131 research outputs found

    A liver fibrosis cocktail? Psoriasis, methotrexate and genetic hemochromatosis

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    BACKGROUND: Pathologists are often faced with the dilemma of whether to recommend continuation of methotrexate therapy for psoriasis within the context of an existing pro-fibrogenic risk factor, in this instance, patients with genetic hemochromatosis. CASE PRESENTATIONS: We describe our experience with two male psoriatic patients (A and B) on long term methotrexate therapy (cumulative dose A = 1.56 gms and B = 7.88 gms) with hetero- (A) and homozygous (B) genetic hemochromatosis. These patients liver function were monitored with routine biochemical profiling; apart from mild perivenular fibrosis in one patient (B), significant liver fibrosis was not identified in either patient with multiple interval percutaneous liver biopsies; in the latter instance this patient (B) had an additional risk factor of partiality to alcohol. CONCLUSION: We conclude that methotrexate therapy is relatively safe in patients with genetic hemochromatosis, with no other risk factor, but caution that the risk of fibrosis be monitored, preferably by non-invasive techniques, or by liver biopsy

    Thermodynamics of mixing in diopside-jadeite, CaMgSi2O6-NaAlSi2O6, solid solution from staticlattice energy calculations

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    Static lattice energy calculations (SLEC), based on empirical interatomic potentials, have beenperformed for a set of 800 different structures in a 2 2 4 supercell of C2/c diopside with compositionsbetween diopside and jadeite, and with different states of order of the exchangeable Na/Ca and Mg/Al cations. Excess static energies of these structures have been cluster expanded in a basis set of 37 pair-interaction parameters. These parameters have been used to constrain Monte Carlo simulations of temperature-dependent properties in the range of 273?2,023 K and to calculate a temperature?composition phase diagram. The simulations predict the order?disorder transition in omphacite at1,150 20C in good agreement with the experimental data of Carpenter (Mineral Petrol 78:433?440, 1981). The stronger ordering of Mg/Al within the M1 site than of Ca/Na in the M2 site is attributed to the shorter M1?M1 nearest-neighbor distance, and, consequently, the stronger ordering force. The comparison of the simulated relationship between the order parameters corresponding to M1 and M2 sites with the X-ray refinement data on natural omphacites (Boffa Ballaran et al. in Am Mineral83:419?433, 1998) suggests that the cation ordering becomes kinetically ineffective at about 600C

    Understanding and Integrating Local Perceptions of Trees and Forests into Incentives for Sustainable Landscape Management

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    We examine five forested landscapes in Africa (Cameroon, Madagascar, and Tanzania) and Asia (Indonesia and Laos) at different stages of landscape change. In all five areas, forest cover (outside of protected areas) continues to decrease despite local people’s recognition of the importance of forest products and services. After forest conversion, agroforestry systems and fallows provide multiple functions and valued products, and retain significant biodiversity. But there are indications that such land use is transitory, with gradual simplification and loss of complex agroforests and fallows as land use becomes increasingly individualistic and profit driven. In Indonesia and Tanzania, farmers favor monocultures (rubber and oil palm, and sugarcane, respectively) for their high financial returns, with these systems replacing existing complex agroforests. In the study sites in Madagascar and Laos, investments in agroforests and new crops remain rare, despite government attempts to eradicate swidden systems and their multifunctional fallows. We discuss approaches to assessing local values related to landscape cover and associated goods and services. We highlight discrepancies between individual and collective responses in characterizing land use tendencies, and discuss the effects of accessibility on land management. We conclude that a combination of social, economic, and spatially explicit assessment methods is necessary to inform land use planning. Furthermore, any efforts to modify current trends will require clear incentives, such as through carbon finance. We speculate on the nature of such incentive schemes and the possibility of rewarding the provision of ecosystem services at a landscape scale and in a socially equitable manner

    Variation in LPA Is Associated with Lp(a) Levels in Three Populations from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

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    The distribution of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] levels can differ dramatically across diverse racial/ethnic populations. The extent to which genetic variation in LPA can explain these differences is not fully understood. To explore this, 19 LPA tagSNPs were genotyped in 7,159 participants from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). NHANES III is a diverse population-based survey with DNA samples linked to hundreds of quantitative traits, including serum Lp(a). Tests of association between LPA variants and transformed Lp(a) levels were performed across the three different NHANES subpopulations (non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, and Mexican Americans). At a significance threshold of p<0.0001, 15 of the 19 SNPs tested were strongly associated with Lp(a) levels in at least one subpopulation, six in at least two subpopulations, and none in all three subpopulations. In non-Hispanic whites, three variants were associated with Lp(a) levels, including previously known rs6919246 (p = 1.18×10−30). Additionally, 12 and 6 variants had significant associations in non-Hispanic blacks and Mexican Americans, respectively. The additive effects of these associated alleles explained up to 11% of the variance observed for Lp(a) levels in the different racial/ethnic populations. The findings reported here replicate previous candidate gene and genome-wide association studies for Lp(a) levels in European-descent populations and extend these findings to other populations. While we demonstrate that LPA is an important contributor to Lp(a) levels regardless of race/ethnicity, the lack of generalization of associations across all subpopulations suggests that specific LPA variants may be contributing to the observed Lp(a) between-population variance

    Assessment of endogenous fibrinolysis in clinical using novel tests - Ready for clinical roll-out?

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    © The Author(s) 2021. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.The occurrence of thrombotic complications, which can result in excess mortality and morbidity, represent an imbalance between the pro-thrombotic and fibrinolytic equilibrium.The mainstay treatment of these complications involves the use of antithrombotic agents but despite advances in pharmacotherapy, there remains a significant proportion of patients who continue to remain at risk.Endogenous fibrinolysis is a physiological counter-measure against lasting thrombosis and may be measured using several techniques to identify higher risk patients who may benefit from more aggressive pharmacotherapy. However, the assessment of the fibrinolytic systemis not yet accepted into routine clinical practice.In this review, we will revisit the different methods of assessing endogenous fibrinolysis (factorial assays, turbidimetric lysis assays, viscoelastic and the global thrombosis tests), including the strengths, limitations, correlation to clinical outcomes of each method and howwe might integrate the assessment of endogenous fibrinolysis into clinical practice in the future.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Reducing the health disparities of Indigenous Australians: time to change focus

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    Background: Indigenous peoples have worse health than non-Indigenous, are over-represented amongst the poor and disadvantaged, have lower life expectancies, and success in improving disparities is limited. To address this, research usually focuses on disadvantaged and marginalised groups, offering only partial understanding of influences underpinning slow progress. Critical analysis is also required of those with the power to perpetuate or improve health inequities. In this paper, using Australia as a case example, we explore the effects of ‘White’, Anglo-Australian cultural dominance in health service delivery to Indigenous Australians. We address the issue using race as an organising principle, underpinned by relations of power.Methods: Interviews with non-Indigenous medical practitioners in Western Australia with extensive experience in Indigenous health encouraged reflection and articulation of their insights into factors promoting or impeding quality health care to Indigenous Australians. Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed. An inductive, exploratory analysis identified key themes that were reviewed and interrogated in light of existing literature on health care to Indigenous people, race and disadvantage. The researchers’ past experience, knowledge and understanding of health care and Indigenous health assisted with data interpretation. Informal discussions were also held with colleagues working professionally in Indigenous policy, practice and community settings.Results: Racism emerged as a key issue, leading us to more deeply interrogate the role ‘Whiteness’ plays in Indigenous health care. While Whiteness can refer to skin colour, it also represents a racialized social structure where Indigenous knowledge, beliefs and values are subjugated to the dominant western biomedical model in policy and practice. Racism towards Indigenous patients in health services was institutional and interpersonal. Internalised racism was manifest when Indigenous patients incorporated racist attitudes and beliefs into their lived experience, lowering expectations and their sense of self-worth.Conclusions: Current health policies and practices favour standardised care where the voice of those who are marginalised is often absent. Examining the effectiveness of such models in reducing health disparities requires health providers to critically reflect on whether policies and practices promote or compromise Indigenous health and wellbeing - an important step in changing the discourse that places Indigenous people at the centre of the problem

    Definitions and pathophysiology of vasoplegic shock.

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    Vasoplegia is the syndrome of pathological low systemic vascular resistance, the dominant clinical feature of which is reduced blood pressure in the presence of a normal or raised cardiac output. The vasoplegic syndrome is encountered in many clinical scenarios, including septic shock, post-cardiac bypass and after surgery, burns and trauma, but despite this, uniform clinical definitions are lacking, which renders translational research in this area challenging. We discuss the role of vasoplegia in these contexts and the criteria that are used to describe it are discussed. Intrinsic processes which may drive vasoplegia, such as nitric oxide, prostanoids, endothelin-1, hydrogen sulphide and reactive oxygen species production, are reviewed and potential for therapeutic intervention explored. Extrinsic drivers, including those mediated by glucocorticoid, catecholamine and vasopressin responsiveness of the blood vessels, are also discussed. The optimum balance between maintaining adequate systemic vascular resistance against the potentially deleterious effects of treatment with catecholamines is as yet unclear, but development of novel vasoactive agents may facilitate greater understanding of the role of the differing pathways in the development of vasoplegia. In turn, this may provide insights into the best way to care for patients with this common, multifactorial condition