125 research outputs found

    Effects of enramycin and sodium monensin on nutrients digestibility in bovine fed with high-concentrate diets

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    Estudaram-se os efeitos da administração de enramicina e monensina sódica sobre a digestão total dos nutrientes da dieta e o consumo de matéria seca digestível em bovinos. Doze fêmeas bovinas não-gestantes e não-lactantes (675 ± 63 kg PV) foram distribuídas inteiramente ao acaso em três tratamentos (controle, enramicina e monensina) e alimentados com dieta contendo 60% de concentrados (milho, farelo de soja e minerais) e 40% de volumoso (cana-de-açúcar). A enramicina foi administrada na dose de 20 mg/animal/dia e a monensina na dose de 300 mg/animal/dia. O experimento teve duração total de 21 dias, de modo que os últimos dez dias foram utilizados para administração do marcador externo (15 g de óxido crômico/animal/dia) e os últimos cinco dias para a coleta de fezes e amostragem dos alimentos. Nenhum dos antibióticos alterou os consumos de matéria seca digestível e NDT e a digestibilidade de matéria seca, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente ácido, fibra em detergente neutro, amido, energia bruta e nutrientes digestíveis totais.The objective of this trial was to study the effects of enramycin and sodium monensin administration on total digestibility of diet nutrients and digestible dry matter intake in bovine. Twelve non-pregnant and non-lactating cows (675 kg ± 63 BW) were randomly assigned to three treatments: control group, enramycin-treated group or monensin-treated group. Animals received a diet containing 60% of concentrates (corn, soy bean meal and minerals) and 40% of forage (sugarcane). Treatments were 20 mg/animal/day of enramycin or 300 mg/animal/day of monensin. Trial lasted 21 days, the last 10 used for external marker administration (15 g of chromic oxide/animal/day) and the last 5 for feces collection and feed sampling. None of the antibiotics affected digestible dry matter and TDN intake and the digestibilities of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, starch, gross energy or total digestible nutrients

    Effects of enramycin and sodium monensin on dry matter intake, ruminal fermentation and alimentary behavior in bovine fed high-concentrate diets

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    Estudaram-se os efeitos da administração de enramicina e monensina sódica no consumo de matéria seca (MS), na fermentação ruminal e no comportamento alimentar de bovinos. Doze fêmeas bovinas não-gestantes e não-lactantes (675 ± 63 kg PC) foram distribuídas inteiramente ao acaso em três tratamentos, formados por um grupo controle, um grupo tratado com enramicina e outro tratado com monensina. Os animais foram alimentados com dieta contendo 60% de concentrado (milho, farelo de soja e minerais) e 40% de volumoso (cana-de-açúcar). A enramicina foi administrada na dose de 20 mg/animal/dia e a monensina na dose de 300 mg/animal/dia. O experimento teve duração total de 21 dias, de modo que o 21º dia foi utilizado para coleta de líquido ruminal, realizada às 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 horas após a primeira refeição. A monensina aumentou a concentração total de AGV 12 horas após a alimentação, em relação aos demais tratamentos, e diminuiu a relação acético:propiônico nos tempo 0 e 6 horas, em relação à enramicina, mas não em relação ao controle. Nenhum dos antibióticos testados alterou a proporção molar dos ácidos acético, propiônico ou butírico nem o pH e a concentração ruminal de nitrogênio amoniacal. Os antibióticos também não alteraram o consumo de MS ou o comportamento ingestivo, avaliado nas atividades de alimentação, ruminação e ócio.The objective of this research was to study the effects of enramycin and sodium monensin administration on dry matter intake, ruminal fermentation and alimentary behavior in bovine. Twelve non-pregnant and non-lactating cows (675 kg ± 63 of BW) were randomly assigned to three treatments: control group, enramycin treated group or monensin treated group. Animals received a diet containing 60% of concentrates (corn, soybean meal and minerals) and 40% of forage (sugarcane). Treatments were 20 mg/animal/day of enramycin and 300 mg/animal/day of monensin. Trial lasted 21 days, and at the 21st was used for ruminal fluid sampling at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 hours after 1st meal. Monensin increased total VFA concentration 12 h after feeding in relation to others treatments and decreased the acetic:propionic ratio at times 0 and 6 h, in relation to enramycin, but not when compared to control. The two ionophores tested did not influence the molar proportion of acetic, propionic or butyric acids, pH, ammoniacal-N concentration, or DM intake and intake behavior, evaluated during activities of feeding, rumination and idleness

    Accuracy, precision and robustness of in vivo dry matter digestibility estimates by different markers in ovine

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    O objetivo foi avaliar a acurácia, precisão e robustez das estimativas da digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca obtidas utilizando-se como indicadores fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAi), fibra em detergente neutro (FDNi) indigestível, lignina em detergente ácido (LDA), LDA indigestível (LDAi) e óxido crômico em comparação ao método de coleta total de fezes. Dezoito ovinos (56,5 ± 4,6 kg PV) foram designados aleatoriamente a dietas compostas de 25, 50 ou 75% de concentrado e feno de Coast cross por 25 dias. As fezes foram coletadas por cinco dias para determinação da digestibilidade aparente da MS. As amostras de alimentos e fezes foram incubadas no rúmen de três bovinos por 144 horas, para obtenção das frações indigestíveis. Óxido crômico foi administrado a 4,0 g/animal/dia. A acurácia foi avaliada pela comparação do viés médio (DAMS predito - DAMS observado) entre os indicadores; a precisão, por meio da raiz quadrada do erro de predição e do erro residual; e a robustez, pelo estudo da regressão entre o viés e o consumo de matéria seca, o nível de concentrado e o peso vivo. A recuperação fecal e a acurácia das estimativas da digestibilidade aparente da MS foram maiores para FDAi, seguida pela FDNi, LDAi, pelo óxido crômico e depois pela lignina em detergente ácido. O viés linear foi significativo apenas para FDAi, FDNi e LDAi. O uso de óxido crômico permitiu estimativas mais precisas da digestibilidade aparente da MS. Todos os indicadores foram robustos quanto à variação no consumo de matéria seca e apenas LDAi e óxido crômico foram robustos quanto aos níveis de concentrado na dieta. O óxido crômico não foi robusto quando houve variação no peso vivo animal. Assim, a FDAi é o indicador mais recomendado na estimativa da digestibilidade aparente da MS em ovinos quando o objetivo é comparar aos dados da literatura, enquanto o óxido crômico é mais recomendado quando o objetivo é comparar tratamentos dentro de um mesmo experimento.This study aimed at evaluating the accuracy, precision and robustness of in vivo dry matter apparent digestibility estimates (DMAD), using as markers indigestible acid detergent fiber, indigestible neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent lignin, indigestible acid detergent lignin and chromic oxide in comparison to the fecal total collection. Eighteen wethers (56.5 ± 4.6 kg BW) were randomly assigned to diets containing 25, 50 or 75% of concentrate and Coast cross hay for 25 days. Feces were collected during the five days to determine apparent digestibility of dry matter and samples of feed and feces were incubated for 144 hours in bovine rumen to obtain the indigestible fractions. Chromic oxide (4.0 g/animal) was offered daily. Accuracy was evaluated by comparing mean bias of estimates (predicted dry matter apparent digestibility - observed dry matter apparent digestibility) among markers. Precision was assessed by the root mean square prediction error and the residual error; robustness was studied by the regression between bias and dry matter intake, diet concentrate level and animal body weight. Fecal recovery and accuracy of dry matter apparent digestibility estimates were higher for indigestible acid detergent fiber, followed by indigestible neutral detergent fiber, indigestible acid detergent lignin and chromic oxide, and at last for acid detergent lignin. Linear bias was significant only for indigestible acid detergent fiber, indigestible neutral detergent fiber and indigestible acid detergent lignin. By using chromic oxide it was possible to estimate dry matter apparent digestibility more precisely. All markers were robust regarding to variation of dry matter intake while only indigestible acid detergent lignin and chromic oxide were robust regarding to concentrate levels in the diet. Chromic oxide was not robust when animal body weight varied. In this experimental condition, indigestible acid detergent fiber is the most recommended marker to estimate dry matter apparent digestibility in ovine when the objective is to compare the results with the ones found in literature. On the other hand, chromic oxide is the most recommended marker when the objective is to compare treatments within the same experiment

    Efeito dos modos de transferência e da composição de gás de protecção na emissão de partículas ultrafinas na soldadura MAG de aços

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    The present study aims to characterize ultrafine particles emitted during gas metal arc welding of mild steel and stainless steel, using different shielding gas mixtures, and to evaluate the effect of metal transfer modes, controlled by both processing parameters and shielding gas composition, on the quantity and morphology of the ultrafine particles. It was found that the amount of emitted ultrafine particles (measured by particle number and alveolar deposited surface area) are clearly dependent from the main welding parameters, namely the current intensity and the heat input of the Welding process. The emission of airborne ultrafine particles increases with the current intensity as fume formation rate does. When comparing the shielding gas mixtures, higher emissions were observed for more oxidizing mixtures, that is, with higher CO2 content, which means that these mixtures originate higher concentrations of ultrafine particles (as measured by number of particles. by cubic centimeter of air) and higher values of alveolar deposited surface area of particles, thus resulting in a more hazardous condition regarding welders exposure

    Gluconeogenic supplements do not affect production, reproductive traits and blood metabolite of holstein cows during the transition period

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    The use of gluconeogenic supplements for dairy cows during the transition period has produced contradictory responses in the literature, making it difficult to recommend them. The objective of this trial was to evaluate supplementation with propylene glycol (PG), calcium propionate (CP), and "Dairy Power Drench®" (DR) on the transitional period of Holstein cows. Parameters studied were variation of body condition score (BCS), body weight (BW), milk production (MP), reproductive efficiency and nonesterified fatty acid concentration (NEFA). One hundred and sixty five animals from two commercial herds were used. Treatments consisted of: C- Control; DR- administration of "Dairy Power Drench®" (3 applications) during postpartum; CP- daily administration of calcium propionate (500 g); PG- daily administration of propylene glycol (500 mL). Variation sources studied were the effect of treatments and blocks as function of farm and parity. No interaction between time (weeks) and treatments, or treatment effects, were found for BCS. However, there was a quadratic effect of time. Body weight and its variation were not affected by treatment nor by the time × treatment interaction. However, a quadratic effect of time was observed. An interaction time × treatment was observed on MP, but possible differences within each week were not detected. Treatments also did not affect reproductive efficiency parameters. On average, the number of days to first detected postpartum estrus was 69.5, with 2.23 services per conception and 172.6 days open. The mean concentration of nonesterified fatty acids was 376.6 mmol L-1 and no effect of the interaction time × treatment, or of treatment, was observed. However, a linear effect was observed with time, with a decrease of 48.2 mmol L-1 per week.O uso de produtos gliconeogênicos para vacas leiteiras no período de transição tem gerado respostas contraditórias na literatura, dificultando a sua recomendação. O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a suplementação de propileno glicol (PG), propionato de cálcio (PC) e "Dairy Power Drench®" (DR) no período de transição de vacas leiteiras sobre a variação do escore da condição corporal (ECC), peso vivo (PV), produção de leite (PL), eficiência reprodutiva e concentração plasmática dos ácidos graxos livres (AGL). Foram utilizadas 165 fêmeas de dois rebanhos comerciais. Os tratamentos foram: C- Controle; DR- 3 aplicações de "Dairy Power Drench®" no pós-parto; PC- 500 g diários de PC e PG- 500 mL diários de PG, até o 50º dia pós-parto, em média. As causas de variação estudadas foram efeito de tratamento e efeito dos blocos formados em função da fazenda e do número de partos. Não foi observado efeito de interação de tempo (semanas) × tratamento ou de tratamento sobre ECC. Entretanto, houve efeito quadrático de tempo. Para o PV e variação diária de PV não foi observado efeito dos tratamentos, nem interação entre tempo × tratamento. Entretanto, apresentaram efeito quadrático de tempo. Para PL, houve efeito de interação tempo × tratamento. Porém, dentro de cada semana, as possíveis diferenças não foram detectadas. Os tratamentos não afetaram os parâmetros de eficiência reprodutiva. Encontraram-se, em média, 69,5 dias para o aparecimento do primeiro cio, 2,23 serviços por concepção e 172,6 dias para o período de serviço. As concentrações médias dos AGL foram de 376,6 mmol L-1, não se observando efeitos de tempo × tratamento ou de tratamento. Porém, apresentaram efeito linear de tempo, decrescendo 48,2 mmol L-1 por semana

    Adição de probiótico ao leite integral ou sucedâneo e desempenho de bezerros da raça holandesa

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    The possibility of limiting antibiotics as growth stimulants for farm animals has produced a climate in which both consumers and manufacturers are looking for alternatives. Probiotics are being considered to exercise this role, and for this reason, 79 newborn Holstein calves were used to evaluate the effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecium and Saccharomyces cerevisiae additions to whole milk or milk replacer. Calves were assigned at birth to a completely randomized design with a 3x2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors were: 1- whole milk: milk replacer at 3 days of age: milk replacer at 15 days of age; 2- probiotic supplementation or not. Animals remained on the trial until 15 days after weaning. Probiotic supplementation to calves fed milk replacer at 3 days of age improved preweaning daily body gain (with probiotic=0.22 vs. without probiotic=0.16 kg day-1) and feed conversion (2.62 vs. 3.85), as well as, postweaning feed conversion (1.66 vs. 2.03). Milk replacer fed calves had higher starter intake (milk replacer=0.22 vs. whole milk=0.19 kg day-1), but lower dry matter intake (0.61 vs. 0.67 kg day-1) and the lowest weight at weaning (49 vs. 59 kg). When milk replacer was started at 3 days, calves had higher starter intake (milk replacer at 3 days=0.25 vs. milk replacer at 15 days=0.20 kg day-1) and lower weight at weaning (47.3 vs. 51 kg) in relation to milk replacer starting at 15 days. Age at weaning and mortality rate were not affected by the probiotic supplementation or liquid diet.A possibilidade de proibição do uso de antibióticos como promotores de crescimento para animais de produção tem feito com que consumidores e produtores procurem por alternativas. Os probióticos têm se mostrado promissores em cumprir este papel e por esta razão, setenta e nove bezerros da raça Holandesa foram utilizados para avaliar a adição de probiótico constituído por Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecium e Saccharomyces cerevisiae ao aleitamento. Os animais foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo fatorial de tratamentos 3x2, correspondendo ao tipo de dieta líquida (leite integral, sucedâneo ao 3° dia ou sucedâneo ao 15° dia de idade, com adição ou não de probiótico). O período experimental foi do nascimento até 15 dias após a desmama. O fornecimento de probiótico a bezerros(as) aleitados(as) com sucedâneo a partir dos 3 dias de idade melhorou o ganho de peso (com probiótico=0,22 vs. sem probiótico=0,16 kg dia-1) e conversão alimentar (2,62 vs. 3,85) até a desmama, e conversão alimentar (1,66 vs. 2,03) pós-desmama. Os bezerros aleitados com sucedâneo consumiram mais concentrado em relação aos que receberam leite integral (sucedâneo=0,22 vs. leite=0,19 kg dia-1), mas consumiram menos matéria seca total (0,61 vs. 0,67 kg dia-1) e apresentaram menor peso à desmama (49 vs. 59 kg). Quando o uso de sucedâneo foi iniciado aos 3 dias, os bezerros apresentaram maior consumo de concentrado (sucedâneo aos 3 dias=0,25 vs. sucedâneo aos 15 dias=0,20 kg dia-1) e menor peso à desmama (47,3 vs. 51 kg) em relação aos bezerros aleitados com sucedâneo aos 15 dias

    Validation of models for predicting milk urea nitrogen concentrations, estimating dry matter intake by the NRC (2001)

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    The objective of this study was to validate three different models for predicting milk urea nitrogen using field conditions, attempting to evaluate the nutritional adequacy diets for dairy cows and prediction of nitrogen excreted to the environment. Observations (4,749) from 855 cows were used. Milk yield, body weight (BW), days in milk and parity were recorded on the milk sampling days. Milk was sampled monthly, for analysis of milk urea nitrogen (MUN), fat, protein, lactose and total solids concentration and somatic cells count. Individual dry matter intake was estimated using the NRC (2001). The three models studied were derived from a first one to predict urinary nitrogen (UN). Model 1 was MUN = UN/12.54, model 2 was MUN = UN/17.6 and model 3 was MUN = UN/(0.0259 × BW), adjusted by body weight effect. To evaluate models, they were tested for accuracy, precision and robustness. Despite being more accurate (mean bias = 0.94 mg/dL), model 2 was less precise (residual error = 4.50 mg/dL) than model 3 (mean bias = 1.41 and residual error = 4.11 mg/dL), while model 1 was the least accurate (mean bias = 6.94 mg/dL) and the least precise (residual error = 5.40 mg/dL). They were not robust, because they were influenced by almost all the variables studied. The three models for predicting milk urea nitrogen were different with respect to accuracy, precision and robustness

    Validation of models for predicting milk urea nitrogen concentrations of Holstein cows herd

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    Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, validar modelos de predição de nitrogênio ureico no leite no intuito de contribuir para avaliação da adequação nutricional de dietas de rebanhos de vacas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas 8.833 observações de vacas da raça Holandesa de um rebanho comercial, registraram-se produção de leite, peso corporal, número de dias em lactação e número de lactações. Dos dados coletados, foram tiradas médias mensais a fim de se estudar o rebanho. O modelo 1 foi desenvolvido por Jonker et al. (1998) e os modelos 2 e 3 por Kauffman & St-Pierre (2001). Para a avaliação dos modelos, foram medidas a acurácia, a precisão e a robustez. Notou-se falta de acurácia para os modelos 1 (viés=2,60mg/dL) e 2 (viés=-1,95mg/dL), enquanto o modelo 3 foi acurado (-0,89mg/dL). Contudo, os modelos 1, 2 e 3 não diferiram entre si quanto à precisão (erro residual=3,72, 2,68 e 2,64mg/dL, respectivamente). Os modelos 1 e 2 não apresentaram robustez para o número de dias em lactação, tampouco o modelo 1 para a concentração de gordura. O modelo 3 foi o melhor avaliado, quando se desejou estimar as concentrações de nitrogênio ureico no leite de um rebanho de vacas Holandesas nas condições de campo estudadas

    First autochthone case of sporotrichosis by Sporothrix globosa in Portugal

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    In this study, we characterize the first autochthone case of human sporotrichosis reported in Lisbon, Portugal. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization revealed that the infection was caused by Sporothrbc globosa. We conclude that sporotrichosis may be underdiagnosed particularly in Southern Europe and suggest Portugal as an emerging area for this fungal infection.This research was supported by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme COMPETE and national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, in the scope of project PEst-C/BIA/UI4050/ 2011, and by FAPERJ/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (grant proc. E-26/110.619/ 2012) R. M. Z-O. is supported in part by CNPq 350338/2000-0 and FAPERJ E-26/103.157/2011. M. M. E. O. was supported by a grant from CAPES 2445/11-5.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of relative biological efficiency of additives in sugarcane ensiling

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of adding alkalis on the fermentative pattern, aerobic stability and nutritive value of the sugarcane silage. A completely randomized design with 6 additives in two concentrations (1 or 2%), plus a control group, totalizing 13 treatments [(6x2)+1] with four replications, was used. The additives were sodium hydroxide (NaOH), limestone (CaCO3), urea (CO(NH2)(2)), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), quicklime (CaO) and hydrated lime (Ca(OH)(2)). The material was ensiled in 52 laboratory silos using plastic buckets with 12 L of capacity. Silos were opened 60 days after ensiling, when organic acids concentration, aerobic stability and chemical composition were determined. The Relative Biological Efficiency (RBE) was calculated by the slope ratio method, using the data obtained from ratio between desirable and undesirable silage products, according to the equation: D/U ratio = [lactic/(ethanol + acetic + butyric)]. All additives affected dry matter, crude protein, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber contents and buffering capacity. Except for urea and quicklime, all additives increased the in vitro dry matter digestibility. In general, these additives altered the fermentative pattern of sugarcane silage, inhibiting alcoholic fermentation and improving lactic acid production. The additive that showed the best RBE in relation to sodium hydroxide (100%) was limestone (89.4%). The RBE values of urea, sodium bicarbonate and hydrated lime were 49.2%, 47.7% and 34.3%, respectively
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