447 research outputs found

    Correlation of Palatal Rugoscopy with Gender, Palatal Vault Height and ABO Blood Groups in Three Different Indian Populations

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    Background: Palatal rugae (PR) are asymmetrical irregular elevations, recorded during maxillary cast fabrication , that can be used for identification purpose if previous comparative sources are available.Aim: This study investigated uniqueness of PR patterns in relation to gender, palatal vault forms, and ABO blood groups in three (North-East [N-E], Northern and Western) populations of India.Subjects and Methods: The study was conducted on randomly selected 90 students, 30 from each sub population.Design . The palatal vault was recorded as Types I, II, and III. The maxillary casts were analyzed for each subject. The blood group of each subject was also recorded. Pearsonfs correlation coefficient tests were performed on cross.tabulations to evaluate significant relationship among different variables.Results: The PR number was more among females with an insignificant correlation among gender and mean rugae size on both sides. Types I and II hard palate vaults were seen associated with straight forwardlydirected PR pattern, while Type III with curved forwardly directed PR. On the right side, straight rugae shape was most common type. On the left side, straight rugae shape was most common in Northern population while in N-E and Western populations curved rugae was the dominating type. A highly significant correlation was found between ABO blood groups and different PR patterns.Conclusions: PR possesses unique characteristics and can be used along with palatal vault forms as well as ABO blood groups for racial and individualistic soft tissue oral print in forensic cases.Keywords: Blood groups, Forensics, Palat

    Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern in Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) are major public health problems and knowledge of microbes that cause infections are helpful to determine proper antibiotic therapy.Aims: The aim was to investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of microbes in DFIs.Subjects and Methods: A cross.sectional study was conducted for a period of 6 months at the Department of General Surgery, KMC hospital, Manipal University, Manipal, India. During this period, 108 patients having DFIs admitted in the general surgery wards were tracked from the hospital data management system. These patientsf pus samples were examined as Gram.stained smear and cultured aerobically on blood agar and MacConkey agar plates. Antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed by disc diffusion techniques according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines.Results: Of the 108 specimens of the diabetic foot lesions, culture showed polymicrobial growth in 44.4% (48/108). Prevalence of Gram-negativeorganisms (56%, 84/150) was found to be more than Gram.positive organisms (44%, 66/150). However, Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequent pathogen (28%, 42/150). All Gram-positive aerobes were sensitive to doxycycline. All Gram-negative isolates, including extended spectrum beta lactamase producing strains of Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiellaoxytoca except Acinetobacter were highly sensitive to amikacin, cefoperazone/sulbactam, and meropenem. Acinetobacter was completely resistant to all the common antibiotics tested.Conclusion: Prevalence showed Gram-negative bacteria was slightly more than Gram-positive bacteria in diabetic foot ulcers. This study recommends doxycycline should be empirical treatment of choice for Gram-positive isolates and amikacin, cefoperazone/sulbactam, and meropenem should be considered for most of the Gram.negatives aerobes.Keywords: Antibiotic resistance, Antimicrobial susceptibility, Diabetic foot infection, Diabetic foot ulcer, Multidrug-resistant organis

    Dynamics of magnetic modulation of ferrofluid droplets for digital microfluidic applications

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    Active control of droplet generation in a microfluidic platform attracts interest for development of digital microfluidic devices ranging from biosensors to micro-reactors to point-of-care diagnostic devices. The present paper characterizes, through an unsteady three-dimensional Volume of Fluid (VOF) simulation, the active control of ferrofluid droplet generation in a microfluidic T-junction in presence of a non-uniform magnetic field created by an external magnetic dipole. Two distinctly different positions of the dipole were considered – one upstream of the junction and one downstream. While keeping the ferrofluid flow rate fixed, a parametric variation of the continuous phase capillary number, dipole strength, and dipole position was carried out. Differences in the flow behaviour in terms of dripping or jetting and the droplet characteristics in terms of droplet formation time period and droplet size were studied. The existence of a threshold dipole strength, below which the magnetic force was not able to influence the flow behaviour, was identified. It was also observed that, for dipoles placed upstream of the junction, droplet formation was suppressed at some higher dipole strengths, and this value was found to increase with increasing capillary number. Droplet time period was also found to increase with increasing dipole strength, along with droplet size, i.e. an increase in droplet volume


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    To achieve the goal of safe and sustainable food, the only realistic option now-a-days lies with the introduction of a low input farming system concept i.e. organic and integrated agriculture. Keeping in view the present scenario, a study was undertaken in Satyapole village, Haringhata block of Nadia district, West Bengal on integrated nutrient management in potatoes during rabi 2018 and 2019. The efficacy of different composts, in terms of their quality, easiness of preparation along with yield and economic attributes were accessed for the high nutrient loving crop, potato. The experiment was planned out in randomized block design (RBD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. High yield with a marginal difference was found among all the treatments with integrated management. But, the treatment with 50% of recommended inorganic fertilizer dose (recommended dose N:P: K @ 200:150:150 kg/ha, 1/3 N, full P and 1/3 K as basal; 1st and 2nd top dressing with 1/3 N and 1/3 K) and vermicompost @ 5 ton/ha showed the best result. According to the B: C ratio composting with NOVCOM showed the best result whereas, in terms of the bio-degradation process with respect to its end-product quality, easiness of procedure, and cost, compost made through waste decomposer and NOVCOM has better results in comparison with vermicompost

    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand descriptions of Kerr-Newman black holes

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    Generalized Painleve-Gullstrand metrics are explicitly constructed for the Kerr-Newman family of charged rotating black holes. These descriptions are free of all coordinate singularities; moreover, unlike the Doran and other proposed metrics, an extra tunable function is introduced to ensure all variables in the metrics remain real for all values of the mass M, charge Q, angular momentum aM, and cosmological constant \Lambda > - 3/(a^2). To describe fermions in Kerr-Newman spacetimes, the stronger requirement of non-singular vierbein one-forms at the horizon(s) is imposed and coordinate singularities are eliminated by local Lorentz boosts. Other known vierbein fields of Kerr-Newman black holes are analysed and discussed; and it is revealed that some of these descriptions are actually not related by physical Lorentz transformations to the original Kerr-Newman expression in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates - which is the reason complex components appear (for certain ranges of the radial coordinate) in these metrics. As an application of our constructions the correct effective Hawking temperature for Kerr black holes is derived with the method of Parikh and Wilczek.Comment: 5 pages; extended to include application to derivation of Hawking radiation for Kerr black holes with Parikh-Wilczek metho

    Concomitant pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculous appendicitis in a recipient of a renal transplant: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Tuberculosis is still a serious infection among recipients of renal transplants. Although the ileocecal region is the most affected part in intestinal tuberculosis, acute tuberculous appendicitis is quite a rare entity. We report a case of concomitant pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculous appendicitis in a recipient of a renal transplant.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 27-year-old Iranian woman, who had been the recipient of a renal transplant five years earlier, presented with a two-week history of coughing, fever and weight loss. The cause of her end-stage renal disease was chronic pyelonephritis. There were fine crackles noted during a chest examination, and a plain chest radiography showed fine miliary nodules throughout her entire lung fields. Sputum and bronchial aspirate examination was positive for acid-fast bacilli, suggestive of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>infection. A chest computed tomography scan revealed widespread miliary nodules, compatible with miliary tuberculosis. She developed severe abdominal pain and abdominal surgery disclosed a perforated appendicitis. Histopathological examination of the resected appendix revealed widespread caseating epithelioid granulomas, suggestive of tuberculosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our case report highlights a rare presentation of tuberculosis in a patient who has undergone renal transplant. Such unusual presentation of tuberculosis, particularly among patients receiving potent immunosuppressive protocols, should be considered by clinicians.</p

    Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance in natural Leishmania populations vary with genetic background

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    The evolution of drug-resistance in pathogens is a major global health threat. Elucidating the molecular basis of pathogen drug-resistance has been the focus of many studies but rarely is it known whether a drug-resistance mechanism identified is universal for the studied pathogen; it has seldom been clarified whether drug-resistance mechanisms vary with the pathogen's genotype. Nevertheless this is of critical importance in gaining an understanding of the complexity of this global threat and in underpinning epidemiological surveillance of pathogen drug resistance in the field. This study aimed to assess the molecular and phenotypic heterogeneity that emerges in natural parasite populations under drug treatment pressure. We studied lines of the protozoan parasite Leishmania (L.) donovani with differential susceptibility to antimonial drugs; the lines being derived from clinical isolates belonging to two distinct genetic populations that circulate in the leishmaniasis endemic region of Nepal. Parasite pathways known to be affected by antimonial drugs were characterised on five experimental levels in the lines of the two populations. Characterisation of DNA sequence, gene expression, protein expression and thiol levels revealed a number of molecular features that mark antimonial-resistant parasites in only one of the two populations studied. A final series of in vitro stress phenotyping experiments confirmed this heterogeneity amongst drug-resistant parasites from the two populations. These data provide evidence that the molecular changes associated with antimonial-resistance in natural Leishmania populations depend on the genetic background of the Leishmania population, which has resulted in a divergent set of resistance markers in the Leishmania populations. This heterogeneity of parasite adaptations provides severe challenges for the control of drug resistance in the field and the design of molecular surveillance tools for widespread applicability

    Gingival Fibroblasts Display Reduced Adhesion and Spreading on Extracellular Matrix: A Possible Basis for Scarless Tissue Repair?

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    Unlike skin, oral gingiva do not scar in response to injury. The basis of this difference is likely to be revealed by comparing the responses of dermal and gingival fibroblasts to fibrogenic stimuli. Previously, we showed that, compared to dermal fibroblasts, gingival fibroblasts are less responsive to the potent pro-fibrotic cytokine TGFΞ², due to a reduced production of endothelin-1 (ET-1). In this report, we show that, compared to dermal fibroblasts, human gingival fibroblasts show reduced expression of pro-adhesive mRNAs and proteins including integrins Ξ±2 and Ξ±4 and focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Consistent with these observations, gingival fibroblasts are less able to adhere to and spread on both fibronectin and type I collagen. Moreover, the enhanced production of ET-1 mRNA and protein in dermal fibroblasts is reduced by the FAK/src inhibitor PP2. Given our previous observations suggesting that fibrotic fibroblasts display elevated adhesive properties, our data suggest that scarring potential may be based, at least in part, on differences in adhesive properties among fibroblasts resident in connective tissue. Controlling adhesive properties may be of benefit in controlling scarring in response to tissue injury

    Serum immunoglobulin G, M and A response to Cryptosporidium parvum in Cryptosporidium-HIV co-infected patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Cryptosporidium parvum</it>, the protozoan parasite, causes a significant enteric disease in immunocompromised hosts such as HIV patients. The present study was aimed to compare serum IgG, IgM and IgA responses to crude soluble antigen of <it>C. parvum </it>in HIV seropositive and seronegative patients co-infected with <it>Cryptosporidium </it>and to correlate the responses with symptomatology.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>Cryptosporidium parvum </it>specific serum antibody (IgG, IgM and IgA) responses were assessed by ELISA in 11 HIV seropositive <it>Cryptosporidium </it>positive (Group I), 20 HIV seropositive <it>Cryptosporidium </it>negative (Group II), 10 HIV seronegative <it>Cryptosporidium </it>positive (Group III), 20 HIV seronegative <it>Cryptosporidium </it>negative healthy individuals (Group IV) and 25 patients with other parasitic diseases (Group V).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A positive IgG and IgA antibody response was observed in significantly higher number of <it>Cryptosporidium </it>infected individuals (Gp I and III) compared to <it>Cryptosporidium </it>un-infected individuals (Gp II, IV and V) irrespective of HIV/immune status. Sensitivity of IgG ELISA in our study was found to be higher as compared to IgM and IgA ELISA. The number of patients with positive IgG, IgM and IgA response was not significantly different in HIV seropositive <it>Cryptosporidium </it>positive patients with diarrhoea when compared to patients without diarrhoea and in patients with CD4 counts <200 when compared to patients with CD4 counts >200 cells/ΞΌl.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The study showed specific serum IgG and IgA production in patients infected with <it>Cryptosporidium</it>, both HIV seropositive and seronegative as compared to uninfected subjects suggesting induction of <it>Cryptosporidium </it>specific humoral immune response in infected subjects. However, there was no difference in number of patients with positive response in HIV seropositive or seronegative groups indicating that HIV status may not be playing significant role in modulation of <it>Cryptosporidium </it>specific antibody responses. The number of patients with positive IgG, IgM and IgA response was not significantly different in patients with or without history of diarrhoea thereby indicating that <it>Cryptosporidium </it>specific antibody responses may not be necessarily associated with protection from symptomatology.</p

    The Effect of p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Activation on Inflammatory Liver Damage following Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats

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    Hemorrhagic shock is a frequent cause of liver failure and often leads to a fatal outcome. Several studies have revealed that p38 MAPK is a key mediator in hemorrhagic damage of the primary organs through the activation of proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Ξ± and interleukin (IL)-1Ξ². However, the precise role of these factors in liver damage following hemorrhagic shock is unclear. In this study, we used FR167653, a specific inhibitor of p38 MAPK phosphorylation, to examine the role of p38 MAPK in liver damage occurring up to 5 hours after a hemorrhagic episode in a rat model. Activation of p38 MAPK in the liver as well as an increase in hepatic mRNA expression and serum concentrations of TNF-Ξ± and IL-1Ξ² occurred during the early phase after hemorrhage. Increased serum levels of hepatic enzymes, as well as histological damage and activated neutrophil accumulation in the liver, were observed in the late phase following hemorrhagic shock. FR167653 inhibited the inflammation-related hepatic injury following hemorrhagic shock. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) derived from the gut appeared to have little effects on the hepatic damage. These results demonstrate that p38 MAPK activation is induced by hepatic ischemia during hemorrhagic shock and plays an important role both in the hepatic expression of proinflammatory cytokines and in the development of inflammation-related liver damage
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