19 research outputs found

    Marine mammals and Good Environmental Status: Science, Policy and Society; Challenges and Opportunities

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    The Marine Strategy Framework Directive has become the key instrument for marine conservation in European seas. We review its implementation, focusing on cetacean biodiversity, using the examples of Spain and the Regional Seas Convention, OSPAR. The MSFD has been widely criticised for legal vagueness, lack of coordination, uncertainty about funding, and poor governance; its future role within EU Integrated Maritime Policy remains unclear. Nevertheless, the first stages of the process have run broadly to schedule: current status, environmental objectives and indicators have been described and the design of monitoring programmes is in progress, drawing on experience with other environmental legislation. The MSFD is now entering its critical phase, with lack of funding for monitoring, limited scope for management interventions, and uncertainty about how conservation objectives will be reconciled with the needs of other marine and maritime sectors, being among the main concerns. Clarity in governance, about the roles of the EU, Member States, Regional Seas Conventions and stakeholders, is needed to ensure success. However, even if (as seems likely) good environmental status cannot be achieved by 2020, significant steps will have been taken to place environmental sustainability centre-stage in the development of Integrated Maritime Policy for EU seas.Postprin

    The Role of Canine Distemper Virus and Persistent Organic Pollutants in Mortality Patterns of Caspian Seals (Pusa caspica)

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    Persistent organic pollutants are a concern for species occupying high trophic levels since they can cause immunosuppression and impair reproduction. Mass mortalities due to canine distemper virus (CDV) occurred in Caspian seals (Pusa caspica), in spring of 1997, 2000 and 2001, but the potential role of organochlorine exposure in these epizootics remains undetermined. Here we integrate Caspian seal mortality data spanning 1971-2008, with data on age, body condition, pathology and blubber organochlorine concentration for carcases stranded between 1997 and 2002. We test the hypothesis that summed PCB and DDT concentrations contributed to CDV associated mortality during epizootics. We show that age is the primary factor explaining variation in blubber organochlorine concentrations, and that organochlorine burden, age, sex, and body condition do not account for CDV infection status (positive/negative) of animals dying in epizootics. Most animals (57%, n = 67) had PCB concentrations below proposed thresholds for toxic effects in marine mammals (17 μg/g lipid weight), and only 3 of 67 animals had predicted TEQ values exceeding levels seen to be associated with immune suppression in harbour seals (200 pg/g lipid weight). Mean organonchlorine levels were higher in CDV-negative animals indicating that organochlorines did not contribute significantly to CDV mortality in epizootics. Mortality monitoring in Azerbaijan 1971-2008 revealed bi-annual stranding peaks in late spring, following the annual moult and during autumn migrations northwards. Mortality peaks comparable to epizootic years were also recorded in the 1970s-1980s, consistent with previous undocumented CDV outbreaks. Gompertz growth curves show that Caspian seals achieve an asymptotic standard body length of 126-129 cm (n = 111). Males may continue to grow slowly throughout life. Mortality during epizootics may exceed the potential biological removal level (PBR) for the population, but the low frequency of epizootics suggest they are of secondary importance compared to anthropogenic sources of mortality such as fishing by-catch

    Neuronal nitric oxide synthase is indispensable for the cardiac adaptive effects of exercise

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    RATIONALE: Exercise results in beneficial adaptations of the heart that can be directly observed at the ventricular myocyte level. However, the molecular mechanism(s) responsible for these adaptations are not well understood. Interestingly, signaling via neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS1) within myocytes results in similar effects as exercise. OBJECTIVE: Thus, the objective was to define the role NOS1 plays in the exercise-induced beneficial contractile effects in myocytes. METHODS AND RESULTS: After an 8 week aerobic interval training program, exercise-trained (Ex) mice had higher VO(2max) and cardiac hypertrophy compared to sedentary (Sed) mice. Ventricular myocytes from Ex mice had increased NOS1 expression and nitric oxide production compared to myocytes from Sed mice. Remarkably, acute NOS1 inhibition normalized the enhanced contraction (shortening and Ca(2+) transients) in Ex myocytes to Sed levels. The NOS1 effect on contraction was mediated via greater Ca(2+)cycling that resulted from increased phospholamban phosphorylation. Intriguingly, a similar aerobic interval training program on NOS1 knockout mice failed to produce any beneficial cardiac adaptations (VO(2max), hypertrophy, and contraction). CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that the beneficial cardiac adaptations observed after exercise training were mediated via enhanced NOS1 signaling. Therefore, it is likely that beneficial effects of exercise may be mimicked by the interventions that increase NOS1 signaling. This pathway may provide a potential novel therapeutic target in cardiac patients who are unable or unwilling to exercise