11 research outputs found

    Salmonella in Wastewater: Identification, Antibiotic Resistance and the Impact on the Marine Environment

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    Many coastal cities around the world discharge their wastewaters into the marine environment. These wastewaters contain a high variety of pathogenic microorganisms that would have a role in the contamination of this ecosystem and may have potential risks for public health and environment. Using an environmental approach, we investigate the presence of Salmonella in wastewater treatment plants and its presence after the treatment in its receiving marine environment. In this environmental approach, we provide information about the inefficiency of wastewater treatment to remove Salmonella, especially that wastewater is considered as a good tank of high diversity of Salmonella serotypes. The identified Salmonella serotypes in the receiving marine environment almost coincide with those identified in wastewater. This characterization of Salmonella strains from wastewater and marine environment involves the direct impact of municipal wastewater discharges on this environment. Antibiotic susceptibility tests reveal generally the presence of multiresistant Salmonella strains in wastewater, which usually end up in the marine environment and may have a significant risk on the public health

    Ispitivanje infekcije gastrointestinalnim nematodama kod antilopa u Maroku

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    This study examined the gastrointestinal parasitological status of three endangered Sub-Saharan antelope species (Addax nasomaculatus, Oryx dammah, Gazella dorcas) hosted at Souss-Massa National Park in Morocco. A total of 254 faecal samples (80 samples from the addax population, 81 from the oryx population and 93 from the dorcas population) were analysed to determine the prevalence and the intensity of the parasites in host faeces (expressed as the mean EPG: egg per gram), using microscopic methods (Flotation and McMaster) and the molecular identification of parasites using PCR and sequencing of the second internal transcribed spacer region of the rDNA (ITS-2).The prevalence results in the addax, oryx and dorcas gazelle were 43.7%, 2.4%, and 61.3%, respectively, for Nematodirus spp.; 21.2%, 12.3%, and 16.13%, respectively, for Trichuris spp.; and 36.2%, 39.5%, and 53.7%, respectively, for other, undistinguished strongylids.The means of EPG values for parasites in addax, oryx and dorcas gazelle were 8.9, 2.4, and 61.3, respectively, for Nematodirus spp.; 4.3, 2.4, and 4.8, respectively, for Trichuris spp.; and 18.1, 16.6, and 50.1, respectively, for other undistinguished strongylids. Sequencing of the ITS-2 rDNA region of the isolated parasites allowed the identification of Camelostrongylus mentulatus and Nematodirus spathiger in these three antelope species. We canU studiji je sprovedeno ispitivanje parazitološkog statusa intestinalnog trakta kod tri ugrožene vrste subsaharske antilope (Addax nasomaculatus, Oryx dammah, Gazella dorcas) koje su se nalazile u Souss-Massa nacionalnom parku u Maroku. Da bi se ispitala prevalencija i intenzitet infestacije parazitima kod životinja, ukupno je ispitano 254 uzoraka fecesa (80 uzoraka iz addax populacije, 81 uzoraka iz orix populacije i 93 uzoraka iz dorcas populacije) pri čemu su rezultati prikazivani kao srednja vrednost EPG (jajašca parazita po gramu fecesa). Korišćene su mikroskopske metode (Flotacija i McMaster) kao i molekularna identifi kacija parazita upotrebom PCR testa i sekvencioniranjem rDNK (ITS-2). Rezultati prevalence Nematodirus spp kod addax, oryx i dorcas gazela bili su: 43,7%, 2,4% odnosno 61,3%; za Trichuris spp vrste 21,2%, 12,3% i 16,3%, a za strongilidne vrste koje nisu mogle da se determinišu: 36,2%, 39,5% i 53,7%. Srednje EPG vrednosti za parazite kod adax, oryx i dorcas gazele bili su za Nematodirus spp vrste 8,9, 2,4 i 61,3; za Trichuris 4,3, 2,4 i 4,8 a za na strongilidne vrste koje nisu mogle da se determinišu, 18,1, 16,6 odnosno 50,1. Rezultati sekvencioniranja ITS-2 regiona rDNK izolovanih parazita omogućio je identifi kaciju Camelostrongylus mentulatus i Nematodirus spathinger u navedene tri vrste antilopa. Može da se zaključi da su infestacije parazitima kod ove tri vrste antilopa na podnošljivom nivou pri čemu je po prvi put dijagnostikovana infestacija antilopa u Maroku sa Camelostrongylus mentulatus i Nematodirus spathinge

    Occurrence of <em>Vibrio</em> and <em>Salmonella</em> species in mussels (<em>Mytilus</em> <em>galloprovincialis</em>) collected along the Moroccan Atlantic coast

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    This study reports the occurrence of different Vibrio and Salmonella species in 52 samples of Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from four sites along the Atlantic coast between Agadir and Essaouira (Anza, Cap Ghir, Imssouane and Essaouira). The level of Escherichia coli (E. coli) was also determined to evaluate the degree of microbial pollution in the investigated areas. In this study three methods were used : AFNOR NF EN ISO 6579 V08-013 for Salmonella spp., the provisional method routinely used by several laboratories (Institut Pasteur, Paris,…) for Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the seafood, and the most probable number method (MPN) using Norm ISO/TS 16649–3 (2005) for E. coli. The most frequently isolated Vibrios were Vibrio alginolyticus (90.4% of samples), followed by V. cholerae non O1 non O139 (15.4%) and V. parahaemolyticus (7.7%). Salmonella spp. was found in 15% of the samples. The number of E. coli ranged between 0.2/100 g and 1.8 10(3) /100 g of mussel soft tissues. This study indicates the potential sanitary risk associated with the presence of pathogenic bacteria in cultivated mussels in the two populous regions of southern Morocco, where shellfish production and maritime tourism are important to the local economy

    Yersinia enterocolitica et aliments : contribution a l'amelioration des methodes de detection, approche de la comprehension des mecanismes de virulence et de contamination

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    SIGLECNRS T 61143 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Évaluation de la contamination bactériologique des eaux usées des stations d épuration du Grand Agadir (Isolement, caractérisation moléculaire et antibiorésistance des espèces du genre Vibrio)

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    Au Maroc et principalement dans la Wilaya d Agadir trois stations d épuration des eaux usées fonctionnant selon la technique d infiltration-percolation sur sable ont été mises en place. L objectif de cette étude est de déterminer les caractéristiques physico-chimiques, bactériologiques, ainsi que l étude des souches de Vibrio isolées de 3 stations d épuration de la ville. Les résultats d abattement des bactéries indicatrices de contamination fécale entre l entrée et la sortie des 3 stations d épuration dépassent les 99%. La qualité des eaux épurées issues des 3 STEPs échantillonnées Ben Sergao, Drarga et L Mzar, est de type A selon les recommandations de l OMS (1989), mais il faut que le nombre des oeufs d helminthes soit moins de 1/L pour une réutilisation en irrigation de façon non restrictive. Au cours de cette étude et après identification par le système Vitek 2 et/ou par PCR, sérotypage, 58 souches de Vibrio ont été isolées et analysées. Cette population est représentée par quatre espèces : 31 souches de V. cholerae non-O1, 17 souches de V. alginolyticus, 9 souches de V. fluvialis et une souche de V. metschnikovii. 53,44% des souches de Vibrio isolées ont un phénotype sauvage, 46,56% des souches présentent le phénotype pénicillinase à bas niveau ou phénptype céphalosporinase à bas niveau. L étude des profils de migration électrophorètique de l ADN total après macro restriction enzymatique par NotI, a révélé un degré important d hétérogénéité des souches de Vibrio. La spectrométrie de masse MALDI TOF a été utilisée pour identifier et classer des souches de Vibrio. La qualité d identification par cette technique est fonction de la richesse de la banque de spectres enregistrés.In countries such as Morocco, characterized by scarce rainfall, lack of freshwater resources and high groundwater salinity where agriculture reuse of municipal wastewater is becoming a compulsory choice for water resources management. This study evaluated the efficiency of the three wastewater treatment plants (WTPs) for the removal of physico-chemical and microbiological contaminants. Resistance to antibiotics, pulsed field gel electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry were used to characterize Vibrio isolates. Mean values were used to determine treatment performances of the 3 WTPs, electric conductivity didn t showed any difference between raw and treated wastewater and the mean values varying from 2900 S/cm to 3300, the pH varying from 6,66 to 8,6, and the temperature varying between 16C and 26.4C. Removal efficiencies of fecal coliforms, enterococci and spores of sulphite reducing anaerobic bacteria were betwenn 3 and 4 log unit for the 3WTPs. 4 species of Vibrio were identified, among the 58 Vibrio sp. isolated, 53,44% were identified as V. cholerae, 29,31% as V. alginolyticus, 17,78% as V. fluvialis and 1,74% as V. metschnikovii. Of the total 58 Vibrio isolates, 53,44% were susceptible to all antibiotics. Of the resistant (46,56%) Vibrio strains, 39,83% were resistant against one to three antibiotics. PFGE with NotI digestion produced patterns with higher level of heterogeneity, and about 31% of Vibrio isolates were untypeable. MALDI-TOF-MS-based fingerprinting of Vibrio isolates has potential as a rapid for identification and finest differences between strains can readily be evaluated by the dendrogram based on percentage identity of MALDI-TOF mass spectra of Vibrio isolates, but requires further development for database of BioTyper.STRASBOURG-Sc. et Techniques (674822102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Gastrointestinal Nematode Infections in Antelopes from Morocco: A Coprological Survey

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    This study examined the gastrointestinal parasitological status of three endangered Sub-Saharan antelope species (Addax nasomaculatus, Oryx dammah, Gazella dorcas) hosted at Souss-Massa National Park in Morocco. A total of 254 faecal samples (80 samples from the addax population, 81 from the oryx population and 93 from the dorcas population) were analysed to determine the prevalence and the intensity of the parasites in host faeces (expressed as the mean EPG: egg per gram), using microscopic methods (Flotation and McMaster) and the molecular identification of parasites using PCR and sequencing of the second internal transcribed spacer region of the rDNA (ITS-2).The prevalence results in the addax, oryx and dorcas gazelle were 43.7%, 2.4%, and 61.3%, respectively, for Nematodirus spp.; 21.2%, 12.3%, and 16.13%, respectively, for Trichuris spp.; and 36.2%, 39.5%, and 53.7%, respectively, for other, undistinguished strongylids.The means of EPG values for parasites in addax, oryx and dorcas gazelle were 8.9, 2.4, and 61.3, respectively, for Nematodirus spp.; 4.3, 2.4, and 4.8, respectively, for Trichuris spp.; and 18.1, 16.6, and 50.1, respectively, for other undistinguished strongylids. Sequencing of the ITS-2 rDNA region of the isolated parasites allowed the identification of Camelostrongylus mentulatus and Nematodirus spathiger in these three antelope species. We canU studiji je sprovedeno ispitivanje parazitološkog statusa intestinalnog trakta kod tri ugrožene vrste subsaharske antilope (Addax nasomaculatus, Oryx dammah, Gazella dorcas) koje su se nalazile u Souss-Massa nacionalnom parku u Maroku. Da bi se ispitala prevalencija i intenzitet infestacije parazitima kod životinja, ukupno je ispitano 254 uzoraka fecesa (80 uzoraka iz addax populacije, 81 uzoraka iz orix populacije i 93 uzoraka iz dorcas populacije) pri čemu su rezultati prikazivani kao srednja vrednost EPG (jajašca parazita po gramu fecesa). Korišćene su mikroskopske metode (Flotacija i McMaster) kao i molekularna identifi kacija parazita upotrebom PCR testa i sekvencioniranjem rDNK (ITS-2). Rezultati prevalence Nematodirus spp kod addax, oryx i dorcas gazela bili su: 43,7%, 2,4% odnosno 61,3%; za Trichuris spp vrste 21,2%, 12,3% i 16,3%, a za strongilidne vrste koje nisu mogle da se determinišu: 36,2%, 39,5% i 53,7%. Srednje EPG vrednosti za parazite kod adax, oryx i dorcas gazele bili su za Nematodirus spp vrste 8,9, 2,4 i 61,3; za Trichuris 4,3, 2,4 i 4,8 a za na strongilidne vrste koje nisu mogle da se determinišu, 18,1, 16,6 odnosno 50,1. Rezultati sekvencioniranja ITS-2 regiona rDNK izolovanih parazita omogućio je identifi kaciju Camelostrongylus mentulatus i Nematodirus spathinger u navedene tri vrste antilopa. Može da se zaključi da su infestacije parazitima kod ove tri vrste antilopa na podnošljivom nivou pri čemu je po prvi put dijagnostikovana infestacija antilopa u Maroku sa Camelostrongylus mentulatus i Nematodirus spathinge

    Identification and physicochemical characterization of bacterial surface isolated from catering services in health establishment

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    The initial interaction between microorganisms and substrata is mediated by physicochemical forces, which originate from the physicochemical surface properties of both interacting surfaces. In this context, we have determined the physicochemical proprieties (hydrophobicity, electron-donor and electron-acceptor) of 37 isolates belonging to three genres of bacteria: Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococcus spp. and some species of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from various surfaces of the equipment and materials used in health establishment catering services. The physicochemical properties of these isolates were determined by contact angles measurements via Sessile Drop Technique. The results revealed that 62% of all bacteria studied exhibit a hydrophilic character (ΔGiwi >0) and other strains have a hydrophobic character (ΔGiwi <0). Also the results show that all strains have a high electron donor character (high γ-) (ranging from 22.8 mJ.m-2 to 105.4 mJ.m-2). Forty one percent of these strains have a high electron acceptor (γ+) (ranging from 14.7 mJ.m-2 to 34.6 mJ.m-2) and the others express a low electron acceptor character

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Removal from Two Kinds of Granite Commonly Found in Catering Kitchen

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    The biofilm formation on the surfaces which are in direct contact with food products might lead to their contamination and, consequently, present serious health problems for the consumers. The goals of the present work were to study P. aeruginosa biofilm formation on two granites and to investigate the efficiency of sodium hypochlorite (NaCLO) against the same biofilm formed on these substrata using the plate count method (PCM) and epifluorescence microscopy (EP). More biofilm cells adhered to Rosa Porrino than Gris Pinhel, and the PCM method indicated that NaCLO was efficient against the biofilm installed on the Gris Pinhel at the concentration of 1.5% after 15 min of treatment, while it was not efficient against the one installed on the Rosa Porrino. By contrast, the EP showed that the biofilm persists on two granites after NaCLO treatment, at different concentrations and contact times. In addition, the surface properties of granites such as mineral composition, roughness, and physicochemical properties were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy coupled with electron diffraction spectroscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and contact angle measurement (CAM), respectively. The results revealed that Gris Pinhel is hydrophilic with a high roughness value and Rosa Porrino is hydrophobic with low roughness, while both of them contain the quartz, feldspar, and mica as the main dominant compositions

    Association of major histocompatibility complex class 1 chain-related gene a dimorphism with type 1 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults in the Algerian population

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    Major histocompatibility complex class I chain-related gene A (MICA-129) dimorphism was investigated in 73 autoimmune diabetes patients (type 1 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults) and 75 controls from Algeria. Only MICA-129 Val allele and MICA-129 Val/Val genotype frequencies were higher among patients than in the control group. Statistical analysis of the estimated extended HLA-DR-DQ-MICA haplotypes shown that individual effects of MICA alleles on HLA-DQ2-DR3-MICA-129 Val/Val and HLA-DQ8-DR4-MICA-129 Val/Val haplotypes were significantly higher in patients than in the control groups. These preliminary data might suggest a relevant role of MICA-129 Val/Val single nucleotide polymorphism (weak/weak binders of NKG2D receptor) in the pathogenesis of T1D and LADA