38 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Biofilm Forming Capacities of Bacterial Isolates Recovered in Raw and Treated Effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria

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    Biofilm producing bacteria are associated with many recalcitrant infections and are highly resistant to antimicrobial agents, hence notoriously difficult to eradicate. This study aimed at determining the biofilm forming capacities of bacterial isolates recovered in the raw wastewater and treated effluent from Wastewater Treatment Plants of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria using Tube Method (TM) and Congo Red Agar (CRA) method; and from the results, among the isolates recovered from the raw wastewater, TM detected 62.5% isolates as positive and 37.5% as negative for biofilm production, CRA detected 37.5% isolates as positive and 62.5% as negative for biofilm production. TM also demonstrated to be more suitable in detecting biofilm producing bacterial isolates from the treated effluent were it detected 50% isolates as positive and 50% as negative. However, CRA detected only 12.5% isolates as positive and 87.5% as negative for biofilm production. We therefore, conclude that the TM is more efficient and reliable for detection of biofilm producing bacteria in the laboratory when compared to CRA method and can be recommended as one of the suitable standard screening method for the detection of biofilm producing bacteria in laboratories.Keywords: Biofilm; Bacteria; Congo red agar and Tube metho

    A New Minimal-Stress Freely-Moving Rat Model for Preclinical Studies on Intranasal Administration of CNS Drugs

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    Purpose. To develop a new minimal-stress model for intranasal administration in freely moving rats and to evaluate in this model the brain distribution of acetaminophen following intranasal versus intravenous administration. Methods. Male Wistar rats received one intranasal cannula, an intra-cerebral microdialysis probe, and two blood cannulas for drug administration and serial blood sampling respectively. To evaluate this novel model, the following experiments were conducted. 1) Evans Blue was administered to verify the selectivity of intranasal exposure. 2) During a 1 min infusion 10, 20, or 40 μl saline was administered intranasally or 250 µl intravenously. Corticosterone plasma concentrations over time were compared as biomarkers for stress. 3) 200 µg of the model drug acetaminophen was given in identical setup and plasma, and brain pharmacokinetics were determined. Results. In 96 % of the rats, only the targeted nasal cavity was deeply colored. Corticosterone plasma concentrations were not influenced, neither by route nor volume of administration. Pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen were identical after intravenous and intranasal administration, although the Cmax in microdialysates was reached a little earlier following intravenous administration. Conclusion. A new minimal-stress model for intranasal administration in freely moving rats has been successfully developed and allows direct comparison with intravenous administration. KEY WORDS: acetaminophen; brain; intranasal infusion; microdialysis; pharmacokinetics

    The biopharmaceutical aspects of nasal mucoadhesive drug delivery

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    Nasal drug administration has frequently been proposed as the most feasible alternative to parenteral injections. This is due to the high permeability of the nasal epithelium, allowing a higher molecular mass cut-off at approximately 1000 Da, and the rapid drug absorption rate with plasma drug profiles sometimes almost identical to those from intravenous injections. Despite the potential of nasal drug delivery, it has a number of limitations. In this review, the anatomy and physiology of the nasal cavity, as well as ciliary beating and mucociliary clearance as they relate to nasal drug absorption, are introduced. The rationale for nasal drug delivery and its limitations, some factors that influence nasal drug absorption, and the experimental models used in nasal drug delivery research are also reviewed. Nasal mucoadhesion as a promising method of nasal absorption enhancement is discussed, and factors that influence mucoadhesion, as well as safety of nasal mucoadhesive drug delivery systems are reviewed in detail. Nasal drug administration is presently mostly used for local therapies within the nasal cavity. Anti-allergic drugs and nasal decongestants are the most common examples. However, nasal drug administration for systemic effects has been practised since ancient times. Nasally-administered psychotropic drugs by native Americans, the use of tobacco snuffs, and nasal administration of illicit drugs such as cocaine are all well known (Illum & Davis 1992). Nowadays, the nasal cavity is being actively explored for systemic administration of other therapeutic agents, particularly peptides and proteins (Illum 1992; Edman & Björk 1992), as well as for immunization purposes (Lemoine et al 1998). To better understand the basis for nasal drug absorption and factors that can influence it, a brief review of the anatomy and physiology of the nose is appropriate.status: publishe

    Microencapsulation of apomorphine HCl with gelatin

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    Microspheres of apomorphine HCl were prepared, with gelatin as polymer coating material, using the emulsification solvent extraction method. The microencapsulation efficiency, particle size and release profile were compared to those of riboflavin sodium phosphate (RSPh). An efficiency of approximately 95% was obtained with RSPh while the quantity of acetone and ether used as preparative solvents resulted in low microencapsulation efficiency for apomorphine HCl. A reduction of the volumes of these solvents improved the efficiency by a factor of more than two but the mean particle size range became slightly higher due to agglomeration as compared to the mean particle size when more solvent was used. A faster release rate was found for RSPh than for apomorphine HCl, according their water solubilities. Crosslinking of gelatin-RSPh microspheres with formaldehyde and glutharaldehyde (10 and 20% v/v for 1, 6, and 24 h) did not extend the duration of release of RSPh and reduced the quantity of drug microencapsulated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.status: publishe

    Intravenous versus subcutaneous injections of apomorphine in rabbits: a pharmacokinetic paradox

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    The objective of this investigation was an attempt to conclusively prove the accidental observation that the AUC of apomorphine in rabbits was repeatedly lower after intravenous injection compared to subcutaneous injection. Apomorphine was administered to rabbits by intravenous and subcutaneous routes at 2 different doses (0.31 mg/kg, n=10; and 0.25 mg/kg, n=6). Plasma drug concentrations were measured by HPLC-ECD and pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated by compartmental and non-compartmental approaches. The AUC of apomorphine in rabbits were: for subcutaneous injection, 14138 +/- 502 ng/ml/min and 12680 +/- 855 ng/ml/min, n=10 and 6, respectively; for intravenous injection, 11850 +/- 718 ng/ml/min and 9147 +/- 671 ng/ml/min, n=10 and 6, respectively. These AUC values were statistically significantly lower when given as intravenous injection compared to subcutaneous injection (p=0.0011 and 0.0117, n=10 and 6, respectively). The T1/2,elim values were: for subcutaneous injection, 17.1 +/- 1.70 min and 18.7 +/- 1.68 min, n=10 and 6, respectively; for intravenous injection, 15.3 +/- 1.20 min and 15.0 +/- 2.24 min, n=10 and 6, respectively. There were no significant differences between the T1/2,elim from both administration routes (p=0.3984 and 0.2158, n=10 and 6, respectively). Given the reproducibility of the results, it was concluded that the AUC of apomorphine after intravenous injection in rabbits is anomalously lower than that of subcutaneous injection.status: publishe

    The lung as a route for systemic delivery of therapeutic proteins and peptides

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    The large surface area, good vascularization, immense capacity for solute exchange and ultra-thinness of the alveolar epithelium are unique features of the lung that can facilitate systemic delivery via pulmonary administration of peptides and proteins. Physical and biochemical barriers, lack of optimal dosage forms and delivery devices limit the systemic delivery of biotherapeutic agents by inhalation. Current efforts to overcome these difficulties in order to deliver metabolic hormones (insulin, calcitonin, thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH], follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH] and growth hormones) systemically, to induce systemic responses (immunoglobulins, cyclosporin A [CsA], recombinant-methionyl human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor [r-huG-CSF], pancreatic islet autoantigen) and to modulate other biological processes via the lung are reviewed. Safety aspects of pulmonary peptide and protein administration are also discussed.status: publishe

    Bioavailability of apomorphine following intranasal administration of mucoadhesive drug delivery systems in rabbits

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate both the in vitro and in vivo release of apomorphine from mucoadhesive powder formulations of Carbopol 971P and polycarbophil. METHODS: The in vitro drug release from the mucoadhesive formulations was studied using a modified USP XXII rotating basket. The pharmacokinetics of apomorphine given as a solution was determined after subcutaneous and intranasal administrations to rabbits. The animals also received intranasally the mucoadhesive dosage forms and immediate release lactose powder mixture. Comparisons were made between the salient pharmacokinetic parameters of the different dosage forms. RESULTS: Sustained in vitro drug release was obtained from the mucoadhesive formulations. Apomorphine was absorbed more rapidly in rabbits when administered intranasally than as a subcutaneous injection. The mucoadhesive formulations both gave sustained plasma drug concentrations and bioavailabilities comparable to subcutaneous injections. The times taken to achieve peak plasma drug concentrations from these mucoadhesive formulations were more than three-fold that of lactose. With these mucoadhesive formulations apomorphine lasted longer in the blood. It could be detected for up to 6-8 h compared to approximately 3 h for the other forms of administration. CONCLUSIONS: The nasal bioavailability of powders is higher than that of solutions. Drug release from the mucoadhesive powders was sustained and there was no significant difference between Carbopol 971P and polycarbophil.status: publishe

    Toxicological investigations of the effects carboxymethylcellulose on ciliary beat frequency of human nasal epithelial cells in primary suspension culture and in vivo on rabbit nasal mucosa

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the safety of a mucoadhesive carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) formulation for intranasal administration of apomorphine. The effect of different concentrations of CMC on ciliary beat frequency (CBF) was studied using a human nasal epithelial suspension cell culture system. The CBF was determined by computerized microscope photometry. The in vivo rabbit nasal mucosal tolerance of the mucoadhesive polymer was investigated using light microscopy. Twice daily, six rabbits received CMC powder in one nostril and CMC/apomorphine powder in the alternate nostril for 4 weeks. Two control rabbits received air puffs in one nostril and nothing in the alternate nostril. The rabbits were subsequently sacrificed and the stained nasal sections examined microscopically. CMC showed both concentration- and time-dependent inhibitory effects on the CBF. Only mild-to-moderate cilio-inhibition was recorded with the different concentrations of the polymer. CMC (both with and without apomorphine) caused mild-to-moderate inflammation after 4 weeks. Necrosis, squamous metaplasia or ciliary degeneration was not observed. Based on: (1) the mild-to-moderate cilio-inhibition induced by different concentrations of CMC; and (2) the mild-to-moderate nasal mucosal inflammation caused by CMC with and without apomorphine, we conclude that this polymer can be considered as a safe carrier for short-term intranasal administration. However, further investigations are required for its use in the treatment of chronic diseases such as with apomorphine in Parkinson's disease.status: publishe

    Nasal toxicological investigations of Carbopol 971P formulation of apomorphine: effects on ciliary beat frequency of human nasal primary cell culture and in vivo on rabbit nasal mucosa

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the nasal toxicity of a mucoadhesive Carbopol 971P formulation of apomorphine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The effects of different concentrations of Carbopol 971P and apomorphine on ciliary beat frequency (CBF) were studied in suspension cultures of human nasal epithelial cells. The rabbit nasal mucosal tolerance of the formulation and its components were investigated using light microscopy. Different groups of the rabbits received twice daily, air puffs, glucose, glucose/apomorphine, Carbopol 971P or Carbopol 971P/apomorphine for 1 week (glucose-treated rabbits) or 1, 2 and 4 weeks (other treatments). RESULTS: Both Carbopol 971P and apomorphine showed both concentration- and time-dependent inhibitory effects on the CBF. The effects on CBF were: apomorphine, 1.0% w/v, irreversible ciliostasis; 0.1 and 0.5% w/v, reversible cilio-inhibition; 0.01%w/v, irreversible cilio-stimulation; and Carbopol 971P, 0.1 and 0.25% w/v, partially-reversible cilio-inhibition. Glucose and glucose/apomorphine physical mixture caused mild inflammation. Carbopol 971P (both with and without apomorphine) caused severe inflammation, which increased with duration of treatment. Necrosis, squamous metaplasia or ciliary degeneration was not observed. CONCLUSIONS: Due to the severe inflammation caused by Carbopol 971P with and without apomorphine, we conclude that this polymer is not a suitable carrier for intranasal administration of apomorphine. This is in spite of the reversible effects of Carbopol 971P (0.1 and 0. 25% w/v) and apomorphine (0.1 and 0.5% w/v) on CBF.status: publishe