12,739 research outputs found

    Exploration of the Neuronal Subtype Specificity of an Ethanol Responsive Gene: Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta (Gsk3b)

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    Exploration of the Neuronal Subtype Specificity of an Ethanol Responsive Gene: Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta (Gsk3b) Dalton Huey, Depts. of Bioinformatics, Biology & Chemistry, A. van der Vaart, G. M. Harris, and M. F. Miles, with Dr. Sarah Golding, Dept. of Biology Previous work done in our laboratory revealed that Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta (Gsk3b) functions as a hub gene in a network of genes regulated by acute ethanol in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) across a mouse genetic panel. Adult mice treated with acute ethanol showed increased phosphorylation of GSK3B on the Ser9 residue in prefrontal cortex. Subsequent viral-mediated overexpression of Gsk3bin mouse mPFC caused an increase in ethanol consumption and pharmacological inhibition of GSK3B decreased ethanol consumption. However, it is unknown what neuron subtypes are driving this change in behavior. Here, we provide evidence that deletion of Gsk3bin Camk2a+ glutamatergic neurons of the mPFC results in a decrease in ethanol consumption in both continuous and intermittent access drinking paradigms. Furthermore, we have recently designed and validated a plasmid for Cre-dependent overexpression of Gsk3b, along with a Cre-dependent reporter as a control. These plasmids are planned for use in conjunction with different Cre drivers for viral-mediated expression in any cell type. Dissection of the neural circuitry of this ethanol responsive pathway can lead to a better assessment of Gsk3bas a potential target for the treatment of alcohol use disorders. Work supported by grants R01A027581 and P50AA022537 to MFM.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1313/thumbnail.jp

    Idiopathic Radiation Recall Dermatitis Developing Nine Months after Cessation of Cisplatin Therapy in Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tonsil

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    To report on a suspected case of idiopathic radiation recall dermatitis in an individual nine months after radiation and chemotherapy treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the right tonsil. Radiation recall dermatitis is the development of a reaction in a previously irradiated area of skin after the administration of an aggravating medication. A review of the literature revealed several cases of radiation recall dermatitis that occur following radiation therapy and the institution of chemotherapy. Other medications have also been implicated in radiation recall dermatitis; however, this patient has not started any new medications since completion of his combined therapy. The patient developed this skin reaction in a distribution pattern identical to the area that received the highest radiation dose suggesting a possible link between radiation recall dermatitis and radiation dose. Radiation recall dermatitis is a reaction that is typically seen shortly after the reinstitution of chemotherapy during radiation therapy. This case illustrates that other medical etiologies are possible and suggests a relationship between radiation recall dermatitis and the total radiation dose an area receives

    Achalasia: unusual cause of chronic cough in children

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    Achalasia is a rare motility disorder of the esophagus which results from lack of enervation of the lower esophageal sphincter muscles and leads to dilatation of proximal esophagus. Patients with achalasia presents typically with dysphagia, vomiting of undigested food and failure to thrive. Cough can be present in achalasia patients due to aspiration of food or due to airway compression by the dilated esophagus. We report two cases of achalasia presenting primarily with prolonged cough. Diagnosis of achalasia in both cases was delayed due to this atypical presentation. This highlights the importance of recognizing achalasia as a potential cause of chronic cough in order to avoid delayed diagnosis and mismanagement

    Effects of Art Intervention on Pediatric Anxiety and Pain in the Medical Setting

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    Introduction: Hospitalization and illness can be a painful and stressful time for a child. There may be anxiety over procedures and inpatient stays disrupt normal routines. Previous research found that for pre-school aged children, having parents around, having the help of the hospital staff, and playing an active role in alleviating their fears were the most helpful in reducing anxiety. Another study found that visual creative expressions can be meaningful experiences for young adult cancer survivors. Additionally, there is abundant literature on formal art therapy and its favorable effects on children in the hospital, however, there are fewer studies investigating less standardized “art intervention” in the same population. The purpose of our project was to assess whether art intervention reduces anxiety and pain in inpatient and outpatient pediatric patients.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/comphp_gallery/1224/thumbnail.jp

    Flora of Richmond National Battlefield Park, Virginia

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    An inventory of the vascular flora of nine of eleven units of Richmond National Battlefield Park was compiled from 1985 to 1987. Each site was visited during the growing season in two to four week intervals; plant species were identified and recorded in the field and/or collected for later study. A total of 761 different species were identified in the surveyed units, and 2487 individual records of species per particular park unit were noted. Twenty-three percent of the flora consists of exotic species, largely from Eurasia. Voucher specimens are housed in the herbaria of the University of Richmond and Virginia Commonwealth University


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    ABSTRACTRhodnius ecuadoriensis (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) is an important vector of both Trypanosoma hemoflagellates, Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli, in Ecuador and Peru. Ecotopes of sylvatic and domestic/peridomestic habitats have been reported in Ecuador. Meanwhile in Peru, to the best of our knowledge, findings of sylvatic populations in their different ecosystem regions have not yet been documented. Could this be the product of a lack of appropriate studies on wild populations of triatominae in Peruvian environments? In order to elucidate this topic, we take advantage of new insights in geometric morphometry as a tool to help differentiate between wild populations and the corresponding domestic/peridomestic ones, collected in their respective environments. When analyzing our results, we confirmed the efficacy of this technique in our study, and furthermore, we believe that it could be a proper tool for rangeliosis and Chagas disease vector control surveillance in Ecuador and Peru.Keywords: Morphometric geometry, sylvatic, domestic/peridomiestic populations distinction, Rhodnius ecuadoriensis. RESUMENRhodnius ecuadoriensis (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) es un importante vector de los tripanosomas Trypanosoma cruzi y Trypanosoma rangeli en el Ecuador y Perú. Se han reportado ecotopos de hábitats silvestres y domésticos/peridomésticos en Ecuador. Sin embargo, en Perú, hasta donde sabemos, no se ha documentado hallazgos de dichas poblaciones silvestres. ¿Podría este ser el caso de una falta de estudios focalizados en la búsqueda de poblaciones silvestres de triatominos dentro de los diferentes ecosistemas del Perú? Para elucidar este tema, aplicamos nuevas perspectivas en morfometría geométrica, como una herramienta que podría auxiliar en la diferenciación de poblaciones silvestres de aquellas domésticas/peridomésticas, colectadas en sus respectivos ambientes naturales. Al analizar nuestros resultados, se confirmó la utilidad de esta técnica dentro de nuestro estudio, y esto nos llevó a creer asimismo que serviría como un elemento apropiado en el control vectorial de la enfermedad de Chagas y de la rangeliosis, en Ecuador y Perú.Palabras claves: Geometría morfométrica, silvestre, diferenciación de poblaciones domesticas/peridomesticas, Rhodnius ecuadoriensis

    Racism and anti-racism in Europe: a critical analysis of concepts and frameworks

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    The targets and expressions of racism vary across Europe. This article discusses the relevance of different descriptions and analyses of racism despite the different terms used in different countries such as ‘ethnic minority’, ‘foreigner’ or ‘black’ and different interpretations of which differences matter. It shows the significance of a cross-national European perspective on racism. There are important convergences across European countries in the discourses and practices of racism, particularly the distinction between ‘useful’ and ‘abusive’ migrants. A cross-European perspective can be an important inspiration for anti-racist struggles