329 research outputs found

    Dinamika Konsumsi Pangan

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    Dalam Undang-Undang (UU) Pangan No. 18 tahun 2012, pangan didefinisikan segala sesuatu yang berasal dari sumber hayati produk pertanian, perkebunan, kehutanan, perikanan, peternakan, perairan, dan air, baik yang diolah maupun tidak diolah yang diperuntukkan sebagai makanan atau minuman bagi konsumsi manusia, termasuk bahan tambahan pangan, bahan baku pangan, dan bahan lainnya yang digunakan dalam proses penyimpanan, pengolahan, dan atau pembuatan makanan dan minuman. Dari definisi ini, cakupan pangan sangat luas, tidak hanya pangan pokok yang umumnya sumber karbohidrat, tetapi juga pangan sumber protein, vitamin, dan mineral. Tidak hanya berupa bahan baku, tetapi juga bahan tambahan pangan dan lainnya. UU tersebut mengamanatkan bahwa Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah bertanggung jawab atas ketersediaan pangan. Penyediaan pangan diwujudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan konsumsi pangan bagi masyarakat, rumah tangga, dan perseorangan secara berkelanjutan. Ketentuan dari sisi konsumsi pangan, diamanatkan sebagai berikut: Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah berkewajiban meningkatkan pemenuhan kuantitas dan kualitas konsumsi pangan masyarakat melalui antara lain (1) penyediaan pangan yang beragam, bergizi seimbang, aman, dan tidak bertentangan dengan agama, keyakinan, dan budaya masyarakat; dan (2) pengembangan pengetahuan dan kemampuan masyarakat dalam pola konsumsi pangan yang beragam bergizi seimbang, bermutu, dan aman. Pangan merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Setiap individu memiliki hak bebas dari rasa lapar dan kelaparan. Pangan memiliki dimensi yang sangat kompleks, tidak saja dari sisi kehidupan dan kesehatan, tetapi juga dari sisi sosial, budaya, dan politik. Oleh karena itu, perwujudan ketahanan pangan dan gizi tidak dapat dilepaskan dari upaya-upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan individu dan masyarakat, peningkatan daya saing SDM, yang selanjutnya menjadi daya saing bangsa. Pangan dapat dikatakan sebagai produk budaya karena pangan merupakan hasil adaptasi aktif antara manusia/masyarakat dengan lingkungannya, sehingga perwujudan ketahanan pangan harus bertumpu pada sumber daya dan kearifan lokal, sehingga ia dapat menjadi media dalam mengembangkan budaya dan peradaban bangsa (Suryana, 2011)

    Pengentasan Rumah Tangga Rawan Pangan dan Gizi: Besaran, Penyebab, Dampak, dan Kebijakan

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    One of the next development agendas is quality human capital improvement. However, the progress is affected by proportion of food insecure households not insignificantly improving. It is similar to prevalence of stunted under-five-year-old children as high as 27.9%. This paper is a critical review aiming to analyze magnitude, determinant, impact and policy alternative related with food and nutrition insecurity alleviation. Food and nutrition insecurity could be seen from perspectives of areas (island/district/city), households and individuals. Currently, there are five indicators used by the government to calculate food insecurity including three global indicators and 2 country indicators resulting in different proportion of households with food and nutrition security. There are various interlinked determinants consisting of purchasing power, sociocultural aspects, infrastructure, and natural resources. Therefore, efforts to reduce these problems should be comprehensive, sustainable and consistent in planning and implementation. Policy on self-sufficiency should be developed on the specific regions based on local resources and culture. The policy should be implemented through community empowerment especially among the poor for improving income and basic infrastructure in insecure areas. To achieve the goals, there should be collaboration between governments and representatives at central and local levels, as well as individuals

    System design for production of biopreservatives from yeasts for reduction of fruit and beverage spoilage organisms

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    Thesis (PhD (Chemical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019The agro-processing industry is currently facing losses due to microbial spoilage of agricultural produce and associated value-added products such as beverages. Decay and undesired fermentation of fruit and beverages by fungal, yeast and bacterial spoilage organisms are among the major contributors of product losses in the food industry. When looking at the different level of food spoilage, it is common to find different spoilage organisms occurring in the same food item; which usually requires food producers to utilise a mixture of synthetic preservatives for spoilage organism control. Some of the synthetic chemical compounds with growth inhibition properties that have been used in food preservation are sulphur dioxide, benzoic, lactic, sorbic and acetic acid. These compounds act against a variety of spoilage microorganisms. In post-harvest control of fungi, triazoles, hydroanilide fenhexamid, dicarboximides and succinate dehydrogenase are also being used. Some spoilage organisms have been found to be resistant to the use of synthetic chemical preservatives which usually favour the use of higher dosage of preservatives in food. The use of synthetic chemicals as preservative and as postharvest control agents has been found to present serious health risks such as cardiovascular diseases, muscles and stomach pains, eyesight and skin damages and impairment of brain functions. The problem posed by the current use of synthetic chemicals in food put pressure on food producers and exporters to seek alternatives that will allow for the eradication of the use of synthetic chemicals as preservative in beverages and as postharvest control agents on fruits. Yeasts have been found to have the ability to grow at a faster rate on cheap media and to colonise dried surfaces rapidly. It has also been found that yeasts produce extracellular compounds of proteinaceous and volatile organic nature with growth inhibition properties against spoilage organisms. The current findings lack some engineering concept that could assist in the design of a production system for high scale production of biopreservation compounds from yeasts. The availability of a cost effective production media, the growth and production kinetics data using a cheaply available nutrient sources as well as the biological thermodynamic data are some of the gaps in biopreservation bioprospecting. Although several yeasts have already been studied to have great inhibition properties against fruit fungal pathogens, it was still unclear what was the minimum inoculum dose to be able to have a fungistatic and fungicidal effect on the growth of fruit spoilage organisms. The concept of combination of biopreservatives and the interaction effect of their biopreservation activity against consortia of spoilage organisms has also been lacking. As an attempt to seek alternatives to the use of synthetic chemicals as preservatives or postharvest control agents, Candida pyralidae Y1117, Pichia kluyveri Y1125 and Pichia kluyveri Y1164 strains were assessed for antimicrobial activity against spoilage yeasts (Dekkera bruxellensis, Dekkera anomala, Zygosaccharomyces bailii) and spoilage fungi (Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum acutatum and Rhizopus stolonifer). As alternative to refined media, a cost effective approach was explored whereby the use of agro-waste, i.e. grape pomace extracts (GPE), as production medium for biopreservation compounds, was studied. Production kinetics using modified existing models, subsequent to optimization using response surface methodology (RSM) for biopreservation compounds production was studied for the three biocontrol yeasts using GPE broth as the fermentation medium. The evaluation of the interaction study between mixtures of crude biopreservatives against consortia of common spoilage organisms present in beverages was also conducted by producing the crude biopreservation compounds separately from yeasts and then formulating growth inhibition combinations (GICs); GIC 1 (Candida pyralidae Y1117 and Pichia kluyveri Y1125); GIC 2 (C. pyralidae Y1117 and P. kluyveri Y1164), GIC 3 (P. kluyveri Y1125 and Pichia kluyveri Y1164); GIC 4 (C. pyralidae, P. kluyveri Y1125 and P. kluyveri Y1164). The spoilage organism consortia combinations, i.e. SC1, D. anomala and D. bruxellensis; SC2 (D. anomala and Z. bailii); SC3 (D. bruxellensis and Z. bailii) and SC4 (D. anomala, D. bruxellensis and Z. bailii) were also prepared. This study also investigated the effect of varying inoculum dose (ID) of Candida pyralidae strain Y1117, Pichia kluyveri Y1125 and Pichia kluyveri Y1164 on the biocontrol of Botrytis cinerea by contaminating the headspace of the growth medium with a fungal plug subsequent to biotreatment with different initial inoculum dose of the respective biocontrol yeasts. Finally, grape pomace extracts was used as fermentation medium to study the biological thermodynamics of biopreservation compound production from the three biocontrol yeasts. The results obtained demonstrated some interesting results. The antagonistic properties of C. pyralidae and P. kluyveri were observed on cheap solidified medium (grape pomace extracts) as well as on fruits (grapes and apples). These yeasts produced extracellular volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that could be responsible for yeast and fungal growth inhibition. Twenty-five VOCs in the category of alcohols, organic acids and esters were identified by GC-MS. The results of the kinetic study showed that the highest volumetric zone of inhibition (VZI) was 1.24 L contaminated solidified media (CSM) per mL biopreservation compounds used (BCU) when Candida pyralidae Y1117 was inoculated in a pH 3-diluted GPE broth (150 g L−1) incubated at 25 °C for 24 h. Similar conditions were applied for Pichia kluyveri Y1125 and P. kluyveri Y1164, albeit under slightly elongated fermentation periods (up to 28 h), prior to the attainment of a maximum VZI of only 0.72 and 0.76 L CSM mL−1 ACU, respectively. The potential biopreservation compounds produced were identified to be isoamyl acetate, isoamyl alcohol, 2-phenyl ethylacetate and 2-phenyl ethanol. The growth inhibition interaction study showed a variation in growth inhibition proficiency depending on the spoilage organisms or the consortia of spoilage organisms being deactivated. It was then suggested that, a food environment contaminated with a consortium of spoilage organisms can be controlled by employing either the crude biopreservation compounds from individual yeast or those of the following yeast combinations, GIC1-4, which showed a better growth inhibition proficiency against SC1-3. The fungistatic and fungicidal effects on the fungal pathogen were dose dependent. The fungistatic characteristics against Botrytis cinerea were displayed after 7 days when 102-105 cells mL-1 of Candida pyralidae Y1117, Pichia kluyveri Y1125 and Pichia kluyveri Y1164 were independently used in-vitro and in-vivo. However, 106-108 cells mL-1 inoculum doses displayed fungicidal characteristics. Additionally, the fungicidal property of yeasts studied was also confirmed on table grape (in vivo studies) using closed jar method. The biological thermodynamic study showed that, dried biomass molecular weight of 28.9 g/C-mol, 29.163 g/C-mol, and 27.176 g/C-mol were obtained for Candida pyralidae strain Y1117, Pichia kluyveri Y1125 and Pichia kluyveri Y1164 respectively. The results obtained successfully established useful biological thermodynamic data applicable to the design of adequate biopreservatives production system from yeasts using cheaply available nutrients source

    Behavioural studies: a necessity for wildlife management

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    A major concern of behavioural biology has been the study of evolutionary causative processes in animal behaviour, typically focusing on individuals or social groups. Conservation biology, on the other hand, deals with devising tools for the management of wildlife habitats and populations, and typically focuses on ecosystems. We argue that behavioural studies of individual animals in the appropriate social contexts are necessary for, and integral to, the development of effective management plans for any species. We use the results from our studies on lion-tailed macaques from wild habitats in the Western Ghats, and from captive populations in Europe, to demonstrate how information on behaviour and life-history can be incorporated into improved strategies for wildlife management. We explicitly conclude that one of the major goals of wildlife management should be to create conditions that facilitate the expression of the full range of behavioural patterns in the species being managed, so as to increase the likelihood of population stabilization through the optimization of life-history parameters

    Infant development in the slender loris (Loris lydekkerianus lydekkerianus)

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    In this article we present data on infant development in wild slender loris, a nocturnal primate species. The behavioural ecology of the grey slender loris Loris lydekkerianus lydekkerianus, a nocturnal strepsirrhine, was studied for 21 months (October 1997-June 1999) in a scrub jungle in Dindigul, south India. A total of 22,834 scans were collected during 2656 h of observation on identified and unidentified lorises using instantaneous point and ad libitum sampling methods. Developmental schedules were observed for twelve individuals born during the course of the study period. A greater number of twin births were observed than singleton births and more isosexuals than heterosexuals. Infants were parked at the age of 3 weeks and weaned by 5 months of age. Individuals showed significant developmental differences in their activity schedules. Females appeared to reach sexual maturity by 10 months of age. Social interactions with related conspecifics decreased with age and adult slender lorises did not show differences in social time spent with related and non-related conspecifics

    Analisa Permintaan Waktu Luang Keluarga Petani PIR-Karet NES I Talang Jaya Sumatera Selatan

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    EnglishAccording to economic theory, the ultimate objective of consumers is to maximize their utility. The utility is obtained from consumption of goods and leisure. Labor supply then is merely a mean to get income which later will be used to buy goods. Hence, family labor supply should be analyzed with the utility maximizing framework. This study analyzes family labor supply of rubber nuclear estate participants using Stone-Geary utility function. The analysis is emphasized on the roles of the family characteristics. This study shows that labor supply is determined by family income, age of the head of the family, total number of family member, and number of family member under 5 years.IndonesianAnalisa curahan tenaga kerja dapat dilakukan dengan menganalisa permintaan waktu luang keluarga. Secara teoritis yang berguna langsung bagi seseorang adalah waktu luang dan barang yang dikonsumsi. Pencurahan tenaga kerja hanyalah untuk memperoleh pendapatan yang selanjutnya dipergunakan untuk membeli barang-barang konsumsi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat perilaku permintaan waktu luang keluarga petani PIR, yang analisisnya dititik-beratkan pada peranan karakteristik keluarga berdasarkan teori perilaku konsumen. Metode yang digunakan adalah fungsi kepuasan Stone-Geary. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa seseorang yang berpendapatan tinggi, cenderung menggunakan waktu luang besar (curahan tenaga kerja rendah). Curahan tenaga kerja juga dipengaruhi oleh umur kepala keluarga, jumlah anggota keluarga dan jumlah anak berumur dibawah lima tahun. Salah satu USAha yang dapat ditempuh untuk merangsang petani muda lebih giat bekerja adalah dengan meningkatkan ketrampilan berusahatani melalui pendidikan umum dan penyuluhan USAhatani

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Komitmen Organisasi, Pengendalian Intern, Motivasi, Akuntabilitas, Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi Kota Surakarta

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    This research target is to know the organizational culture have the influence to organizational performance. To know the organizational commitment have the influence to organizational performance. To know the internal control have the influence to organizational performance. To know the motivation have the influence to organizational performance. To know the accountability have the influence to organizational performance. To know the satisfaction work to have the influence to organizational performance. Population in this research officer of SKPD Town Surakarta. Sample in this research Head SKPD, Lead sub units and Lead Area / Lead Seksi local government town Surakarta while technique of intake sampel use the purposive of sampling method. Pursuant to this research result organizational culture have the positive influence and signifikan to organizational performance. Organizational commitment have the positive influence and significance organizational performance. Internal control have the positive influence and signifikan to organizational performance. Motivate to have the positive influence and significance organizational performance. Accountability have the positive influence and significance organizational performance. Satisfaction work to have the positive influence and significance organizational performance

    Struktur Dan Distribusi Pendapatan Di Pedesaan Sumatera Barat

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    Membicarakan masalah kemiskinan, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, berarti membicarakan distribusi pendapatan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur dan distribusi pendapatan dikaitkan dengan luas pemilikan sawah di pedesaan Sumatera Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan dari sektor pertanian masih merupakan sumber pendapatan utama rumahtangga. Pendapatan rumahtangga pada daerah-daerah yang dominan menanam padi lebih rendah daripada daerah yang dominan sayuran atau tanaman keras. Luas pemilikan sawah mempengaruhi besar pendapatan dari sektor pertanian dan ada kecenderungan semakin luas pemilikan sawah pendapatan dari USAhatani juga semakin besar. Secara umum, daerah yang pendapatannya tertumpu pada lahan sawah terdapat ketimpangan pemilikan sawah diikuti oleh ketimpangan pendapatan
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