2,457 research outputs found

    Strontium isotope stratigraphy in the Late Cretaceous: Numerical calibration of the Sr isotope curve and intercontinental correlation for the campanian

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    The white Chalk exposed in quarries at Lagerdorf and Kronsmoor, northwestern Germany, provides a standard section for the European Upper Cretaceous. The Sr-87/Sr-86 values of nannofossil chalk and belemnite calcite increase upward through 330 m of section, from less than or equal to 0.70746 in the Upper Santonian to greater than or equal to 0.70777 in the Lower Maastrichtian. The data define three linear trends separated by major points of inflection at stratigraphic heights in the section of 162 m (75.5 Ma) in the Upper Campanian Galerites vulgaris zone and at -6 m (82.9 Ma), just above the base of the Campanian in the Inoceramus lingua/Goniateuthis quadrata zone. The temporal rate of change of Sr-87/Sr-86 was constant through each of the linear segments of our isotope ''curve'' when viewed at the resolution of our average sampling interval (0.15 m.y.). Fine structure, if rear, may record brief (<100 kyr) excursions of (SrSr)-Sr-87-Sr-86 from values expected from the overall trends. In Lagerdorf, the boundary between the Santonian and Campanian stages, taken here as the level of first occurrence of the belemnite Gonioteuthis granulataquadrata, has an Sr-87/Sr-86 Of 0.707473 +/- 5. This is within error of the values of 0.707457 +/- 16 for this boundary in the U.S. western interior (base of the Scaphites leei III zone) and 0.707479 +/- 9 for this boundary in the English Chalk (top of the Marsupites testudinarius zone). In Kronsmoor, the boundary between the Campanian and Maastrichtian stages, taken here as the level of first occurrence of the belemnite Belemnella lanceolata, has an Sr-87/Sr-86 of 0.707723 +/- 4. This is within error of the values of 0.707725 +/- 20 for this boundary in the U.S. western interior (base of the Baculites eliasi zone) and 0.707728 +/- 5 for this boundary in the English Chalk (defined as in Germany)

    SHRIMP zircon geochronology of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province (SW China): implications for double mass extinctions in Late Permian

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    Abstract in http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/gold2001/pdf/3519.pd

    P2X receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    P2X receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on P2X Receptors [46, 134]) have a trimeric topology [118, 132, 177] with two putative TM domains, gating primarily Na+, K+ and Ca2+, exceptionally Cl-. The Nomenclature Subcommittee has recommended that for P2X receptors, structural criteria should be the initial criteria for nomenclature where possible. X-ray crystallography indicates that functional P2X receptors are trimeric and three agonist molecules are required to bind to a single receptor in order to activate it [132, 88, 96, 161]. Native receptors may occur as either homotrimers (e.g. P2X1 in smooth muscle) or heterotrimers (e.g. P2X2:P2X3 in the nodose ganglion [251], P2X1:P2X5 in mouse cortical astrocytes [146], and P2X2:P2X5 in mouse dorsal root ganglion, spinal cord and mid pons [50, 207]. P2X2, P2X4 and P2X7 receptors have been shown to form functional homopolymers which, in turn, activate pores permeable to low molecular weight solutes [229]. The hemi-channel pannexin-1 has been implicated in the pore formation induced by P2X7 [188], but not P2X2 [38], receptor activation

    Seeing is believing: the nocturnal malarial mosquito Anopheles coluzzii responds to visual host-cues when odour indicates a host is nearby

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    Background: The immediate aim of our study was to analyse the behaviour of the malarial mosquito Anopheles coluzzii (An. gambiae species complex) near a human host with the ultimate aim of contributing to our fundamental understanding of mosquito host-seeking behaviour and the overall aim of identifying behaviours that could be exploited to enhance sampling and control strategies. Results: Based on 3D video recordings of individual host-seeking females in a laboratory wind-tunnel, we found that despite being a nocturnal species, An. coluzzii is highly responsive to a visually conspicuous object, but only in the presence of host-odour. Female mosquitoes approached and abruptly veered away from a dark object, which suggests attraction to visual cues plays a role in bringing mosquitoes to the source of host odour. It is worth noting that the majority of our recorded flight tracks consisted of highly stereotyped ‘dipping’ sequences near the ground, which have been mentioned in the literature, but never before quantified. Conclusions: Our quantitative analysis of female mosquito flight patterns within ~1.5 m of a host has revealed highly relevant information about responsiveness to visual objects and flight height that could revolutionise the efficacy of sampling traps; the capturing device of a trap should be visually conspicuous and positioned near the ground where the density of host-seeking mosquitoes would be greatest. These characteristics are not universally present in current traps for malarial mosquitoes. The characterisation of a new type of flight pattern that is prevalent in mosquitoes suggests that there is still much that is not fully understood about mosquito flight behaviour

    Effectiveness of moving on: an Australian designed generic self-management program for people with a chronic illness

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    Background: This paper presents the evaluation of “Moving On”, a generic self-management program for people with a chronic illness developed by Arthritis NSW. The program aims to help participants identify their need for behavior change and acquire the knowledge and skills to implement changes that promote their health and quality of life. Method: A prospective pragmatic randomised controlled trial involving two group programs in community settings: the intervention program (Moving On) and a control program (light physical activity). Participants were recruited by primary health care providers across the north-west region of metropolitan Sydney, Australia between June 2009 and October 2010. Patient outcomes were self-reported via pre- and post-program surveys completed at the time of enrolment and sixteen weeks after program commencement. Primary outcomes were change in self-efficacy (Self-efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-Item Scale), self-management knowledge and behaviour and perceived health status (Self-Rated Health Scale and the Health Distress Scale). Results: A total of 388 patient referrals were received, of whom 250 (64.4%) enrolled in the study. Three patients withdrew prior to allocation. 25 block randomisations were performed by a statistician external to the research team: 123 patients were allocated to the intervention program and 124 were allocated to the control program. 97 (78.9%) of the intervention participants commenced their program. The overall attrition rate of 40.5% included withdrawals from the study and both programs. 24.4% of participants withdrew from the intervention program but not the study and 22.6% withdrew from the control program but not the study. A total of 62 patients completed the intervention program and follow-up evaluation survey and 77 patients completed the control program and follow- up evaluation survey. At 16 weeks follow-up there was no significant difference between intervention and control groups in self-efficacy; however, there was an increase in self-efficacy from baseline to follow-up for the intervention participants (t=−1.948, p=0.028). There were no significant differences in self-rated health or health distress scores between groups at follow-up, with both groups reporting a significant decrease in health distress scores. There was no significant difference between or within groups in self-management knowledge and stage of change of behaviours at follow-up. Intervention group attenders had significantly higher physical activity (t=−4.053, p=0.000) and nutrition scores (t=2.315, p= 0.01) at follow-up; however, these did not remain significant after adjustment for covariates. At follow-up, significantly more participants in the control group (20.8%) indicated that they did not have a self-management plan compared to those in the intervention group (8.8%) (X2=4.671, p=0.031). There were no significant changes in other self-management knowledge areas and behaviours after adjusting for covariates at follow-up. Conclusions: The study produced mixed findings. Differences between groups as allocated were diluted by the high proportion of patients not completing the program. Further monitoring and evaluation are needed of the impact and cost effectiveness of the program. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN1260900029821

    Using the MitoB method to assess levels of reactive oxygen species in ecological studies of oxidative stress

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    In recent years evolutionary ecologists have become increasingly interested in the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the life-histories of animals. ROS levels have mostly been inferred indirectly due to the limitations of estimating ROS from in vitro methods. However, measuring ROS (hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) content in vivo is now possible using the MitoB probe. Here, we extend and refine the MitoB method to make it suitable for ecological studies of oxidative stress using the brown trout Salmo trutta as model. The MitoB method allows an evaluation of H2O2 levels in living organisms over a timescale from hours to days. The method is flexible with regard to the duration of exposure and initial concentration of the MitoB probe, and there is no transfer of the MitoB probe between fish. H2O2 levels were consistent across subsamples of the same liver but differed between muscle subsamples and between tissues of the same animal. The MitoB method provides a convenient method for measuring ROS levels in living animals over a significant period of time. Given its wide range of possible applications, it opens the opportunity to study the role of ROS in mediating life history trade-offs in ecological settings