10 research outputs found
Levels of Two Earthy and Musty Odor Compounds, 2-Methylisoborneol and Geosmin, in Wastewater and Concentration Variations during Treatment
We determined the concentrations of 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB) and geosmin in final effluent from wastewater treatment plants in Kyoto City, Japan, investigating variations during treatment. The concentrations of 2-MIB and geosmin in final effluent were 5.1-29.8 and 3.9-13.9 ng/L, respectively. Geosmin concentrations in primary effluent were higher than those in influent. The concentration of 2-MIB increased in the reactors, while that of geosmin decreased. The anaerobic-anoxic-oxic and step-feed biological nitrogen removal processes lowered 2-MIB and geosmin concentrations more than did the anaerobic-oxic activated sludge process. Other factors regulating the concentrations of earthy and musty odor compounds may include activated sludge flowing from the secondary settling tank, changes in total nitrogen removal efficiency, anaerobic conditions in reactors or secondary settling tanks, and deterioration of activated sludge, including by formation of a scum layer
雑誌掲載版症例1:62歳男.主訴は胸痛.胸部中部食道に隆起性病変を認め,生検で低分化型扁平上皮癌と診断.右開胸開腹胸部食道全摘,胃管を用いた胸骨後経路による頸部食道胃吻合術を施行した.病理組織検査で"いわゆる癌肉腫"と診断された. 症例2:54歳男.主訴は嚥下困難.胸部上部食道に隆起性病変を認め,生検で低分化型扁平上皮癌と診断,右開胸開腹胸部食道全摘,胃管を用いた胸骨前経路による頸部食道胃吻合術を施行した.病理組織検査で真性癌肉腫と診断され