306 research outputs found

    The Gashatan (late Paleocene) mammal fauna from Subeng, Inner Mongolia, China

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    The Paleocene–Eocene boundary is of particular importance for the evolution of mammals and the poorly known Asian mammal faunas from this period have received much attention. The late Paleocene Subeng site in Inner Mongolia (China) has come under study only recently, and here we present the first complete description of its mammal fauna. Two new species are described, the neoplagiaulacid multituberculate Mesodmops tenuis sp. nov. and the praolestine nyctitheriid Bumbanius ningi sp. nov., representing stratigraphic range extensions of the respective genera into the Paleocene. Previ− ously unknown parts of the dentition are described here for the eurymylid Eomylus bayanulanensis, the sarcodontid Hyracolestes ermineus, the cimolestid Tsaganius ambiguus, the carpolestid Subengius mengi, as well as the femur of the mesonychid Dissacus serratus. For most taxa, the new specimens from Subeng provide new phylogenetic and/or biostratigraphic information. We confirm the inclusion of Hyracolestes in the Sarcodontinae and elevate this group to the rank of family, the Sarcodontidae, separate from Micropternodontidae. In the case of Subengius mengi an updated cladistic analysis of carpolestids supports the hypothesis that Subengius is derived from an evolved Elphidotarsius−like ancestor in the early to middle Tiffanian of North America. A total of 17 species is identified, including well−known biostratigraphic markers for the late Paleocene Gashatan Asian Land Mammal Age such as Lambdopsalis bulla, Prionessus sp., Palaeostylops iturus, Pseudictops lophiodon, Tribosphenomys minutus, and Dissacus serratus.We pro− pose that the Gashatan faunas are less endemic than previously thought, and result from a significant exchange with North American faunas from the late Paleocene

    Integrated assessment of the buried wreck site of the Dutch East Indiaman <i>'t Vliegent Hart</i>

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    Op 3 februari 1735 verging het VOC-schip t Vliegent Hart vlak voor de kust van Zeeland. De resultaten van diverse duikcampagnes en akoestisch onderzoek (side-scan sonar, multibeam, seismiek) van het begraven wrak van deze Nederlandse Oost-Indiëvaarder tonen duidelijk aan dat de wraksite onderhevig is aan snelle veranderingen in sedimentatie en erosie. Verder onderzoek van de wrakresten op de zeebodem, en mogelijk ook begraven, moet uiteindelijk toelaten om een compleet inzicht te krijgen in dit unieke 18de-eeuwse wrak
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