2,806 research outputs found

    Discovery of a transient radiation belt at Saturn

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    Radiation belts have been detected in situ at five planets. Only at Earth however has any variability in their intensity been heretofore observed, in indirect response to solar eruptions and high altitude nuclear explosions. The Cassini spacecraft's MIMI/LEMMS instrument has now detected systematic radiation belt variability elsewhere. We report three sudden increases in energetic ion intensity around Saturn, in the vicinity of the moons Dione and Tethys, each lasting for several weeks, in response to interplanetary events caused by solar eruptions. However, the intensifications, which could create temporary satellite atmospheres at the aforementioned moons, were sharply restricted outside the orbit of Tethys. Unlike Earth, Saturn has almost unchanging inner ion radiation belts: due to Saturn's near-symmetrical magnetic field, Tethys and Dione inhibit inward radial transport of energetic ions, shielding the planet's main, inner radiation belt from solar wind influences

    Simulation-based reachability analysis for nonlinear systems using componentwise contraction properties

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    A shortcoming of existing reachability approaches for nonlinear systems is the poor scalability with the number of continuous state variables. To mitigate this problem we present a simulation-based approach where we first sample a number of trajectories of the system and next establish bounds on the convergence or divergence between the samples and neighboring trajectories. We compute these bounds using contraction theory and reduce the conservatism by partitioning the state vector into several components and analyzing contraction properties separately in each direction. Among other benefits this allows us to analyze the effect of constant but uncertain parameters by treating them as state variables and partitioning them into a separate direction. We next present a numerical procedure to search for weighted norms that yield a prescribed contraction rate, which can be incorporated in the reachability algorithm to adjust the weights to minimize the growth of the reachable set

    Nature of magnetism in thiol-capped gold nanoparticles investigated with Muon spin rotation

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    © 2018 Author(s). Muon spin rotation/relaxation measurements show clear evidence for magnetism in 2.2 nm gold nanoparticles capped with butanethiol. At low temperatures (1.8 K), there is significant spin relaxation which decreases as a function of both the applied longitudinal magnetic field and increasing temperature. The results indicate that there are spatially inhomogeneous electronic moments that fluctuate with a wide distribution of correlation times. Possible explanations are discussed

    Medical students who decompress during the M-1 year outperform those who fail and repeat it: A study of M-1 students at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign 1988–2000

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    BACKGROUND: All medical schools must counsel poor-performing students, address their problems and assist them in developing into competent physicians. The objective of this study was to determine whether students with academic deficiencies in their M-1 year graduate more often, spend less time to complete the curriculum, and need fewer attempts at passing USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 by entering the Decompressed Program prior to failure of the M-1 year than those students who fail the M-1 year and then repeat it. METHOD: The authors reviewed the performance of M-1 students in the Decompressed Program and compared their outcomes to M-1 students who failed and fully repeated the M-1 year. To compare the groups upon admission, t-Tests comparing the Cognitive Index of students and MCAT scores from both groups were performed. Performance of the two groups after matriculation was also analyzed. RESULTS: Decompressed students were 2.1 times more likely to graduate. Decompressed students were 2.5 times more likely to pass USMLE Step 1 on the first attempt than the repeat students. In addition, 46% of those in the decompressed group completed the program in five years compared to 18% of the repeat group. CONCLUSION: Medical students who decompress their M-1 year prior to M-1 year failure outperform those who fail their first year and then repeat it. These findings indicate the need for careful monitoring of M-1 student performance and early intervention and counseling of struggling students

    Dawn‐Dusk Asymmetry in Energetic (>20 keV) Particles Adjacent to Saturn's Magnetopause

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    Energetic particles (>∼25 keV) have been observed routinely in the terrestrial magnetosheath, but have not been well studied at the magnetosheaths of the outer planets. Here we analyze energetic electrons and ions (mostly protons) in the vicinity (±1 RS) of Saturn's magnetopause, using particle data acquired with the low‐energy magnetosphere measurements system, one of the three sensors of the magnetosphere imaging instrument on board the Cassini spacecraft, during a period of ∼14 years (2004–2017). It is found that energetic particles, especially ions, are also common in Saturn's magnetosheath. A clear inward (toward Saturn) gradient in the electron differential flux is identified, suggestive of magnetospheric sources. Such an inward gradient does not appear in some of the ion channels. We conclude that Saturn's magnetopause acts as a porous barrier for energetic electrons and, to a lesser extent, for energetic ions. A dawn‐dusk asymmetry in the gradient of particle flux across the magnetopause is also identified, with a gradual decrease at the dawn and a sharp decrease at the dusk magnetopause. It is also found that magnetic reconnection enhanced flux levels just outside of the magnetopause, with evidence suggesting that these particles are from magnetospheric sources. These findings strongly suggest that Saturn's magnetosphere is most likely the main source of energetic particles in Saturn's magnetosheath and magnetosphere leakage is an important process responsible for the presence of the energetic particles in Saturn's magnetosheath

    Shedding Light Onto the Nature of Iron Decorated Graphene and Graphite Oxide Nanohybrids for CO₂ Conversion at Atmospheric Pressure

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    We report on the design and testing of new graphite and graphene oxide‐based extended π‐conjugated synthetic scaffolds for applications in sustainable chemistry transformations. Nanoparticle‐functionalised carbonaceous catalysts for new Fischer Tropsch and Reverse GasWater Shift (RGWS) transformations were prepared: functional graphene oxides emerged from graphite powders via an adapted Hummer's method and subsequently impregnated with uniform‐sized nanoparticles. Then the resulting nanomaterials were imaged by TEM, SEM, EDX, AFM and characterised by IR, XPS and Raman spectroscopies prior to incorporation of Pd(II) promoters and further microscopic and spectroscopic analysis. Newly synthesised 2D and 3D layered nanostructures incorporating carbon‐supported iron oxide nanoparticulate pre‐catalysts were tested, upon hydrogen reduction in situ, for the conversion of CO2 to CO as well as for the selective formation of CH4 and longer chain hydrocarbons. The reduction reaction was also carried out and the catalytic species isolated and fully characterised. The catalytic activity of a graphene oxide‐supported iron oxide pre‐catalyst converted CO2 into hydrocarbons at different temperatures (305, 335, 370 and 405 °C), and its activity compared well with that of the analogues supported on graphite oxide, the 3‐dimensional material precursor to the graphene oxide. Investigation into the use of graphene oxide as a framework for catalysis showed that it has promising activity with respect to reverse gas water shift (RWGS) reaction of CO2 to CO, even at the low levels of catalyst used and under the rather mild conditions employed at atmospheric pressure. Whilst the γ‐Fe2O3 decorated graphene oxide‐based pre‐catalyst displays fairly constant activity up to 405 °C, it was found by GC‐MS analysis to be unstable with respect to decomposition at higher temperatures. The addition of palladium as a promoter increased the activity of the iron functionalised graphite oxide in the RWGS. The activity of graphene oxide supported catalysts was found to be enhanced with respect to that of iron‐functionalised graphite oxide with, or without palladium as a promoter, and comparable to that of Fe@carbon nanotube‐based systems tested under analogous conditions. These results display a significant step forward for the catalytic activity estimations for the iron functionalised and rapidly processable and scalable graphene oxide. The hereby investigated phenomena are of particular relevance for the understanding of the intimate surface morphologies and the potential role of non‐covalent interactions in the iron oxide‐graphene oxide networks, which could inform the design of nano‐materials with performance in future sustainable catalysis applications

    Multi-Timescale Perceptual History Resolves Visual Ambiguity

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    When visual input is inconclusive, does previous experience aid the visual system in attaining an accurate perceptual interpretation? Prolonged viewing of a visually ambiguous stimulus causes perception to alternate between conflicting interpretations. When viewed intermittently, however, ambiguous stimuli tend to evoke the same percept on many consecutive presentations. This perceptual stabilization has been suggested to reflect persistence of the most recent percept throughout the blank that separates two presentations. Here we show that the memory trace that causes stabilization reflects not just the latest percept, but perception during a much longer period. That is, the choice between competing percepts at stimulus reappearance is determined by an elaborate history of prior perception. Specifically, we demonstrate a seconds-long influence of the latest percept, as well as a more persistent influence based on the relative proportion of dominance during a preceding period of at least one minute. In case short-term perceptual history and long-term perceptual history are opposed (because perception has recently switched after prolonged stabilization), the long-term influence recovers after the effect of the latest percept has worn off, indicating independence between time scales. We accommodate these results by adding two positive adaptation terms, one with a short time constant and one with a long time constant, to a standard model of perceptual switching

    A Rotating Azimuthally Distributed Auroral Current System on Saturn Revealed by the Cassini Spacecraft

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    Stunning aurorae are mainly produced when accelerated electrons travel along magnetic field lines to collide with the atmosphere. The motion of electrons often corresponds to the evolution of a magnetic field-aligned current system. In the terrestrial magnetosphere, the current system is formed at the night-side sector, and thus produces an auroral bulge at night. Due to the different energy sources between Saturn and the Earth, it is expected that their auroral current systems are fundamentally different, although the specific auroral driver at Saturn is poorly understood. Using simultaneous measurements of the aurora, particles, magnetic fields, and energetic neutral atoms, we reveal that a chain of paired currents, each of which includes a downward and an upward current branch, is formed in Saturn's magnetosphere, which generates separated auroral patches. These findings inform similar auroral current structures between the Earth and Saturn, while the difference is that Saturn's unique mass and energy sources lead to a rotational characteristic