18,375 research outputs found

    Equation of state of metallic hydrogen from Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo simulations

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    We present a study of hydrogen at pressures higher than molecular dissociation using the Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo method. These calculations use the accurate Reptation Quantum Monte Carlo method to estimate the electronic energy and pressure while doing a Monte Carlo simulation of the protons. In addition to presenting simulation results for the equation of state over a large region of phase space, we report the free energy obtained by thermodynamic integration. We find very good agreement with DFT calculations for pressures beyond 600 GPa and densities above ρ=1.4g/cm3\rho=1.4 g/cm^3. Both thermodynamic as well as structural properties are accurately reproduced by DFT calculations. This agreement gives a strong support to the different approximations employed in DFT, specifically the approximate exchange-correlation potential and the use of pseudopotentials for the range of densities considered. We find disagreement with chemical models, which suggests a reinvestigation of planetary models, previously constructed using the Saumon-Chabrier-Van Horn equations of state.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Atypical late-time singular regimes accurately diagnosed in stagnation-point-type solutions of 3D Euler flows

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    We revisit, both numerically and analytically, the finite-time blowup of the infinite-energy solution of 3D Euler equations of stagnation-point-type introduced by Gibbon et al. (1999). By employing the method of mapping to regular systems, presented in Bustamante (2011) and extended to the symmetry-plane case by Mulungye et al. (2015), we establish a curious property of this solution that was not observed in early studies: before but near singularity time, the blowup goes from a fast transient to a slower regime that is well resolved spectrally, even at mid-resolutions of 5122.512^2. This late-time regime has an atypical spectrum: it is Gaussian rather than exponential in the wavenumbers. The analyticity-strip width decays to zero in a finite time, albeit so slowly that it remains well above the collocation-point scale for all simulation times t<T109000t < T^* - 10^{-9000}, where TT^* is the singularity time. Reaching such a proximity to singularity time is not possible in the original temporal variable, because floating point double precision (1016\approx 10^{-16}) creates a `machine-epsilon' barrier. Due to this limitation on the \emph{original} independent variable, the mapped variables now provide an improved assessment of the relevant blowup quantities, crucially with acceptable accuracy at an unprecedented closeness to the singularity time: $T^*- t \approx 10^{-140}.

    Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Directed Small-World Networks

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    Many social, biological, and economic systems can be approached by complex networks of interacting units. The behaviour of several models on small-world networks has recently been studied. These models are expected to capture the essential features of the complex processes taking place on real networks like disease spreading, formation of public opinion, distribution of wealth, etc. In many of these systems relations are directed, in the sense that links only act in one direction (outwards or inwards). We investigate the effect of directed links on the behaviour of a simple spin-like model evolving on a small-world network. We show that directed networks may lead to a highly nontrivial phase diagram including first and second-order phase transitions out of equilibrium.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX format, 4 postscript figs, uses eps

    Wave-unlocking transition in resonantly coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equations

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    We study the effect of spatial frequency-forcing on standing-wave solutions of coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equations. The model considered describes several situations of nonlinear counterpropagating waves and also of the dynamics of polarized light waves. We show that forcing introduces spatial modulations on standing waves which remain frequency locked with a forcing-independent frequency. For forcing above a threshold the modulated standing waves unlock, bifurcating into a temporally periodic state. Below the threshold the system presents a kind of excitability.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 postscript figures. To appear in Physical Review Letters (1996). This paper and related material can be found at http://formentor.uib.es/Nonlinear

    The modular method: Milkfish pond culture

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    The modular method of milkfish culture (Chanos chanos) described in the manual is an improvement over the traditional extensive method. The manual is intended for the use of fish farmers and aquaculturists, extensionists, and students of aquaculture not only in the Philippines, but also in other milkfish-producing countries in Southeast Asia and the world. It covers the following: Interesting facts about milkfish -- biological characteristics, artificial breeding of milkfish; Design and operation of modular pond system -- pond preparation, stocking in the nursery or transition ponds, stocking in the rearing ponds, care of stock, pond utilization and production schedule, harvest and post-harvest; and, Economics and costing

    Mudcrab, Scylla spp, production in brackishwater ponds

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    This manual covers the specifics of grow-out operation — site selection, pond specification, pond preparation, source of juveniles, transport and stocking, care of pond and stock, feeds and feeding, harvest, postharvest. Also includes costs-and-benefits analysis and a list of useful references.Mudcrab (Scylla spp) production in brackishwater ponds is now gaining popularity, especially in communities that need to supplement their income. The manual covers the following: Distribution; Grow-out operation in ponds - site selection, pond specification, pond preparation, source of juveniles, transport and stocking of juveniles, care of pond and stock, feeds and feeding, harvest, post-harvest; Production and profits; Cost and analysis. It is hoped that the manual will be of use to fishfarmers and aquaculturists, extensionists, and students of aquaculture not only in the Philippines but also in other mudcrab producing countries in Southeast Asia

    Analytical study of tunneling times in flat histogram Monte Carlo

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    We present a model for the dynamics in energy space of multicanonical simulation methods that lends itself to a rather complete analytic characterization. The dynamics is completely determined by the density of states. In the \pm J 2D spin glass the transitions between the ground state level and the first excited one control the long time dynamics. We are able to calculate the distribution of tunneling times and relate it to the equilibration time of a starting probability distribution. In this model, and possibly in any model in which entering and exiting regions with low density of states are the slowest processes in the simulations, tunneling time can be much larger (by a factor of O(N)) than the equilibration time of the probability distribution. We find that these features also hold for the energy projection of single spin flip dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, published in Europhysics Letters (2005

    Divergent Time Scale in Axelrod Model Dynamics

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    We study the evolution of the Axelrod model for cultural diversity. We consider a simple version of the model in which each individual is characterized by two features, each of which can assume q possibilities. Within a mean-field description, we find a transition at a critical value q_c between an active state of diversity and a frozen state. For q just below q_c, the density of active links between interaction partners is non-monotonic in time and the asymptotic approach to the steady state is controlled by a time scale that diverges as (q-q_c)^{-1/2}.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 2-column revtex4 forma

    Conservation laws for the voter model in complex networks

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    We consider the voter model dynamics in random networks with an arbitrary distribution of the degree of the nodes. We find that for the usual node-update dynamics the average magnetization is not conserved, while an average magnetization weighted by the degree of the node is conserved. However, for a link-update dynamics the average magnetization is still conserved. For the particular case of a Barabasi-Albert scale-free network the voter model dynamics leads to a partially ordered metastable state with a finite size survival time. This characteristic time scales linearly with system size only when the updating rule respects the conservation law of the average magnetization. This scaling identifies a universal or generic property of the voter model dynamics associated with the conservation law of the magnetization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; for related material please visit http://www.imedea.uib.e