17 research outputs found

    Minor psychiatric disorders among Brazilian ragpickers: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Ragpickers are informal workers who collect recyclable materials to earn a small wage. Their life and working conditions are extremely difficult. We examined minor psychiatric disorders (MPD) among a cohort of ragpickers in Pelotas, a city in southern Brazil. METHODS: Ragpickers were matched by sex, age, and years of schooling with a sample of non-ragpickers from the same poor neighborhoods. The cross-sectional study gathered data by interview on 990 individuals in 2004. MPD were assessed using a standard self-reporting questionnaire, the SRQ-20. RESULTS: The prevalence of MPD among ragpickers was 44.7%, higher than reported by neighborhood controls (33.6%; p < 0.001). MPD were more common among females, those of lower economic level, smokers and alcoholics. Among occupational characteristics, MPD prevalence was associated with frequent static postures, low job satisfaction and recent work accidents. CONCLUSION: Ragpickers more frequently report MPD than other poor workers living in the same neighborhoods, with many of the same life conditions. Improving the work lives of these precarious workers should address not only the physical hazards of their jobs but their mental and emotional health as well

    Common Mental Disorders: socio-demographic and pharmacotherapy profile

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    OBJECTIVE: this study reports an association between Common Mental Disorders and the socio-demographic and pharmacotherapy profiles of 106 patients cared for by a Primary Health Care unit in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. METHOD: this is a cross-sectional descriptive exploratory study with a quantitative approach. Structured interviews and validated instruments were used to collect data. The Statistical Package for Social Science was used for analysis. RESULTS: The prevalence of Common Mental Disorders was 50%. An association was found between Common Mental Disorders and the variables occupation, family income, number of prescribed medications and number of pills taken a day. Greater therapy non-adherence was observed among those who tested positive for Common Mental Disorders. CONCLUSION: this study's results show the importance of health professionals working in PHC to be able to detect needs of a psychological nature among their patients and to support the implementation of actions to prevent the worsening of Common Mental Disorders

    A enfermeira no processo de descentralização do sistema de saúde La enfermera en el proceso de descentralización del sistema de salud The nurse in the decentralization process of the health system

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    Estudo sobre o processo de descentralização do sistema de saúde nas décadas de 80 e 90 no município de Itabuna-BA; com o objetivo de descrever o processo de descentralização da saúde no município, identificando a inserção/participação da enfermeira nesse processo. Estudo descritivo, qualitativo de caráter exploratório, que utilizou para coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada, e a análise documental. Os resultados apontam que a inserção da enfermeira no processo da descentralização seguiu-se de acordo com as mudanças transcorridas a cada gestão municipal, onde ela atuou mais efetivamente conforme foi o cenário estabelecido e sofreu influência das diversas conjunturas conformadas pelas políticas implantadas ou implementadas em cada contexto da gestão do Sistema de saúde municipal.<br>Estudio sobre el proceso de descentralización del sistema de salud en las décadas de 80 y 90 en el municipio de Itabuna-BA; con el objetivo de describir el proceso de descentralización de la salud en el municipio, identificando la inserción/participación de la enfermera en este proceso. Estudio descriptivo cualitativo de carácter exploratorio, que utilizó para la coleta de datos la entrevista semiestructurada, y el análisis documental. Los resultados apuntan que la inserción de la enfermera en el proceso de descentralización se siguió de acuerdo con los cambios transcurridos en cada gestión municipal, donde actuó más efectivamente, conforme fue el escenario establecido y sufrió influencia de las diversas coyunturas conformadas por las políticas implantadas o implementadas en cada contexto de gestión del Sistema de salud municipal.<br>Study about the decentralization process of the health system in the '80s and '90s in the city of Itabuna-BA. It is aimed at describing the city's health decentralization process, identifying the nurse's insertion/participation in this process. Descriptive/qualitative study of exploratory nature that utilized both the semi-structured interview and documental analysis for data collection. The results show that the nurse's insertion in the decentralization process took place according to the changes that occurred at every municipal management, where the nurse acted more effectively as the set of circumstances was established and was influenced by the several conjunctures formed by the implemented policies or implemented in each context of the management of the municipal health system

    Comparing breast feeding practices in baby friendly and non-accredited hospitals in Salvador, Bahia Comparação das práticas de amamentação em hospitais IHAC e não credenciados em Salvador, Bahia

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    OBJECTIVES: to compare compliance with Steps 4 to 10 of "The Steps to Successful Breastfeeding" in two hospitals accredited by the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI group) with two not yet accredited hospitals in Salvador. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was conducted with 100 women in BFHI-accredited hospitals and 103 women in non-BFHI-accredited hospitals by collecting data on their obstetric history, any breast feeding counseling received during antenatal care, and data on delivery and hospitalization. Data were obtained by applying questionnaires and reviewing patients' medical charts. The chi-square test was used for bivariate variables and Student's t test for continuous variables. RESULTS: statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found between the BFHI-accredited group and the non-BFHI group with respect to steps 5 (77% vs 35.9%), 6 (81% vs 31%), 8 (77% vs 52.4%), and 9 (100% vs 94.2%). No differences were found between the two groups with respect to steps 4, 7 or 10. Satisfactory compliance with the requirements of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative in BFHIaccredited hospitals was found only with respect to steps 6, 7 and 9. CONCLUSIONS: these results highlight the benefits of BFHI accreditation but emphasize the need for continuous and systematic evaluation in order to promote breastfeeding and provide support in BFHIaccredited maternity hospitals.<br>OBJETIVOS: comparar o cumprimento dos Passos de 4 a 10 dos "Dez Passos para o Sucesso do Aleitamento Materno" nos hospitais credenciados pela Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança (grupo IHAC) em relação a hospitais não credenciados em Salvador. MÉTODOS: um estudo de corte transversal foi conduzido com 100 mulheres no grupo IHAC e 103 mulheres no grupo não-IHAC através de entrevista abordando história obstétrica, orientações sobre aleitamento materno durante o pré-natal, informações sobre o parto e internamento. A coleta de dados foi realizada através da aplicação de questionários e pesquisa de prontuários. O teste do quiquadrado foi realizado para variáveis dicotômicas e o t de Student para variáveis contínuas. RESULTADOS: diferença estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) foi encontrada entre os grupos IHAC e não-IHAC na avaliação dos passos 5 (77% vs 35,9%), 6 (81% vs 31%), 8 (77% vs 52,4%), e 9 (100% vs 94,2%). Não houve diferença entre os dois grupos na avaliação dos passos 4, 7 ou 10. O cumprimento satisfatório nos hospitais do grupo IHAC foi encontrado na avaliação dos Passos 6, 7 e 9. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados evidenciam os benefícios do credenciamento na IHAC, mas enfatiza a necessidade de avaliação contínua e sistemática da promoção e suporte ao aleitamento materno nos hospitais credenciados pela IHAC

    Comportamento sexual e contracepção de emergência entre adolescentes de escolas públicas de Pernambuco, Brasil Sexual behavior and emergency contraception among adolescents from public schools in Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o conhecimento e o uso do contraceptivo de emergência em 4.210 adolescentes (14-19 anos) da rede pública estadual de Pernambuco, Brasil. As informações foram coletadas pelo questionário Global School-Based Student Health Survey, previamente validado. Foi investigado o conhecimento, a freqüência e forma de uso do contraceptivo de emergência. As variáveis independentes foram divididas em sócio-demográficas e relacionadas ao comportamento sexual. A maioria dos adolescentes relatou conhecer e já ter recebido informações sobre o método, entretanto dentre os que já utilizaram apenas 22,1% o fez de forma correta. A análise ajustada de regressão evidenciou uma maior chance de conhecer o método entre as moças (OR = 5,03; IC95%: 1,72-14,69) e entre aqueles que já tiveram relação sexual (OR = 1,52; IC95%: 1,34-1,75), enquanto os residentes do interior possuem 68% menos chance. Em relação ao uso, os residentes do interior apresentam 1,68 (OR; IC95%: 1,09-2,25) mais chance de uso incorreto, enquanto as moças apresentam 71% menos chance. São necessárias ações de educação sexual e reprodutiva, sobretudo entre os rapazes e adolescentes do interior.<br>This study focused on knowledge and use of emergency contraception among 4,210 adolescents (14-19 years) enrolled in public schools in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Information was collected using the Global School-Based Student Health Survey, previously validated. Knowledge, frequency, and form of use of emergency contraception were investigated. Independent variables were classified as socio-demographic and those related to sexual behavior. Most adolescents reported knowing and having received information about the method, but among those who had already used it, only 22.1% had done so correctly. Adjusted regression analysis showed greater likelihood of knowledge about the method among girls (OR = 5.03; 95%CI: 1.72-14.69) and the sexually initiated (OR = 1.52; 95%CI: 1.34-1.75), while rural residents were 68% less knowledgeable. Rural residents showed 1.68 times higher odds (CI95%: 1.09-2.25) of incorrect use, while girls showed 71% lower likelihood of incorrect use. Sexual and reproductive education is necessary, especially among male and rural adolescents