172 research outputs found

    Genetic parameters of body weight and prolificacy in pigeons

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    Genetic parameters of body weight at weaning and of prolificacy were estimated in three commercial lines of pigeons selected by BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) on both traits. The model of analysis took into account the direct genetic effects for both traits and the effect of parental permanent environment for body weight. Depending on the line considered, body weight varied from 556.7 g to 647.6 g and prolificacy ranged from 12.5 to 16.8 pigeons weaned per couple of parents per year. Heritability of body weight was high, varying between 0.46 and 0.60, and permanent environment was responsible for 6% to 9% of the total variability. On the contrary, prolificacy was poorly heritable (0.04 to 0.12). They were highly and negatively correlated (-0.77 to -0.82). Body weight showed significant genetic trends in lines B and C. No significant genetic difference could be observed between males and females for both traits

    Genetic analysis for mastitis resistance and milk somatic cell score in French Lacaune dairy sheep

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    Genetic analysis for mastitis resistance was studied from two data sets. Firstly, risk factors for different mastitis traits, i.e. culling due to clinical or chronic mastitis and subclinical mastitis predicted from somatic cell count (SCC), were explored using data from 957 first lactation Lacaune ewes of an experimental INRA flock composed of two divergent lines for milk yield. Secondly, genetic parameters for SCC were estimated from 5 272 first lactation Lacaune ewes recorded among 38 flocks, using an animal model. In the experimental flock, the frequency of culling due to clinical mastitis (5%) was lower than that of subclinical mastitis (10%) predicted from SCC. Predicted subclinical mastitis was unfavourably associated with the milk yield level. Such an antagonism was not detected for clinical mastitis, which could result, to some extent, from its low frequency or from the limited amount of data. In practice, however, selection for mastitis resistance could be limited in a first approach to selection against subclinical mastitis using SCC. The heritability estimate of SCC was 0.15 for the lactation mean trait and varied from 0.04 to 0.12 from the first to the fifth test-day. The genetic correlation between lactation SCC and milk yield was slightly positive (0.15) but showed a strong evolution during lactation, i.e. from favourable (-0.48) to antagonistic (0.27). On a lactation basis, our results suggest that selection for mastitis resistance based on SCC is feasible. Patterns for genetic parameters within first lactation, however, require further confirmation and investigation

    Genotype by environment interactions in relation to growth traits in slow growing chickens

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    Since feed conversion ratio (FCR) is higher in slow-growing "Label Rouge" chickens than in broiler chickens, it is important to work on its improvement in this breed. However, this involves rearing animals in cages (C), an environment very different from that used for selection (in floor pens, S) and production (outdoor, E). The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of genotype by environment (G × E) interactions between S, C, and E environments, to find the best way to select for FCR, using 2002 related animals. Growth curve parameters were estimated and body composition measured. Individual feed conversion ratios (FCR) were recorded between 8 and 10 weeks in C. The presence of G × E interactions was assessed by the genetic correlations between the same trait recorded in different environments. Moderate but significant G × E interactions were detected for carcass traits, a significant one was observed between E and S or C for growth curve parameters but none between C and S. If G × E interactions are set aside, i.e. selecting on traits recorded in C, abdominal fatness is the best indirect selection criterion for FCR but if they are taken in account then leg yield or growth curve parameters in S and growth curve parameters in E are better

    Improving the efficiency of feed utilization in poultry by selection. 1. Genetic parameters of anatomy of the gastro-intestinal tract and digestive efficiency

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Feed costs represent about 70% of the costs of raising broilers. The main way to decrease these costs is to improve feed efficiency by modification of diet formulation, but one other possibility would be to use genetic selection. Understanding the genetic architecture of the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) and the impact of the selection criterion on the GIT would be of particular interest. We therefore studied the genetic parameters of AMEn (Apparent metabolisable energy corrected for zero nitrogen balance), feed efficiency, and GIT traits in chickens.</p> <p>Genetic parameters were estimated for 630 broiler chickens of the eighth generation of a divergent selection experiment on AMEn. Birds were reared until 23 d of age and fed a wheat-based diet. The traits measured were body weight (BW), feed conversion ratio (FCR), AMEn, weights of crop, liver, gizzard and proventriculus, and weight, length and density of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The heritability estimates of BW, FCR and AMEn were moderate. The heritability estimates were higher for the GIT characteristics except for the weights of the proventriculus and liver. Gizzard weight was negatively correlated with density (weight to length ratio) of duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Proventriculus and gizzard weights were more strongly correlated with AMEn than with FCR, which was not the case for intestine weight and density.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>GIT traits were largely dependent on genetics and that selecting on AMEn or FCR would modify them. Phenotypic observations carried out in the divergent lines selected on AMEn were consistent with estimated genetic correlations between AMEn and GIT traits.</p

    Improving the efficiency of feed utilization in poultry by selection. 2. Genetic parameters of excretion traits and correlations with anatomy of the gastro-intestinal tract and digestive efficiency

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poultry production has been widely criticized for its negative environmental impact related to the quantity of manure produced and to its nitrogen and phosphorus content. In this study, we investigated which traits related to excretion could be used to select chickens for lower environmental pollution.</p> <p>The genetic parameters of several excretion traits were estimated on 630 chickens originating from 2 chicken lines divergently selected on apparent metabolisable energy corrected for zero nitrogen (AMEn) at constant body weight. The quantity of excreta relative to feed consumption (CDUDM), the nitrogen and phosphorus excreted, the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio and the water content of excreta were measured, and the consequences of such selection on performance and gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) characteristics estimated. The genetic correlations between excretion, GIT and performance traits were established.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Heritability estimates were high for CDUDM and the nitrogen excretion rate (0.30 and 0.29, respectively). The other excretion measurements showed low to moderate heritability estimates, ranging from 0.10 for excreta water content to 0.22 for the phosphorus excretion rate. Except for the excreta water content, the CDUDM was highly correlated with the excretion traits, ranging from -0.64 to -1.00. The genetic correlations between AMEn or CDUDM and the GIT characteristics were very similar and showed that a decrease in chicken excretion involves an increase in weight of the upper part of the GIT, and a decrease in the weight of the small intestine.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In order to limit the environmental impact of chicken production, AMEn and CDUDM seem to be more suitable criteria to include in selection schemes than feed efficiency traits.</p

    Network on « Genetics of adaptation and animal welfare »

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    Relations between genetics and animal welfare raise numerous questions as genetic characteristics are involved in many aspects of animals’ abilities to adapt to farming conditions, whether intensive or extensive. These questions are related to the genetic mechanisms of adaptation, to the consequences on animal welfare of the selection implemented up until now, and to the future improvements of the selection process. A network on the genetics of adaptation and animal welfare was built up within the multidisciplinary project “Agri Bien-ĂȘtre Animal” to review current knowledge. It aims also at providing usable references for regulatory discussions, as well as promoting synergies and exchanges between research units, development organisations and breeders.Les interrogations sur les relations entre gĂ©nĂ©tique et bien-ĂȘtre des animaux sont d'autant plus nombreuses que les caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©nĂ©tiques interviennent dans de nombreuses composantes des capacitĂ©s d'adaptation des animaux Ă  leurs conditions d'Ă©levage, que celles-ci soient intensives ou extensives. Les questions portent Ă  la fois sur les mĂ©canismes gĂ©nĂ©tiques de l'adaptation, les consĂ©quences en matiĂšre de bien-ĂȘtre des sĂ©lections opĂ©rĂ©es jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent et la conduite Ă  tenir dans les futurs schĂ©mas de sĂ©lection. Un rĂ©seau GĂ©nĂ©tique de l'adaptation et bien-ĂȘtre a donc Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă© au sein du programme interdisciplinaire INRA « Agri Bien-ĂȘtre Animal » pour faire le point des connaissances acquises. L'objectif est de fournir ainsi des rĂ©fĂ©rences utilisables lors des discussions rĂ©glementaires et de faciliter les synergies et les Ă©changes entre unitĂ©s de recherche, organismes de dĂ©veloppement et professionnels de la sĂ©lection

    Mapping main, epistatic and sex-specific QTL for body composition in a chicken population divergently selected for low or high growth rate

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Delineating the genetic basis of body composition is important to agriculture and medicine. In addition, the incorporation of gene-gene interactions in the statistical model provides further insight into the genetic factors that underlie body composition traits. We used Bayesian model selection to comprehensively map main, epistatic and sex-specific QTL in an F<sub>2 </sub>reciprocal intercross between two chicken lines divergently selected for high or low growth rate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 17 QTL with main effects across 13 chromosomes and several sex-specific and sex-antagonistic QTL for breast meat yield, thigh + drumstick yield and abdominal fatness. Different sets of QTL were found for both breast muscles [<it>Pectoralis (P) major </it>and <it>P. minor</it>], which suggests that they could be controlled by different regulatory mechanisms. Significant interactions of QTL by sex allowed detection of sex-specific and sex-antagonistic QTL for body composition and abdominal fat. We found several female-specific <it>P. major </it>QTL and sex-antagonistic <it>P. minor </it>and abdominal fatness QTL. Also, several QTL on different chromosomes interact with each other to affect body composition and abdominal fatness.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The detection of main effects, epistasis and sex-dimorphic QTL suggest complex genetic regulation of somatic growth. An understanding of such regulatory mechanisms is key to mapping specific genes that underlie QTL controlling somatic growth in an avian model.</p
