10 research outputs found

    Enhanced Cloud Computing Model Using Systematic Approach Towards The Quality Of Service In A Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is modrendevelopingtechnoloy which provides on-claim resources in cloud computing envoirnment.  Cloud computing is modern technology which guarantees to provide elastic Infrastructure, resources accessible via the Internet with low cost. Cloud refers to a huge bundle of computing and data resources which can be access to different protocols and interfaces. Cloud service model containsSoftware-as-a-service (SaaS),Infrastructure-as-a service (IaaS), and Platform-as-a-service (PaaS. Cloud users can enjoy these services without knowing the underlying technology behind the cloud. Quality of service playsa vital role in any network while providing efficient resourcesto users. To competitive gain, it is compulsory to cloud computing network operator  to gain  trust of users by providing the best quality of services. Resource virtualization, share pool of resources, on-demand network access, large datacentres, and highly-interactive web applications needs quality of services. In this paper we put an effort to enhance the cloud computing model to show the “Quality as-a-service(QaaS)”layer. This service layer will help the cloud provider how to enhance the quality of service to cloud users to gain competitive advantage over other cloud service providers.  Parameters which are to useto measure the quality of services includeService Response Time, Reliability, Interoperability, Accuracy,Execution time etc

    A Comparative Analysis Of Conventional Software Development Approaches Vs. Formal Methods In Call Distribution Systems

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    When we think about formal method; the first thing which comes in our mind is mathematical approach. The process of formalization is an approach based on mathematics and used to elaborate the properties of systems (hardware and software). The mathematical modeling or formal methods provide us a framework for large and complex systems. Thus these systems can be specified, analyzed, designed, and verified in a systematic way rather than the approaches which are used conventionally. Formal verification and the methods are applied using theoretical computer science fundamentals to solve the complex and difficult problems in large and complex software and hardware systems to ensure the systems will not fail with run-time errors. Conventional approaches of software verification in call distribution systems rely on quality assurance to verify the system behavior and robustness. The process of software testing cannot show the absence of errors it can only show the presence of errors in software systems. [1] In contrast, the mathematically-based techniques of verification are based on formal methods to prove certain software attributes, for example proving that software does or does not contain the occurrence of errors at run-time such as overflows, divide-by-zero, and access violation, invalid memory access and stack/heap corruption. [1] In this paper later we will have comparative analysis of formal methods vs. conventional software development approaches in call distribution systems. Using this comparison we‘ll try to identify the methodologies and approaches which would be better in SDLC for call distribution systems.

    Comparative Analysis Of Fault-Tolerance Techniques For Space Applications

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    Fault-tolerance technique enables a system or application to continue working even if some fault /error occurs in a system. Therefore, it is vital to choose appropriate fault tolerant technique best suited to our application. In case of real-time embedded systems in a space project, the importance of such techniques becomes more critical. In space applications, there is minor or no possibility of maintenance and faults occurrence may lead to serious consequences in terms of partial or complete mission failure. This paper describes the comparison of various fault tolerant techniques for space applications. This also suggests the suitability of these techniques in particular scenario.  The study of fault tolerance techniques relevant to real-time embedded systems and on-board space applications (satellites) is given due importance. This study will not only summarize fault tolerant techniques but also describe their strengths. The paper describes the future trends of faults-tolerance techniques in space applications. This effort may help space system engineers and scientists to select suitable fault-tolerance technique for their mission.

    Usability Evaluation of Online Educational Applications in COVID-19

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    COVID-19 is a pandemic faced by almost every country in the world, this has resulted in health crisis. Due to COVID-19, all the countries around the world have decided to close all educational institutes to prevent this pandemic. Educational institutes have taken every possible measure to minimize the impact of the closure of schools and introduce the concept of an online education system which is not only a massive shock for parents but it also affects the children's learning process and social life. The educational applications (Apps) are very important, because they offer more opportunities for development and growth to society. In this pandemic situation, educational Apps like Zoom, HEC LMS, Google Classroom, and Skype, etc. are the need of the hour when everything goes online. In this paper, the usability features of online educational Apps are thoroughly discussed including the effectiveness and usability for students. Using the results obtained from the survey, this paper observes the student's perspective of usefulness of online educational Apps in student’s learning process of different age groups. It also analyzes the easiness for students to understand, interact and use these Apps

    A Concurrence Study on Interoperability Issues in IoT and Decision Making Based Model on Data and Services being used during Inter-Operability

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) has become an important topic among researchers owing to its potential to change the way we live and use smart devices. In recent years, many research work found in the world are interrelated and convey via the existing web structure which makes a worldwide system called IoT. This study focused on the significant improvement of answers for a wider scope of gadgets and the Internet of Things IoT stages in recent years. In any case, each arrangement gives its very own IoT framework, gadgets, APIs, and information configurations promoting interoperability issues. These issues are the outcome of numerous basic issues, difficulty to create IoT application uncovering cross-stage, and additionally cross-space, trouble in connecting non-interoperable IoT gadgets to various IoT stages, what's more, eventually averts the development of IoT innovation at an enormous scale. To authorize consistent data sharing between various IoT vendors, endeavors by a few academia, industrial, and institutional groups have accelerated to support IoT interoperability. This paper plays out a far-reaching study on the cutting-edge answers for encouraging interoperability between various IoT stages. Likewise, the key difficulties in this theme are introduced

    Combination of AHP and TOPSIS methods for the ranking of information security controls to overcome its obstructions under fuzzy environment

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    The organizations utilizing the cloud computing services are required to select suitable Information Security Controls (ISCs) to maintain data security and privacy. Many organizations bought popular products or traditional tools to select ISCs. However, selecting the wrong information security control without keeping in view severity of the risk, budgetary constraints, measures cost, and implementation and mitigation time may lead to leakage of data and resultantly, organizations may lose their user’s information, face financial implications, even reputation of the organization may be damaged. Therefore, the organizations should evaluate each control based on certain criteria like implementation time, mitigation time, exploitation time, risk, budgetary constraints, and previous effectiveness of the control under review. In this article, the authors utilized the methodologies of the Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) to help the cloud organizations in the prioritization and selection of the best information security control. Furthermore, a numerical example is also given, depicting the step by step utilization of the method in cloud organizations for the prioritization of the information security controls

    Analysis Of Internet Addiction Amongst University Level Students

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    A collection of different interconnected small or large networks is called an Internet. It is a speedy high way that connects multiple regions. Each region can have one or more than one networks. Internet has become more influential tool to minimize the communication gap all over the world.  Internet service providers (ISPs) are providing cheap, fast and good communication services now a day. Today’s technology is playing important role in the growth of Internet users. The easy and cheap availability of computers, laptops, mobiles and Internet services may cause for Internet addiction. Internet addiction refers to extreme use of Internet which seems unmanageable in routine life matters, health, attitude, and relationships. Too much use of Internet affects the students spiritually, emotionally, morally and educationally. We have investigated the relationship between problems and measures of Internet addiction among 1000 university level students in the current study. Data was collected through questionnaires filled individually by every student. Results indicated that a large number of students waste their time on chatting and visiting useless sites. Moreover, interpersonal, academic and health problems were found. The reasons of positive and negative impacts of Internet addiction were also found. Survey showed that number of students was unaware to use the Internet properly.  It was observed that the male students were more Internet addicts than female students

    Evaluation of the Challenges in the Internet of Medical Things with Multicriteria Decision Making (AHP and TOPSIS) to Overcome Its Obstruction under Fuzzy Environment

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    The exponential speed of advancement of innovation has expanded the needs of all users to avail all their information on the Internet 24/7. The Internet of things (IoT) enables smart objects to develop a significant building block in the development of the pervasive framework. The messaging between objects with one another means the least work and least expense for the enterprise. The industry that intends to implement the Internet of medical things (IoMT) in its organizations is still facing difficulties. Recognition and solving of these challenges are a time-consuming task and also need significant expenses if not adequately evaluated and prioritized. The application of the Internet of things is covered in almost every area, including medical/healthcare. In this research, the authors investigated the factors dealing with the Internet of medical things. The outcome of this study is to prioritize the level of significance of the elements causing these challenges, evaluated through fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques like Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). It would be beneficial for enterprises to save time and revenue. The main criteria, as well as subcriteria, were determined after due consultation with the Internet of medical things experts. In this study, our goals are to figure out which criteria/factors create hurdles in the adoption of the Internet of medical things. Through the investigation, we figured out 20 criteria ought to be given more importance/preference by the industry that is in the transition phase of the Internet of medical things adoption. The enterprise, with the help of this study, will be enabled to accelerate that adoption by limiting time and fiscal misfortune

    Status of Bioinformatics Education in South Asia: Past and Present

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    Bioinformatics education has been a hot topic in South Asia, and the interest in this education peaks with the start of the 21st century. The governments of South Asian countries had a systematic effort for bioinformatics. They developed the infrastructures to provide maximum facility to the scientific community to gain maximum output in this field. This article renders bioinformatics, measures, and its importance of implementation in South Asia with proper ways of improving bioinformatics education flaws. It also addresses the problems faced in South Asia and proposes some recommendations regarding bioinformatics education. The information regarding bioinformatics education and institutes was collected from different existing research papers, databases, and surveys. The information was then confirmed by visiting each institution’s website, while problems and solutions displayed in the article are mostly in line with South Asian bioinformatics conferences and institutions’ objectives. Among South Asian countries, India and Pakistan have developed infrastructure and education regarding bioinformatics rapidly as compared to other countries, whereas Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal are still in a progressing phase in this field. To advance in a different sector, the bioinformatics industry has to be revolutionized, and it will contribute to strengthening the pharmaceutical, agricultural, and molecular sectors in South Asia. To advance in bioinformatics, universities’ infrastructure needs to be on a par with the current international standards, which will produce well-trained professionals with skills in multiple fields like biotechnology, mathematics, statistics, and computer science. The bioinformatics industry has revolutionized and strengthened the pharmaceutical, agricultural, and molecular sectors in South Asia, and it will serve as the standard of education increases in the South Asian countries. A framework for developing a centralized database is suggested after the literature review to collect and store the information on the current status of South Asian bioinformatics education. This will be named as the South Asian Bioinformatics Education Database (SABE). This will provide comprehensive information regarding the bioinformatics in South Asian countries by the country name, the experts of this field, and the university name to explore the top-ranked outputs relevant to queries

    A Review of Deep Learning Security and Privacy Defensive Techniques

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    In recent past years, Deep Learning presented an excellent performance in different areas like image recognition, pattern matching, and even in cybersecurity. The Deep Learning has numerous advantages including fast solving complex problems, huge automation, maximum application of unstructured data, ability to give high quality of results, reduction of high costs, no need for data labeling, and identification of complex interactions, but it also has limitations like opaqueness, computationally intensive, need for abundant data, and more complex algorithms. In our daily life, we used many applications that use Deep Learning models to make decisions based on predictions, and if Deep Learning models became the cause of misprediction due to internal/external malicious effects, it may create difficulties in our real life. Furthermore, the Deep Learning training models often have sensitive information of the users and those models should not be vulnerable and expose security and privacy. The algorithms of Deep Learning and machine learning are still vulnerable to different types of security threats and risks. Therefore, it is necessary to call the attention of the industry in respect of security threats and related countermeasures techniques for Deep Learning, which motivated the authors to perform a comprehensive survey of Deep Learning security and privacy security challenges and countermeasures in this paper. We also discussed the open challenges and current issues