12 research outputs found

    Gas hydrate accumulation at the Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano

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    Gas hydrate (GH) accumulation is characterized and modeled for the Hakon Mosby mud volcano, ca. 1.5 km across, located on the Norway-Barents-Svalbard margin. Pore water chemical and isotopic results based on shallow sediment cores as well as geothermal and geomorphological data suggest that the GH accumulation is of a concentric pattern controlled by and formed essentially from the ascending mud volcano fluid. The gas hydrate content of sediment peaks at 25% by volume, averaging about 1.2% throughout the accumulation. The amount of hydrate methane is estimated at ca. 108 m3 STP, which could account for about 1-10% of the gas that has escaped from the volcano since its origin

    Study of LiInSe<inf>2</inf> Single Crystals for the Thermal Neutron Detection

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    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Abstract: Lithium–indium diselenide (LiInSe2) is a new semiconductor material, sensitive to the thermal neutrons. LiInSe2 compound was synthesized from Li (99.99%), In (99.999%) and Se (99.999%). The growth of LiInSe2 single crystals was performed using the vertical option of Bridgman–Stockbarger method. The crystals were characterized using the electrical conductivity and optical spectroscopy methods. Stoichiometric composition of the LiInSe2 was confirmed by the high precision chemical analysis, as well as by X-ray diffraction. Compact 252Cf neutron source with the activity 6.3 × 105 n/s allowed measuring amplitude characteristics and defining the optimal operating voltage for neutron detection. Time-of-flight neutron spectra were measured at the fast pulsed research reactor IBR-2 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

    Peculiarities of inflammation pathogenesis in case of paracystic infiltrate

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    Обстежено 82 хворих з біляміхуровим інфільтратом, який є ускладненням гострого деструктивного калькульозного холециститу. Встановлено послаблення протизапального бар’єру при цьому патологічному процесі, на що вказує вірогідне зростання концентрації в крові молекул середньої маси, протеолітичної активності плазми крові за азоколом, азоальбуміном і азоказеїном та зниження питомої електропровідності сироватки венозної крові. Патогенетичною основою таких змін є накопичення компонентів жовчі як детергентів в зоні біляміхурового інфільтрату, підтвердженням чого є значне зростання білірубіну в зоні запалення.82 patients with paracystic infiltrate, representing a complication of acute destructive calculous cholecystitis, were examined. A decrease of the antiinflammatory barrier in the presence of this pathologic process was found to occur. The latter was confirmed by a reliable elevation of mean mass molecules in the blood, the proteolytic activity of blood plazma by azocol, azoalbumin and azocasein and a decrease of specific electroconductivity of the venous blood serum. The pathogenetic basis of such changes is an accumulation of bile components as detergents in the paracystic infiltrate zone, that is confirmed by a considerable increase of bilirubin in the inflammatory zone

    Interstitial electrophoresis in the treatment of patients with intraperitoneal infiltrates

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    Показана ефективність використання внутрішньотканинного електрофорезу при апендикулярному, навколоміхуровому інфільтратах (як наслідок гострого холециститу).The efficacy of using interstitial electrophoresis in case of appendicular and paravesical infiltrates (in acute cholecystitis) has been demonstrated