4,182 research outputs found

    Torque prediction using the flux-MMF diagram in AC, DC, and reluctance motors

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    This paper uses the flux-MMF diagram to compare and contrast the torque production mechanism in seven common types of electric motor. The flux-MMF diagram is a generalized version of the flux-linkage versus current (ψ-i) diagram for switched-reluctance motors. It is illustrated for switched-reluctance, synchronous-reluctance, induction, brushless AC, brushless DC, interior PM and commutator motors. The calculated flux-MMF diagrams for motors with the same electromagnetic volume, airgap, slotfill, and total copper loss are shown and are used to compare the low-speed torque and torque ripple performance. The motor designs used were reasonably optimized using a combination of commercially available motor CAD packages and finite-element analysis

    An economic survey of general practice in the Republic

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    Dimensional effects in photoelectron spectra of Ag deposits on GaAs(110) surfaces

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    It is shown that the peak structure observed in angle-resolved photoelectron spectra of metallic deposits can only be unambiguously associated to single electronic states if the deposit has a two dimensional character (finite along one spatial direction). In one and zero dimensions the density of states shows peaks related to bunches of single electron states (the finer structure associated to the latter may not always be experimentally resolved). The characteristics of the peak structure strongly depend on the band dispersion in the energy region where they appear. Results for the density of states and photoemission yield for Ag crystallites on GaAs(110) are presented and compared with experimental photoelectron spectra.Comment: Uuencoded gz-compressed postcript file including text and three figures; Send comments to [email protected]

    Self-generated magnetic flux in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x} grain boundaries

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    Grain boundaries in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−x_{7-x} superconducting films are considered as Josephson junctions with a critical current density jc(x)j_c(x) alternating along the junction. A self-generated magnetic flux is treated both analytically and numerically for an almost periodic distribution of jc(x)j_c(x). We obtained a magnetic flux-pattern similar to the one which was recently observed experimentally.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Comment on ``Phase ordering in chaotic map lattices with conserved dynamics''

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    Angelini, Pellicoro, and Stramaglia [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 60}, R5021 (1999), cond-mat/9907149] (APS) claim that the phase ordering of two-dimensional systems of sequentially-updated chaotic maps with conserved ``order parameter'' does not belong, for large regions of parameter space, to the expected universality class. We show here that these results are due to a slow crossover and that a careful treatment of the data yields normal dynamical scaling. Moreover, we construct better models, i.e. synchronously-updated coupled map lattices, which are exempt from these crossover effects, and allow for the first precise estimates of persistence exponents in this case.Comment: 3 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    CHANDRA Observations of X-ray Jet Structure on kpc to Mpc Scales

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    With its exquisite spatial resolution of better than 0.5 arcsecond, the Chandra observatory is uniquely capable of resolving and studying the spatial structure of extragalactic X-ray jets on scales of a few to a few hundred kilo-parsec. Our analyses of four recent Chandra images of quasar jets interpret the X-ray emission as inverse Compton scattering of high energy electrons on the cosmic microwave background. We infer that these jets are in bulk relativistic motion, carrying kinetic powers upwards of 10^46 ergs/s to distances of hundreds of kpc, with very high efficiency.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the Bologna jet workshop, "The Physics of Relativistic Jets in the CHANDRA and XMM Era.

    Arrival time and magnitude of airborne fission products from the Fukushima, Japan, reactor incident as measured in Seattle, WA, USA

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    We report results of air monitoring started due to the recent natural catastrophe on 11 March 2011 in Japan and the severe ensuing damage to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactor complex. On 17-18 March 2011, we registered the first arrival of the airborne fission products 131-I, 132-I, 132-Te, 134-Cs, and 137-Cs in Seattle, WA, USA, by identifying their characteristic gamma rays using a germanium detector. We measured the evolution of the activities over a period of 23 days at the end of which the activities had mostly fallen below our detection limit. The highest detected activity amounted to 4.4 +/- 1.3 mBq/m^3 of 131-I on 19-20 March.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, published in Journal of Environmental Radioactivit

    Development and Assessment of a Patient-Centered Care Curriculum

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    The purpose of this paper is to chronicle the development and implementation of a pilot offering of the patient-centered care (PCC) curriculum sponsored by a partnership of schools of allied health and nursing and a local health care system. The objective of this interdisciplinary track is to increase the competency of allied health and nursing graduates to function in health care teams in both PCC and non-PCC hospital environments, thus improving the effectiveness of patient care. The elective track consists of two courses; a third course is under consideration. Students and faculty participating in the elective track were surveyed to assess their attitudes toward change and patient-centered care. Generally, participants believed that they could work well together but were not convinced of the viability of the PCC. Although the curriculum is still in its implementation stage and the nursing participation became minimal, this study aids in understanding opinions of nursing and allied health faculty and students regarding a new PCC curriculum

    Critical currents in Josephson junctions, with unconventional pairing symmetry: dx2−y2+isd_{x^2-y^2}+is versus dx2−y2+idxyd_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy}

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    Phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory is used to calculate the possible spontaneous vortex states that may exist at corner junctions of dx2−y2+ixd_{x^2-y^2}+ix-wave, (where x=sx=s or x=dxyx=d_{xy}) and s-wave superconductors. We study the magnetic flux and the critical current modulation with the junction orientation angle ξ\theta, the magnitude of the order parameter, and the magnetic field HH. It is seen that the critical current IcI_c versus the magnetic flux Ω\Phi relation is symmetric / asymmetric for x=dxy/sx=d_{xy}/s when the orientation is exactly such that the lobes of the dominant dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave order parameter points towards the two junctions, which are at right angles for the corner junction. The conclusion is that a measurement of the Ic(Ω)I_c(\Phi) relation may distinguish which symmetry (dx2−y2+isd_{x^2-y^2}+is or dx2−y2+idxyd_{x^2-y^2}+id_{xy}) the order parameter has.Comment: 11 pages with 11 figures, Changed conten

    The toxbox: specific DNA sequence requirements for activation of Vibrio cholerae virulence genes by ToxT

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    The Gram-negative, curved rod Vibrio cholerae causes the severe diarrhoeal disease cholera. The two major virulence factors produced by V. cholerae during infection are the cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP). Transcription of the genes encoding both CT and the components of the TCP is directly activated by ToxT, a transcription factor in the AraC/XylS family. ToxT binds upstream of the ctxAB genes, encoding CT, and upstream of tcpA , the first gene in a large operon encoding the components of the TCP. The DNA sequences upstream of ctxAB and tcpA that contain ToxT binding sites do not have any significant similarity other than being AT-rich. Extensive site-directed mutagenesis was performed on the region upstream of tcpA previously shown to be protected by ToxT, and we identified specific base pairs important for activation of tcpA transcription by ToxT. This genetic approach was complemented by copper-phenanthroline footprinting experiments that showed protection by ToxT of the base pairs identified as most important for transcription activation in the mutagenesis experiments. Based on this new information and on previous work, we propose the presence of a ToxT-binding motif – the ‘toxbox’– in promoters regulated by ToxT. At tcpA , two toxbox elements are present in a direct repeat configuration and both are required for activation of transcription by ToxT. The identity of only a few of the base pairs within the toxbox is important for activation by ToxT, and we term these the core toxbox elements. Lastly, we examined ToxT binding to a mutant having 5 bp inserted between the two toxboxes at tcpA and found that occupancy of both binding sites is retained regardless of the positions of the binding sites relative to each other on the face of the DNA. This suggests that ToxT binds independently as a monomer to each toxbox in the tcpA direct repeat, in accordance with what we observed previously with the inverted repeat ToxT sites between acfA and acfD .Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75755/1/j.1365-2958.2006.05053.x.pd
