10 research outputs found

    Glyphosate plus carboxylic compounds boost activity of free radical-scavenging enzymes in sugarcane.

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    Abstract: Drought, heat, and salinity, as well as pests, are stressing agents, which have impressively declined the productivity and quality of sugarcane crop in harsh environments. Our study aimed to examine the effect of various chemical ripeners as alternatives to enhancing the reactiveness of the enzymatic antioxidant system of sugarcane crop. The field experiment consisted of spraying the ingredients, ethephon, ethyl-trinexapac, glyphosate, carboxylic compounds (MTD) and methyl-sulfumeturon on the Brazilian commercial varieties, SP80-1842 and SP80-3280, before flowering stage. The enzymatic assay comprised the monitoring of the rate of degradation of free radical by ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the extract from leaves of 11-month-old plants. Spraying glyphosate at 0.15 L ha-1 with MTD at 1.00 L ha-1 provided the highest activity of CAT, 0.65 µmol H2O2 min-1 mg-1 protein, in variety SP80-1842 Spraying glyphosate at 0.15 L ha-1 with ethephon at 0.33 L ha-1 caused the highest activity of APX, 1.70 nmol ascorbate min-1 mg-1 protein, in variety SP80-3280. The conclusion is, therefore, that mixtures of glyphosate with the insecticide/acaricide, MTD, and with the synthetic ethylene-releasing product, ethephon could help sugarcane crop grow adequately under uncontrollable or unpredictable agroecosystems like marginal lands

    Anti-thermal shock binding of liquid-state food waste to non-wood pellets.

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    Abstract: The development and implementation of strategies to assist safe and effective transport and storage of pellets in containers and indoor facilities without heating systems are challenging. This study primarily aimed to reshape the organic fraction of municipal solid waste into a liquid-state binder in order to develop freezing?defrosting-proof non-wood pellets. The introduction of the standard solution of food waste into the process of pelleting consisted of stirring it together with the residual biomass from distillation of cellulosic bioethanol or alternatively spraying very fine droplets on the layer of the starting material before it entered the pilot-scale automatic machine at 200 MPa and 125 °C. The addition by spraying of carbohydrate-rich supplement boiled for five minutes caused the pellets to show increases in apparent density (1250.8500 kg·m?3), durability (99.7665%), and hydrophobicity (93.9785%), and consistently prevented them from suffering severe mechanical fracture by thermal shock. The fractal dimension of breakpoints, cracks, and delamination on the finished surface for these products was the smallest at 1.7500-1.7505. Sprayed pellets would fall into the strictest grid of products for residential heat-and-power units, even after freezing and defrosting. The conclusion is therefore that spraying can spectacularly ensure the reliability of liquid-state food waste as an anti-thermal shock binder for non-wood pellets

    Second-generation lignocellulosic supportive material improves atomic ratios of C:O and H:O and thermomechanical behavior of hybrid non-woody pellets.

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    Abstract: Pellets refer to solid biofuels for heating and power. The pellet's integrity is of great relevant to ensure safe and effective transportation and storage, and comfort to stakeholders. Several materials that are supportive, whether organic and inorganic, to pellets exist. However, no work in the literature is linking making hybrid non-wood pellets with addition of residual biomass from distillation of cellulosic bioethanol, and this requires further investigations. Figuring out how effective this challenging agro-industrial residue could be for reinforcing non-wood pellets is accordingly the scientific point of this study focusing on management of waste and valorization of biomass. The pilot-scale manufacturing of hybrid pellets consisted of systematically pressing sugarcane bagasse with the lignocellulosic reinforcement at the mass ratios of 3:1, 1:1, and 1:3 on an automatic pelletizer machine at 200 MPa and 125 °C. Elemental contents of C and H, durability, and energy density all increased significantly from 50.05 to 53.50%, 5.95 to 7.80%, 95.90 to 99.55%, and 28.20 to 31.20 MJ kg-1, respectively, with blending the starting material with the reinforcement at 1:3. Preliminary evidence of residual biomass from distillation of second-generation bioethanol capable of highly improving molecular flammable/combustible properties, mechanical stability, and fuel power of composite non-wood pellets exist

    Transmission Network Expansion Planning Considering Phase-Shifter Transformers

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    This paper presents a novel mathematical model for the transmission network expansion planning problem. Main idea is to consider phase-shifter (PS) transformers as a new element of the transmission system expansion together with other traditional components such as transmission lines and conventional transformers. In this way, PS are added in order to redistribute active power flows in the system and, consequently, to diminish the total investment costs due to new transmission lines. Proposed mathematical model presents the structure of a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem and is based on the standard DC model. In this paper, there is also applied a specialized genetic algorithm aimed at optimizing the allocation of candidate components in the network. Results obtained from computational simulations carried out with IEEE-24 bus system show an outstanding performance of the proposed methodology and model, indicating the technical viability of using these nonconventional devices during the planning process

    Trinexapac-ethyl as chemical ripening agent on sweet sorghum crop.

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    Abstract: Literary references on the quality of juice of sweet sorghum crop following chemical ripening agents spraying are rarely found up, mostly concerning to the trinexapac-ethyl. Accordingly, this article shares an unpublished content about chemically-induced physiological ripening on the sweet sorghum cv. CMSXS-646 by spraying trinexapac-ethyl before the crop flowering. A CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer, with flat spray nozzles, was employed to exogenously spray the plant growth inhibitor at 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 l ha-1 on 90-days-old plants. Early after the crop harvesting, juice and lignocellulose samples were technologically assessed to total soluble solids, sucrose, purity, reducing sugars, total reducing sugars, fibers and yield of sugar. Sweet sorghum plants exposured to the trinexapacethyl at 0.4 and 0.8 l ha-1 produced juices with approximately 20.2 and 20.3 °Brix, 15.1 and 13.2% sucrose, 74.6 and 64.9% purity, as well as 107.7 and 98.2 kg t-1 sugar, respectively. Unlike, plants cultivated as control, juices with 21.0 °Brix, 16.0% sucrose, 76.9% purity and 118.0 kg t-1 sugar. Therefore, trinexapac-ethyl had suppressive effect on the quality of juice, mostly regarding to the total soluble solids and yield of sugar. Plants sprayed with trinexapac-ethyl at 1.6 l ha-1 developed the most fibrous stalks, as host-defense system response to stress induced on plant physiology. The conclusion is, therefore, that although does prejudices the quality of juice, making it unsustainable to the production of first-generation ethanol, trinexapac-ethyl as chemical ripening agent could lead the sweet sorghum cv. CMSXS-646, while lignocellulose renewable source, to the industrialization of cellulosic ethanol and bioelectricity. ? Resumo: As referências literárias sobre a qualidade do suco da cultura do sorgo sacarino após a pulverização de agentes químicos de maturação são raramente encontradas, principalmente em relação ao trinexapac-etila. Nesse sentido, este artigo compartilha um conteúdo inédito sobre o amadurecimento fisiológico quimicamente induzido no sorgo sacarino cv. CMSXS-646 por pulverização de trinexapac-etilo antes da floração da cultura. Um pulverizador costal de CO2 pressurizado, com pontas de pulverização planas, foi empregado para pulverizar exogenamente o inibidor de crescimento de plantas a 0,4, 0,8 e 1,6 l ha-1 em plantas com 90 dias de idade. Logo após a colheita, amostras de suco e lignocelulose foram avaliadas tecnologicamente quanto a sólidos solúveis totais, sacarose, pureza, açúcares redutores, açúcares redutores totais, fibras e rendimento de açúcar. Plantas de sorgo sacarino expostas ao trinexapac-ethyl a 0,4 e 0,8 l ha-1 produziram sucos com aproximadamente 20,2 e 20,3 ° Brix, 15,1 e 13,2% de sacarose, 74,6 e 64,9% de pureza, bem como 107,7 e 98,2 kg t-1 de açúcar. , respectivamente. Diferentemente, plantas cultivadas como controle, sucos com 21,0 ° Brix, 16,0% de sacarose, 76,9% de pureza e 118,0 kg t-1 de açúcar. Portanto, o trinexapac-ethyl teve efeito supressor sobre a qualidade do suco, principalmente em relação ao total de sólidos solúveis e rendimento de açúcar. Plantas pulverizadas com trinexapac-ethyl a 1,6 l ha-1 desenvolveram os colmos mais fibrosos, como resposta do sistema de defesa do hospedeiro ao estresse induzido na fisiologia das plantas. Conclui-se, portanto, que embora prejudique a qualidade do suco, tornando-o insustentável à produção de etanol de primeira geração, o trinexapac-ethyl como agente de amadurecimento químico pode levar o sorgo sacarino cv. CMSXS-646, enquanto fonte renovável de lignocelulose, para a industrialização do etanol celulósico e bioeletricidade

    Trinexapac-ethyl as chemical ripening agent on sweet sorghum crop.

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    Abstract: Literary references on the quality of juice of sweet sorghum crop following chemical ripening agents spraying are rarely found up, mostly concerning to the trinexapac-ethyl. Accordingly, this article shares an unpublished content about chemically-induced physiological ripening on the sweet sorghum cv. CMSXS-646 by spraying trinexapac-ethyl before the crop flowering. A CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer, with flat spray nozzles, was employed to exogenously spray the plant growth inhibitor at 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 l ha-1 on 90-days-old plants. Early after the crop harvesting, juice and lignocellulose samples were technologically assessed to total soluble solids, sucrose, purity, reducing sugars, total reducing sugars, fibers and yield of sugar. Sweet sorghum plants exposured to the trinexapacethyl at 0.4 and 0.8 l ha-1 produced juices with approximately 20.2 and 20.3 °Brix, 15.1 and 13.2% sucrose, 74.6 and 64.9% purity, as well as 107.7 and 98.2 kg t-1 sugar, respectively. Unlike, plants cultivated as control, juices with 21.0 °Brix, 16.0% sucrose, 76.9% purity and 118.0 kg t-1 sugar. Therefore, trinexapac-ethyl had suppressive effect on the quality of juice, mostly regarding to the total soluble solids and yield of sugar. Plants sprayed with trinexapac-ethyl at 1.6 l ha-1 developed the most fibrous stalks, as host-defense system response to stress induced on plant physiology. The conclusion is, therefore, that although does prejudices the quality of juice, making it unsustainable to the production of first-generation ethanol, trinexapac-ethyl as chemical ripening agent could lead the sweet sorghum cv. CMSXS-646, while lignocellulose renewable source, to the industrialization of cellulosic ethanol and bioelectricity. ? Resumo: As referências literárias sobre a qualidade do suco da cultura do sorgo sacarino após a pulverização de agentes químicos de maturação são raramente encontradas, principalmente em relação ao trinexapac-etila. Nesse sentido, este artigo compartilha um conteúdo inédito sobre o amadurecimento fisiológico quimicamente induzido no sorgo sacarino cv. CMSXS-646 por pulverização de trinexapac-etilo antes da floração da cultura. Um pulverizador costal de CO2 pressurizado, com pontas de pulverização planas, foi empregado para pulverizar exogenamente o inibidor de crescimento de plantas a 0,4, 0,8 e 1,6 l ha-1 em plantas com 90 dias de idade. Logo após a colheita, amostras de suco e lignocelulose foram avaliadas tecnologicamente quanto a sólidos solúveis totais, sacarose, pureza, açúcares redutores, açúcares redutores totais, fibras e rendimento de açúcar. Plantas de sorgo sacarino expostas ao trinexapac-ethyl a 0,4 e 0,8 l ha-1 produziram sucos com aproximadamente 20,2 e 20,3 ° Brix, 15,1 e 13,2% de sacarose, 74,6 e 64,9% de pureza, bem como 107,7 e 98,2 kg t-1 de açúcar. , respectivamente. Diferentemente, plantas cultivadas como controle, sucos com 21,0 ° Brix, 16,0% de sacarose, 76,9% de pureza e 118,0 kg t-1 de açúcar. Portanto, o trinexapac-ethyl teve efeito supressor sobre a qualidade do suco, principalmente em relação ao total de sólidos solúveis e rendimento de açúcar. Plantas pulverizadas com trinexapac-ethyl a 1,6 l ha-1 desenvolveram os colmos mais fibrosos, como resposta do sistema de defesa do hospedeiro ao estresse induzido na fisiologia das plantas. Conclui-se, portanto, que embora prejudique a qualidade do suco, tornando-o insustentável à produção de etanol de primeira geração, o trinexapac-ethyl como agente de amadurecimento químico pode levar o sorgo sacarino cv. CMSXS-646, enquanto fonte renovável de lignocelulose, para a industrialização do etanol celulósico e bioeletricidade.Made available in DSpace on 2019-11-30T00:37:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MayTrinexapacethyl2019.pdf: 389374 bytes, checksum: 6048c60417525e8111acd5a56e7125e9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019bitstream/item/205881/1/May-Trinexapac-ethyl-2019.pd

    Juice technological quality, lignocellulosic physical-chemical attributes and biomass yield from energy cane clones.

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    Abstract: Originating from backcrossing generations between wild and commercial sugarcane varieties, ?energy cane? technology promises to revolutionize global energetic scenario, once full use of feedstock is allowed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess juice technological quality, lignocellulosic physical-chemical composition, and biomass yield of nine energy cane. The experiment had a randomized block design with five replications for each clone (treatment) (VX12-1659, VX12-1658, VX12-1356, VX12-1191, VX12-1022, VX12-0277, VX12-0201, VX12-0180, and VX12-0046) with five replicates. Following to tillage harvest, stalk samples were assessed for total soluble solids (ºBrix; % juice), sucrose (Pol; % juice), purity (Prt; % juice), reducing sugars (RS; % juice), theoretical sugars recoverable (TSR; kg t-1 stalks), Pol (% cane), RS (% cane), moisture (% cane), fibers (Fib; % cane), and dry biomass yield (DBY; t ha-1). The obtained data was subjected to the following statistical tests (p < 0.05): Shapiro?Wilk, Fisher, Tukey, and Pearson?s linear correlation. Findings revealed null hypothesis rejection, suggesting the clones significantly affected all assessed traits. The individuals VX12-1659, VX12-1658, VX12-1356, VX12-1191, VX12-1022, and VX12-0277 exhibited the highest °Brix (% juice), Pol (% juice), Prt (% juice), TSR, Pol (% cane), moisture (% cane), and Fib (% cane) values. In addition, the clones VX12-1659, VX12-1658, and VX12-1356 resulted in DBY averages higher than other individuals of the population. In fact, all clones showed Type II energy cane typical characteristics due to a low sucrose/fiber ratio. Thus, the energy cane clones are suitable for bioelectricity co-generation.Made available in DSpace on 2019-12-05T00:36:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MayJuiceTechnological2019.pdf: 1252520 bytes, checksum: bd808ea0341bfb31d60b2123c7f9a4b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019bitstream/item/206203/1/May-Juice-Technological-2019.pd

    Productivity and biochemical characteristics of sugarcane when submitted to the action of chemical ripeners.

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    Abstract: The utilization of chemical ripeners is an important tool, since they are applied to accelerate the maturation process, enhance raw material quality, optimize agro industrial and economic results, and help crop planning, allowing essential crop management in a modern production system. The objective of this study was to evaluate agricultural productivity and biochemical characteristics of the sugarcane when submitted to the application of chemical ripeners in different crop years. The experimental design utilized randomized blocks arranged in split split plots. The main plots consisted of the application of the following products with their respective doses: control (C) (without application), sulfomethuron-methyl (0.02 kg ha-1) + glyphosate (0.15 L ha-1) (SG), ethephon (0.34 L h-1) + glyphosate (0.15 L ha-1) (EG), glyphosate (0.35 L h-1) (G), compounds of organic carboxylic radicals (1.0 L h-1) + glyphosate (0.15 L h-1) (CG). The subplots were composed of evaluation times: 0, 15, and 30 days after application of the products. The sub-subplots consisted of two crop years, 2008 and 2009. In the evaluations, the levels of brix levels, pol, reducing sugars, total reducing sugars, fiber, purity, humidity, recoverable theoretical sugar, tons of Culms per hectare and tons of sugar per hectare, shikimic and salicylic acids. The application of CG showed better results for sugarcane technological characteristics on the 30th day after application. 0.35 L ha-1 of glyphosate favored an increase in the concentrations of shikimic and salicylic acids. The application of a mixture of compounds of organic carboxylic radicals + glyphosate presented better results for sugarcane technological characteristics at 30 days after application in the studied crop years. The application of 0.35 L ha-1 glyphosate favored an increase in the concentrations of shikimic and salicylic acids in the crop years of 2008 and 2009.Made available in DSpace on 2019-12-05T18:19:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MayProductivityBiochemical2019.pdf: 2679145 bytes, checksum: 7dfe3684e3eff5ad521154dfcc61beae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019bitstream/item/206314/1/May-Productivity-Biochemical-2019.pd

    Azospirillum brasilense can impressively improve growth and development of Urochloa brizantha under irrigation.

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    Abstract: Development of strategies to ensure grazing systems are sustainably produced in harsh environments, while not fertilizing them conventionally, is challenging. Figuring out the extent to which dose of inoculation and period of watering can positively influence the establishment of an effective symbiosis between U. brizantha cv. Marandu and Azospirillum brasilense is the point of this research. The treatment consisted of mixing 1 kg seeds with the inoculant of the strains Ab-V5 and Ab-V6 at 5, 10, 20, and 40 mL kg-1, 2 x 108 CFU mL-1. The plants grew in pots watered 2, 4, 8, and 16 days after sowing over thirty-days, twice. The bioagent at 5?10 mL kg-1 enabled the plants watered up to 4 days after sowing to peak the production of dry mass of shoots (28.50 g) and roots (12.55 g). The efficiency of the symbiosis goes down quickly with increasing dose and delay of watering. Hence, if the dose of inoculant is higher than 10 mL kg-1, it cannot successfully act in plants watered at least 8 days after sowing anymore. In conclusion, A. brasilense can assist in U. brizantha cv. Marandu growth and healthy development unless a lack of water in the substrate and an overdose collectively deter its potential