8 research outputs found

    The elegans of spindle assembly

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    The Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell embryo is a powerful system in which to study microtubule organization because this large cell assembles both meiotic and mitotic spindles within the same cytoplasm over the course of 1 h in a stereotypical manner. The fertilized oocyte assembles two consecutive acentrosomal meiotic spindles that function to reduce the replicated maternal diploid set of chromosomes to a single-copy haploid set. The resulting maternal DNA then unites with the paternal DNA to form a zygotic diploid complement, around which a centrosome-based mitotic spindle forms. The early C. elegans embryo is amenable to live-cell imaging and electron tomography, permitting a detailed structural comparison of the meiotic and mitotic modes of spindle assembly

    Age-Related Changes in Human Tendo Calcaneus Collagen Fibrils

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    Objectives: The ruptures of tendo calcaneus often occur between the age of 30 - 45 years as described by several textbooks. It is also described that some diseases and drugs are said to be responsible in the etiology; however, there are no studies related with the detailed histological structure of collagen fibrils found in the tendon in the age groups of humans. In view thereof, this study was aimed to obtain further information on the etiology and to find an answer regarding the frequency of the ruptures occurring between the age of 30 - 45 years in humans. Methods: In the study, the biopsy specimens taken from 28 patients (ages I - 68 year) who had undergone surgery due to tendo calcaneus ruptures or achilloplasty operation were examined by transmission electron microscope. All the specimens were prepared according to routine electron microscopic tissue preparation technique. The patients were divided into 7 age groups (I - 9, 10 - 19, 20 - 29, 30 - 39, 40 - 49, 50 - 59, > 60 years) and there were 4 patients in each group. The transverse diameters of collagen fibers were measured from the ultra thin sections and statistical analysis of the results were performed. The study was carried out in the electron microscopy laboratory of the Anatomy Department of Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey between January 2004 and September 2004. Results: The diameters of the collagen fibers were higher in the 20 - 29 year-old group compared to other groups and it showed a statistically significant difference. In patients who were in the 30 - 39 year-old group or older, the diameters of the collagen fibers were lesser than the 20 - 29 year-old group. However, an increase was observed in the collagen fibril concentration of these groups. In examination of the specimens of patients who were under 20-year-old, the diameter of the collagen fibers were less than the 20 - 29 year-old group. The electron microscopic appearance of the tissue sample of a one-year-old patient had a specific organization and in this patient, both the diameters and concentration of collagen fibers were less. Conclusion: We believe that the decrease in the diameters of collagen fibers of 30 - 45 year-old patients who are in the active period of their life, can play a role in the etiology of the frequency of tendo calcaneus ruptures similar to other etiologic factors.Wo

    The Comparison of Various Oral Hygiene Strategies in Neuromusculary Disabled Individuals

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