18 research outputs found

    Dopaminergic modulation of appetitive trace conditioning: the role of D1 receptors in medial prefrontal cortex

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    Rationale: Trace conditioning may provide a behavioural model suitable to examine the maintenance of ‘on line’ information and its underlying neural substrates. Objectives: Experiment la was run to establish trace conditioning in a shortened procedure which would be suitable to test the effects of dopamine (DA) D1 receptor agents administered by microinjection directly into the brain. Experiment lb examined the effects of the DA D1 agonist SKF81297 and the DA D1 antagonist SCH23390 following systemic administration in pre-trained animals. Experiment 2 went on to test the effects of systemically administered SKF81297 on the acquisition of trace conditioning. In experiment 3, SKF81297 was administered directly in prelimbic (PL) and infralimbic (IL) sub-regions of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) to compare the role of different mPFC sub-regions. Results: Whilst treatment with SCH23390 impaired motor responding and/or motivation, SKF81297 had relatively little effect in the pre-trained animals tested in experiment 1b. However, systemic SKF81297 depressed the acquisition function at the 2-s trace interval in experiment 2. Similarly, in experiment 3, SKF81297 (0.1 μg in 1.0 μl) microinjected into either PL or IL mPFC impaired appetitive conditioning at the 2-s trace interval. Conclusions: Impaired trace conditioning under SKF81297 is likely to be mediated in part (but not exclusively) within the IL and PL mPFC sub-regions. The finding that trace conditioning was impaired rather than enhanced under SKF81297 provides further evidence for the inverse U-function which has been suggested to be characteristic of mPFC DA function

    Re-examination of the Controversial Coexistence of Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Misdiagnosis and Self-Report Measures

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    The coexistence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains a controversial issue in the literature. To address this controversy, we focused primarily on the civilian-related literature of TBI and PTSD. Some investigators have argued that individuals who had been rendered unconscious or suffered amnesia due to a TBI are unable to develop PTSD because they would be unable to consciously experience the symptoms of fear, helplessness, and horror associated with the development of PTSD. Other investigators have reported that individuals who sustain TBI, regardless of its severity, can develop PTSD even in the context of prolonged unconsciousness. A careful review of the methodologies employed in these studies reveals that investigators who relied on clinical interviews of TBI patients to diagnose PTSD found little or no evidence of PTSD. In contrast, investigators who relied on PTSD questionnaires to diagnose PTSD found considerable evidence of PTSD. Further analysis revealed that many of the TBI patients who were initially diagnosed with PTSD according to self-report questionnaires did not meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD upon completion of a clinical interview. In particular, patients with severe TBI were often misdiagnosed with PTSD. A number of investigators found that many of the severe TBI patients failed to follow the questionnaire instructions and erroneously endorsed PTSD symptoms because of their cognitive difficulties. Because PTSD questionnaires are not designed to discriminate between PTSD and TBI symptoms or determine whether a patient's responses are accurate or exaggerated, studies that rely on self-report questionnaires to evaluate PTSD in TBI patients are at risk of misdiagnosing PTSD. Further research should evaluate the degree to which misdiagnosis of PTSD occurs in individuals who have sustained mild TBI

    Getting the glycosylation right: Implications for the biotechnology industry

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    Glycosylation is the most extensive of all the posttranslational modifications, and has important functions in the secretion, antigenicity and clearance of glycoproteins. In recent years major advances have been made in the cloning of glycosyltransferase enzymes, in understanding the varied biological functions of carbohydrates, and in the accurate analysis of glycoprotein heterogeneity. In this review we discuss the impact of these advances on the choice of a recombinant host cell line, in optimizing cell culture processes, and in choosing the appropriate level of glycosylation analysis for each stage of product development

    Pathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets in systemic lupus erythematosus: from bench to bedside

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is considered an autoimmune disease with multiorgan involvement. Many advances have been made during the last decade regarding inflammatory pathways, genetic and epigenetic alterations, adaptive and innate immune system mechanisms specifically involved in SLE pathogenesis. Apoptosis has been proposed as an important player in SLE pathogenesis more than a decade ago. However, only recently new key apoptotic pathways have been investigated and the link between apoptotic debris containing autoantigens, innate immunity and ongoing inflammation has been further elucidated. Better understanding of cellular mechanisms and involved cytokines contributed to the development of new biological drugs specifically addressed for SLE therapy