.Arg1441His is also a PD-causing mutation. These findings have relevance for the genetic testing and counseling of PD patients in this population. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved