11 research outputs found

    The nutritive value of Valjevac grassland - Zasavica reservation

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    Valjevac pasture of Zasavica reservation with its area of 300 ha presents a significant area for grazing cattle. In order to evaluate its potential for livestock production, the botanical and chemical composition of hay in three different time periods was observed (spring, summer and autumn). The determined plants species confirmed the richness of Zasavica grasslands, as well as the presence of dry, moist and forest habitat plants. The analyzed plants mostly belong to the Poaceae, Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Plantaginaceae families. Chemical analysis determined that the protein content decreased (P<0.01) from April (17.22±0.40 %) to October (10.30±0.16 %), and cellulose content increased (P<0.01) (from 19.07±0.38 % in April to 21.65±0.41 % in October). The calculated energy density of hay samples ranged from 0.425 Starch Units (SU) in October, 0.443 SU in April to 0.448 SU in June. The Valjevac pasture with its numerous plant species is of great importance in upkeeping biodiversity and also presents a solid base for livestock production. The determined levels of manganese and copper point out to the need of copper supplementation especially during the late summer and autumn periods. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46002

    Menadžment i kontrola programa suzbijanja i eradikacije klasične kuge svinja u Srbiji

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    Classical swine fever (CSF) has been present in Serbia for a long period of time as an endemic disease, and it occurs with lesser or greater intensity from year to year. Since it is a highly contagious disease of domestic and wild pigs, the outbreaks of the disease causes severe consequences for animal welfare, livestock production and economic losses to the national economies in countries where it occurs. Therefore, CSF has a great epizootiological and economic importance to the swine production, primarily because of trade restrictions for live pigs and pork products. CSF eradication and control programmes are generally based on vaccination strategies in countries with endemic occurrence of CSF or non-vaccination policies in countries which successfully eradicated or are free of CSF. Whatever the general eradication strategy is in place, in the case of an outbreak of CSF the stamping-out method is used for suppression and eradication of the disease, with strict implementation of specific veterinary-sanitary measures in the infected and surveillance zones, clearly defined by legal provisions. In the period before 2006, there were certain regions in Serbia where CSF occurred almost every year, including regions where pig farming was not the primary branch of animal husbandry. Pig identification and implementation of vaccination, as well as the control of trade of pigs from infected areas to other parts of the country were not very successful. Due to the serious losses inflicted by the disease, a new Programme of CSF control was adopted in 2006, which inter alia included the obligatory identification of pigs, registration of pig holdings and free of charge vaccination of all susceptible animals in the country, as well as the implementation of other statutory measures, including obligatory evidence of veterinary activities in the national Veterinary information system. The results obtained in the period after the implementation of the Programme of CSF control (2007, 2008 and 2009) indicate a positive impact on the reduction of outbreaks of CSF, as well as on the reduction of prevalence (p lt 0.001). Also, the effectiveness of vaccination of pigs in 2007 compared to the period before and after the implementation of the Programme was the highest (97.78%), as well as the costs of its implementation.Klasična kuga svinja (KKS) je prisutna u Srbiji prisutna duži vremenski period i sa manjim ili većim intenzitetom javlja se iz godine u godinu. Kako je u pitanju infektivna bolest svinja, a polazeći od karaktera njenog širenja sama pojava bolesti nanosi velike ekonomske štete za privredu svake zemlje. Stoga KKS ima veliki epizootiološki i ekonomski značaj za svinjarsku proizvodnju, a pre svega za stvaranje nesmetane mogućnosti odvijanja prometa svinja i proizvoda od svinjskog mesa. Program kontrole KKS se može izvoditi vakcinacijom ili biti bez nje. Kod pojave bolesti se i u jednom i drugom slučaju za suzbijanje i iskorenjivanje primenjuje metod 'stamping-out', i sprovode se određene veterinarsko-sanitarne mere u zaraženom i ugroženom dvorištu koje su decidno definisane zakonskim propisima. U proteklom periodu u Srbiji su postojali određeni regioni gde se KKS javljala skoro svake godine, a naročito je bila zabrinjavajuća pojava širenja bolesti u regione gde svinjarstvo nije primarna grana stočarstva. Kontrola prometa svinja iz zaraženih područja u druge delove zemlje bila je na niskom nivou. Zbog ozbiljnih gubitaka koje je nanosila pojava bolesti, donet je novi Program kontrole KKS koji između ostalog podrazumeva obavezno obeležavanje svinja i besplatnu vakcinaciju svih prijemčivih životinja u zemlji, kao i sprovođenje drugih zakonom propisanih mera. Dobijeni rezultati u periodu posle sprovođenja Programa kontrole KKS (2008. i 2009. godine) ukazuju na pozitivan uticaj ovih mera na smanjenje pojave žarišta KKS, kao i na smanjenje prevalance (p lt 0,001). Takođe, efikasnost sprovođenja vakcinacije svinja bila je najveća (97,78%) u 2007. godini, u odnosu na period pre i posle sprovođenja Programa

    Efficiency evaluation of a bivalent vaccine in the prophylaxis of mastitis in cows

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    Mastitis in cows represents one of the most actual problems in intensive dairy production. The longtime different approaches to the treatment of mastitis have not offered a suitable solution, and the problem of mastitis is still present and acute. Prevention of pathogen penetration into the mammary gland, its colonization and multiplication impose a constant need for regular inspections of milk, as well as preventive and therapeutic measures to reduce the incidence of mastitis. Studies in the field of vaccination of ruminants against mastitis pathogens suggest a limited success in obtaining significant results in immunoprophylaxis. Considering the results of other researchers and our own research, and bearing in mind the problems mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae represent, the aim of this study was the preparation and testing of an indigenous vaccine prepared with two stable strains, SAU 7 (S. aureus) and SAG 3 (Str.agalactiae). The dose was 5 mL/cow and consisted of inactivated bacterial S. aureus SAU 7 cells in a concentration of 1x1010 cfu/mL and Str. agalactiae SAG 3 in a concentration of 4 x 109 cfu/mL. The number of somatic cells in the milk samples during the whole study period was higher in vaccinated cows in both groups compared with the control, but this difference was not statistically significant. The concentration of immunoglobulin IgG in the milk of vaccinated cows was significantly higher than the concentration of this class of proteins in the milk of unvaccinated cows. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46002

    Health Risks associated with residual pesticide levels in fish reared in purified wastewater from slaughterhouse

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThe main objective of the present research was to determine the concentrations of the selected pesticides in muscle, liver and skin of common carp. Fish were sampled in two different seasons from fish pond which received previously treated slaughterhouse wastewater. Pesticides including etridiazole, chloroneb, trifluralin, propachlor, chlorothalonil, hexa-chlorocyclopentadiene, atrazine, simazine, alachlor, metribuzin, metolachlor, DCPA, cyanazine, chlorobenzilate, endrin aldehyde, cis permethrin and trans permethrin were determined by using a GS-MS method. Many of pesticides were not determined or determined in low concentrations. Propachlor was found in muscle, skin and liver. The recommended acceptable daily intake was higher in comparison with the estimated daily intake for examined pesticides via fish reared in treated slaughterhouse wastewater. It is very important to maintain the safety of the fresh fish produced in wastewater in order to ensure food safety and avoid health problems in humans

    Health Risks associated with residual pesticide levels in fish reared in purified wastewater from slaughterhouse

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    The main objective of the present research was to determine the concentrations of the selected pesticides in muscle, liver and skin of common carp. Fish were sampled in two different seasons from fish pond which received previously treated slaughterhouse wastewater. Pesticides including etridiazole, chloroneb, trifluralin, propachlor, chlorothalonil, hexa-chlorocyclopentadiene, atrazine, simazine, alachlor, metribuzin, metolachlor, DCPA, cyanazine, chlorobenzilate, endrin aldehyde, cis permethrin and trans permethrin were determined by using a GS-MS method. Many of pesticides were not determined or determined in low concentrations. Propachlor was found in muscle, skin and liver. The recommended acceptable daily intake was higher in comparison with the estimated daily intake for examined pesticides via fish reared in treated slaughterhouse wastewater. It is very important to maintain the safety of the fresh fish produced in wastewater in order to ensure food safety and avoid health problems in humans

    Efekti primene programa kontrole trihineloze na endemskom području u Srbiji

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    Trichinellosis is a disease that affects both humans and animals, caused by a parasite from the Trichinellidae family and Trichinella genus. Humans get infected by consuming infected and inadequately thermally treated meat from domestic or wild animals containing cocooned infective larvae of T. spiralis. Aside from health problems caused by trichinellosis as a zoonosis, there is no doubt that it represents a serious economic problem for swine meat producers. The research in this paper has been performed in Serbia, in a region which is located at the confluence of two large rivers, and it is the geographical location which makes it an endemic area for the presence of T. spiralis. Epidemiological data pertains to the period of 1995-2003, but also to the period 2003-2009, when the implementation of the program for control and eradication of trichinellosis was complete. The diagnostic testing of cadavers of slaughtered swine for the presence of T. spiralis in the period of 1995-2003 included 41.04% of the slaughtered swine, out of which 0.4281% were positive, and the amount of economic loss was 95301000 dinars or about one million EUR. The infection was confirmed in 432 patients during the research period. The preparation of the program for the control and eradication of trichinellosis has been made in accordance with applicable laws and technological standards, with a clear determination of input and output using a cost-benefit analysis. The effects of its application show a reduction in the number of swine which are positive for the presence of T. spiralis by a factor of three times (p lt 0.01), and the present net value (PNV) and the benefit/cost ratio (B/C) show economic and epidemiological justification.Trihineloza je zajedničko oboljenje ljudi i životinja koje izaziva parazit koji pripada familiji Trichinellidae i rodu Trichinella. Čovek se zarazi tako što konzumira zaraženo, nedovoljno termički obrađeno meso domaćih i divljih životinja u kojima se nalazi učaurena infektivna larva T. spiralis. Pored zdravstvenih problema koje izaziva trihineloza kao zoonoza, nesumljivo je da ona predstavlja i ozbiljan ekonomski problem za proizvođača svinjskog mesa. Ova istraživanja su izvršena u Srbiji na teritoriji jednog regiona koji se nalazi u slivu dve velike reke, i zbog takvog geografskog položaja predstavlja endemsko područje za prisustvo T. spiralis. Epidemiološki podaci se odnose na period 1995-2003. godine, kao i na period 2003- 2009. godine kada je izvršena implementacija programa kontrole i eradikacije trihineloze. Dijagnostičkim ispitivanjem trupova zaklanih svinja na prisustvo T. spiralis u periodu 1995-2003. godina obuhvaćeno je 41.04% zaklanih svinja od čega je bilo 0.4281% pozitivnih svinja, a visina ekonomskih gubitaka iznosila je 95 301 000 dinara ili oko milion EUR-a. U toku posmatranog perioda obolele su 432 osobe. Izrada programa za kontrolu i eradikaciju trihineloze izvršena je na osnovu važećih zakona i tehnoloških standarda, uz jasnu determinaciju 'inputa' i 'outputa' pomoću 'cost-benefit' analize. Efekti njegove primene pokazuju smanjenje broja pozitivnih svinja na prisustvo T. spiralis za tri puta (p lt 0,01), a neto sadašnja vrednost (PNV) i odnos koristi i troškova (B/C) pokazuju ekonomsku i epidemiološku opravdanost

    Gastrointestinal parasites in owned dogs in Serbia: Prevalence and risk factors

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    Dogs are the most popular pets worldwide. Close contact between dogs and people increases the risk of transmission of various zoonotic parasitic infections. Given the importance of veterinary medicine in preserving the One Health concept, the aim of this research was to identify intestinal parasites that may have zoonotic potential and to evaluate risk factors (individual and environmental). The research was conducted in Serbia in 2022 and 2023 on 382 owned dogs, using qualitative methods of coprological examination with a concentration on parasitic elements. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 62.6%, with the following detected: protozoa: Cystoisospora spp. (9.2%), Sarcocystis spp. (4.5%), Neospora caninum/Hammondia spp. (3.7%), Giardia intestinalis (11.8%); nematoda: Toxocara canis (11.5%), Toxascaris leonina (4.2%), family Ancylostomatidae (38.0%), Trichuris vulpis (21.5%), Capillaria spp. (10.5%); trematoda: Alaria alata (1.6%) and cestodes from the Taeniidae family (1.3%). Factors like age, size and coat length, as well as the way of living, attitude and diet were linked to a significantly higher (p < 0.05) prevalence of intestinal parasites. Based on the results of coprological diagnostics, this research indicates the importance of educating dog owners, conducting routine parasitological tests on their pets and regular deworming strategies

    Variations in the sensitivity of listeria monocytogenes types to lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a cause of human and animal listeriosis, a disease which is often lethal. Food of animal origin is a very important carrier in human infection. This microorganism was found in many foodstuffs during the last decode in numerous studies. As a basic precaution for providing consumer food safety, investigations are directed toward the greatest reduction of the number of undesirable and pathogenic microorganisms in food. Thus, the sensitivity of Listeria monocytogenes, both clinical/human strains (50) and those found in food of animal origin (48), to lactic acid bacteria bacteriocins was examined at two incubation temperatures (37°C/24h and 4°C/12 days). Namely, it is well known that hot only closely velated bacterial species, but also less closely velated Gram positive bacteria, may have bactericidal ov bacteriostatics proteins ov protein molecules to L. monocy togeues. Then they can be eventually added to food, with the aim of decreasing the risk of listeriosis to the minimum. It was found that bacteriocins, originating from Lactococcus UW and Lactobacillus sake 148 did not expressed inhibitory effects on any of the Listeria strains. However, bacteriocins originating from Lactobacillus sake 265, Pediococcus 347 and Lactobacillus sake 706 had listericidal effects on almost every analyzed type. The highest bactericidal effect was expressed by bacteriocins from Lactobacillus sake 265. There was statistically a very significant difference (p lt 0.01) and a significant difference (p lt 0.05) between the arithmetic mean values for inhibition zones with clinical/human strains and those originating from foodstuffs. It was found that the incubation time and temperature influenced the inhibitory effects of bacteriocins, too

    Ujedi pasa lutalica i pasa poznatih vlasnika u Beogradu

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    The study aimed to estimate the incidence of bites caused by stray and owned dogs in the population of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia in the period from 1st January 2003 to 31st December 2006. Also, the seasonal influence on dog biting was estimated for the same time period. All data on total, stray and owned dog bites in Belgrade in the analyzed period were obtained from the Institute for Infectious and Tropical Diseases of The Medical School in Belgrade and from the Secretariat for Environmental Protection of the City Assembly of Belgrade. The average annual incidence of bites caused by strays was 95.64 per 100 000 residents; 52.84 per 100 000 residents caused by owned dogs and 148.48 per 100 000 residents caused by both categories of dogs. In this period stray dogs caused a significantly higher (P lt 0.0001) number of bites to humans than owned dogs. The average value for dog bites was 1507.50±143.57/year for strays and 832.75±211.31/year for owned dogs. The highest average value of total dog bites was observed in the spring months in 2005 (263.67±28.01), as well in the spring months (497.33 ± 36.53) for two consecutive years (2005 and 2006). From the aspect of dog bites our results point to the following risk factors for residents in the Belgrade area: the first is the population of stray dogs without owners and the second is the population of irresponsible and uneducated owners of dogs.Cilj rada je bilo utvrđivanje slučajeva ujeda ljudi od strane pasa lutalica i pasa poznatih vlasnika na teritoriji grada Beograda u periodu od 1. januara 2003. do 31. decembra 2006. godine. U radu je utvrđen i sezonski uticaj na učestalost pojave ujeda građana od pasa. Podaci o ujedima pasa su dobijeni od Instituta za infektivne i tropske bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu i Sekretarijata za zaštitu životne sredine Skupštine grada Beograda. Prosečni godišnji broj slučajeva ujeda pasa lutalica na 100.000 stanovnika iznosio je 95,64, pasa poznatih vlasnika 52,84, dok je prosečan ukupan broj ujeda iznosio 148,48 slučajeva na 100.000 stanovnika u ispitivanom vremenskom periodu od četiri godine. U istom periodu psi lutalice su naneli znatno veći broj ujeda od pasa poznatih vlasnika (P lt 0,0001). Prosečan godišnji broj ujeda za pse lutalice iznosio je 1507,50±143,57, a za pse poznatih vlasnika 832,75±211,31. Najveća prosečna vrednost ukupnog broja ujeda pasa zabeležena je u proleće 2005. godine (263.67±28,01), kao i u toku prolećnih meseci (497,33±36,53) za obe godine zajedno (2005. i 2006. godina). Sa aspekta opasnosti od ujeda pasa, dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na prisutnost dva rizična činioca za građane Beograda: prisustvo pasa lutalica i prisustvo neodgovornih i needukovanih vlasnika pasa

    Citogenetičke promene limfocita čoveka indukovane alfahlorhidrinom

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    This paper deals with the results of the investigation carried out with regard to genotoxic properties of Alphachlorhydrine administered at doses of 7.5, 15 and 30 mg/kg of cell culture-human lymphocytes, during an exposition time of three days, under in vitro conditions. The assessment of the genotoxic effects of the tested chemosterilants was performed on the basis of numerical and structural aberrations in three experimental groups, in addition to one control group for each dose. On the basis of the obtained results it can be conculded that Alphachlorhydrine, administered in the abovementioned doses, induced genotoxic effects on human lymphocyte cells. The number of numeric aberrations increased with a dose increase, and the statistical analysis showed significant differences (p lt 0.01) in relation to the control group, but not between the applied doses (p lt 0.05). Analysis of the obtained results demonstarted that a dose increase during the same exposition time, resulted in a statistically significant increase (p lt 0.01) of structural aberrations in human lymphocyte cells; the highest level being achieved with the highest administered dose (30 mg/kg c.c.). As for Robertsonian translocations, there was a statistical significance with relation to the control group only in the case of the highest administered dose (30 mg/kg c.c.). Statistically significant differences (p lt 0.01) were recorded between the 30 mg/kg c.c. and 7.5 mg/kg c.c. doses. Also there were statistically significant differences between the levels of gaps and fragments in comparison to Robertsonian translocations (p lt 0.01); while the numbers of gaps and fragments were not significantly different.U ovom radu su izvršena ispitivanja genotoksičnih svojstava Alfahlorhidrina u različitim dozama: 7.5, 15 i 30 mg/kg kulture ćelija - limfocita čoveka, tokom ekspozicije od 3 dana, u uslovima 'in vitro'. Procena genotoksičnih efekata, ispitivanih hemosterilanata, je vršena na osnovu numeričkih i strukturnih aberacija na tri eksperimentalne grupe sa po jednom kontrolnom za svaku dozu. Na osnovu rezultata naših ispitivanja može se zaključiti da Alfahlorhidrin u testiranim dozama dovodi do genotoksičnih efekata na ćelijama limfocita čoveka. Broj numeričkih aberacija se povećavao sa rastom doze i statističkom analizom su utvrđene signifikantne razlike (p lt 0,01) u odnosu na kontrolne grupe, ali ne i između primenjenih doza (p>0,05). U slučaju poliploidija nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (p>0,05). Analizirajući dobijene rezultate utvrđeno je da sa povećanjem doze pri istoj ekspoziciji dolazi do statistički značajnog (p lt 0,01) povećanja broja strukturnih aberacija na ćelijama limfocita čoveka, pri čemu najviši nivo je postignut kod najviše primenjene doze (30 mg/kg c.c.). Kada su u pitanju Robertsonove translokacije statistička značajnost u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu utvrđena je tek kod najviše primenjene doze (30 mg/kg c.c.). Statistički značajne razlike (p lt 0,01) su zabeležene između doza od 30 mg/kg c.c i 7,5 mg c.c. Takođe statistički značajne razlike između nivoa otvora i fragmenata mogu se uporediti sa Robertsonovim translokacijama (p lt 0,01), dok se broj otvora fragmenata neće značajno promeniti