10 research outputs found

    Agroforestry Systems in Cuba: Some Aspects of Animal Production

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    The silvopastoral systems, that nowadays constitute scientific achievements of the Grasses and Forages Research Station “Indio Hatuey , have been developed from the results of investigations that were carried out since the 1980s, to improve the productivity of natural pastures through the introduction of valuable herbaceous species and tree legumes. Those investigations also determined the essential elements of pasture management such as the optimal stocking rates for low input systems and suitable methods of grazing to obtain sustainability of grasslands

    Agroforestry Systems in Cuba: Some Aspects of Animal Production

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    The silvopastoral systems, that nowadays constitute scientific achievements of the Grasses and Forages Research Station Indio Hatuey , have been developed from the results of investigations that were carried out since the 1980s, to improve the productivity of natural pastures through the introduction of valuable herbaceous species and tree legumes. Those investigations also determined the essential elements of pasture management such as the optimal stocking rates for low input systems and suitable methods of grazing to obtain sustainability of grasslands

    Estratégia de fornecimento de concentrado para vacas da raça Holandesa em pastagens de coast-cross Strategy of giving concentrate to lactating Holstein cows grazing coast-cross pasture

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    O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Leite, Coronel Pacheco, MG, objetivando avaliar formas de fornecer 6 kg de concentrado para vacas em pastagem de coast-cross: A - quantidade fixa, e B - quantidade variável (9, 6 e 3 kg/vaca/dia, respectivamente na primeira, segunda e terceira fase da lactação). O delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso e duas repetições de pastagem, com os tratamentos organizados em parcelas divididas. Nas parcelas, consideraram-se os critérios de distribuição de ração, e nas subparcelas, as fases de lactação. O fornecimento variável de concentrado favoreceu (P < 0,05) a taxa de lotação da pastagem na primeira fase de avaliação. As produções diárias de leite obtidas foram de 21,5 (±2,8) e 25,5 (±2,6) kg/vaca (P < 0,05), 64,5 (±7,1) e 96,9 (±10,3) kg/ha (P < 005), na primeira fase de avaliação; 19,8 (±2,4) e 20,6 (±2,3) kg/vaca (P > 0,05), 93,1 (±10,8) e 94,8 (±10,9) kg/ha (P > 0,05) na segunda; 14,2 (±2,2) e 13,4 (±2,3) kg/vaca (P > 0,05) e 102,2 (±12,4) e 93,8 (±10,5) kg/ha (P > 0,05) na terceira, respectivamente em relação a A e B. A dose variável mostrou ser a mais indicada para suplementar vacas Holandesas em pastagem coast-cross.<br>The trial was carried out at the Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Leite, at Coronel Pacheco, Brazil, to evaluate two ways of feeding 6 kg/day of a concentrate mixture to cows grazing a coast-cross pasture: A - a fixed amount, and B - a variable amount (9, 6 and 3 kg/cow/day for the first, second, and third stage of lactation). A randomized block design was used with two replications for land grazing area, with the treatments organized in split plots. In the plots, the ways of feeding of distributing the ration concentrate were considered, and in the split plots, the phases of lactation were used. Feeding variable amount of concentrate affected (P< 0.05) pasture stocking rate only in the first stage of lactation. Milk productions were 21.5 (±2.8) and 25.5 (±2.6) kg/cow (P < 0.05), 64.5 (±7.1) and 96.9 (±10.3) kg/ha (P < 0.05) in the first phase of lactation; 19.8 (±2.4) and 20.6 (±2.3) kg/cow (P > 0.05), 93.1 (±10.8) and 94.8 (±10.9) kg/ha (P > 0.05) in the second phase; 14.2 (±2.2) and 13.4 (±2.3) kg/cow (P > 005) and 102.2 (±12.4) and 93.8 (±10.5) kg/ha (P > 0.05) in the last phase, respectively for A and B. The variable dose was the best indicated to supplement Holstein dairy cows in coast-cross pasture

    La Innovación y la transferencia de tecnologías en la Estación Experimental "Indio Hatuey": 50 años propiciando el desarrollo del sector rural cubano (Parte I) Innovation and technology transference at the Experimental Station "Indio Hatuey": 50 years propitiating development in the Cuban rural sector (Part I)

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    Con el triunfo de la Revolución cubana, el Ministerio de la Agricultura creó un sistema centralizado de gestión e innovación tecnológica, que generó cambios sustanciales en las condiciones de vida y trabajo del campesinado. Sin embargo, este impulso tuvo limitaciones de tipo estructural que provocaron consecuencias económicas y ambientales desfavorables, las que determinaron la necesidad de un cambio tecnológico en la agricultura cubana de los años 90. Esta problemática obligó a los centros de desarrollo de conocimiento a buscar nuevas vías para la aplicación efectiva de las innovaciones, asunto que fue prioridad de la EEPF "Indio Hatuey" desde su fundación. El mayor impacto que generó la Estación, en términos de generalización de resultados, estuvo asociado a las oportunidades originadas por el MINAGRI con la creación de un sistema de extensión agrícola en el quinquenio 1976-1980. Los resultados científicos se centraron en la conservación de forrajes, como estrategia para aliviar el déficit alimentario que se producía cada año, durante la estación seca. Con la crisis económica de los 90 del siglo XX comenzó un proceso de reconversión de las tecnologías de explotación del ganado lechero. A mediados de los 90 surgió la tecnología del silvopastoreo, que fue introducida de forma gradual en 16 provincias del país, con la asesoría de un grupo multidisciplinario encargado del monitoreo y la retroalimentación entre el centro de investigación generador y los receptores. Sin embargo, para garantizar la sostenibilidad de la diseminación de estos sistemas un factor limitante lo constituía la disponibilidad de semillas de pastos. A pesar de lo novedoso de las tecnologías generadas por la Institución, el grado de adopción no se correspondía con las necesidades reales y el esfuerzo que hacía Cuba para revertir la situación de la ganadería. La Institución buscó una nueva forma de enfocar la transferencia de tecnología, al visualizarla como un componente del desarrollo territorial rural que ha determinado la apropiación de nuevos conceptos y construcciones sociales. Se realizaron investigaciones en seis municipios de la provincia de Matanzas, con resultados relevantes para las localidades.<br>With the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) created a centralized management and technological innovation system, which generated substantial changes in the farmers' living and working conditions. However, this enhancement had structural limitations that caused unfavorable economic and environmental consequences, which determined the need for a technological change in the Cuban agriculture of the 1990's. This problem forced the knowledge development centers to search for new ways for the effective application of the innovations, an issue that was priority of the EEPF "Indio Hatuey" since its creation. The highest impact generated by the Station in terms of generalization of results was associated to the opportunities originated by the MINAGRI with the creation of a system of agricultural extension in 1976-1980. The scientific results were focused on forage conservation, as strategy to relieve the feed deficit occurred every year, during the dry season. With the economic crisis of the 90's, a reconversion process began in the dairy cattle exploitation technologies. In the mid 90's, the silvopastoral system technology emerged, gradually introduced in 16 provinces of the country, with the advisory of a multidisciplinary group in charge of monitoring and feedback between the generating center and the receptors. Nevertheless, to guarantee the sustainability of the dissemination of these systems, the availability of pasture seeds was a limiting factor. In spite of the novelty of the technologies generated by the Institution, the adoption rate was not in correspondence with the real needs and the effort made by Cuba to reverse the situation of livestock production. The Institution searched for a new way to approach technology transference, visualizing it as a component of the rural territorial development which has determined the appropriation of new concepts and social constructions. Studies were conducted in six municipalities of Matanzas province, with relevant results for the localities