14 research outputs found

    The importance of understanding annual and shorter-term temperature patterns and variation in the surface levels of polar soils for terrestrial biota

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    Ground temperatures in the top few centimetres of the soil profile are key in many biological processes yet remain very poorly documented, especially in the polar regions or over longer timescales. They can vary greatly seasonally and at various spatial scales across the often highly complex and heterogeneous polar landscapes. It is challenging and often impossible to extrapolate soil profile temperatures from meteorological air temperature records. Furthermore, despite the justifiably considerable profile given to contemporary large-scale climate change trends, with the exception of some sites on Greenland, few biological microclimate datasets exist that are of sufficient duration to allow robust linkage and comparison with these large-scale trends. However, it is also clear that the responses of the soil-associated biota of the polar regions to projected climate change cannot be adequately understood without improved knowledge of how landscape heterogeneity affects ground and sub-surface biological microclimates, and of descriptions of these microclimates and their patterns and trends at biologically relevant physical and temporal scales. To stimulate research and discussion in this field, we provide an overview of multi-annual temperature records from 20 High Arctic (Svalbard) and maritime Antarctic (Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc) sites. We highlight important features in the datasets that are likely to have influence on biology in polar terrestrial ecosystems, including (a) summer ground and sub-surface temperatures vary much more than air temperatures; (b) winter ground temperatures are generally uncoupled from air temperatures; (c) the ground thawing period may be considerably shorter than that of positive air temperatures; (d) ground and air freeze–thaw patterns differ seasonally between Arctic and Antarctic; (e) rates of ground temperature change are generally low; (f) accumulated thermal sum in the ground usually greatly exceeds air cumulative degree days. The primary purpose of this article is to highlight the utility and biological relevance of such data, and to this end the full datasets are provided here to enable further analyses by the research community, and incorporation in future wider comparative studies

    Adaptations to the Arctic: low-temperature development and cold tolerance in the free-living stages of a parasitic nematode from Svalbard

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    For nematodes with a direct life cycle, transmission is highly dependent on temperature-related development and survival of the free-living stages. Therefore, in the Arctic, where the winter lasts from October to May, nematode transmission is expected to be focused in the short summer season, yet there is strong evidence that as well as focussing egg output during winter months, the nematode parasite, Marshallagia marshalli, infects Svalbard reindeer during the Arctic winter when temperatures are persistently below freezing. To investigate the potential for development and survival of eggs and infective third-stage larvae in winter and therefore the possibility of for winter transmission, we ran a series of low-temperature laboratory experiments. These provide five key insights into the transmission and survival of the free-living stages of M. marshalli: (1) eggs hatched at temperatures as low as 2 degrees C, but not below 0 degrees C, (2) eggs were viable and developed after being exposed to sub-zero temperatures for up to 28 months, (3) infective-stage larvae survived for up to 80 days at 5 degrees C, (4) infective-stage larvae could survive rapid exposure to temperatures below -30 degrees C, and (5) desiccation resistance may be important for long-term larval survival at low temperatures. Together, these results indicate that eggs deposited during the winter are highly tolerant of prevailing environmental conditions and have the potential for rapid development with the onset of spring. It is therefore likely that the parasite remains in the egg stage in the faeces during the winter of deposition, hatch and develop into the infective larval stage in the summer, remaining viable on the tundra until the reindeer host returns to the winter feeding grounds the following winter

    Deforestation Impacts on Bat Functional Diversity in Tropical Landscapes

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    <div><p>Functional diversity is the variability in the functional roles carried out by species within ecosystems. Changes in the environment can affect this component of biodiversity and can, in turn, affect different processes, including some ecosystem services. This study aimed to determine the effect of forest loss on species richness, abundance and functional diversity of Neotropical bats. To this end, we identified six landscapes with increasing loss of forest cover in the Huasteca region of the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. We captured bats in each landscape using mist nets, and calculated functional diversity indices (functional richness and functional evenness) along with species richness and abundance. We analyzed these measures in terms of percent forest cover. We captured 906 bats (Phyllostomidae and Mormoopidae), including 10 genera and 12 species. Species richness, abundance and functional richness per night are positively related with forest cover. Generalized linear models show that species richness, abundance and functional richness per night are significantly related with forest cover, while seasonality had an effect on abundance and functional richness. Neither forest cover nor season had a significant effect on functional evenness. All these findings were consistent across three spatial scales (1, 3 and 5 km radius around sampling sites). The decrease in species, abundance and functional richness of bats with forest loss may have implications for the ecological processes they carry out such as seed dispersal, pollination and insect predation, among others.</p></div