23 research outputs found

    Abfrage- und Manipulationssprachen

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    International review of natural family planning

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    . Linear constraint databases (LCDBs) extend relational databases to include linear arithmetic constraints in both relations and queries. A LCDB can also be viewed as a powerful extension of linear programming (LP) where the system of constraints is generalized to a database containing constraints and the objective function is generalized to a relational query containing constraints. Our major concern is query optimization in LCDBs. Traditional database approaches are not adequate for combination with LP technology. Instead, we propose a new query optimization approach, based on statistical estimations and iterated trials of potentially better evaluation plans. The resulting algorithms are not only effective on LCDBs, but also applicable to existing query languages. A number of specific constraint algebra algorithms are also developed: select-project-join for two relations, constraint sortjoin and constraint multi-join. 1. Introduction Linear programming/linear constraints is a tech..

    Stability in a Persistent Store Based on a Large Virtual Memory

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    Persistent systems support mechanisms which allow programs to create and manipulate arbitrary data structures which outlive the execution of the program which created them. A persistent store supports mechanisms for the storage and retrieval of objects in a uniform manner regardless of their lifetime. Since all data of the system is in this repository it is important that it always be in a consistent state. This property is called integrity. The integrity of the persistent store depends in part on the store being resilient to failures. That is, when an error occurs the store can recover to a previously recorded consistent state. The mechanism for recording this state and performing recovery is called stability. This paper considers an implementation of a persistent store based on a large virtual memory and shows how stability is achieved. 1