463 research outputs found

    Modeling eutrophication and oligotrophication of shallow-water marine systems: the importance of sediments under stratified and well-mixed conditions

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    A one-dimensional model that couples water-column physics with pelagic and benthic biogeochemistry in a 50-m-deep water column is used to demonstrate the importance of the sediment in the functioning of shallow systems, the eutrophication status of the system, and the system’s resilience to oligotrophication. Two physical scenarios, a well-mixed and a stratified water column, are considered and both are run along a gradient of increasing initial pelagic-dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentration. Where the mixed layer extends to the bottom, more nutrients and less light are available for growth. Under low to moderately eutrophic conditions (pelagic DIN <30 mmol m−3), this leads to higher productivity in well-mixed waters, while the stratified system is more productive under highly eutrophic conditions. Under stratification, the build-up of nitrate and depletion of oxygen below the mixed layer does not notably change the functioning of the sediment as a sink for reactive nitrogen. In sediments underlying well-mixed waters, sedimentary denitrification, fueled mainly by in situ nitrification, is slightly more important (8–15% of total benthic mineralization) than under stratified waters (7–20%), where the influx of bottom-water nitrate is the most important nitrate source. As a consequence of this less efficient removal of reactive nitrogen, the winter DIN concentrations are higher in the stratified scenario. The model is used to estimate the long-term benefits of nutrient reduction scenarios and the timeframe under which the new steady-state condition is approached. It is shown that a 50% reduction in external nitrogen inputs ultimately results in a reduction of 60–70% of the original pelagic DIN concentration. However, as the efflux of nitrogen from the sediment compensates part of the losses in the water column, system oligotrophication is a slow process: after 20 years of reduced inputs, the pelagic DIN concentrations still remain 2.7 mmol m−3 (mixed) and 3.9 mmol m−3 (stratified) above the ultimate DIN concentrations.

    Methane and nitrous oxide in tidal estuaries

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    Estuaries contribute significantly (5-10 %) to the marine emission budget of methane and nitrous oxide. During the BIOGEST project we have measured the distribution of these two gases in the water column of nine tidal estuaries. In well-mixed estuaries, methane concentrations were high in the river end-member and initially decreased with increasing salinity, then increased at intermediate or high salinities before decreasing again going offshore. Tidal flats and creeks were identified as a methane sources to estuarine waters. Methane concentrations in river-dominated stratified estuaries were rather erratic. Nitrous oxide concentrations were always above atmospheric saturation levels and showed consistent and systematic relationships with distribution patterns of oxygen, ammonium, nitrite and nitrification activities. Nitrous oxide concentrations were very high in ammonium-rich and oxygen-depleted systems such as the Scheldt and Thames estuaries. Nitrous oxide concentrations were also high in the suboxic zone of fluidised mud systems of the Gironde estuary. If time permits, we will show laboratory results for nitrous oxide production in Scheldt water and we will speculate on the role of sediment versus water-column processes

    Short-term fate of phytodetritus in sediments across the arabian sea oxygen minimum zone

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    The short-term fate of phytodetritus was investigated across the Pakistan margin of the Arabian Sea at water depths ranging from 140 to 1850 m, encompassing the oxygen minimum zone (~100–1100 m). Phytodetritus sedimentation events were simulated by adding ~44 mmol 13C-labelled algal material per m2 to surface sediments in retrieved cores. Cores were incubated in the dark, at in situ temperature and oxygen concentrations. Overlying waters were sampled periodically, and cores were recovered and sampled (for organisms and sediments) after durations of two and five days. The labelled carbon was subsequently traced into bacterial lipids, foraminiferan and macrofaunal biomass, and dissolved organic and inorganic pools. The majority of the label (20 to 100%) was in most cases left unprocessed in the sediment at the surface. The largest pool of processed carbon was found to be respiration (0 to 25% of added carbon), recovered as dissolved inorganic carbon. Both temperature and oxygen were found to influence the rate of respiration. Macrofaunal influence was most pronounced at the lower part of the oxygen minimum zone where it contributed 11% to the processing of phytodetritus

    Compound-specific stable isotope analysis of nitrogen-containing intact polar lipids

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    RATIONALE: Compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of nitrogen in amino acids has proven a valuable tool in manyfields (e.g. ecology). Several intact polar lipids (IPLs) also contain nitrogen, and their nitrogen isotope ratios have thepotential to elucidate food-web interactions or metabolic pathways. Here we have developed novel methodology forthe determination of d15N values of nitrogen-containing headgroups of IPLs using gas chromatography coupled withisotope-ratio mass spectrometry. METHODS: Intact polar lipids with nitrogen-containing headgroups were hydrolyzed and the resulting compoundswere derivatized by (1) acetylation with pivaloyl chloride for compounds with amine and hydroxyl groups or(2) esterification using acidified 2-propanol followed by acetylation with pivaloyl chloride for compounds withboth carboxyl and amine groups. The d15N values of the derivatives were subsequently determined using gaschromatography/combustion/isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Intact polar lipids with ethanolamine and amino acid headgroups, such as phosphatidylethanolamine andphosphatidylserine, were successfully released from the IPLs and derivatized. Using commercially available purecompounds it was established that d15N values of ethanolamine and glycine were not statistically different from theoffline-determined values. Application of the technique to microbial cultures and a microbial mat showed that themethod works well for the release and derivatization of the headgroup of phosphatidylethanolamine, a common IPLin bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: A method to enable CSIA of nitrogen of selected IPLs has been developed. The method is suitable formeasuring natural stable nitrogen isotope ratios in microbial lipids, in particular phosphatidylethanolamine, and will beespecially useful for tracing the fate of nitrogen in deliberate tracer experiments. Copyright © 2015 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd

    Nitrification and growth of autotrophic nitrifying bacteria and Thaumarchaeota in the coastal North Sea

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    Nitrification and the associated growth of autotrophic nitrifiers, as well as the contributions of bacteria and Thaumarchaeota to total autotrophic C-fixation by nitrifiers were investigated in the Dutch coastal North Sea from October 2007 to March 2008. Rates of nitrification were determined by incubation of water samples with <sup>15</sup>N-ammonium and growth of autotrophic nitrifiers was measured by incubation with <sup>13</sup>C-DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) in the presence and absence of nitrification inhibitors (nitrapyrin and chlorate) in combination with compound-specific stable isotope (<sup>13</sup>C) analysis of bacterial and Thaumarchaeotal lipid biomarkers. Net nitrification during the sampling period was evident from the concentration dynamics of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate. Measured nitrification rates were high (41–221 nmol N L<sup>-1</sup> h<sup>-1</sup>). Ammonium assimilation was always substantially lower than nitrification – with nitrification on average contributing 89% (range 73–97%) to total ammonium consumption.<sup>13</sup>C-DIC fixation into bacterial and Thaumarchaeotal lipids was strongly reduced by the nitrification inhibitors (27–95 %). The inhibitor-sensitive <sup>13</sup>C-PLFA (phospholipid-derived fatty acid) pool was dominated by the common PLFAs 16:0, 16:1?7c and 18:1?7c throughout the whole sampling period and occasionally also included the polyunsaturated fatty acids 18:2?6c and18:3?3. <sup>13</sup>C-DIC fixation activity of the nitrifying bacteria was much higher than that of the nitrifying Thaumarchaeota throughout the whole sampling period, even during the peak in Thaumarchaeotal abundance and activity. This suggests that the contribution of autotrophic Thaumarchaeota to nitrification during winter in the coastal North Sea may have been smaller than expected from their gene abundance (16S rRNA and <i>amoA</i> (ammonia monooxygenase)). These results emphasize the importance of direct measurements of the actual activity of bacteria and Thaumarchaeota, rather than abundance measurements only, in order to elucidate their biogeochemical importance. The ratio between rates of nitrification versus DIC fixation by bacterial nitrifiers was higher or even much higher than typical values for autotrophic nitrifiers, indicating that little DIC was fixed relative to the amount of energy that was generated by nitrification

    Sink or link? The bacterial role in benthic carbon cycling in the Arabian Sea's oxygen minimum zone

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    The bacterial loop, the consumption of dissolved organic matter (DOM) by bacteria and subsequent transfer of bacterial carbon to higher trophic levels, plays a prominent role in pelagic food webs. However, its role in sedimentary ecosystems is not well documented. Here we present the results of isotope tracer experiments performed under in situ oxygen conditions in sediments from inside and outside the Arabian Sea's oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) to study the importance of the microbial loop in this setting. Particulate organic matter, added as phytodetritus, was processed by bacteria, protozoa and metazoans, while dissolved organic matter was processed only by bacteria and there was very little, if any, transfer to higher trophic levels within the 7 day experimental period. This lack of significant transfer of bacterial-derived carbon to metazoan consumers indicates that the bacterial loop is rather inefficient, in sediments both inside and outside the OMZ. Moreover, metazoans directly consumed labile particulate organic matter resources and thus competed with bacteria for phytodetritus

    Образ города в записках Н. Дуровой “Кавалерист-девица. Происшествие в России”

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    Статья посвящена анализу записок Надежды Дуровой как путевому дневнику, в котором изображены многие города из разных стран в мирное и военное время. Автор статьи доказывает, что восприятие города зависит от исторического времени, от настроения мемуаристки, от физического состояния; акцентирует внимание на том, что в записках Дуровой нашли отражение обычаи и традиции жизни не только дворянства и высших кругов, но и простого народа, солдат, офицеров. В статье сделана попытка сравнить описание городов у нескольких украинских мемуаристов (Т. Шевченко, С. Капнист-Скалон), показать различный подход в изображении действительности у мемуаристов и писателей.Стаття присвячена аналізу записок Надії Дурової як дорожньому щоденнику, в якому змальовано багато міст з різних країн в мирний і військовий час. Автор статті доводить, що сприйняття міста залежить від історичного часу, від настрою мемуаристки, від фізичного стану; акцентується увага на тому, що в записках Дурової відображені звичаї і традиції життя не лише дворянства і вищих кругів, але й простого народу, солдатів, офіцерів. У статті зроблена спроба порівняти опис міс у декількох українських мемуаристів (Т. Шевченко, С. Капніст-Скалон), показати різний підхід в зображенні дійсності у мемуаристів і письменників.This article analyzes the notes of Nadezhda Durova as travel diary, which shows many cities from different countries in peacetime and wartime. The author of the article proves that the perception of the city depends on the historical time, the mood of the memoirist, on the physical state; focuses on the fact that the notes of Durova reflect customs and traditions of life not only the nobility and the higher circles, but also ordinary people, soldiers, officers . An attempt to compare description of cities by another Ukrainian memorialists (T. of Shevchenko, P. Kapnist-Skalon) is done in the article. А different approach in the image of reality in memoirists and writers is also shown