9,517 research outputs found

    The Tenure Process: A Descriptive Study of Selected Texas Universities

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    Few things in the professional life of university faculty are more important than the tenure process. Achieving tenure provides the faculty member with the confidence that his or her position with the university will be secure for life. There are exceptions; criminal behavior and elimination of the program come to mind, but tenure allows the faculty member to research controversial areas without the potential for political repercussions that could jeopardize employment. According to the American Association of University Professors: The principal purpose of tenure is to safeguard academic freedom, which is necessary for all who teach and conduct research in higher education. When faculty members can lose their positions because of their speech or publications research findings, they cannot properly fulfill their core responsibilities to advance and transmit knowledge. (2018

    A nearly-mlogn time solver for SDD linear systems

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    We present an improved algorithm for solving symmetrically diagonally dominant linear systems. On input of an n×nn\times n symmetric diagonally dominant matrix AA with mm non-zero entries and a vector bb such that Axˉ=bA\bar{x} = b for some (unknown) vector xˉ\bar{x}, our algorithm computes a vector xx such that xxˉA<ϵxˉA||{x}-\bar{x}||_A < \epsilon ||\bar{x}||_A {A||\cdot||_A denotes the A-norm} in time O~(mlognlog(1/ϵ)).{\tilde O}(m\log n \log (1/\epsilon)). The solver utilizes in a standard way a `preconditioning' chain of progressively sparser graphs. To claim the faster running time we make a two-fold improvement in the algorithm for constructing the chain. The new chain exploits previously unknown properties of the graph sparsification algorithm given in [Koutis,Miller,Peng, FOCS 2010], allowing for stronger preconditioning properties. We also present an algorithm of independent interest that constructs nearly-tight low-stretch spanning trees in time O~(mlogn)\tilde{O}(m\log{n}), a factor of O(logn)O(\log{n}) faster than the algorithm in [Abraham,Bartal,Neiman, FOCS 2008]. This speedup directly reflects on the construction time of the preconditioning chain.Comment: to appear in FOCS1

    Exact Computation of a Manifold Metric, via Lipschitz Embeddings and Shortest Paths on a Graph

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    Data-sensitive metrics adapt distances locally based the density of data points with the goal of aligning distances and some notion of similarity. In this paper, we give the first exact algorithm for computing a data-sensitive metric called the nearest neighbor metric. In fact, we prove the surprising result that a previously published 33-approximation is an exact algorithm. The nearest neighbor metric can be viewed as a special case of a density-based distance used in machine learning, or it can be seen as an example of a manifold metric. Previous computational research on such metrics despaired of computing exact distances on account of the apparent difficulty of minimizing over all continuous paths between a pair of points. We leverage the exact computation of the nearest neighbor metric to compute sparse spanners and persistent homology. We also explore the behavior of the metric built from point sets drawn from an underlying distribution and consider the more general case of inputs that are finite collections of path-connected compact sets. The main results connect several classical theories such as the conformal change of Riemannian metrics, the theory of positive definite functions of Schoenberg, and screw function theory of Schoenberg and Von Neumann. We develop novel proof techniques based on the combination of screw functions and Lipschitz extensions that may be of independent interest.Comment: 15 page

    Faster Approximate Multicommodity Flow Using Quadratically Coupled Flows

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    The maximum multicommodity flow problem is a natural generalization of the maximum flow problem to route multiple distinct flows. Obtaining a 1ϵ1-\epsilon approximation to the multicommodity flow problem on graphs is a well-studied problem. In this paper we present an adaptation of recent advances in single-commodity flow algorithms to this problem. As the underlying linear systems in the electrical problems of multicommodity flow problems are no longer Laplacians, our approach is tailored to generate specialized systems which can be preconditioned and solved efficiently using Laplacians. Given an undirected graph with m edges and k commodities, we give algorithms that find 1ϵ1-\epsilon approximate solutions to the maximum concurrent flow problem and the maximum weighted multicommodity flow problem in time \tilde{O}(m^{4/3}\poly(k,\epsilon^{-1}))

    Iterative Row Sampling

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    There has been significant interest and progress recently in algorithms that solve regression problems involving tall and thin matrices in input sparsity time. These algorithms find shorter equivalent of a n*d matrix where n >> d, which allows one to solve a poly(d) sized problem instead. In practice, the best performances are often obtained by invoking these routines in an iterative fashion. We show these iterative methods can be adapted to give theoretical guarantees comparable and better than the current state of the art. Our approaches are based on computing the importances of the rows, known as leverage scores, in an iterative manner. We show that alternating between computing a short matrix estimate and finding more accurate approximate leverage scores leads to a series of geometrically smaller instances. This gives an algorithm that runs in O(nnz(A)+dω+θϵ2)O(nnz(A) + d^{\omega + \theta} \epsilon^{-2}) time for any θ>0\theta > 0, where the dω+θd^{\omega + \theta} term is comparable to the cost of solving a regression problem on the small approximation. Our results are built upon the close connection between randomized matrix algorithms, iterative methods, and graph sparsification.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Fourlined Plant Bug (Hemiptera: Miridae), a Reappraisal: Life History, Host Plants, and Plant Response to Feeding

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    Phenology of the fourlined plant bug, Poecilocapsus lineatus, is presented for southcen- tral Pennsylvania; life history and habits are re-examined. Although breeding was previously thought to occur only on woody plants, we found that nymphs develop on numerous herbs. An extensive list of hosts, more than 250 species in 57 families, is compiled from the literature and the authors\u27 observations; preferences are noted for plants in the Labiatae, Solanaceae, and Compositae. Damage consists of lesions on foliage, the size and shape of the spots varying with leaf texture, pubescence, and venation. Plant response to feeding is immediately visible, the lesions seeming to appear simultaneously with insertion of the bug\u27s stylets. Histolysis of plant tissues, the most rapid response to mind feeding yet reported, is attributed to a potent lipid enzyme whose active constituents are under investigation