676 research outputs found

    The Attitudes of Spain\u27s Political Parties toward the European Union and the Integration of the Euro

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    This research endeavors to determine the ramifications of this new, grandiose, international order on a micro-political level through the study of four political parties in Spain. The parties include the People\u27s Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Worker\u27s Party (PSOE), both with a national base, and Convergence and Union (CiU) of Catalonia and the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), which are two of the most influential nationalist parties. The following analysis thoroughly examines the attitudes of these parties towards European Union as well as the recent introduction of the euro. This paper will explain how the European and monetary union has eliminated certain elements of Spain\u27s sovereignty and how this and integration into the EU has affected the central and regional governments

    Transgender YouTubers and the Power of Coming Out: Existentialism, Gender Performance, and Self-Actualization

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    The transgender community has historically faced discrimination and oppression. However, the internet has emerged as a preeminent resource for transgender people to seek community and visibility, with YouTube acting as an especially valuable visual repository of self-representation. The present research is concerned with examining how transgender YouTube creators use the platform for self-actualization through the lens of existentialist and gender performance theory. Employing a qualitative content analysis of gender disclosure videos to explore this problem, this study shows how transgender YouTubers seek personal authenticity and self-disclosure, especially with the help of and in relation to their audiences. Further, having come out as transgender on YouTube, these creators use their content to help others in their community with their self-representation to promote positive change. This research adds to an increasingly rich body of knowledge of the trans community more generally and their use of YouTube more specifically

    Alaska Coastal Community Youth and the Future

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    The Alaska Sea Grant College Program. Project No. R/72-02.Executive Summary / Introduction / Background to the Research / Methods / Findings / Discussion and Policy Recommendations / Products from the Research / References Cited / Appendix A. Focus Group Protocol (High School) / Appendix B. Focus Group Protocol (12-20 year olds) / Appendix C. Focus Group Questionnaire / Appendix D. Occupational Rating Worksheet / Appendix E. Consent/Assent For

    Victim Impact Testimony in Texas: The Need for Reformation and Clarification

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    Since Payne, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has made several attempts to address the admissibility of victim impact testimony in capital sentencing cases, but the court\u27s decisions have only confused the situation. This Note discusses the confusion and inconsistencies of these decisions and advocates that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals permit the use of all victim impact evidence in capital murder sentencing proceedings. Part I of this Note defines victim impact evidence and summarizes the development of victim impact testimony in capital murder cases. That section also discusses the different types of victim impact testimony and the intent behind the use of such evidence. Part II analyzes the Supreme Court\u27s attempts to determine which specific types of victim impact testimony are constitutional. That section addresses the Court\u27s evolving standard for admissibility by focusing primarily on the Court\u27s analysis in two significant cases: Booth v. Maryland and Payne v. Tennessee. Part III analyzes how Payne has influenced the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in the development of Texas\u27s current position on the use of victim impact evidence in capital sentencing. Part IV discusses the current insufficient standard in Texas and the dilemmas posed by limiting the types of admissible testimony. That section focuses on special concerns involving the victim, the victim\u27s family, the convicted murderer, the sentencing jury, and society. Part V concludes with arguments for the admission of all types of victim impact testimony, a discussion on the impact of such evidence in the sentencing process, and explores the importance of the victim\u27s rights

    Study of the western edge of the African large low shear velocity province

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    It is well established that there is a large low shear velocity province (LLSVP) in the lowermost mantle beneath Africa, extending from beneath the southeastern Atlantic Ocean to the southwestern Indian Ocean. The detailed 3-D geometry of the LLSVP is crucial to the understanding of how this prominent lower mantle feature developed and evolved. Most studies have concentrated on mapping the southern and eastern edges of African LLSVP using the Kaapvaal array at South Africa. Here we use data from recently deployed arrays in the western Mediterranean to study its northwestern edge and evaluate the sharpness of its boundaries. Travel time and waveform modeling of S and SKS phases suggest the existence of sharp low velocity anomalies in the lowermost mantle beneath the eastern Atlantic Ocean, which agrees with global tomography models. However, the S-SKS differential times vary up to 6 s across the array. To match the large travel time variations and waveforms, the existence of a slow velocity structure with a sharp top is required. The structure has a 3.5% reduction in shear wave velocity and a height of ∼600 km above the core-mantle boundary, which is lower in topography than the southern and eastern part of the African LLSVP. Further 3-D synthetic waveforms and modeling calculations demonstrate the existence of these sharp boundaries for the northwestern portion of the African LLSVP. The strong lateral variation in both travel times and waveforms suggests that this part of the African LLSVP may be as complex as the mid-Pacific LLSVP. To explain the observed sharp top and large dome-like structure, a thermochemical origin of the African LLSVP is supporte

    Evolutionary aspects of lithosphere discontinuity structure in the western US

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    We have produced common conversion point (CCP) stacked Ps and Sp receiver function image volumes of the Moho and lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath the western United States using Transportable Array data. The large image volumes and the diversity of tectonic environments they encompass allow us to investigate evolution of these structural discontinuities. The Moho is a nearly continuous topographic surface, whereas the LAB is not and the seismic images show a more complex expression. The first order change in LAB depth in the western U.S. occurs along the Cordilleran hingeline, the former Laurasian passive margin along the southwestern Precambrian North American terranes. The LAB is about 50% deeper to the east of the hingeline than to the west, with most of the increase in LAB thickness being in the mantle lithosphere. We infer that the Moho and the LAB are Late Mesozoic or Cenozoic everywhere west of the hingeline, modified during Farallon subduction and its aftermath. Between the hingeline and the Rocky Mountain Front, the LAB, and to a lesser extent the Moho, have been partially reset during the Cenozoic by processes that continue today. Seismicity and recent volcanism in the interior of the western U.S. are concentrated along gradients in crustal and/or lithospheric thickness, for example the hingeline, and the eastern edge of the coastal volcanic-magmatic terranes. To us this suggests that lateral gradients in integrated lithospheric strength focus deformation. Similarly, areas conjectured to be the sites of convective downwellings and associated volcanism are located along gradients in regional lithosphere thicknes

    Satellite-Based Investigations of the Transition from an Oceanic to Continental Transform Margin

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    Detailed characterization of neotectonics evolution of the Valle de San Felipe and Arroyo Grande regions in northern Baja California. Reoccupied GEOMEX GPS sites, and occupied a regional GPS (Global Positioning System) network. The Baja California peninsula in Mexico offers a unique setting for studying the kinematic evolution of a complex, active strike-slip/rift plate boundary. We are currently conducting remote sensing, geologic, and geodetic studies of this boundary. The combined data sets will yield instantaneous and time integrated views of its evolution. This proposal solicits renewed funding from NASA to support remote sensing and geologic studies. During the late Cenozoic, Baja California has been the locus of changing fault geometry that has accommodated components of the relative motion between the North America and Pacific plates. Contemporary slip between the two plates occurs in a broad zone that encompasses much of southern California and the Baja California Peninsula. The transfer of slip across this zone in southern California is relatively well understood. South of the border, the geometry and role of specific faults and structural provinces in transferring plate margin deformation across the peninsula is enigmatic. Results We use Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery of the Baja California Peninsula to identify recent and active faults, and then conduct field studies that characterize the temporal and spatial structural evolution of the plate margin. These data address questions concerning the neotectonic development of the Gulf of California, the Baja California Peninsula, and their role in evolution of the post-Miocene Pacific - North American plate boundary. Moreover, these studies provide constraints on the geometry of active faults, allowing more exact understanding of the results of ongoing NASA-supported geodetic experiments. In addition, anticipated publication of the TM scenes will provide a widely available geological data base for relatively little-known peninsula California. Achievements include development of an ArcInfo data base of Landsat and SPOT imagery, detailed field studies of Neogene structures in northeastern Baja California, and new constraint on Pacific - North America plate motion at Baja California latitudes. These results are reported in maps, manuscripts and data products which are published or near completion

    GPS Monitoring of Surface Change During and Following the Fortuitous Occurrence of the M(sub w) = 7.3 Landers Earthquake in our Network

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    Accomplishments: (1) Continues GPS monitoring of surface change during and following the fortuitous occurrence of the M(sub w) = 7.3 Landers earthquake in our network, in order to characterize earthquake dynamics and accelerated activity of related faults as far as 100's of kilometers along strike. (2) Integrates the geodetic constraints into consistent kinematic descriptions of the deformation field that can in turn be used to characterize the processes that drive geodynamics, including seismic cycle dynamics. In 1991, we installed and occupied a high precision GPS geodetic network to measure transform-related deformation that is partitioned from the Pacific - North America plate boundary northeastward through the Mojave Desert, via the Eastern California shear zone to the Walker Lane. The onset of the M(sub w) = 7.3 June 28, 1992, Landers, California, earthquake sequence within this network poses unique opportunities for continued monitoring of regional surface deformation related to the culmination of a major seismic cycle, characterization of the dynamic behavior of continental lithosphere during the seismic sequence, and post-seismic transient deformation. During the last year, we have reprocessed all three previous epochs for which JPL fiducial free point positioning products available and are queued for the remaining needed products, completed two field campaigns monitoring approx. 20 sites (October 1995 and September 1996), begun modeling by development of a finite element mesh based on network station locations, and developed manuscripts dealing with both the Landers-related transient deformation at the latitude of Lone Pine and the velocity field of the whole experiment. We are currently deploying a 1997 observation campaign (June 1997). We use GPS geodetic studies to characterize deformation in the Mojave Desert region and related structural domains to the north, and geophysical modeling of lithospheric behavior. The modeling is constrained by our existing and continued GPS measurements, which will provide much needed data on far-field strain accumulation across the region and on the deformational response of continental lithosphere during and following a large earthquake, forming the basis for kinematic and dynamic modeling of secular and seismic-cycle deformation. GPS geodesy affords both regional coverage and high precision that uniquely bear on these problems

    Permian and Triassic Paleogeography of the Eastern Klamath Arc and Eastern Hayfork Subduction Complex, Klamath Mountains, California: Evidence from Lithotectonic Associations and Detrital Zircon

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    Middle Permian and Middle Triassic volcanic-hypabyssal intrusive complexes form ensimatic arc deposits in the eastern Klamath terrane. Sedimentary matrix melange with blocks of sandstone, chert, and Tethyan fauna-bearing limestone compose the westward-lying eastern Hayfork terrane. Limestone olistoliths were derived from seamounts and incorporated into a subduction complex that was active during the Late Triassic and perhaps as early as the Permian. Geologic and biogeographic relations have previously been interpreted to imply a genetic relation between an ensimatic arc and subduction complex, constraining Permian(?)-Triassic subduction as eastward dipping
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