79 research outputs found

    Use of patients’ classification instruments: analysis of the brazilian production of knowledge

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    Objective To analyze the production of scientific knowledge about the use of patients’ classification instruments in care and management practice in Brazil. Method Integrative literature review with databases search in: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System on-line (MEDLINE), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and SCOPUS, between January 2002 through December 2013. Results 1,194 studies were found, 31 met the inclusion criteria. We observed a higher number of studies in the category care plans and workload (n=15), followed by the category evaluation of psychometric properties (n=14). Conclusion Brazilian knowledge production has not yet investigated some purposes of using instruments for classifying patients in professional nursing practice. The identification of unexplored areas can guide future research on the topic

    Avaliando a confiabilidade interavaliadores de um instrumento para classificação de pacientes: coeficiente Kappa

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a confiabilidade interavaliadores do instrumento de classificação de pacientes proposto por Perroca. Cinqüenta pacientes escolhidos aleatoriamente foram avaliados por enfermeiras lotadas na UTI de um hospital de ensino. O coeficiente Kappa foi utilizado para a avaliação do grau de concordância nos escores totais obtidos pelas enfermeiras. A análise de confiabilidade revelou um Kappa entre 0,68 e 0,90 com IC de 95%, indicando uma boa concordância. O estudo permitiu concluir que o instrumento apresenta evidência de confiabilidade.Este estudio tuvo por objetivo determinar la confiabilidad interevaluadores del instrumento de clasificación de pacientes propuesto por Perroca. Cincuenta pacientes escogidos aleatoriamente fueron evaluados por enfermeras que trabajan en la UCI de un hospital-escuela. El coeficiente Kappa se usó para evaluar el grado de concordancia de las puntuaciones totales obtenidas pelas enfermeras. El análisis de confiabilidad reveló un Kappa entre 0,68 y 0,90 con IC de 95%, indicando uma buena concordancia. El estudio permitió concluir que el instrumento manifiesta evidencia de confiabilidad.This study aimed to determine the reliability of Perroca's instrument model for classifying patients. Fifty patients randomly chosen were assessed by the nurses of the General Intensive Unit Care of a medical school hospital. Kappa's quotient was used to observe the concordance degree of the total scores by the nurses. The reliability analysis showed a Kappa between 0.68 and 0.90 with 95% of CI, showing a good concordance. Therefore, this study showed that this instrument model has drawn evidence of reliability

    A comunicação da suspensão de cirurgias pediátricas: sentimentos dos familiares envolvidos no processo

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    A hospitalização é uma experiência complexa, sendo agravada no caso de necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica, principalmente quando o paciente é criança. Quando a cirurgia é suspensa, paciente e seus familiares podem apresentar sentimentos de insegurança, angústia e ansiedade. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar e descrever a percepção de quinze mães e/ou responsáveis por crianças de 0 a 18 anos, internadas em um hospital, após receberem a notícia de que a cirurgia de seu filho foi suspensa. É um estudo descritivo, qualitativo, que utilizou o referencial teórico da Comunicação Interpessoal e o metodológico da Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados evidenciaram que as suspensões de cirurgias pediátricas são fatos presentes na instituição, que trazem repercussões ao paciente e familiares, e à organização institucional; que a comunicação entre profissionais da saúde, pacientes e familiares é inadequada; que a atuação do enfermeiro na notícia da suspensão da cirurgia precisa ser efetiva.La hospitalización es una experiencia compleja, agravada en el caso de ser necesaria una intervención quirúrgica, en particular cuando el enfermo es un niño. Cuando la cirugía es suspendida, el enfermo y sus familiares pueden manifestar sentimientos de inseguridad, angustia y ansiedad. Este estudio tuve como objetivo identificar e describir la percepción de quince madres y/o responsables por niños con edades entre 0 y 18 años internados en un hospital después de recibir la noticia de que la cirugía de su hijo fue suspendida. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo cualitativo que utilizó el referencial teórico de la Comunicación Interpersonal y la metodología del Análisis de Contenido. Los resultados evidenciaron que las suspensiones de cirugías pediátricas son hechos presentes en la institución, que traen repercusiones al enfermo y familiares y en la propia organización institucional, que la comunicación entre profesionales de la salud, enfermos y familiares es inadecuada y que la actuación del enfermero en la noticia de la suspensión de la cirugía debe ser necesariamente efectiva.Hospitalization is a complex experience; this can be made worse if surgical intervention is required, especially when the patient is a child. When surgery is suspended, patient and family can experience feelings of insecurity, distress, and anxiety. The objective of this study was to identify and describe the perceptions of fifteen mothers or guardians of children between 0 and 18 years old admitted in a teaching hospital, after receiving news that surgery for their child was suspended. This was a descriptive qualitative study which used Interpersonal Communication as theoretical reference and Analysis of Content as the methodology. Results showed that suspension of pediatric surgery in our institution causes repercussions to patients, their families, and institution organisation; that communication between health team professionals, patients and families is inadequate; and that the nurses' participation in informing surgery suspension must be effective

    Identification of care needs of patients with and without the use of a classification instrument

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    Objective: To analyze the agreement and disagreement between the assessments by applying or not a patient classification instrument, and to investigate the association between the agreement and personal and professional characteristics of the evaluators. Method: This is a descriptive exploratory study. 105 patients were hospitalized in a teaching hospital in the state of Sao Paulo, using the kappa statistic (weighted) and the Bootstrap method. Results: The agreement between the assessments were​​: kw 0.87 (instrument x internal evaluator), kw 0.78 (instrument x external evaluator) and kw 0.76 (between evaluators) and the influence of some personal and professional characteristics. The assessments conducted through the use of an instrument contemplated a greater number of areas of care in relation to when the instrument was not applied. Conclusion: The use of this instrument is recommended in order to more effectively identify care needs of patients

    Care needs and workload required by institutionalised psychiatric patients

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    OBJECTIVES: This descriptive study used a quantitative approach to assess the nursing care needs of patients with mental disorders, the mean number of care hours these patients were provided and the workload these patients require nursing team. METHODS: The research was conducted in a public neuropsychiatric hospital located in south eastern Brazil in 2010 and included 105 patients as subjects. A patient classification tool was applied to characterise care profiles. Statistical analysis was performed using principal component analysis and analysis of variance. RESULTS: Patients were predominantly in the low care category (73.3%). The mean care hours ranged from 0.57 to 0.88 for nurses and 1.97 to 3.16 for nursing assistants, and the workload ranged from 119.6 to 183 hours . CONCLUSIONS: The present study showed that the care needs of most patients were at a low level of dependency and that most patients did not need to be institutionalised. Furthermore, it was found that the care hours provided by the nursing staff were not sufficient to meet the care needs of the patients
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