22 research outputs found

    Nursing diagnoses for the elderly using the International Classification for Nursing Practice and the activities of living model

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop nursing diagnosis statements for the elderly based on the Activities of Living Model and on the International Classification for Nursing Practice. METHOD: Descriptive and exploratory study, put in practice in two stages: 1) collection of terms and concepts that are considered clinically and culturally relevant for nursing care delivered to the elderly, in order to develop a database of terms and 2) development of nursing diagnosis statements for the elderly in primary health care, based on the guidelines of the International Council of Nurses and on the database of terms for nursing practice involving the elderly. RESULTS: 414 terms were identified and submitted to the content validation process, with the participation of ten nursing experts, which resulted in 263 validated terms. These terms were submitted to cross mapping with the terms of the International Classification for Nursing Practice, resulting in the identification of 115 listed terms and 148 non-listed terms, which constituted the database of terms, from which 127 nursing diagnosis statements were prepared and classified into factors that affect the performance of the elderly's activities of living - 69 into biological factors, 19 into psychological, 31 into sociocultural, five into environmental, and three into political-economic factors. CONCLUSIONS: After clinical validation, these statements can serve as a guide for nursing consultations with elderly patients, without ignoring clinical experience, critical thinking and decision-making

    Diagnósticos de enfermagem do Padrão Mover em idosos de uma comunidade atendida pelo Programa Saúde da Família Diagnósticos de enfermería del Patrón Movimiento en ancianos asistidos por el Programa Salud de la Familia Nursing diagnoses of the Pattern of Mobility in the elderly attended by the Family Health Program

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    Com o envelhecimento, eleva-se a ocorrência de incapacidade ou risco para perda da mobilidade nos idosos. Objetivamos estudar a ocorrência de 22 Diagnósticos de Enfermagem do Padrão Mover em idosos, em relação a freqüência, sexo e idade. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, que incluiu 75 idosos atendidos por uma equipe do Programa Saúde da Família em Goiânia (GO). Verificamos que 97,3% da amostra apresentou pelo menos um dos diagnósticos estudados. Os diagnósticos com maiores freqüências foram Mobilidade Física Prejudicada (90,7%), Padrão do sono perturbado (89,4%) e Manutenção ineficaz da saúde (75,9%). Não encontramos diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a freqüência de diagnósticos entre homens e mulheres. Identificamos diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a freqüência de diagnósticos e a idade. Percebemos que existem características especificas da amostra que sugerem a necessidade de que cada equipe do Programa Saúde da Família avalie sua respectiva clientela a fim de direcionar intervenções precoces e apropriadas.<br>Con el envejecimiento, aumenta la ocurrencia de incapacidad o el riesgo para la pérdida de la movilidad en los ancianos. Nuestro objetivo fue estudiar la ocurrencia de 22 Diagnósticos de Enfermería del patrón movimiento en los ancianos, en relación a la frecuencia, sexo y edad. Se trata de uno estudio exploratorio que incluyó a 75 ancianos, asistidos por una equipo del Programa Salud de la Familia en Goiania (Brasil). Verificamos que el 97,3% de la muestra presentó por lo menos un diagnóstico. Los diagnósticos con mayores frecuencias fueron: movilidad física perjudicada (90,7%), modelo del sueño alterado (89,4%) y manutención ineficaz de la salud (75,9%). No encontramos diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la frecuencia de los diagnósticos entre hombres y mujeres. Identificamos diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre la frecuencia de los diagnósticos y la edad. Percibimos que existen características específicas de la muestra que sugieren la necesidad de que cada equipo del Programa Salud de la Familia evalúe su respectiva clientela a fin de orientar intervenciones precoces y apropiadas.<br>With aging there is an increase of the occurrence of incapacity and risk of loss of mobility in the elderly. Our objective was to study the occurrence of 22 Nursing Diagnoses of the Moving Pattern in elderly people in relation to frequency, sex and age. It is an exploratory study that involved 75 elders assisted by a team of the Family Health Program in Goiânia, State of Goiás. We found that 97.3% of the sample presented one or more diagnoses. The most frequent diagnoses were Impaired Physical Mobility (90.7%), Pattern of the Disturbed Sleep (89.4%) and Inefficient Health Upkeep (75.9%). We did not find statistically significant difference in the frequency of diagnoses among men and women. We identified statistically significant difference between the frequency of diagnoses and age. We noticed that there are specific characteristics of the sample that suggest the need for each team of Health Family Program to evaluate its clientele in order to direct early appropriate interventions